Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Senator Curt Bramble: Standard-Examiner Editorial Board Missed Points on Ethics Reform

Bonus reader query: Is there anyone amongst our savvy and politically battle-weary WCF readership who's buying Senator Bramble's lame excuses?

Laughable and self-serving guest commentary from Utah County's State Senator Curt Bramble this morning, responding to Friday's hard-hitting Standard-Examiner editorial, Our View: Unethical enablers, also the subject of our own 8/3/12 WCF writeup:
"My central focus has always been to protect the integrity of the political process from the buffetings of self-interested parties. I believe we’re on the right path," sez Senator Bramble, with a completely straight face.

That settles it, right?  The state legislature's coincidental efforts to (temporarily?) ban electronic petitions, and to "raise the goalpost after the ball was in the air", during the heroic grassroots 2010 UEG ethics reform petition drive had nothing whatsoever to do with either making a mockery of the provision in the state Constitution that enshrines the right of the people to propose, adopt and repeal laws, or with thwarting UEG's efforts to allow a chance for the Utah lumpencizens to put a serious ethics reform measure on the ballot.

We'll file this one, of course, under the topic label "Alternate Reality Department," folks.

Bonus reader query: Is there anyone amongst our savvy and politically battle-weary WCF readership who's buying Bramble's lame excuses?


OneWhoKnows2 said...

Not nary a one of us believes that pile of monkey muffins!  I would only hope that the majority of voters in Utah would someday consider something other than the one party system that continues to live off the backs of their subjects and ignores the wishes of the people they work for.  I'm going to continue to vote all incumbants out until there is nobody left but untested rookies looking over their shoulders for only approval.  Amen

blackrulon said...

Mr. Bramble skilfully avoids answer the question as to why the numbers needed were applied retroactively

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