Friday, November 02, 2012

Matthew Stewart Prelimary Hearing Day Three: Stewart "Bound Over" For Trial by Judge Hyde - Updated

Needless to say, we'll continue to watch developments in this case carefully... and with our usual "jaded eye"

Hot off the press!  According to the Matthew Stewart FB support site, Judge Hyde this afternoon bound defendant Matthew Stewart over for trial in the 1/4/12 Ogden Shootemup court case,  Here's the succinct gist from correspondent Phoenix Smith:
Matthew was just ordered to stand trial on all nine counts.
Here's the link:
And here's you blogmeister's comment beneath the above linked article, which we stand by:
No real surprises, here. A preliminary hearing isn't governed by a "beyond all reasonable doubt" presumption as in a full-blown criminal court/jury trial. Most, if not all prelims are prosecution slam-dunks. Don't abandon hope people. It shouldn't be surprising to anyone that Matthew's been bound over for trial after this week's "mini trial" proceedings. Keep the faith people. Matthew will get his day in court with a more favorable proof of guilt presumption later on, when his criminal case actually comes to trial.
Next step? Maybe a few more defense motions, an arraignment and a trial court date set for a future date not yet reported so far.

Needless to say, we'll continue to watch developments in this case carefully... and with our usual "jaded eye."

Update 11/2/12 6:30 p.m:  At last (after twiddling our thumbs waiting) the Standard and Tribune finally start to dole out their post-Day Three stories:
And here's the latest from the Help Matthew Stewart website:
The world wide blogosphere eagerly awaits your ever-savvy comments, of course.

Update 11/2/12 7:27 p.m.:  Interesting take from the Standard-Examiner's Charlie Trentelman:
Update 11/3/12 9:00 a.m.: Three new stories from the Standard Examiner, and one from the Help Matthew Stewart website:


    rudizink said...

    Via Phoenix Smith:  "An arraignment is set for Wednesday, when Stewart will be expected to enter pleas to the charges."

    blackrulon said...

    How long before Randy Richards, Stewarts attorney, asks for a change of venue? I don't believe there is anyone in Weber County who hasn't been tainted by news coverage of the shooting and legal actions surounding this case.

    rudizink said...

     Exactly right, BR.  You're reading my mind, I swear.

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