Thursday, November 01, 2012

Matthew Stewart Prelim: Day Two - Updated

Hopefully our local "Wyatt Earps" will learn something useful from this ridiculous and unnecessary tragedy

The stories from Day Two of the Matthew Stewart preliminary hearing are already starting to trickle in from both the Standard-Examiner and Salt Lake Tribune.
And here's a hot-off-the-press commentary from the Help Micheal Stewart website:
We'll update this article, of course, as additional stories and reports emerge.

One thing already seems clear however in our view, after distilling the facts from all of these stories linked yesterday and today: NOBODY... especially the Weber/Morgan Narcotics Strike force (WMNSF) was even minimally prepared for the extreme level of danger and violence which would be unleashed once the heavily-armed WMNSF "cowboys" made the unfortunate decision to kick down Matthew Stewart's door.

While the evidentiary "facts" in the Matthew Stewart matter continue to unfold, we're keeping our fingers crossed that the heads of the several local police agencies who contribute "cannon fodder" to the WMNSF effort will soon come to realize that no amount of illegal contraband (sixteen pot plants in this case, to be exact) is worth even a single human life... after the tradeoffs, and the totality of the facts now "come home to roost." The stories described within the past two days are actually well beyond tragic. Hopefully our local "Wyatt Earps" will learn something useful from this ridiculous and unnecessarily tragic event.

The final day of the Stewart Prelim commences again tomorrow at 8:30 a.m.  Stay tuned.

Update 11/2/12 9:40 a.m.:  Three more post-Day Two stories this morning from the Standard and Tribune:

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