Friday, January 11, 2013

Standard-Examiner Editorial: Our View: Council Protest Appropriate

Joining with the Standard in hoping "that the Hill family incident can be a catalyst toward a re-evaluation of how local law enforcement handles its duties, particularly concerning raids and late-night police procedures." 

Another strong editorial in this morning's Standard-Examiner, applauding "[c]itizens who gathered at an Ogden City Council meeting on Tuesday night to protest the police department’s handling of a botched arrest warrant [and]  deserve both appreciation for their public spirit and their efforts to call attention to the need to review law enforcement procedures":
Notwithstanding the fact that management of the Ogden Police Department falls under the statutory authority of the Mayor's office (and not the city council) under Utah's Council-Mayor form of government, we'll go along with the Standard on this, and commend the Ogden City Council for opening up Tuesday night's  meeting, and providing an open public foum for Ogden citizens to air their concerns and grievances about "public perceptions that in some cases, [suggest that] calling in the police might exacerbate violence rather than keep the peace." 

We'll thus join with the Standard in hoping "that the Hill family incident can be a catalyst toward a re-evaluation of how local law enforcement handles its duties, particularly concerning raids and late-night police procedures." 

Added Bonus: Check out the Tuesday night council video, incorporating the public comments on this topic, which begin at approximately 20:39:

Pretty stirring stuff, wethinks...

Don't let the cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones.


Danny said...

It sounds like a consensus.  Everyone feels the police need to be reined in. 

But this consensus will run into the motto: 

"We don't care.  We don't have to.  We're the government."

Smaatguy said...

wow...powerful testimony...yeah that 4th ammendment sure is a pain in the butt isn't it...and the mayor will do what?....sounds pretty clear he needs to do their his for the citizens of Ogden.

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