Via Facebook, we'll direct our readers to a Tuesday night (1/8/13) public event, where a local citizen activist group, the Utah Liberty Institute, has scheduled a public protest, related (among other things) to the recent botched raid on a local Ogden City residence, where heavily-armed agents of the Ogden Police Department at 2:30 a.m.on 12/20/12 negligently served an arrest warrant on the wrong address, terrorizing an innocent Ogden City family in the process.
For those WCF readers who'd be inclined to join in this protest, we incorporate the group's citizen "call to action":
Ogden City has become a complete embarrassment to the people of this state and a text book example of what happens when a local police force is allowed to flagrantly violate the Constitution in order to, as Jefferson put it, "harass our people."The event is calendered at 6:00 p.m. in the Ogden City Council Chambers (Ogden City Municipal Building, Suite 340), concurrently with the Council's regularly scheduled meetings.
The outrageous, military-style, middle of the night raids are enough to deserve armed resistance, and yet, despite constant recognition for their incompetent execution of said raids, they continue to abuse INNOCENT families with their "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude toward police work.
It is time we demand Ogden put an end to its use of "no knock", "knock and announce" and middle of the night raids.
Read the full anouncement here:
We'll encourage all Ogden City residents who'd like to help raise the City Council's consciousness on this topic to plan to attend this event, now that it's become apparent that local law enforcement authorities seem unwilling to be held accountable for their own errors, poor procedures and heavy-handedness, wethinks.
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1/8/13 @ 6pm. Don't be a schmuck. Just Be There! |
Update 1/8/12 10:00 a.m.: The Salt Lake Tribune carries a followup story this morning, illuminating the Salt Lake City-based Utah Liberty Institute, and their worthy goals:
One of the recent incidents that cause doubt about the research done by OPD is the hiring in June 2011 of officer Andrew L. Davenport. He was rated as the number 1# applicant for the position. He was fired by the UHP in January2011 for excessive use of force. Former Police Chief Jon Greiner approved his hiring in June 2011. Current Police Chief Mike Ashment testified on behalf of Davenport appealing his firing to the State Career Servive Review board. It seems that the problem just might lie on the OPD administrators.
Seems we keep moving closer and closer to that communist nation! Midnight raids, more and more gun control (they kill people u know, it's not the operator). Which of our so called liberties will they take from us next, or are we just giving them to the policrooks so they can take care of us?
No one should be above the law! I say hold them accountable for there actions, as each and every one of us is.
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