Saturday, April 06, 2013

Standard-Examiner: Ogden Airport Tower Closure Delayed

Airport Manager Royal Eccles: "Believe me, we’re doing everything we can to keep it open"

Worry much?
The tension builds among Ogden-Hinkley Airport boosters in re the simmering airport tower closure cliff-hanger, as the Standard-Examiner reports this morning that "Officials at the Ogden-Hinckley Airport now have a little more time to plead their case for keeping their air traffic control tower open."

Looks like the fates, along with a a flurry of old fashioned federal lawsuits,  have delivered our harried O-H Airport officials a little much-needed breathing room, according to this morning's Mitch Shaw story:
The Federal Aviation Administration announced Friday that it will delay the closure of 149 federal contract air traffic control towers until June 15. The Ogden-Hinckley tower was set to close on May 5.

“This just gives us more time,” said Airport Manager Royal Eccles said. “Our senators and congressman now have some additional time to interface with the FAA to try and keep our tower open. Believe me, we’re doing everything we can to keep it open.” 
For our readers' edification, here's the full S-E story:
Meanwhile back in Washington, "members of Congress are preparing to push legislation that could overtake the lawsuits. Sens. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., are expected next week to file a bill that prohibits closing or slashing funding to any of the towers on the closure list," according to this morning's S-E story.

For some added background, here's an informative press release from the good Kansas Senator Moran's website, explaining in greater detail the tactics behind these eleventh hour federal legislative maneuverings:
Call your Congresscritters
O-H Airport Manager Royal Eccles "said area citizens who are concerned about Ogden’s tower [not to mention Eccles's cushy six-figure featherbed job] should contact their legislators," of course.

Here's a handy "Congresscritter contact link," for Utah residents who'd like to "obey" Airport Manager Eccles and do just that:
And here's a useful congressional contact online utility, for WCF readers residing outside of the Beehive State:
The scuttlebutt among the macho A-H Airport civil aviation crowd, by the way?  The Ogden City Council is standing by to toss out a $260k/year life raft... if all else fails, which is all the more reason for Ogden City residents to contact your Senators and House Representatives immediately, no?

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