Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Standard-Examiner: Political Candidates' Workshop Tonight at Weber State

For those Utah lumpencitizens who do NOT believe that "women should be at home raising children in righteousness, and not prancing about the state capitol providing a different point of view to the old white males in suits who know what's best for us," we'd call this a "must-attend" event

We're delighted to provide a quick heads-up about tonight's Weber State University campus event, wherein WSU's Walker institute will host Real Women Run, Tuesday from 7 to 9 pm at the Hurst Center for Lifelong Learning Dumke Legacy Hall. The event is open to women and men interested in politics:
Among tonight's featured guest panelists will be Weber County Commissioner Jan Zogmaister, who's recently been subjcected to serious bullying behavior from the Weber County Gimmint "Good Ole Boys" Club.

Here's more from the WSU website:
As we should all be painfully aware, elected female leadership is in dismally short supply in our laughably patriarchal Utah body politik.

For those Utah lumpencitizens who do NOT believe that "[w]omen should be at home raising children in righteousness, not prancing about the state capitol providing a different point of view to the old white males in suits who know what's best for us," we'd call this a "must-attend" event.

We urge you to mark your calenders, plan to attend, and begin the task of leveling the playing field, folks.

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