Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Standard-Examiner: Weber Commission OKs Roy Library Contract

All's well that ends well, we guess

Good news for Weber County Library expansion proponents this morning, as Standard-Examiner reporter Cathy McKitrick delivers this morning's encouraging story. Despite earlier murmurings to the contrary, it appears the the voter-approved Weber County Library project is now back on track. Here's the lede:
Weber County commissioners unanimously approved a $16.4 million contract Tuesday with R&O Construction for the building of a new headquarters library branch in Roy.
But not without getting an earful first.
For over an hour, residents from all over the county filed to the microphone to either urge their elected officials to proceed with the Library’s $45 million five-year capital plan approved by voters last June or to limit spending and dilute the planned projects in scope and purpose.
That flood of fired-up folks stemmed from recent unfounded rumors, Commissioner Matthew Bell told those in attendance Tuesday.
“Never once were we against building libraries, never once did we try to slow the process up,” said Bell, who has been a vocal opponent of the $45 million bond for more than a year.
Bell told the audience that the “third-space” Roy project will move forward.
Read the full story here:
A Weber County Forum Tip of the Hat to Commissioners Gibson and Zogmeister for their wisdom in arguing and voting in favor of the will of the voters of Weber County:
“I think I speak for members of the Library Board of Trustees, Friends of the Library and others, that we have had a lot of debate over a lot of these projects,” [Weber County Commissioner] Gibson told Friday’s crowd. “But I think it has been good, positive debate, and I’m happy today to announce that it’s my belief that we are of one vision as we move forward in completing and finishing these projects.”
During Tuesday’s session, Gibson said “it’s wise for an elected body to do what the public tells us to do. It’s a good thing . . . and we’re elected by that same majority.”
At Tuesday’s session, Commissioner Jan Zogmaister, who serves on the Library Board and recently lost her re-election bid for the GOP nomination when 67 percent of about 600 Republican delegates voted against her at their April convention, credited her commission colleagues with negotiating successfully to move the Roy project forward.
“I too fully respect and intend to honor the vote that’s been taken,” Zogmaister said, adding that she expects everyone to come together with that same respect for the process.
“If you don’t like a process, change the process — but until it’s changed, respect it,” Zogmaister said.
And kudos to Commissioner Bell, for (belatedly at least) listening to the voices of reason.

All's well that ends well, we guess.


Janet V. said...

...we guess

Meg S. said...

Bring back Jan zogmeister.

Danny said...


I thought Bell defeated Zogmiester at the convention by saying the library bond was bloated and needed to be cut. So then, immediately upon taking office, he votes for it? And that's good news?

Meanwhile, they toss several million at a gun range the public didn't want.

So bottom line, is Republicans vote for spending every which way, and any talk to the contrary is just hot air for their stupid followers.

Therefore the difference between Republicans and Democrats is what, exactly?

I should have gone into the crony business. Our youth should take note: suckle the government teat. Politicians are idiots with lots of money. Muscle your way in, then how can you lose?

Danny said...

My mistake, Zogmeister was defeated, but not by Bell. But that's the point isn't it? The people who reap millions off government have the time to follow all of this. The vast majority, who get nailed for a few dollars of tax here and there for each boondoggle, don't have time. That's how the bureaucrats and the corporate cronies get away with all of it.

blackrulon said...

I notice that Linda Pipkin, GOP tin foil hat model, is still claiming the vote is flawed because of low voter turnout.

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