Friday, February 06, 2015

Utah Lawmakers Set the Stage to "Tinker" With the US Constitution - Updated

Bottom line? Once an ill-conceived Constitutional Convention might be convened, there's no guarantee that such a convention might not spin out out control

Uh-oh. Notwithstanding the earlier wisdom of the 2011 Utah legislature, It seems, surprise of surprises, that a pair of crackpot Utah GOP legislators are set to reprise legislation to "fiddle" with the "Divinely-inspired" US Constitution.

Specifically, we're referring to Utah Senate President Wayne Niederhauser, R-Sandy, and his Utah GOP House of Representatives cohort, the ever-ethically compromised House Rep. Ken Ivory, R-West Jordan, who is, incidentally and weirdly enough, "the Legislature’s unofficial (and apparently self-appointed) 'constitutional expert.'" 

The Standard-Examiner carries the full story for your critical scrutiny, folks:
Utah Policy is all over this story, too:
Here's the big problem Peeps, as we see it:
Bottom line?  Once an ill-conceived Constitutional Convention might be convened, there's no guarantee that such a convention might not spin completely out of control.

We'll suppose that this is just another nitwitted Utah-style "message bill," at least for the time being, inasmuch as only three other states have passed resolutions calling for a 21st Century Constitutional Convention --so far.

Trust us though, we'll keep keep you posted, if this crackpot bill somehow emerges from "the realm of the dead."


blackrulon said...

The Eagle Forum would have been angry to learn that other states select their candidates in a election instead of a caucus

Ozboy said...

WTF? I don't get it Rudi, this constitutional amendment link you put up is four years old. It is from an era when that genetically challenged ding bat Carl Wimmer was a player and the State Legislature was more overtly bat shit crazy - instead of the more refined version we have now which is insidiously dangerous - yet still BS crazy.

rudizink said...

Sorry man! I originally posted the wrong link, which I'd bookmarked on the fly yesterdaYU I've of course now corrected that error. and entirely revised the article. Thanks for the heads-up. Oz!

blackrulon said...

Does this mean all of our current legislators see themselves as the new founding fathers?

Ozboy said...

Yep, the new founding fathers only with commemorative* AR15's instead of muskets.

*commemorating the 20 murdered children in Newtown and those in the Denver Theater and all the other thousands who have died at the alter of AR15 worship. All incidentally who would be alive today if they would have had the sense and patriotism to be packing their own AR15's when the lead started flying.

rudizink said...


Danny said...

I'd love to see a constitutional convention. It seems the last one turned out rather well.

rudizink said...

LOL, Danny. Apparently it wasn't quite "good enough," according to some crackpot Utah Republicans, as the bumble into what will surely be a can of worms..

blackrulon said...

They favor a new constitutional convention so their powered wigs and tri -corner hats can be charged to campaign expenses.

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