Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Ogden Municipal Election Special: 2013 Ogden City Municpal Election Game On!

Exercise your voting rights, O Gentle Ones... "Use 'em or lose 'em!"

Unless you're an Ogden City resident who's been living under a rock, you're "wise" to the fact that Ogden City Municipal Election Day rolled around just a few minutes ago, coincidentally with the final down-tick of our "snazzy" right sidebar election count-down clock. Yep, the polls opened at 7:00 a.m. this morning, and will remain in business until 8:00 this evening at all Ogden City voter precinct polling places.

Here's hoping you'll all make it over to your local polling location to cast your ever-important votes. Although the "killjoys" of the Ogden City Administration have summarily removed some of the excitement from the faithful exercise of you "civic duty," by enforcing those nit-picky Utah campaign financial disclosure rules, and thus disqualifying two candidates from two of the four prevously "contested" races, we still have four fine candidates running in two still-fiercely contested races, namely, second-time candidate Stephen D. Thompson and first-timer Marcia L. White in the At Large "A" contest, along with two-term council incumbent Doug Stephens and challenger  Turner C. Bitton, who are fighting it out tooth and nail in the council Ward 3 race.

And try to look at it philosophically, Ogden City lumpencitizens.  Unlike some some other Utah folks in some other Utah communities who won't have the opportunity at all to choose their own municipal elected officials for the 2014-16 term this morning, you at least have some choice in the matter, however pared-down those choices may be.

Oh yes.  As an added bonus, we'll incorporate this image of the flyer we received just this morning by mail, from the Northern Wasatch Association of Realtors, (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the "Biggest  and Baddest PAC in the Land"), which donated the usual 1500 bucks to candidates Bart Blair, Neil Garner, Doug Stephens and Marcia White, just to give you a little something extra to think about as you enter the voting booth today, and to add to the overall mirth and merriment of your voting experience

Click to enlarge image

This verbiage reads like a press release straight out of de facto Mayor  Mark Johnson's Economic Development Department, dunnit?

Still unsure about the location of your Ogden polling place, despite our placement of a link above (which you probably neglected to "click")?  Let that be no obstacle to the exercise of your civic responsibilities, as you can almost effortlessly obtain the location of your designated polling place (among other tidbits of important information) right here:
Try it; you'll like it
Exercise your voting rights, O Gentle Ones"Use it or lose it," as the old saying goes.

The polls are now open, people! Get on down and...


Added Bonus: We've also set up a separate thread for later this evening, by the way, (we've pre-set it to automatically post @ 7:30 p.m.), with a link to the Ogden City Recorder's Office "boffo" live online vote tally software, so you can follow tonight's vote count in real-time. Therefore, be sure to check back here later.

And in the meantime... the floor is open for your intra-day election related comments.


CJ said...

The sample ballot for precinct 37 won't completely come up at the state site this morning. I guess Obamacare problems are contagious. (Joke! Joke!)

Bob Becker said...

Voted this morning at my regular polling place on election day like god intended (none of this early voting nonsense or these anybody-can-vote-here central polling places), toddler in tow. Gotta introduce them to the fundamentals of free countries early or they might grow up to steal hub caps or vote Republican.

Ogden Lover said...

I went to the Dee Events Center to vote because it's against my principles to vote in a church (Berean Baptist). A very elderly couple was ahead of me, with the husband and wife conferring in relative confusion. They had already voted at their local polling place and the wife was convinced that voting at Dee was a completely different election. Her husband convinced her it was the same and ushered her out the door. I won't even go into the fact that someone so clueless has a vote equivalent to mine.

More importantly, unless some checking is done after the fact, what would have kept her from voting twice?

Danny said...

So the Realtors won.

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