I've posted today's Standard-Examiner candidate interview article in the sidebar, and will similarly post the last one in the series, along with the three previously posted ones, as soon as it becomes available.
I've also linked the website to the Weber State University Perfessers' new anti-gondola website, Smart Growth Ogden, in the right sidebar too. The site's not yet up and running, yet, but I wanted to be the first to allow our gentle readers to hear any arguments why Chris Peterson should be prevented from developing his Malan's Basin property according to his American private property owner's own desires. Check it out. It was "under construction" the last time I checked, but I'm sure it will be available soon. For those who missed the news about this new web resource, you can read all about it in today's Standard-Examiner article.
I'm also proud to announce that Weber County Forum registered its 30,000th visitor today. Trite though it may seem to say it, we obviously couldn't have accomplished this without the support and mouse-clicks of our many gentle readers, for which interest and loyalty I thank you all!
Thanks again to you all for your support!
Believe me, I shall continue to exert all my efforts to keep this humble board up to the level of 24/7 crankiness that you all crave.
Red meat will always be available here on Weber County Forum, for those who return to this site regularly.
And there's a pending question, Steve Larsen: Where exactly do you stand on the eminent domain question?
A very IMPORTANT election on the horizon, and only a sentence or two to define each candidate from our local newspaper. Sure would like to see more. Thanks, Rudi, for your candidate thread that at least gives us some perspective about where the candidates stand. Nice to enter the polling booth with a little information at hand. Any other place we can go to obtain some candidate facts?
Earth calling Steve.
Do you read?
Why not ask all the candidates where they stand on eminent domain? Why are you picking on Larsen only over this issue?
None of them addressed the issue in their blurbs.
In fact a lot of them didn't say much at all about anything important.
Is Glasmann the only one with enough balls to come right out and say that this council does not represent the people of Ogden? Is he the only one that intends to do what he is elected to do - take care of the public services and infastructure?
Is the Filliaga seat a private fifedom that he can pass on to whoever he chooses? Is Filliaga's blessing the only qualification Larsen is claiming other than attending a handfull of council sessions?
Is being a free lance hair dresser the only qualification this young woman candidate has going?
I would like to see a whole lot more from these candidates than what they are putting out so far.
"Is being a free lance hair dresser the only qualification this young woman candidate has going?"
She's a "hottie."
Isn't that good enough for you?
Steve came onboard today with his cheesy story. I thought at the time he was here to engage in conversation. Please don't think I'm just picking on him, Bonnie Lee, although I already know the answer to my question.
Steve Larsen LOVES eminent domain.
If I'm wrong about that, he can just skeedaddle right back here and correct me.
To tell you the truth though... I'm VERY worried about Filiaga's Ward 3. There isn't a candidate running who doesn't seem like a moron.
I hope the October ballot has a box saying "none of the above."
Maybe a competent write-in candidate will show up this week.
I don't believe that Jesse Garcia is much of a fan of eminent domain and I think that Glasmann was one of the leaders of the group that helped to silence the WalMart deal because he's said numerous times that a person's right to own and enjoy one's property trumps the eminent domain landgrab that would give that property to some commercial business.
I can't be sure about the other candidates, except that Rudi's correct....Larsen is a huge advocate of the eminent domain process.
Here's a copy of the email I just sent out, Bonnie Lee. Some of the candidates don't have email, or even computers, but here's the text that I just sent to those who do:
Some our gentle Weber County Forum readers are wondering about your various positions on a few issues, so I thought I'd pose a question to you all.
1) What is your position on the use of the eminent domain condemnation power for econimic development in Ogden, assuming the state legislature might restore it to cities like Ogden during your term of office, as an elected city council member?
2) What do you consider the main issues in Ogden city at this time; and how do you propose to deal with them?
Please explain your positions and views. I'll post your answers on Weber County Forum in the order received.
Thanks in advance for your anticipated participation in this reader-requested query.
Check out our website. It's now the top political commentary blog in Utah: Weber County Forum
Is this Smart Growth Ogden group part of the national organization of the same name?
On a pdf on the Smart Growth website, it says this about them:
"In 1996, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency joined with several non-profit and government organizations fo form the Smart Growth Network (SGN). The Network was formed in response to increasing community concerns about the need for new ways to grow that boost the economy, protect the environment, and enhance community vitality."
On the Smart Growth Network page, it says:
"Through a cooperative agreement, SGN partners the International City/County Management Association and the US EPA run the membership program."
It then says that its website is a subset of SCN, the Sustainable Communities Network, supported with funding from the EPA.
If Smart Growth Ogden is part of the Smart Growth Network, it's a bit more than some people getting together on the single issue of the gondola, I am thinking.
Not that this is necessarily bad, but it's curious to me that the national organization wasn't mentioned if this group is a part of it.
Anybody know anymore?
Smart Growth Ogden is not part of a national organization, it's a local group of citizens.
I have never known anyone so arrogant and full of themeselves that they counted every word they uttered that made it into print! (or on a blog)
His candidate statement on another thread here was pretty good in spots, but man o man was it long and boring! Lots of double talking political jive.
The bottom line is this guy is just another self possesed central planning socialist. If he gets elected nobody's home or property will be safe.
He is a Godfreyite through and through..
I know each and every candidate personally and I have taken the time to re-read EVERY post and count EVERY word and there are so far, uh, hmmm, duh. Aw hell, I've lost count. Steve, maybe you can help me out here....we'll start with you....how many over all words have you written and or spoken?
Larsen never seems to shut up,
and he never seems to say anything!
But dude, Larsen "has a plan."
Nonsense, Steve.
I've never unveiled anybody's alias on this board -- and I know numerous posters' true names.
If your true name was revealed at some point, it's probably because somebody guessed right.
I don't know whether you're just getting paranoid or merely being your normal mendacious self; but I do hope you'll get your facts straight.
Why no response, "Socrates?" Are you as the mayor is, being to obdurate that you need not justify your position and or claims? You are, of course, Filiaga's "hand picked successor" to the throne, and I'm sure the Mayor is right there, in your corner, just as he is with the Mosher girl and Jorgensen/Burdett.
It seems that these people, although we hear nothing from any of them except Larsen, are extremely good at spouting of, trying to appear sage and profound, but when they get called on the carpet for their manipulation, they disappear, thinking were are a flock of ostriches who put our heads in the sand and because the problem can't be seen, there is, therefore, no problem.
You won't get much support pomping and puffing the way you do, Socrates (incidentally, I read this blog daily, EVERY word, and NEVER has the Rudi-miester blown your cover). As somebody said before, there's much more to a campaign than early signs and word counts.
There's the message, and yours seems to be: Vote for me and I'll give you 4 more years of Filiga and EVERYTHING that the Mayor wants, including the underhandedness and debt he's so well known for.
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