Dang rights, WCF regulars... experience all the merriment and mirth!
Happy 2016, WCF clones. Our advice as we inexorably creep up on the year of our Year of the Lord 2016?
A. Don't celebrate like this. It's a mite inelegant, wethinks:
B. And YES! here's a nice 2015 retrospective folks, designed to allow you to "kiss off" the year 2015, with nary a tear in your eye:
Dang rights, WCF regulars... experience all the merriment and mirth!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
The Hill: Chrome Extension Scrubs Trump From The Web
Just a helpful technology tip from yer old pal, Rudi!
Encouraging technological news via the politically ambiguous TheHill.Com. Tired of the "saturation reporting" on The Donald from everyone from the NY Tims to the Cartoon Network? We have an encouraging story, peeps. Here's the lede:
Encouraging technological news via the politically ambiguous TheHill.Com. Tired of the "saturation reporting" on The Donald from everyone from the NY Tims to the Cartoon Network? We have an encouraging story, peeps. Here's the lede:
Americans tired of the media fixation on real estate mogul and presidential candidate Donald Trump have a new tool at their disposal, courtesy of a Brooklyn web developer.Read up!
The Trump Filter extension for Chrome, created by Rob Spectre and spotted by US News this week, will remove content on the web related to the Republican front-runner's candidacy. It includes three levels of sensitivity: “mild,” “aggressive,” and “vindictive.”
The extension, which was released last week, detected Trump-related headlines on a range of news sites and removed them when tested by The Hill. It also eliminated some non-Trump related content while on the "aggressive" setting.
Just a helpful technology tip from yer old pal, Rudi!
2016 General Election,
Donald Trump
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Obama: Happy Christmas, Everyone
Merry Christmas, peeps! Nobody but our hero, Barry O, could possibly say it better in so many ways, we do swear:
Let us @ Weber County Forum adopt these messages and simply say,Happy Christmas, everyone!
Barrack Obama,
Christmas 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
For Republicans, Bigotry is the New Normal
Check your party registration, Sane Utah Republicans
Top-notch Wapo OpEd, submitted for re-publication via long-time WCF reader/contributor Ozboy. "An interesting editorial in today's Washington Post, about Republican perfidy. Might make a good piece for the WCF," the ever politically savvy Ozboy sez, in a rare instance of understatement. Wethinks Ozboy doth not steer us wrong however. Check it out, folks:
Top-notch Wapo OpEd, submitted for re-publication via long-time WCF reader/contributor Ozboy. "An interesting editorial in today's Washington Post, about Republican perfidy. Might make a good piece for the WCF," the ever politically savvy Ozboy sez, in a rare instance of understatement. Wethinks Ozboy doth not steer us wrong however. Check it out, folks:
Added bonus: Ozboy also submits this additional gem for your consideration, folks:
Media Matters "nails it" in summary, wethinks:Fear-mongering and raw xenophobia were once the hallmarks of fringe candidates. Today the fringe candidates have stormed center stage, brandishing their zeal and hyperbole and, disturbingly, dragging the mainstream along with them.Check your party registration, Gentle Utah Republicans, now that the American GOP has become the official party of fascism and hatred.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Salt Lake Tribune: Republicans OK $14M Land-transfer Lawsuit, Say Utah Must Regain "Sovereignty."
Legal team urges Utah to go to court, estimating the cost at a mere $14 million.
Following up on our previous discussions in re this topic, The Salt Lake Tribune carries a story this morning reporting the latest development in Rep. Ken Ivory's American Lands Council Land-grab.
Here's the lede, Peeps:
Following up on our previous discussions in re this topic, The Salt Lake Tribune carries a story this morning reporting the latest development in Rep. Ken Ivory's American Lands Council Land-grab.
Here's the lede, Peeps:
The federal government has no constitutional authority to permanently retain millions of acres in Western states, latecomers to the federal union that have thus been relegated to "second-class" status instead of sovereigns on equal footing with the older states to the east of the 100th meridian.Read up, Peeps:
That's the conclusion of a 145-page legal analysis submitted Wednesday to the Utah Legislature by a team of outside lawyers hired to weigh Utah's legal prospects in its public lands fight with the federal government. The team urged Utah to go to court, estimating the cost at $14 million. [Emphasis Added.]
"We are a federal republic. The central government is run by the states. The members of the republic, the states, must be equal in power and sovereignty," New Orleans lawyer George Wentz told the legislative panel that commissioned the report at a cost of $500,000. Utah has been denied the promise of full sovereignty by federal policies that thwarted the "disposal" of public land, according to Wentz and his colleagues.
Citing the consultants' conclusions, the Utah Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands on Wednesday voted to direct them to prepare a complaint asserting a claim to 31 million acres of public land. It would be left up to Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes to decide whether such a case would be filed, mostly likely as a petition for original jurisdiction before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Just like clockwork, Pat Bagley nails it, no? Hold onto your wallets, O Gentle (and Ever-docile) Utah Taxpayers.
ALC Land-grab
Monday, December 07, 2015
Screw These Fascist Republicans!
Screw these fascist Rebublicans!
"I personally, I have to say this honestly, have a hard time understanding how anyone could vote for tax breaks for billionaires, for millionaires, for large corporations and then say we don't have the resources to protect our veterans," said Senator Sanders, the measure's chief author."
Fascists should make you sick, eh, my fellow Americans?
Saturday, December 05, 2015
Trump Leads Latest Poll by Large Margin
Meanwhile...Sanders Beats All Top Republican Candidates In Latest Poll
Via Pat Bagley: "Gas is below $2, employment is good, dollar is strong, stock market is soaring. meanwhile, Trump vows to change all that."
Via Pat Bagley: "Gas is below $2, employment is good, dollar is strong, stock market is soaring. meanwhile, Trump vows to change all that."
Keep on voting against your personal economic interests, Peeps.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Standard-Examiner: Weber State University Finishes As Most Improved Big Sky "Winner" in 2015
Gotta say we're totally proud of Coach Hill and our Wildcats, Peeps
Okay Weber State Wildcats fans, we confess that we've been a mite remiss. So hopelessly caught up in the ongoing spectacle of the myriad of College and NFL programs over the weekend as we were, we're confident and satisfied that we dang nearly forgot to post these most-important post-game stories from the National Sports media:
"Winners." Yes. Get used to that appellation, Wildcats fans:
Weber State's grand season closing victory will no doubt annoy OZboy, who's plainly a complete Internet Loser with a sad, (very sad) "retardation" in re his seriously lame Football Picks!
- Weber State runs past Idaho State 35-14
- Weber State football: Wildcats top Idaho State to finish with winning record
- Weber State beats ISU, records first winning season since 2010
"Winners." Yes. Get used to that appellation, Wildcats fans:
Weber State's grand season closing victory will no doubt annoy OZboy, who's plainly a complete Internet Loser with a sad, (very sad) "retardation" in re his seriously lame Football Picks!
College Sports,
WSU Football
Monday, November 16, 2015
Alliance for a Better Utah Lobbies to Impeach "Crackpot" Utah Judge

This morning, the Alliance for a Better Utah asked the Utah Legislature to begin impeachment proceedings against crackpot Utah 7th District Judge Scott Johansen.... and launched a web-based citizen petition on change.org.:
Let's remove Idiot Judge Scott JohansenFirst good Utah political news your blogmeister has heard in at least a week. Nuff said, so far Finally... after being off the grid with zero amounts of Red Meat News for over a week, Your CANNY Weber County Forum posts "zero out" all crackpot GOP posts, of course,
Lets just say that mere words can't express your blogmeister's sheer distaste for Utah politics.
Update 8:00 P.M: Happily, there's progress in this matter:
Next obvious step for this moron? Resignation.
Paul Ryan - World-Class A-hole
Is Paul Ryan a hypocrite? You be the judge
"Residents of the inner city have a real culture problem and a lack of a work ethic," sez Speaker of the U.S House of Representatives, Paul Ryan:
Is Ryan a hypocrite? You be the judge:
"Residents of the inner city have a real culture problem and a lack of a work ethic," sez Speaker of the U.S House of Representatives, Paul Ryan:
Is Ryan a hypocrite? You be the judge:
And keep on voting Republican, people.
Saturday, November 07, 2015
Breaking: Lowly Weber State University Whips University of California
Wildcats roll past UC Davis 23-3
OK folks! As rabid Weber State University fans, we at Weber County Forum can't contain ourselves regarding this stirring Weber State Football development! Believe it or not, against all odds, our lowly Weber State Wildcats totally whooped the mighty University of California football team this afternoon at Stewart Stadium, by a whopping score of 23-3. Read up, "Cats fans":
OK folks! As rabid Weber State University fans, we at Weber County Forum can't contain ourselves regarding this stirring Weber State Football development! Believe it or not, against all odds, our lowly Weber State Wildcats totally whooped the mighty University of California football team this afternoon at Stewart Stadium, by a whopping score of 23-3. Read up, "Cats fans":
Put that in your silly little "pipe"and "smoke it," Wildcats detractors, as our "Cats" now go 5-5 for the season.
Go Wildcats!
Update 11/8/15 3:00 p.m.: The Standard's Brandon Garside is all over this story, too:
Update 11/8/15 3:00 p.m.: The Standard's Brandon Garside is all over this story, too:
College Sports,
WSU Football
Friday, November 06, 2015
Jeb can "fix it,"
LOL! ya gotta Love It
"Jeb" has a new motto.
Keep on voting "Republican," People,.. err... you lame-brain GOP idiots.
"Jeb" has a new motto.
Keep on voting "Republican,"
Thursday, November 05, 2015
Who is This Guy Fawkes Guy?
Ahem! "Over the past decade, dissidents across the globe have appropriated the visage of Guy Fawkes, the infamous insurgent who tried to blow up the British Parliament in 1605, warping the once-reviled fringe rebel into a widespread symbol of resistance." Learn up, concerning this interesting recurring phenomenon, PEEPS!
No need to thank us for this revealing,invigoratring AND Shit-hot info, inasmuch as we are RUDIZINK!
Added Bonus:
No need to thank us for this revealing,invigoratring AND Shit-hot info, inasmuch as we are RUDIZINK!
Added Bonus:
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
2015 Ogden Municipal Election Night Special - Election Night Vote Tallies - Updated
The ballots have been processed; the votes have been tallied; and here are tonight's unofficial election results, Weber County Forum political wonks:
Update 11/4/15 7:45 a.m.: The Standard-Examiner carries the Added Bonus late story:
Ogden City MayorThanks to all candidates who participated in this year's Ogden Municipal Election, and hearty congratulations to tonight's big winners.
Number of Precincts 45
Precincts Reporting 45 100.0 %
Times Counted 8104/22533 36.0 %
Total Votes 8025
Caldwell, Mike 6394 79.68%
Benitez, Sebastian 1631 20.32%
Ogden City Council - Municipal Ward 2
Number of Precincts 11
Precincts Reporting 11 100.0 %
Times Counted 1785/5743 31.1 %
Total Votes 1533
Hyer, Richard 1533 100.00%
Ogden City Council - Municipal Ward 4
Number of Precincts 15
Precincts Reporting 15 100.0 %
Times Counted 3558/7849 45.3 %
Total Votes 3486
Nadolski, Ben 2047 58.72%
Gladwell, Daniel 1439 41.28%
Ogden City Council - At Large Seat C
Number of Precincts 45
Precincts Reporting 45 100.0 %
Times Counted 8104/22533 36.0 %
Total Votes 7906
Lopez, Luis 4082 51.63%
Ogden, John 3824 48.37%
Update 11/4/15 7:45 a.m.: The Standard-Examiner carries the Added Bonus late story:
Well... 'doh!.
2015 Municipal Elections
Friday, October 30, 2015
Standard-Examiner: Ogden Mayor Candidates Debate Policing, Infrastructure
Ogden City Mayoral candidates stand for final pre-election debate
OK, Peeps! With the Ogden City Municipal Election coming up on November 3, 2015, we're going to keep this short, but sweet. As we announced earlier, our Ogden City Mayoral candidates stood for their final pre-election debate on October 28, 2015.
Read up, Ogden City voters! Standard-Examiner Reporter Becky Wright provides the story:
Given the heavy traffic to our Weber County Forum election module this week, we're convinced that many Ogden City voters haven't yet cast their ballots.
Hopefully this afternoon's WCF story and SE link will be helpful in that regard.
OK, Peeps! With the Ogden City Municipal Election coming up on November 3, 2015, we're going to keep this short, but sweet. As we announced earlier, our Ogden City Mayoral candidates stood for their final pre-election debate on October 28, 2015.
Read up, Ogden City voters! Standard-Examiner Reporter Becky Wright provides the story:
Given the heavy traffic to our Weber County Forum election module this week, we're convinced that many Ogden City voters haven't yet cast their ballots.
Hopefully this afternoon's WCF story and SE link will be helpful in that regard.
2015 Debates,
2015 Municipal Elections
Standard-Examiner: Ogden Mayoral Candidates Debate Policing, Infrastructure
With our Ogden Municipal Elections looming FIVE days hence, we're delighted to link this totally awesome Becky Wright article, which describes the magnificence of Tuesday's Ogden High School Mayoral debate
With a full 4 days pending until Ogden Election Day 2015, we'll be hoping that "some" procrastinator voters will be able to incorporate this latest information into their "valid" last minute votes
With a full 4 days pending until Ogden Election Day 2015, we'll be hoping that "some" procrastinator voters will be able to incorporate this latest information into their "valid" last minute votes
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Kid dead; What a bummer
So sorry about the bullet wound, Kid, welcome to America, where we lock people up for a doobie because that marijuana shit is like crazy dangerous, man!
Boy, 8, dies of gunshot wound in Las VegasBan Guns? Slow down there, Hoss. Could be an accident, could be an incident, we'll have to get back to you. Hope you had health insurance, Kid.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Breaking: GOP, Democrats, Obama Reach 2-Year Budget Deal To Prevent Shutdown
LOL! This is goimg to piss off Ted Cruz and his little fat-ass buddy, Mike Lee, fer sher
Here's the lede:
Here's the lede:
Read the full story, PEEPS:
Bravo US Congressional leaders, this time, for once
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Standard-Examiner: Public Records Battle Shows Dirty Political Money, Clean Getaway
Professor Schroeder: "!t’s nice to have some closure on this."
Read Ms. McKitrick's blockbuster followup, folks:
Pursuant to The Utah Supreme Court's August 25, 2015 ruling, Petitioner/Appellant Dan Schroeder is now in possession of the documents "ordered disclosed," in the exceedingly long-running Envision Ogden GRAMA matter. Standard-Examiner reporter Cathy McKitrick provides the story, beneath this lede, "contained in this Dan Schroeder statement sent Tuesday, Oct. 20":
“Records recently released by the Utah Attorney General’s Office clearly show what local activists long suspected — that the mysterious entity Friends of Northern Utah Real Estate, which was used to hide the origin of more than $20,000 in campaign contributions during Ogden’s 2007 municipal election, was operated by Blain Johnson, the local real estate attorney who was elected to the city council in that race.”Dr. Schroeder's entire October 10 statement, including attachments, is viewable here What an eye-opener, no?:
Read Ms. McKitrick's blockbuster followup, folks:
Don't neglect the SE reader comments section, wherein Ogden City Watchdog Professor Schroeder provides a robust series of further detailed factual additions and clarifications.
We're grateful for Dan's herculean efforts in this matter, and we join him in his post litigation assessment:
We're grateful for Dan's herculean efforts in this matter, and we join him in his post litigation assessment:
“The statute of limitations has expired, so [no legal charges] can be brought,” Schroeder said Tuesday, Oct. 20. “But it’s nice to have some closure on this. My goal has always been to get the story out there to anyone who is interested.”Bravo, Dan Schroeder!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Salt Lake Tribune: Mormon Apostle Oaks: Kentucky Clerk Wrong Not to Issue Same-sex Marriage Licenses
Gird up your loins, my Mormon Friends:
Our take? Don't mess with "THE" CHURCH! End of Story!
Write this down so you don't forget it, oh my Mo-mo friends:
Public officials "are not free to apply personal convictions — religious or other — in place of the defined responsibilities of their public offices," LDS apostle Dallin H. Oaks said in a speech in Sacramento, Calif. "A county clerk's recent invoking of religious reasons to justify refusal by her office and staff to issue marriage licenses to same-gender couples violates this principle."Elder Oaks "nails it," don'tcha thinks?
Our take? Don't mess with "THE" CHURCH! End of Story!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Standard-Examiner: Weber State Rallies to Beat North Dakota 25-24
WSU now goes 3-1 in 2015 Big Sky Conference Football!
LOL, WSU Football detractors (you know who you are, eh Ozboy!) Here's the skinny on this evening's WSU Football game, wherein our WSU Wildcats whooped the crap outta the mighty University of North Dakota in the 4th quarter.
LOL, WSU Football detractors (you know who you are, eh Ozboy!) Here's the skinny on this evening's WSU Football game, wherein our WSU Wildcats whooped the crap outta the mighty University of North Dakota in the 4th quarter.
Read up, Peeps! Lowly WSU now goes 3-1 in 2015 Big Sky Conference Football!
Go, Wildcats!
Added Bonus: WSU's Emmett Tela named Best in the Big Sky Multiverse:
Winners! The WSU Wildcats are WINNERS, dammit! Write this down so's you don't forget it, Ozboy.
Added Bonus: WSU's Emmett Tela named Best in the Big Sky Multiverse:
Winners! The WSU Wildcats are WINNERS, dammit! Write this down so's you don't forget it, Ozboy.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Standard-Examiner: Ogden Mayoral, Council Candidates Square Off in Thursday Debate
Just like clockwork, our prospective 2015 Ogden City Elective Candidates got together on Thursday night as planned, and engaged in typically Ogden-like gentlemanly debate. Ms. McKitrick of the Standard kindly provides the post-event writeup. Here's the lede:
OGDEN — Candidates seeking two city council seats and Ogden’s mayoral slot faced off Thursday in a public forum sponsored by the Ogden Trolley District, a nonprofit organization that represents the densely populated 80 blocks that make up east-central Ogden.
Held in a restored mansion at 2604 Jefferson Ave., the gathering gave the audience of about 70 attendees a glimpse of how these six individuals might govern if elected. [Link Added].
Of the six contenders, Mayor Mike Caldwell was the only incumbent present. When asked what he would do differently if elected to a second term, Caldwell touted his track record and said he would continue in the same vein — only faster....Of course you'll all be tempted to read Ms McKittrick's full yeoman-like SE contribution, Peeps, YES? Please do so here:
The world-wide blogosphere eagerly awaits your ever-savvy comments, Ogden Peeps!
2015 Debates,
2015 Municipal Elections
Friday, October 16, 2015
LOL! Investigation Finds “Reasonable Grounds” that American Lands Council Violated Colorado Lobbying Laws
We''ll let all our Republican friends know where you can write love letters to these two dildos, once they're assigned to their respective Federal Prisons.
No. We are not making this up:
![]() |
Future Colorado convicts, Ken and Ted |
The ongoing ethics saga involving Utah State Representative Ken Ivory and the American Lands Council took another turn on Thursday, when the Colorado Secretary of State’s office found “reasonable grounds” that ALC violated Colorado lobbying and disclosure laws.
The complaint was originally filed by watchdog group Colorado Ethics Watch in April, which described how the ALC urged members of its Colorado e-mail list to contact their state representatives and support a bill that would study the impacts of giving away American public lands to the state.
As described in its full investigation, the Secretary of State believes Rep. Ivory and ALC violated three Colorado lobbying and disclosure laws:
The complaint was originally filed by watchdog group Colorado Ethics Watch in April, which described how the ALC urged members of its Colorado e-mail list to contact their state representatives and support a bill that would study the impacts of giving away American public lands to the state.
As described in its full investigation, the Secretary of State believes Rep. Ivory and ALC violated three Colorado lobbying and disclosure laws:
Read up, Peeps:
- Investigation Finds “Reasonable Grounds” that American Lands Council Violated Colorado Lobbying Laws
We''ll let all our Republican friends know where you can write these two GOP dildos, once they're assigned to their respective Colorado and/or Federal Prisons.
ALC Land-grab,
Ken Ivory,
Ted Cruz
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Salt Lake Tribune: Utah students will limit study of Earth’s ‘relatively constant temperature’ in latest tweak to science standards
Utah's science denying GOP morons score another win
Utah's science denying GOP idiots score another win, as they "mess" with the Utah public schools curriculum... Utah's sixth graders will now learn that the greenhouse effect "maintains Earth's energy balance and a relatively constant temperature." despite the conflliciing evidence.
Any discussion of climate change in the curriculum won't take place until the eighth grade.
Sodden Question: Do you like the proposed Utah "science standards," which are now open for a 30-day public review? If not, do you still keep on voting Republican?
Utah's science denying GOP idiots score another win, as they "mess" with the Utah public schools curriculum... Utah's sixth graders will now learn that the greenhouse effect "maintains Earth's energy balance and a relatively constant temperature." despite the conflliciing evidence.
Any discussion of climate change in the curriculum won't take place until the eighth grade.
Sodden Question: Do you like the proposed Utah "science standards," which are now open for a 30-day public review? If not, do you still keep on voting Republican?
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Standard-Examiner: Ogden District 4 Candidates Talk Taxes, Schools, Chickens
As an added bounus, Ms. McKitrick sets forth the list of future Debates/Meet the Candidates events scheduled prior to Election Day
Unbeknownst to us, "Ogden City Council Candidates Ben Nadolski and Daniel Gladwell faced off on several hot topics Friday" in what we deem to have been a poorly-publicized Weber State University debate. Happily however, Standard-Examiner reporter Cathy McKitrick provides the story after the fact. Here's the lede:
Unbeknownst to us, "Ogden City Council Candidates Ben Nadolski and Daniel Gladwell faced off on several hot topics Friday" in what we deem to have been a poorly-publicized Weber State University debate. Happily however, Standard-Examiner reporter Cathy McKitrick provides the story after the fact. Here's the lede:
OGDEN — The issues debated by Ogden’s District 4 council candidates reflected the city’s diverse needs, running the gamut from police pay to backyard chickens, graduation rates, multiculturalism, vacant storefronts, homelessness, and roads and sidewalks in disrepair.Check out Ms. McKitrick's full writeup here:
But candidates Daniel Gladwell and Ben Nadolski did not shy away from any question during the forum hosted Friday by the American Democracy Project at Weber State University.
As an added bounus, Ms. McKitrick sets forth the list of future Debates/Meet the Candidates events scheduled prior to Election Day (11/3/15):
While Ogden voters received their mail-in ballots last week, they still have a few more opportunities to hear from the candidates running for mayor and two council seats.Don't let the cat get your tongues...
- On Thursday, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m., the Ogden Trolley District is hosting a Meet the Candidates town hall forum at 2604 Jefferson Ave.
- On Monday, Oct. 19, at 7 p.m., Ogden’s two mayoral candidates — incumbent Mike Caldwell and challenger Sebastian Benitez — will face off in the Garden Room of Weber State University’s Alumni Center, 1235 E. 4100 South.
- On Oct. 28 at 10 a.m. Ogden’s mayoral and council candidates will debate at Ogden High School, 2828 Harrison Blvd.
2015 Debates,
2015 Municipal Elections
Monday, October 12, 2015
Ogden Meet the Candidates Night - Thursday, October 15, 2015
A Weber County Forum Tip of the Hat to The Ogden Trolley District Community Council for sponsoring this event
Attention Weber County Forum political wonks who are following 2015 Ogden City Municipal Election developments. As a followup to our earlier article,wherein we announced the scheduling of two Mayoral debates for October 19 and 28, we're delighted to inform our readers of a soon-upcoming political event, wherein Ogden City voters will have a chance to take a pre-election look at Ogden City's 2015 council candidates.
In that connection we'll refer our readers to this afternoon's Facebook based public notice, whereby The Ogden Trolley District Community Council announces a Thursday evening "Meet the Candidates" night.
Here's the nitty-gritty folks:
"There will be a town hall-style question and answer session and an opportunity to meet and speak with the candidates directly."
Be sure to mark your calenders, Ogden City voters.
A Weber County Forum Tip of the Hat to The Ogden Trolley District Community Council for sponsoring this event.
Attention Weber County Forum political wonks who are following 2015 Ogden City Municipal Election developments. As a followup to our earlier article,wherein we announced the scheduling of two Mayoral debates for October 19 and 28, we're delighted to inform our readers of a soon-upcoming political event, wherein Ogden City voters will have a chance to take a pre-election look at Ogden City's 2015 council candidates.
In that connection we'll refer our readers to this afternoon's Facebook based public notice, whereby The Ogden Trolley District Community Council announces a Thursday evening "Meet the Candidates" night.
Here's the nitty-gritty folks:
Hello friends! It's election season and the Trolley District Community Council wants to make it easy for you to stay informed and get involved in your local process.Here are a few more words about the planned event format:
Thursday October 15th, we're hosting a 'Meet the Candidates' night. Ogden City Council candidates will be there to meet, greet, and answer your burning questions. Come meet some good people and munch on some refreshments!
• Daniel Gladwell - Municipal Ward 4
• Ben Nadolski - Municipal Ward 4
• Luis Lopez - Seat C At Large
• John Ogden - Seat C At Large
• Sebastian Benitez - Mayor
• Mike Caldwell - Mayor
We look forward to seeing you all there!
"There will be a town hall-style question and answer session and an opportunity to meet and speak with the candidates directly."
Be sure to mark your calenders, Ogden City voters.
A Weber County Forum Tip of the Hat to The Ogden Trolley District Community Council for sponsoring this event.
2015 Debates,
2015 Municipal Elections
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Democratic Congressman Posts Craigslist Ad for a New GOP Speaker of House... Go Wildcats!
Here's hoping you tuned in to the Wildcats game 'Cats fans
Following up on our earlier topic, we can't resist posting this:
Following up on our earlier topic, we can't resist posting this:
Chew on all this whilst you enjoy tonight's football games.
Weber State is up 21-14 over Montana as we post this. Who knows? Maybe some of you folks might want to tune in?
Update 10/12/15 8:00 a.m.: Here's hoping you tuned in to the Wildcats game 'Cats fans:
Go Wildcats!
Update 10/12/15 11:55 a.m.: After Saturday's win at Montana, Weber State has two Big Sky Players of the Week:
Weber State is up 21-14 over Montana as we post this. Who knows? Maybe some of you folks might want to tune in?
Update 10/12/15 8:00 a.m.: Here's hoping you tuned in to the Wildcats game 'Cats fans:
SE sprorts reporter Brandon Garside is ecstatic:
Nice neck-snapping segue, yes?
Go Wildcats!
Update 10/12/15 11:55 a.m.: After Saturday's win at Montana, Weber State has two Big Sky Players of the Week:
College Sports,
Jason Chaffetz,
WSU Football
Wednesday, October 07, 2015
Chaffetz Announces Bid for Speaker of the House
Will Chaffetz become the next House Speaker? Don't hold your breath
There's big doins in national politics this week, thanx to Utah County's most crack-potted non senatorial political offering, i.e, former BYU kicker, and current congressional joke, none other than this Utah County dunce, who makes this BIG announcement:
Will Chaffetz become the next House Speaker? Don't hold your breath.
Update 10/7/15 2:30 p,m.: Borin' Orrin slams Chaffetz hard:
The plot sickens...
Update 10/9/15 6:00 p.m.: The House plot sickens again:
Hmm... here's more about this Chaffetz dip-wad:
There's big doins in national politics this week, thanx to Utah County's most crack-potted non senatorial political offering, i.e, former BYU kicker, and current congressional joke, none other than this Utah County dunce, who makes this BIG announcement:
- Jason Chaffetz Website: Chaffetz Announces Bid for Speaker of the House
Will Chaffetz become the next House Speaker? Don't hold your breath.
Update 10/7/15 2:30 p,m.: Borin' Orrin slams Chaffetz hard:
Fun, ainnit?
The plot sickens...
Update 10/9/15 6:00 p.m.: The House plot sickens again:
Hmm... here's more about this Chaffetz dip-wad:
Friday, October 02, 2015
Wildcats Host SUU Friday (Tonight) Seeking Third Straight Win
Break out your Orville Redenbacker's, 'Cats Fans
Dang! It's only the first 2015 October Friday, and even now Weber State Wildcats football fans are sitting on the edges of their seats. The auspicious occasion? Southern Utah Unversity v. Weber State! Read up. Peeps. Lotsa Pre-game Hype:
Update 10/3/15 9:00 p.m.: The Standard provides the post game story:
Dang! It's only the first 2015 October Friday, and even now Weber State Wildcats football fans are sitting on the edges of their seats. The auspicious occasion? Southern Utah Unversity v. Weber State! Read up. Peeps. Lotsa Pre-game Hype:
- 'Cats host SUU Friday seeking third straight win - WSU Website
- Plenty at stake for Weber hosting in-state rival Southern Utah -Standard-Examiner
This also looks interesting, no?
Break out your Orville Redenbacker's. Based on comparative statistics. your blogmeister predicts WSU will be victorious this night.Update 10/3/15 9:00 p.m.: The Standard provides the post game story:
What a Horror Show. Ouch!
College Sports,
WSU Football
Thursday, October 01, 2015
Newsweek Repeats the Ogden Miracle Myth
Same old statistical blunders; same old revisionist history
By Dan Schroeder
A lie can run around the block before the truth gets its boots on, as they say.
Regular readers of Weber County Forum are well acquainted with the lie I have in mind: that Ogden was a festering hell hole until January 3, 2000, when Matthew Godfrey swept into office and set us on the road to prosperity.
The latest version of this revisionist history comes from the current cover story in Newsweek, by Leah McGrath Goodman: “As Wealth Inequality Soars, One City Shows the Way.” Yes indeed, that one city is Ogden—sortof.
The article is a typical example of a common journalistic device: A national-level reporter has a national story to tell, but needs a local example to bring the story to life. So the reporter comes to town wearing tinted glasses, seeing only what fits the pre-determined narrative.
I grew up in a town that was subjected to this treatment, in a very negative way, by CBS News in 1966. Fortunately, the recent stories featuring Ogden have been much more favorable—at least to present-day Ogden.
Before getting back to Newsweek, I should also mention High Country News, where writer Jonathan Thompson used Ogden and Godfrey to illustrate his 2012 article “Red state rising: How the Mormon GOP runs Utah with a collectivist touch.” That article told how Utah’s government officials routinely dictate development plans and funnel subsidies to businesses, even while professing to hate big government and love free markets. Thompson, an apparent liberal, portrayed this practice favorably—and Godfrey made a great example. But the ex-mayor fooled Thompson with the hell-hole-before-January-2000 myth, and Thompson gave the myth yet another run around the block.
Newsweek began with a similar narrative: Wealth inequality is one of America’s biggest problems these days, but it’s not as extreme in some places, and that must be because of what local governments are doing in those places. It so happens that Utah ranks quite low (which is good) in a particular statistical measure of financial inequality. Moreover, according to the most recent Census data, the Ogden-Clearfield Metropolitan Statistical Area ranks lowest nationwide by that measure, among metro areas with more than 300,000 people.
Armed with this statistic (which I’ll return to below), Goodman visited Ogden City to find out how our local government accomplished this admirable feat. For her source she chose Tom Christopulos, Ogden’s Community and Economic Development Director. While giving her a tour of Ogden, Christopulos fed her the usual mythology about Ogden’s dismal past, highlighting Godfrey’s role and his own in turning things around. And the author dutifully recited the version of Ogden’s history she got from Christopulos.
Here are a few of the historical howlers from Goodman’s article:
So here, for the record, are a few facts about what was actually happening in Ogden during the 1990s:
But, then, what about those economic statistics that make Ogden look so good? The truth is that those statistics have virtually nothing to do with the recent changes in downtown Ogden.
First of all, Goodman’s article says nothing at all about what Ogden’s inequality index was in the past. For all we know it was even better in 1995, and the wonderful improvements that Goodman describes have made it worse. After all, Mayor Godfrey’s stated goal was to make Ogden into a trendy tech hub or resort town, like Boulder or Telluride, where the inequality indices are quite high.
But more importantly, Goodman repeatedly conflates Ogden City, population 85,000, with the Ogden-Clearfield Metropolitan Statistical Area, population 600,000. Virtually all of the economic statistics that she quotes are not for the city but for the metro area, which extends north into Box Elder County and south to the Salt Lake City limits.
Think about that for a minute: Even North Salt Lake and Woods Cross and Bountiful are considered part of the Ogden metro area, for the purpose of a whole variety of U.S. Government statistical information. Our “metro” area consists almost entirely of middle-class suburbs, so of course it will get a low rating in any statistical measure of inequality. The same would be true if you looked only at the suburbs of most other American cities, because both the wealthiest and the poorest people tend to live in big cities. But for whatever reason, the government has seen fit to amputate all of Salt Lake City’s northern suburbs and graft them onto Ogden for statistical purposes.
This unusual delineation of metro area boundaries also makes Ogden look good for another reason. Most of Utah’s rapid population growth is happening in the suburbs, and many economic statistics—especially job growth—are strongly enhanced by rapid population growth. Goodman’s article talks a lot about jobs, especially in the technology sector, without ever mentioning that those “Ogden” technology jobs are centered around Hill Air Force Base, in Davis County. Other parts of Davis County are growing rapidly because of their proximity to Salt Lake County, where there are even more jobs. According to Census Bureau data, more than 40% of Davis County workers commute to jobs in Salt Lake County; fewer than 15% commute to jobs in Weber County.
Goodman isn’t the first writer to give Ogden City credit for growth that’s occurring in Davis County. Three years ago I wrote about a couple of superlative job growth ratings that “Ogden” had recently received, and that city officials were taking credit for. To sort out where the jobs were actually being added, I dug into job statistics on finer geographical scales. Nearly all the new jobs turned out to be in Davis County.
Now seems as good a time as any to update those statistics from my 2012 article. So here, first of all, is a graph of the numbers of jobs in Weber and Davis counties since 1990:
As before, these numbers come from the county-level data at the Bureau of Labor Statistics web site, under Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages. Focusing on just the last several years, we see that both counties are now steadily adding jobs, but Davis County recovered from the Great Recession much faster than Weber.
At a more local level, the Census Bureau’s OnTheMap database now includes data through 2013. This data must be used with care, because before 2010 it did not include federal employees—and Ogden’s biggest employer is the IRS. Making matters worse, there’s no good way to subtract out the federal employees from 2010-2013, to make a fair comparison to earlier years. To make that comparison I’ve therefore subtracted out all “public administration” jobs, which also includes some state and local public administrators. On the following graph, the darker lines include all the jobs in the database (and therefore can’t be compared across 2009-2010), while the lighter lines exclude public administration jobs:
Three years ago, when the data stopped at 2010, I concluded (from the light purple line) that Ogden had suffered a net loss of about 2000 jobs between 2002 and 2010. The good news is that Ogden has regained those jobs, plus about a thousand more, as of 2013. Ogden City isn’t gaining jobs nearly as fast as the rest of Weber County, let alone Davis County, but at least we’re finally back in positive territory, relative to 2002. Let’s hope this trend continues.
In summary, whether you look at official government statistics or specific on-the-ground improvements, there’s plenty of good news about Ogden’s economy. It’s too bad that the actual good news isn’t good enough for journalists or politicians, who find it necessary to exaggerate and to make misleading (and petty) comparisons to Ogden’s past and to other great communities around Utah and the rest of the country.
By Dan Schroeder
A lie can run around the block before the truth gets its boots on, as they say.
Regular readers of Weber County Forum are well acquainted with the lie I have in mind: that Ogden was a festering hell hole until January 3, 2000, when Matthew Godfrey swept into office and set us on the road to prosperity.
The latest version of this revisionist history comes from the current cover story in Newsweek, by Leah McGrath Goodman: “As Wealth Inequality Soars, One City Shows the Way.” Yes indeed, that one city is Ogden—sortof.
The article is a typical example of a common journalistic device: A national-level reporter has a national story to tell, but needs a local example to bring the story to life. So the reporter comes to town wearing tinted glasses, seeing only what fits the pre-determined narrative.
I grew up in a town that was subjected to this treatment, in a very negative way, by CBS News in 1966. Fortunately, the recent stories featuring Ogden have been much more favorable—at least to present-day Ogden.
Before getting back to Newsweek, I should also mention High Country News, where writer Jonathan Thompson used Ogden and Godfrey to illustrate his 2012 article “Red state rising: How the Mormon GOP runs Utah with a collectivist touch.” That article told how Utah’s government officials routinely dictate development plans and funnel subsidies to businesses, even while professing to hate big government and love free markets. Thompson, an apparent liberal, portrayed this practice favorably—and Godfrey made a great example. But the ex-mayor fooled Thompson with the hell-hole-before-January-2000 myth, and Thompson gave the myth yet another run around the block.
Newsweek began with a similar narrative: Wealth inequality is one of America’s biggest problems these days, but it’s not as extreme in some places, and that must be because of what local governments are doing in those places. It so happens that Utah ranks quite low (which is good) in a particular statistical measure of financial inequality. Moreover, according to the most recent Census data, the Ogden-Clearfield Metropolitan Statistical Area ranks lowest nationwide by that measure, among metro areas with more than 300,000 people.
Armed with this statistic (which I’ll return to below), Goodman visited Ogden City to find out how our local government accomplished this admirable feat. For her source she chose Tom Christopulos, Ogden’s Community and Economic Development Director. While giving her a tour of Ogden, Christopulos fed her the usual mythology about Ogden’s dismal past, highlighting Godfrey’s role and his own in turning things around. And the author dutifully recited the version of Ogden’s history she got from Christopulos.
Here are a few of the historical howlers from Goodman’s article:
- “By the late 1990s, the city was in dire straits, its once-resplendent downtown in a shambles and its 25th Street shopping district vacant.”
- “The turnaround began in 2002, with the election of 29-year-old Matthew Godfrey... who spent the next decade tearing down and rebuilding the city’s downtown...”
- “By 2007, their efforts to attract commercial tenants to Ogden’s newly renovated historic buildings started to pay off...”
So here, for the record, are a few facts about what was actually happening in Ogden during the 1990s:
- The Union Grill restaurant opened in Union Station in 1990.
- By the mid-1990s, much of the 200 block of Historic 25th Street was occupied with attractive new businesses, many in recently renovated buildings. A few that I remember are/were City Club, Brewski’s, The Daily Grind, Great Harvest, Pan Handler’s, and La Ferrovia.
- Rooster’s restaurant and brewery, which is even pictured in Goodman’s article, opened on 25th Street in 1995.
- The renovated Egyptian Theater, Eccles Conference Center, and Lindquist Field all opened in 1997.
- The first phase of the Ogden River Parkway was completed in 1992, and most of the developed trailheads along the east bench were in place by the end of the 1990s.
- Other improvements were underway by the end of the 1999, even though they were completed a little later: the renovation of the Ogden Municipal Building; the new public safety building; the Intermodal Hub; and most importantly, the Colonial Court Apartments, which brought hundreds of new residents into downtown Ogden for the first time in decades.
But, then, what about those economic statistics that make Ogden look so good? The truth is that those statistics have virtually nothing to do with the recent changes in downtown Ogden.
First of all, Goodman’s article says nothing at all about what Ogden’s inequality index was in the past. For all we know it was even better in 1995, and the wonderful improvements that Goodman describes have made it worse. After all, Mayor Godfrey’s stated goal was to make Ogden into a trendy tech hub or resort town, like Boulder or Telluride, where the inequality indices are quite high.
But more importantly, Goodman repeatedly conflates Ogden City, population 85,000, with the Ogden-Clearfield Metropolitan Statistical Area, population 600,000. Virtually all of the economic statistics that she quotes are not for the city but for the metro area, which extends north into Box Elder County and south to the Salt Lake City limits.
Think about that for a minute: Even North Salt Lake and Woods Cross and Bountiful are considered part of the Ogden metro area, for the purpose of a whole variety of U.S. Government statistical information. Our “metro” area consists almost entirely of middle-class suburbs, so of course it will get a low rating in any statistical measure of inequality. The same would be true if you looked only at the suburbs of most other American cities, because both the wealthiest and the poorest people tend to live in big cities. But for whatever reason, the government has seen fit to amputate all of Salt Lake City’s northern suburbs and graft them onto Ogden for statistical purposes.
This unusual delineation of metro area boundaries also makes Ogden look good for another reason. Most of Utah’s rapid population growth is happening in the suburbs, and many economic statistics—especially job growth—are strongly enhanced by rapid population growth. Goodman’s article talks a lot about jobs, especially in the technology sector, without ever mentioning that those “Ogden” technology jobs are centered around Hill Air Force Base, in Davis County. Other parts of Davis County are growing rapidly because of their proximity to Salt Lake County, where there are even more jobs. According to Census Bureau data, more than 40% of Davis County workers commute to jobs in Salt Lake County; fewer than 15% commute to jobs in Weber County.
Goodman isn’t the first writer to give Ogden City credit for growth that’s occurring in Davis County. Three years ago I wrote about a couple of superlative job growth ratings that “Ogden” had recently received, and that city officials were taking credit for. To sort out where the jobs were actually being added, I dug into job statistics on finer geographical scales. Nearly all the new jobs turned out to be in Davis County.
Now seems as good a time as any to update those statistics from my 2012 article. So here, first of all, is a graph of the numbers of jobs in Weber and Davis counties since 1990:
As before, these numbers come from the county-level data at the Bureau of Labor Statistics web site, under Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages. Focusing on just the last several years, we see that both counties are now steadily adding jobs, but Davis County recovered from the Great Recession much faster than Weber.
At a more local level, the Census Bureau’s OnTheMap database now includes data through 2013. This data must be used with care, because before 2010 it did not include federal employees—and Ogden’s biggest employer is the IRS. Making matters worse, there’s no good way to subtract out the federal employees from 2010-2013, to make a fair comparison to earlier years. To make that comparison I’ve therefore subtracted out all “public administration” jobs, which also includes some state and local public administrators. On the following graph, the darker lines include all the jobs in the database (and therefore can’t be compared across 2009-2010), while the lighter lines exclude public administration jobs:
Three years ago, when the data stopped at 2010, I concluded (from the light purple line) that Ogden had suffered a net loss of about 2000 jobs between 2002 and 2010. The good news is that Ogden has regained those jobs, plus about a thousand more, as of 2013. Ogden City isn’t gaining jobs nearly as fast as the rest of Weber County, let alone Davis County, but at least we’re finally back in positive territory, relative to 2002. Let’s hope this trend continues.
In summary, whether you look at official government statistics or specific on-the-ground improvements, there’s plenty of good news about Ogden’s economy. It’s too bad that the actual good news isn’t good enough for journalists or politicians, who find it necessary to exaggerate and to make misleading (and petty) comparisons to Ogden’s past and to other great communities around Utah and the rest of the country.
Puff Pieces
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Weber State Crushes Northern Colorado, 38-17
A little belated reporting regarding WSU, our mostest-favorite Utah Football team!
Read up Cats Fans!
WSU will continue Big Sky play next week as they return home Friday night to whip the shit outta Southern Utah. The Wildcats will begin beating down SUU shortly after the 6 p.m. kickoff at Stewart Stadium.
“So many positives for us today and I was really pleased with how we came out of the gates and moved the ball,” said WSU head coach Jay Hill. “We really played well on both sides of the ball and made some great stops defensively. Offensively we really ran the ball well which opened up lots of other things as well. We had planned on getting some snaps for Justin Shaw and he really performed well and took us right down the field. We got a lot of guys involved today and made some great steps forward.”
"We just have to stay together – what we're doing is working, we're just beating ourselves," (NCU) Coach Knipp said about the loss. "We just can't wait until halftime to put something together. We have to remain confident in our abilities. What we were doing in the first half was working, we just stopped ourselves."
Northern Colorado Coach Jacob Knipp
Weber State Ground Game Too Much For @UNCBears
September 26, 2915
Weber State Ground Game Too Much For @UNCBears
September 26, 2915
Read up Cats Fans!
WSU will continue Big Sky play next week as they return home Friday night to whip the shit outta Southern Utah. The Wildcats will begin beating down SUU shortly after the 6 p.m. kickoff at Stewart Stadium.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Ogden Mayoral Debates 2015
Be sure to mark your calenders folks
For the benefit of those WCF readers eagerly following the 2015 Ogden Municipal Election races, we're pleased to report the most recent development in the Ogden City Mayoral race. According to mayoral challenger Sebastian Banitez's campaign blogsite, not just one, but two mayoraal candidate debates have been scheduled during the month of October. Read up Peeps:
Cutting to the chase, here are the time/space coordinates for these October mayoral campaign events:
For the benefit of those WCF readers eagerly following the 2015 Ogden Municipal Election races, we're pleased to report the most recent development in the Ogden City Mayoral race. According to mayoral challenger Sebastian Banitez's campaign blogsite, not just one, but two mayoraal candidate debates have been scheduled during the month of October. Read up Peeps:
Cutting to the chase, here are the time/space coordinates for these October mayoral campaign events:
The first debate will be held on Monday, October 19th, at 7:00PM in the Garden Room of the Alumni Center at Weber State University. The second debate will be held on Wednesday, October 28th, at 10:00am at Ogden High School.Be sure to mark your calenders folks.
2015 Debates,
2015 Municipal Elections
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Standard-Examiner: Ogden Farmers Market Will End Season Two Weeks Later, After Record Year
Look at the bright side, Peeps! Global warming adds to the growing season, which is ALL GOOD, right?
Good news for Ogden Health-freaks, who like to buy fresh veggies and just prowl around Two-Five Drive on Saturday mornings.
"The market, which takes place on Historic 25th Street, was set to end on Saturday, Sept. 26, but will be extended to Saturday, Oct. 10", SE Reporter Sonja Carlson reports.
Good news for Ogden Health-freaks, who like to buy fresh veggies and just prowl around Two-Five Drive on Saturday mornings.
"The market, which takes place on Historic 25th Street, was set to end on Saturday, Sept. 26, but will be extended to Saturday, Oct. 10", SE Reporter Sonja Carlson reports.
Look at the bright side, Peeps! Global warming adds to the growing season, which is ALL GOOD, right? (wink, wink, wink?)
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Standard-Examiner: WSU Downs Sac State, 32-14
Congrats to the Weber State Wildcats football squad
Congrats to the Weber State Wildcats football squad for their Saturday Homecoming victory, wherein the "Cats" prevailed over the Sacramento State Hornets by a convincing 32-14 score.
Here's the lede from The Standard's Brandon Garside:
Congrats to the Weber State Wildcats football squad for their Saturday Homecoming victory, wherein the "Cats" prevailed over the Sacramento State Hornets by a convincing 32-14 score.
Here's the lede from The Standard's Brandon Garside:
OGDEN -- Weber State quarterback Jadrian Clark threw for 216 yards and scored a touchdown to help lift the Wildcats over Sacramento State by a score of 32-14 Saturday night at Stewart Stadium.Read the uplifting full story here, Wildcat fans:
“It was good to be back in front of a home crowd,” said Weber State head coach Jay Hill, after having the first two home games on the road. “I thought (the crowd) was a big boost to our players. Our players came out of the gates playing well.”
“It’s still not as clean as I want these games to be,” said Hill. “That game could have been 60-7 if we would have continued to execute on short yardage situations, getting a higher percentage on first downs, but it was big step in the right direction. A win is a win.”Yesiree, folks. That's the kinda talk we wanna hear, as Weber State now heads on the road to face Northern Colorado at 1:30 p.m. MDT next Saturday.
College Sports,
WSU Football
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Republican Debates -- John Kasich Nails It - Updated
So howbout it. WCF political wonks? How many of you spent the full three hours last night, watching the GOP Debates? GOP loser candidate John Kasic "nails it," of course, wethinks.
Classic update, via the ever savvy Ozboy:
"This Kasich (rhymes with son of a bitch) guy seems to be the onliest one in the current class of GOP Presidential wanna be clowns that seems to be almost consistent in almost making sense.Check this link out for David Axelord's take on these bozo's. Axelrod, in case you have been living in a Republican induced haze for the last 6 years, is probably the foremost political operator in the game today; "
Pay attention, peeps. Ozboy "gets it." Howbout You?
Classic update, via the ever savvy Ozboy:
"This Kasich (rhymes with son of a bitch) guy seems to be the onliest one in the current class of GOP Presidential wanna be clowns that seems to be almost consistent in almost making sense.Check this link out for David Axelord's take on these bozo's. Axelrod, in case you have been living in a Republican induced haze for the last 6 years, is probably the foremost political operator in the game today; "
Pay attention, peeps. Ozboy "gets it." Howbout You?
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Ogden Mayoral Race Shows Sharp Fundraising Disparity
Stop the Presses! Read Kathy McKitrick's mostest/bestest
Okay folks. Now that we've gotten over our grief, after watching our magnificent Weber State Wildcats get eviscerated on Saturday by the NDState Bison,we're ready to get back to normal day-to-day politics. In that connection, read Kathy McKittrick's fantastic Ogden Municipal Elections 2015 writeup, which references the relatively massive amounts of campaign dough being irregularly plowed into the 2015 Election:
Read up, Peeps!
Okay folks. Now that we've gotten over our grief, after watching our magnificent Weber State Wildcats get eviscerated on Saturday by the NDState Bison,we're ready to get back to normal day-to-day politics. In that connection, read Kathy McKittrick's fantastic Ogden Municipal Elections 2015 writeup, which references the relatively massive amounts of campaign dough being irregularly plowed into the 2015 Election:
Read up, Peeps!
Saturday, September 12, 2015
WSU Wildcats Game Day Thread: North Dakota State Rolls Over Weber State 41-14
Sodden retort from WSU Coach Jay Hill: "It's just a flesh wound!"
Dang, WSU Wildcats football fans: Despite the heady pregame optimism, here's this afternoon's WSU Football game-day result:
- Wildcats fall 41-14 to #2 North Dakota State - Standard-Examiner
- Weber State football: Defending FCS champ North Dakota State thumps Wildcats, 41-14 - Salt Lake Tribune
- North Dakota State rolls over Weber State 41-14 - Associated Press
College Sports,
WSU Football
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Merle Haggard Calls Contemporary Country Music 'A Bunch of Crap'
Well... Merle would know, yes?
Merle Haggard nails it!
“I can’t tell what they’re doing,” the country legend says in an interview. “They’re talking about screwing on a pickup tailgate and things of that nature. I don’t find no substance. I don’t find anything you can whistle and nobody even attempts to write a melody. It’s more of that kids stuff. It’s hot right now, but I’ll tell you what, it’s cooling off.”
Well... Uncle Merle would know, yes?
Comments, anyone?

“I can’t tell what they’re doing,” the country legend says in an interview. “They’re talking about screwing on a pickup tailgate and things of that nature. I don’t find no substance. I don’t find anything you can whistle and nobody even attempts to write a melody. It’s more of that kids stuff. It’s hot right now, but I’ll tell you what, it’s cooling off.”
Well... Uncle Merle would know, yes?
Comments, anyone?
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Awesome Image Meme Concerning "Religious Freedom," So-Called
Comments anyone? Ferris?
Awesome image meme on the subject of "religious freedom," so-called
Comments anyone? Ferris?
Awesome image meme on the subject of "religious freedom," so-called
Comments anyone? Ferris?
Equal Rights,
Religious Freedom
Saturday, September 05, 2015
Standard-Examiner: Strong Effort by Weber State Falls Short to Oregon State
Speaking as the #1 Weber State Football blog on planet earth (correction: Milky Way Galaxy) we'll happily post our latest blog contribution to the Standard's not half-bad coverage of the Weber State Wildcats Football squad, who got off to a dang good start yesterday evening against a highly talented PAC-12 foe. Read up, Peeps:
Go Wildcats!
- Strong effort by Weber State falls short to Oregon State -Standard-Examiner
Go Wildcats!
College Sports,
WSU Football
Friday, September 04, 2015
Quickie Quiz: Which is the Best Gun for Home Defense?
Fascinating question. Whatta ya say, peeps?
Which is the best gun for home defense?
A. Rifle
B. Handgun
C. Shotgun
D. Other
Which is the best gun for home defense?
A. Rifle
B. Handgun
C. Shotgun
D. Other
Thursday, September 03, 2015
UPDATED: Judge Jails County Clerk Scofflaw For Contempt Of Court
Surprise of surprises, LOL, in the wake of this!
Savvy retort from WCF Regular Johnny B, citing a version of one of the oldest lawyer witticisms that I can remember:
"I hope she put on clean underwear before going to court."
Heres Johnny' great quote, in what I consider to be it's "more perfect" form:
As the old saying goes, "Be sure you wear clean underwear, because you never know when you may have to expose your briefs."
Just another helful hint from yer old pal, Rudi.
Savvy retort from WCF Regular Johnny B, citing a version of one of the oldest lawyer witticisms that I can remember:
"I hope she put on clean underwear before going to court."
Heres Johnny' great quote, in what I consider to be it's "more perfect" form:
As the old saying goes, "Be sure you wear clean underwear, because you never know when you may have to expose your briefs."
Just another helful hint from yer old pal, Rudi.
Dan Liljenquist: Utah's Medicaid Expansion Proposal Unfairly Taxes Caregivers
Amen, sez Ernest T. Bass!
As the "powers that be" in our cold-hearted, GOP-dominated state gummint aparatus continue to dither on what ought to be the simple proposition, i.e, gobbling up tons of federal dough and enacting broadly protective Medicaid Expansion, here's an encouraging D'News editorial to stick in your craw:
In summary, we'll adopt this savvy D'News reader comment concerning this topic:
As the "powers that be" in our cold-hearted, GOP-dominated state gummint aparatus continue to dither on what ought to be the simple proposition, i.e, gobbling up tons of federal dough and enacting broadly protective Medicaid Expansion, here's an encouraging D'News editorial to stick in your craw:
In summary, we'll adopt this savvy D'News reader comment concerning this topic:
"I'm with Dan on this. Let's ignore the scriptures in Matthew about taking care of others.The best plan of all is for the poor not to get sick, but if they do, die quickly.Amen, Ernest T. Bass!
Friday, August 28, 2015
Have Plans Tonight WCF Political Wonks? Cancel Them. This is BIG!
Juggle your calenders, peeps. Take it from yer old pal, Rudi: There'll be somethin' special happening on Faux News tonight, wethinks!
The 2015 US Presidential Race gets weirder and weirder, DUNNIT?
Told yuz!
Dig it!
And who'll be the first to throw in their own 2¢?
The 2015 US Presidential Race gets weirder and weirder, DUNNIT?
Told yuz!
Dig it!
And who'll be the first to throw in their own 2¢?
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Standard-Examiner: Activist Wins Court Case Over Ogden Campaign Records
To professor Schroeder we extend our thanks and hearty congrats!
Following up on one our longest running Weber County Forum stories, we'll offer our hearty congratulations to Ogden City politicaal activist Dan Schroeder for yeaterday's decisive victory in the Utah Supreme Court:
“Accordingly, we remand to the (Salt Lake City) district court to order disclosure of all documents, with appropriate redactions, and to determine whether Mr. Schroeder is entitled to attorney fees,” the ruling said.
Yesiree, WCF readers, it's been a long haul. Dr. Schroeder's Envision Ogden issues have been lingering around since 2007.
When asked about his bulldog-like tenacity, Schroeder — a Weber State University physics professor and active member of Utah’s chapter of the Sierra Club — said he wasn’t sure where he acquired that trait.
“It’s a mix of scientific curiosity and a genuine desire to contribute to our community in whatever way I can,” Schroeder said. “You take opportunities as they come up and fall into your niche in the community. That’s what seems to have happened.”
To professor Schroeder we extend our thanks and hearty congrats!
Following up on one our longest running Weber County Forum stories, we'll offer our hearty congratulations to Ogden City politicaal activist Dan Schroeder for yeaterday's decisive victory in the Utah Supreme Court:
OGDEN — One Ogden activist refused to take no for an answer in his quest to obtain government records related to political shenanigans that played out in Ogden’s 2007 mayor and city council races.Read the full Cathy McKitrick story. folks:
On Tuesday, Dan Schroeder scored a big win when Utah’s Supreme Court justices ruled in his favor regarding the release of records associated with a fundraising organization called Envision Ogden, former Mayor Matthew Godfrey and two city council hopefuls.
David Reymann, a media law attorney, argued the case, which dealt with Utah’s Government Records Access and Management Act. The defending parties were the Utah Attorney General’s Office and the State Records Committee, which hears GRAMA appeals.
“Accordingly, we remand to the (Salt Lake City) district court to order disclosure of all documents, with appropriate redactions, and to determine whether Mr. Schroeder is entitled to attorney fees,” the ruling said.
Yesiree, WCF readers, it's been a long haul. Dr. Schroeder's Envision Ogden issues have been lingering around since 2007.
When asked about his bulldog-like tenacity, Schroeder — a Weber State University physics professor and active member of Utah’s chapter of the Sierra Club — said he wasn’t sure where he acquired that trait.
“It’s a mix of scientific curiosity and a genuine desire to contribute to our community in whatever way I can,” Schroeder said. “You take opportunities as they come up and fall into your niche in the community. That’s what seems to have happened.”
To professor Schroeder we extend our thanks and hearty congrats!
Monday, August 24, 2015
Howard Stern Predicts Trump Will Win GOP Nod: 'People Dig Him'
Whoa! Howard Stern has spoken:
“I think more or less, people are super tired of politicians, meaning that they like the idea of a successful businessman running the country who might actually be able to get sh*t done," Howard Stern said about Donald J. Trump. Read up!
End of story, yes?
“I think more or less, people are super tired of politicians, meaning that they like the idea of a successful businessman running the country who might actually be able to get sh*t done," Howard Stern said about Donald J. Trump. Read up!
End of story, yes?
Friday, August 21, 2015
Breaking: GOP Senator Indicted for Embezzling Millions of Dollars from Better Business Bureau
No! We are NOT making this up. GOP politicians are a strange breed of "honest politicians," NO?
Here's the Lede:
Clean-cutUtah People, LOL!
Here's the Lede:
An Oklahoma state senator was indicted for attempting to embezzle millions of dollars from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), reported the Huffington Post.Read the dirty GOP laundry, People!.
Oklahoma state Sen. Rick Brinkley (R), who held a senior position with the BBB, was charged with five counts of fraud related to his scheme to embezzle $2 million from the organization and one count of filing a false tax return. Oklahoma state prosecutors said each fraud count is punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
“Defendant Brinkley devised and intended to devise a scheme and artifice to defraud the BBB and obtain money and property by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promise,”
GOP Senator Indicted for Embezzling Millions of Dollars from Better Business BureauKeep on voting Republican,
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