Hey, Utah Congressional District One consituents! As we all know, GOP Congressman Rob Bishop has been sorely missing in action in our District lately, whilst he's been otherwise fully occupied in Washinton, D.C. selling off our Utah public lands to the highest corporate bidders.
Here's the good news, Peeps. Congessman Bishop has now been located; and he'll be travelling back to our humble Congressional District NEXT WEEK, to "cuddle up" with we, his neglected constituents. Check this out, Peeps:

Utah County GOP crackpot Jason Chaffetz hosted a really great town hall meeting with his highly-animated constituents just a few weeks ago.
C'mon Weber County voters! Be there; and don't let Rob Bishop down!
Update 4/17/17: Uh-oh folks, looks like Congressman Bishop will remain missing in action:
Update 4/18/17: Via Indivisible Ogden, we find out that the show still went on to a packed house, despite the absence of the the arrogant little party-pooper:
Check it out, folks!
Update 4/19/17: The Standard-Eaminer has the story: