The High Adventure Rex Center project is scheduled to be formally-launched this morning at 11:00 a.m., on the old downtown mall site, with a gala ground-breaking ceremony. Hordes of neoCON dignitaries, central-planning schemers and eager Kool-Aide sipping, starry-eyed twenty-somethings will no doubt be in attendance, wrapped up in their winter attire, picks and shovels in their mittoned hands, slapping each other on the backs for shoving another of their grand schemes down the throats of an unwitting and unwilling public.
It doesn't matter a whit that the boy-genius at city hall hasn't yet managed to firmly nail down the final cost for this taxpayer-backed boondoggle (the 15-day "window" ends this coming Wednesday.) "The show must go on," says our democracy-challenged mayor.
I don't know about the rest of you folks, but your friend Rudi will be in attendance too, trusty notebook in hand (and trusty camera in pocket) jockeying to do an interview or two. I'll dutifully report back here later, in the event I'm able to "score" any of that nutritious and tasty "red meat," upon which our gentle readers so obviously thrive.
Comments, anyone?
Update 12/13/05 5:24 a.m. MT: It appears that some several of the posters during yesterday's discussion on this thread were correct. According to this morning's Standard-Examiner story, Larry Miller apparently did announce plans to build a cinema complex adjacent to the High Adventure Rec Center -- after yestrday's ground-breaking ceremony. Our gentle readers can read all about it here:
City officials, along with representatives from the private sector, donned hardhats and thrust gold-painted shovels into the dirt Monday morning to mark the start of construction on an $18.5 million high-adventure recreation center at the downtown mall site.Oops! Rudi is now resolved to stick around until the crowd disburses at all future Ogden City events.
But they were upstaged to some extent by Utah Jazz owner Larry H. Miller and the unveiling of his plans — including the drawings — for a 12-screen theater complex to the south.
After the ceremony, Miller said he expects the complex, with a price tag of $11 million to $15 million, to be complete by Nov. 1, in time for the 2006 holiday movie rush.
The rumor is that Larry Miller has actually submitted "something" to "somebody" in writing. My guess is that this is merely a written "proposal" for the 12-screen theater complex referred to in the article -- although that's completely my own speculation. Significantly, the Boyer Company is not yet under contract with the city. Inasmuch as Boyer company will supposedly be writing the contracts for tenants at the mall site, it's probably too early to expect that Mr. Miller has yet entered into any binding occupancy agreement.
It's all very mysterious. Of course, folks with "vision" always "move in mysterious ways." I'll dial out later this morning and try to fill in some of the blanks, if I can.
In the meantime, gentle readers, please don't hesitate to offer any additional information or comments that you may have.
Update 12/13/05 10:48 a.m. MT: Although the Salt Lake Tribune's Kristen Moulton alludes that Larry Miller has signed on to occupy part of the Ogden mall site for his proposed 12-screen theater project, a trustyworthy high-level administration official informs me that this is not true. Mr. Miller has merely submitted a written proposal, I am told. Mr. Miller is NOT under contract yet, according to my source.
The plot sickens.
"Show us the contract," sez Rudi.
Great picture!
Apparently I am not the only one who has noticed that our very own little Pee Wee looks, acts and thinks a lot like that other more famous Pee Wee!
With any luck our own little pervert will be publicly shamed out of the lime light just like his role model was a few years ago. Seems like it had something to do with indecency by having his wanger out for all those with a magnifying glass to see - in a gay porn movie house!
Speaking of obscenities, does any one know if Boyer and Miller are any closer to signing up for this rape of the Ogden tax payers?
Boyer reps were not in attendance today. Miller was and had signed. Garcia and Wicks missed the show. Stuart Reid was a no show, opting for staying in "the shadows," as the mayor claimed, which somehow fits.
Pee Wee's movie was "Nurse Nancy," starring Stephanie Rage, a gentlemen's porno, not gay.
It might be time to consider using more appropriate standards when criticizing someone instead of keeping everything in the gutter. This only serves to lower oneself to the opposition's imaginary level instead of advancing a cause. There's plenty of ammon they furnish us to get the real issue across.
Gerald wrote: It might be time to consider using more appropriate standards when criticizing someone instead of keeping everything in the gutter. This only serves to lower oneself to the opposition's imaginary level instead of advancing a cause. There's plenty of ammon they furnish us to get the real issue across.
Amen. Well said.
'...It might be time to consider using more appropriate standards..."
This is the Weber County citizen's blog, curmudgeon.
Try to "relate" to 'the space."
I post jagged, provocative articles...
After that, our gentle readers are invited to respond.
This is how this blog works.
I do believe we're attracting a batch of more intelligent posters here incrementally.
And I do believe Weber Count Forum is a growing media phenonomen for the 24/7 voices of Weber County people.
Calm down, take a ride and recognise that a cyber-place like this, designed for free public input, will NEVER have the atmosphere of Sunday morning Bible Class.
"Deal with it," in other words.
Ahem, Gardao:
"Miller was and had signed."
Oh really. That's not what Miller said this morning.
Neither did Godfrey. And you know Mayor PeeWee would have been crowing about it wildly if he had Larry Miller "under contract."
What Godfrey said was that he was "hoping" to make an announcement soon.
I was AT the event. Neither Larry Miller nor "Mayor PeeWee announced that "Larry" has signed on the dotted line during the event.
Larry Miller seems to be playing PeeWee like a fish.
That's my "take" and I'm stickin' to it.
To Gerry and Curm -
It's humor, or at least my pathetic attempt at it. I hope it doesn't offend you all that much. I don't mean to hurt any one's feelings but Pee Wee.
By the way Ger, I find it pretty humorous that you find my humor gutterous and yet you know an extremely esoteric thing like Pee Wee's "movie" being "Nurse Nancy" and that it wasn't gay porn.
Was that the name of a movie Pee Wee was in? or was that the movie he got caught viewing in the public theater with his pants down and a sock on his hand?
I was under the impression that the later was a gay deal, but perhaps I am being too judgemental on little Pee Wee just as I tend to do with our very own Little Pee Wee.
As to what you said "This only serves to lower oneself to the opposition's imaginary level " The onliest thing I can say about that is I aint putting the Mayor and his gang on any imaginary level. I also do not pretent to be on any particulalr "level" myself. I am only calling them like I see them based on my many years experience dealing with many people on many different levels of society.
If the shoe doesn't fit nobody has to wear it.
Yo Damiano
Seems like Miller's deal was with Boyer who's deal was a maybe with the city? So how could Miller be signed up if Boyer isn't?
Were you actually at this event? Doesn't sound like if what Rudi says is true.
Pee Wee Godfrey! Absolutely hilarious!!
It kind of rymes and is a perfect fit This will stick with the little fella for the rest of his term.
Unlike the original Pee Wee It is just too bad that our Pee Wee is so arrogant and humorless. We could certainly use some laughs considering the mess he has got us all into.
Here is an Email from Mayor Godfrey that he sent out to all City employees.
Thank you to all of you who have helped make this event happen today. Many of you have been quiet in the background doing what had to be done to accomplish this and many other projects. Some even came to attend this event today. We are grateful for your support and stellar efforts. Great things are happening in Ogden as a result.
Larry Miller announced plans for a 12-plex movie theater complex and Boyer will be making announcements soon about the rest of the mall project.
Thanks again for your great work.
the following is from an article in the Village Voice about Pee Wee and his vast collection of gay porno and his brushes with the law because of his appetite for gay boy boy delights.
" Actor Paul Reubens (aka "Pee-wee Herman") is arrested in Sarasota, Florida for jacking off twice with his left hand inside the South Trail XXX Cinema."
"True to his puckish persona, Reubens also collects vintage erotica, most of it gay."
"If only Reubens had been caught boffing girls, as Rob Lowe was, it might have added to his mystique. But the closest he came to that manly transgression was owning a copy of the infamous home movie made from Lowe's one-night stand."
Pee Wee Gee lives!
Pee Wee Gee rules!!
Isn't this great, this sudden rash of support, from a multitude of voices, for those who support Pee Wee? Down to the tiniest detail, too. They've even managed to slip in the Mayor, humourously of course. This is some powerful, very meaningful reading.
As a follow up, I think I'll go watch some paint dry.
Remove your nose from the paint can, Gabriel, and step away from the computer.
Unlike some local pretenders, the real "Roman Gabriel" was not a humorless poseur.
Dear RudiZink aka Ebenezer,
Give me a break!! You would have stood around the Salt Lake Temple when it was being built and said "what a boondoggle" if you were around in the day (or maybe you were). Get a life. Can't you see what is happening?! Progress. And you can't stand it! I wonder why?? Is it because this was not your idea? Maybe you hate the world because of something that happened to you which hurt your feelings. Whatever it is, get over it! The fact is this; we are going to have a rec center, a large movie complex, and (heaven forbid) a children’s museum. All of which will bring in revenue to Ogden City.
I just hope that on Christmas Eve the ghost of Christmas past doesn't make you read all your silly blogs!
P.S. I asked Santa for a big SUV and a shiny red gondola for Christmas.
"Ebenezer, eh?
I'll be laying a classic politico-economic "Dickens Christmas Carol" interpretation on our gentle readers shortly before the 25th of December.
Stay tuned.
Oh, I just love these catchy words and this ground swell of support that comes just in time to validate these humorous positions.
Poseur, Monsieur?
Yeah, I think so.
Legal tender,
Makes a Pretender;
Until, of course,
There's dignified render.
Isn't this fun? Back to the paint
Roman reminds me
of a recent failed politician
who tried to quote Willie
in a debate
until his blackberry broke
causing him to deflate.
lj con't:
but every time that he posts,
someone rises to the bait.
What I found most interesting is that Larry Miller grabbed the headlines and text, not the Recreation Center.
Yo Blue
You are right on the attention being diverted to Miller. It is like the old carnival shell game. Divert the suckers attention away from the real deal. In this case the fact that Miller and Boyer still are not taking any risks while the citizens of Ogden are on the line for $30 to $40 million dollars?
Does any one have a transcript of just exactly what was said at the "ground breaking" the other day? Especially valuable for future discussion would be the words of the mayor, the Boyer guy, and Miller.
HAY! Open this link to the architectural drawing for the new rec center:
Text Link: Rec Center Artist Rendition
Very Cool!
Ooops! Wrong rec center. Sorry.
Here's the one in Ogden:
Ogden Rec Center Drawing
Is this financing in the way of bonding accomplished yet? All I have seen is a Trib article a couple of weeks ago stating that Ogden was "intending to begin selling bonds this afternoon," or something like that. But never anything about whether these bonds actually got out on the market, or are still in the limbo realm of intentions, which, good though they may be, sometimes pave the way to you know where.
A good subject for a local news story would be the status of this financing, and how local supporters of the rec center can go about adding these particular rec center bonds to their financial portfolios. I am sure many would, if they only knew where to go and how to accomplish the purchase. It would be a public service. actually, and would give supporters of the project a way to show their support in a concrete manner.
Wow, so not only does some moron steel my name and show some lame-o picture, but then when he actually shows what he terms to be the "rec. center link" he links to a conceptual drawing of the Larry H. Miller Megaplex. Very intelligent!
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