Today is the mallsite renaming deadline. All entries must be received by the name selection committee by close of business this afternoon. In this connection, the editors here at Weber County forum have completed a tedious cutting/pasting process, gleaning ALL of our most excellent name nominations, and compiling them in a single master list. For those who would like to examine this magnificent compilation, we are providing a handy link here.
In order to avoid blowing the deadline on this, our editors will be submitting this master list by modern 21st-century electronic email technology, transmitted over tiny wires at the speed of light, to THIS OFFICIAL OGDEN CITY EMAIL ADDRESS: lindafonnesbeck@ci.ogden.ut.us, just as soon as blogmeister Rudi finishes his lunch this afternoon.
In the event any of our gentle readers has an additional brainstorm before 5:00 p.m. today, they may submit last-minute entries themselves via the very same above email link.
Once again our readers have stepped up to the plate, and produced a name list worthy of the highest-priced public relations firm.
We thank our gentle readers for their enthusiastic support of this grass-roots contest project; and we express our confidence that any one of the 117 names submitted will surely be the worthy moniker which will be borne by wondrous project which will be blooming like a phoenix from the toxic mudflats this coming spring -- assuming Larry Miller ultimately signs the necessary so-far-unsigned documents.
Comments, anyone?
Which names are YOUR personal favorites?
I find it very interesting that Boyer has the final say in naming Ogden's new mall. Not the mayor, not the city council but friggen Boyer!
I guess they might as well name the fiasco, with the two contracts that they have they also have the entire retail future of Ogden in their greedy hands.
Okay, countdown time!!
This has really been a lot of fun!! ( We even got some good names out of it, didn't we?)
As of January 23rd, there had been 87 viable names submitted to the selection team. No idea what the count is now.
If you submit within the next hour or so, (getting in under the wire as the deadline is 5 PM,) it might be good to write a few sentences about why you think your name would be a good one. This was mentioned at the meeting as being important.
So in an hour or so it will be out of our hands, and then here's what will happen:
Tuesday, Jan. 31st: Selection team (made up of citizens,) selects the five best names.
Wednesday Feb. 1st: Planning commission considers the proposed final conceptual mall plan, submitted by Boyer.
Thursday, Feb. 2nd: Board staff gives Boyer the five names selected by the selection team.
Friday, Feb. 3rd: 10 AM--Planning Commission transmittal received by Board office.
Tuesday, Feb. 7th: Board work session to discuss final conceptual plan submitted by Boyer. Boyer has by now chosen one name that will be included in the plan.
Tuesday, Feb. 14th: Board considers resolution to approve the final conceptual plan and official name.
Many thanks to all who have participated, and to those who will participate in the next hour or so, and to all the brilliant minds posting on this forum.
Addendum: Just read douglas' post and it not true, from my understanding of the process, that Boyer has the final say. Boyer chooses one name of the five and submits it to the RDA Board. There is a chance therefore, that if the RDA Board has a problem with the name, they could refuse to approve the entire deal. Whether that would be likely or not, I don't know, but that possibility does exist.
Actually, the Council has the final say as it is the body that MUST approve the name. The word is that most of them don't like anything to do with "The Hub," a name that Godfrey touts openly.
The best of all is "Scheme O' Weber."
Although it's too late, I'd modify it to Scheme O' Weber Station.
"Mountain Meadows Mall" ain't that bad either.
We definitely need more participation here from Moroni McConkie.
Right, it be the Board, not the Council, even though they are 1 and the same.
I say a tip o' the hat to the Board's "newbies," as it was they who forced the issue to involve the public. Good old Mathew p-we Godfrey wasn't thrilled but do-do does happen, he found out. Then it was out with the "Hub," and in with something new!
I like Pee Wee's Playhouse the bestes
I missed the deadline with anything that actually could seriously be considered....I do like 'History Repeeweets Itself" nd Scheme O' Weber!
To honor the RR history and our past and leap into the future...I like The Trestle.. a bridge...been somewhere and going somewhere else!..also The Yard...It's so easy to say, let's go to the Gateway in SLC..we need something that's easy to remember and say for Ogden, like the above.
Someone suggested Golden Spike Square..not bad also.
There WAS a Track 29 here at one time....that would be a fun name....nostalgic, true history and fun~!
Success! Success!!
The city has received between 700 and 800 choices for names!!
Which is what I call a huge success for Ogden!
It proves beyond a doubt that we are not the apathetic bunch of non-caring lumps that we are sometimes portrayed as being. I think this is great, and thanks again to all who participated!!
"It proves beyond a doubt that we are not the apathetic bunch of non-caring lumps..."
As if we needed to prove that.
Ogden City has a soul, unlike other places in Utah.
I'm crossing my heart hope to die, that NONE of the finalist names incorporate "The Hub," in any way, shape or manner.
Rudi, "doing" is synonomous to "proving." It's necessary and it sends a message that the people DO want to get involved.
I agree, tho....NO "Hub!"
Here is how it is folks. Larry Miller wants the name to be Wasatch Commons and that is the name they will select. On teh announcement day, Mr. Miller will also announce that work is to begin on his theaters. That is why we have not heard a word about this "sure thing" for awile now.
Of course, this is just a theory...
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