Senator Jenkins will be running for re-election in November, BTW, as our gentle readers may intuit from reading the preceding paragraph. And as Weber County Forum denizens will also remember, this bill was drafted at the request of Matt Godfrey, in the vile bowels of the neoCON Godfrey Administration, to punish feisty "little old ladies"who are willing to allocate their personal resources to advocate -- and successfully litigate --property rights protection for all of us.
Did Scott Jenkins dodge a bullet? Is he REALLY a TRUE Republican? Or is he a socialist who registers Republican, like so many totally flummoxed Utah Big Government socialists do these days? Does the fact that he owns a businesss blocks away from the WalMart project have anything to do with influencing his commie-style Big-Brother legislation? What the hell is wrong with him anyway, we ask?
What say we Weber County Forum readers about this?
Could there be a "taking down" of a neoCON schlump like Scott Jenkins in the works?
Here's the short answer: Yes.
Update 2/11/06 5:22 p.m. MT: Your humble blogmeister talked with erstwile Sen. Scott Jenkins by phone today. In his favor, he admits he "killed his own" "eminent domain rebirth bill," yesterday.
In truth, though, he has no shame about this bill, so he gains no points from property rights activists for being temporarirly hoodwinked. He admits he "horsetraded" it away in exchange for other legislative favors, and will introduce the bill again next year.
Hold your noses, folks. There's a dyed-in-the wool Big Government neoCON "RINO" Republican Senator operating out of Plain City. He knows exactly what he's doing; and he appreciates and understands the political obvious political risks. This is what happens, I suppose, when the owner of a plumbing supply store mysteriously gets elected to the State Senate. His nose is immune to bad smells, I suppose.
I'll give him a "hat tip" for being a totally honest Big Government Socialist, at least, I guess.
yeah, if he were a real republican, he'd be telling women what they can do with their bodies as opposed to telling people what they're going to do with their property.
by the way, that bill was not killed. jenkins pulled it on his own. so if you don't believe in eminent domain for redevelopment, do you still believe in it for roads? it's still on the books for that, friends.
How about a plug for killing SB229? That's a Godfry devised plan too.....and being rammed thru the Senate by Jenkins.
Anonymous...take a cold shower, eh?
It's amazing to me that a bill sponsored by Scott Jenkins (AKA Godfreys MINI ME) SB229 is going to become law, while the City that it evolvoved from rejects it. All but his Lordship Godfrey. Giving all of the Cities across the State an easy out to screw the Civil Servants.
It is a way for him to crap on the Police and Fire departments for having the guts to opose him. Scotty should have the balls to pull it since the council has also announced that they are opposed to it.
If he doesnt pull the bill, then he should face the same demise that Jorgenson and Burdett faced.
Call you State Rep. tell them to vote against the SB 229.
Well, Anonymous.....you just showed you are redeemable. Thanks for the plug to defeat SB 229.
Maybe that cold shower 'pox' suggested, worked.
I've emailed all my Legislators and then some and requested that they vote against SB 229. It's ironic that they all responded but the two that I vote for, and I know why Sen. Allen Christensen didn't reply was because he voted it out of committee. He won't get my vote if he runs again. And I emailed Sen. Jenkins and told him that he had probably just committed political suicide by sponsoring Godfrey's "revenge" legislation against the firemen (SB 229) and Dorothy Littrell (SB 210). Let's work to make sure SB 229 meets the same fate as SB 210.
This post raises the question, just how Weber is the Weber County Forum, anyway? It's essentially Plain City that has inflicted Jenkins on the rest of the state. Anyone from the western end of the county willing to identify themselves and weigh in here?
"This post raises the question, just how Weber is the Weber County Forum, anyway? It's essentially Plain City that has inflicted Jenkins on the rest of the state. Anyone from the western end of the county willing to identify themselves and weigh in here?"
I think that's a VERY good question, Elder McConkie.
We've been making noises here about expanding the discussion here beyond "all things Ogden," now that we've replaced all the Administration's rubber-stamp shills with free-thinking council members.
Our "original intent" in founding this corner of cyberspace was to promote discussion of issues in greater Weber County, and environs.
Let's hear from citizens in Sen. Jenkins' senate district. What do our gentle readers there, and in other parts of the "outlying" county think about the neoCON pro-Ogden Administration legislation that seems to be suddenly pouring out of the Honorable Senator Jenkins' office?
When taxes go up in the county to pay for Weber County services, Weber County taxpayers need to look at the current Ogden City Administration, which has locked up, hoarded and diverted tax increment dollars for Ogden City's own aggrandizement under current RDA law.
Folks in Jenkins' district don't have eletricity let alone computers!
jenkins is just some hick who took over his daddy's plumbing supplier. he tries to be pretend he's all ultraconservative, but like so many legislators, he'll get down on his knees for the first business interest that comes along, and that includes godfrey and his business partners.
Jenkins. The Bill creator. Alot of what he writes makes sense. Let's not be to quick to judge, should we?
Besides, it's time to give those Legislatures some slack. They try real hard to please.
ART....who the &*&^%$# ARE you???
Jenkins is a lackey...he's a puppet and his strings are manipulated by Godfrey.
Don't you recognize a power grab??
KILL SB 229!!
"yeah, if he were a real republican, he'd be telling women what they can do with their bodies as opposed to telling people what they're going to do with their property."
And kudos to you, anonymous.
Republicans need to get back to their economic conservative roots, and throw the dipshit "social conservatives" out of their party.
Art, you say that Jenkins makes sense in his bills -- please tell me how! The only sense I've made of his bills is that it's CLEAR he is in Godfrey's pocket just like Jorgensen, Burdett, Safsten, Fasi, and Stephenson are. I just hope he and his bills meet the same fate as Jorgensen, Burdett, Steve Larsen, and Dori Mosher! BURIED! is where his bills deserve to be!
Art here. Got everyone stirred up, I see. I was just bored with reading the same old threads of Rudi's and the same comments over and over again, so I posted some junk controversty.
See how a person can manipulate these blogs.
By the way, I see there are more issues down at City Hall. They've fired the Recorder; Miller has yet to sign and all the stuff has to be submitted to the Council manana for approval, including the name (I see they are beginning to try and wriggle out of the "PEOPLE'S CHOICE" by today's article in the Sub-S; still no Ernest, but I think that crew was on the way out anyway; I've seen the Mayor's Dec. 26th Talk Show about a million times now, but there's still no room to televise the Council meetings (or at least tape it for running later).
Legislative Bills abound, led by our Favorite Son, Sen. Jenkins legislation. Those Bills of his sure seem to feel alot like that which our Mayor likes or dislikes, depending on the issues at hand.
So, Curt-Pox-John, follow up with something tantalizing. Plenty of stuff to go around.
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