About a week ago one of our gentle readers made a prophetic comment under our earlier Turning Outrage into Action article:
Okay everyone Boss Godfrey is at it again flexing his muscle showing everyone in the police department who’s in charge. But this time he is messing with the safety of every citizen of Ogden as well as the safety of the police."Officer's Wife" followed this up with a plea to inform the Emerald City Townsfolk:
Let me fill you in on some news. back on the 4th of July when we had all the festivities at the rodeo ground, Boss Godfrey arrived and immediately started to berate one of the lieutenants from OPD who had arranged the officers for this event. See Boss Godfrey, in his infinite wisdom, felt there were two many officers present and didn’t like it. He wanted them sent home. This lieutenants held firm and Godfrey left sulking.
Until today when he issued an executive order stating that he was now in charge of deciding how many officers are needed for any special event. Now correct me if I’m wrong does Godfrey have any law enforcement experience? Why is he making the decision on something like this? Why because he doesn’t want to spend money to keep the citizens of Ogden safe. He’d rather have a riot and take his chances with a few officers than spend the extra money for overtime.
We need to get this information out so someone can stop him before it’s too late. Does anyone have any ideas on what we should do? Maybe contact the Standard and have them do a story?And the Standard-Examiner is Johnny-on-the Spot this morning with another timely Scott Schwebke investigative journalism masterpiece, reporting on this very topic. Godfrey's solution to the problem of diverting OPD
We think this solution is truly a "no-brainer," in the least possibly flattering definition of the term. And we swear we are not making any of this up. We have this Schwebke story to prove it, after all.
We know we'll feel much more safe and secure now, when attending Emerald City special events -- especially the next time an old-fashioned Emerald City riot breaks out.
What about it, gentle readers? Isn't it great to be "blessed" with a Mayor who's a "natural" expert on EVERYTHING?
Don't let the cat get your tongues.
The plan is not necessarily a bad one, though it seems to have resulted from petulance rather than careful study. Shifting officers from event traffic control to more important duties is not necessarily a bad idea. My main question at this point involves liability: what happens if one of these fast-class traffic directors messes up, and an accident results. Who is liable? The event sponsor? The city? Who will carry the liability coverage for such situations, and who will pay for it? The devil, as they say, is in the details.
But trying to find ways to reduce unbudgeted overtime expenditures for event work is not necessarily a bad idea. If it can be, and is, done carefully. If it's a kneejerk reaction following a mayorial snit-fit... well, that' something else.
If this is not a bad idea, then why not save gas and just have the officers park their cars? Why not save money and not train them. In fact, why not just save money and not have the police at all. This is a PUBLIC SAFTEY ISSUE not a money issue.
You're off the mark:
If unbudgeted overtime can be reduced by having non-officers handle traffic at event venues without compromising safety and without involving the city in increased liability, I am hard put to see why it would be a bad idea.
No where did I suggest that cost is the only thing that matters. And to suggest, as you do, that abandoning training for officers or taking their cars away to save money are in any way similar to the argument I was making is nonsense.
One question that the Council might ask, and should, is this: Is what the mayor is proposing done elsewhere in Utah? In other adjacent states? If it is, how has it worked out where it has been tried? If not, then I'd want the Council and city to be very cautious about implementing a practice untried and untested anywhere. And to put a great deal of thought into it first.
Let’s look at the facts, which were left out of the Schwebke article. I know…wired! Funny thing….A few years ago when the Pioneer Foundation took over the Pioneer Days events, Ogden City signed a contract to continue to dedicate police and fire/medical personnel. Just another agreement Godfrey has thrown aside?
Look at just the special events that occur during the moth of July; The Hitch & Horse Parade, The Children’s Parade, the Hot Rocking 4th, The Pioneer Days Parade, The POPS Concert and the Rodeo.
Parades start early in the morning where Washington needs to be cleared of all parked cars, approximately 15 blocks long, you will have to staff every intersection, both sides. This is to facilitate the safe flow of the parade so that no knuckle head or DUI runs the little barricades that close the street off.
The POPS Concert, Hot Rocking 4th and the Rodeo are different types of commitments altogether. You have huge numbers of people confined in a small area and just for fun, throw in the sale of alcohol at these events. These require a multi-faceted commitment that addresses basic public safety issues. Does the public who attend these events expect to be safe? Can they be free of escalation of the alcoholic brawls that break out every year? Do they trust that no one will attempt to do harm to their children? And do they expect that they will be able to leave the event without having an accident at every intersection? I think the answer is yes to all of those and thus “Off the mark..” is right. This is a Public Safety Issue. I, as a Police Officer, have spent the better part of a decade of holidays away from my family working these events. I personally would love to be able to spend these days with the family, but at what cost? I do not think it worth one injured citizen be it a child or an adult. I swore an oath to protect and serve and that is why my family understands that during these holiday events, I must be elsewhere.
I think that one needs to look deeply into this example of micro-managing by our Lord Farqua. Not only does it show that once again and written agreement means nothing to him, but that he is willing to sacrifice public safety to save a buck….Why? Where will the money saved go? Is this not just retaliation on the police because of the mysterious moving van with the signs on it that paint him in a truthful but unflattering light? I know that he does blame the police for this and is this some Godfreyess type plan to drain the pockets of the police even more? Hmmmmmmm……I think he is just pissed at anything that wears blue because there is a van that is being parked around town that has signs that have two very happy individuals on a ski lift and it says, “Lift Ogden”, with the lift crossed out and the word, “ticket” on top of it. Ironic that, in the six years that he has been atop his Thrown, that he picks the very time and the very event that this van shows up to implement his micro-managing plan.
I say, “Cheers Mayor Godfrey! It’s time to take your ball and go home!”
I had to read that article three times to try to understand what was going on. Rudi was much clearer--thanks, Rudi!
This way of doing things to me is very, very strange. My experience with events is that they have their own separate budgets.
Within those budgets are allocations for things one must provide, and these things are required by law. Police for security and traffic control. One or two EMT stations. Portable sanitation. Water.
I think it is in the permitting process that one finds out what these things are, and normally, public safety also has mandated guidlines for the amount of them one needs.
These things are all within the event budget from the beginning. Some event planners and organizers pay public safety personnel more than their usual hourly rate, and hire off-duty people. Usually the public safety department one is working with will try to rotate shifts so that everyone who is off-duty who wishes to take advantage of this extra and sometimes very good money can do so.
That is how it is within the private sector, and even though it is a private event, the organizers have to follow guidelines established by the public safety departments, and state and local law.
This last really makes me wonder how the Administration is justifying this, because usually, regulations emphasize the need for trained people. For those of us in the private sector, that is. I really cannot imagine trying to tell law enforcement with whom one is working in a private event that its personnel is not needed because I have taken a six hour class and can do all that stuff.
My thought about this newest plan is therefore---why aren't they doing it the way everybody else does it, the way I have just outlined? Even if the city is funding an event, it has to have a budget. Not putting police and medical in the budget from the beginning seems to me to be a very glaring oversight.
Would be interested to hear what police and fire have to say about this one.
Just saw your post, HPS--thanks for the input!
When you mention, "Who is liable?", it does have a spin of uncaring to it. Should we worry about who is going to get sued or should we prevent the person from getting hurt. And, if the latter is true, is that not what the taxpayers pay their taxes for and they expect? The whole idea is to provide a safe environment, where no one gets hurt and therefore no one is liable, is what we should be talking about. This is the question that the City Council should be asking: Why is the Mayor putting the public at greater risk?
HPS and Dian:
Two points. If the city has a contract with PDF, requiring the city to provide police and other city staff to manage PDF events, that contract should enforceable in court unless it leaves decisions about staffing levels, training, etc. up to the city [mayor] to decide. The terms of the contract must be public record and should be easy enough to track down.
Second: my understanding of the article [and that's all the information I have] is that the mayor is proposing to use non- officers for traffic control at single site events [e.g. rodeos rather than parades], not that he intends all police functions at such events [crowd control, drug interdiction, etc] to be farmed out to others.
Perhaps the council... not the mayor, the council... needs to look into the current practice involving pay for city police and other staff at events like the rodeo, etc. Perhaps the arrangments with promoters and sponsoring groups need to be reworked to eliminate city responsibility for overtime pay for working such events. Or perhaps not. But it might be worth looking at.
Again, I'd want to know whether what the mayor is proposing is done anywhere else, how other cities of Ogden's size handle the matter of overtime pay for event staffing, etc.
And I say again, if traffic can be handled by non-city staff at events like the rodeo without compromising public safety or involving the city in increased liability, and so reduce unbudgeted overtime expenses, I'm hard put to see why it would be a bad idea.
You wrote: "Should we worry about who is going to get sued or should we prevent the person from getting hurt."
I'd expect competent city managers to worry about both. And I hope those who make decisions for us are worrying about both.
To repeat yet again: if traffic at events like the rodeo can be handled by non-city personnel without compromising safety, and without involving the city in increased liability, and as a result unbudgeted overtime expenses can be lowered, I'm hard put to see why it wouldn't be a good idea.
It really comes down to what and who is more important to the citizens of Ogden - as decided by his little lordship.
Do we spend our precious tax money on whiney cops and fire men, who's only real function is to serve and protect us?
- or -
Do we spend that money on $120,000 per year salaries for Harmer, Patterson, Greiner, Johnson and a whole host of supporting personnel that are on the forefront of making Ogden the first in the world at every cockamamie thing the midget and his band of incompetents can dream up? What about our important public needs that are only covered by the little lord taking a trip to Europe, or dragging his bestest buddy Geiger to Washington DC on the tax payers dime. Where would we be if the money wasn't spent to advertize the gondola deal far and wide - from our water bills, to our public TV station, to booths and hotels in Vegas to promote this private deal of his buddy's?
So your kid gets run over by a horse, or a drunk, or a drunk horse at the parade or rodeo. Who cares about minor stuff like that when real important issues like that lard ass's Hummer are needed?
We can certainly do without those whiney cops a lot better than we can do without these business geniuses that have brought us the American Can project, the Mall fiasco, the Union Station condo's, and any other number of huge money losing schemes!
Who needs public safety when we have the "vision" thing going for us?
It is also entirely possible that our underpaid police officers see overtime gigs like this as a way to help pay the grocery bills.
Yet another punitive idea from our fearless leader?
You said, "I'd expect competent city managers to worry about both."…. Agreed. The logical way to address this is lessen the liability, by having the PUBLIC SAFTEY do the PUBLIC SAFTEY jobs. I am sure that money can be saved by having volunteers do most of the work done by all of the trained water workers, or clerical staff or a host of other positions. But why don’t they do that?
Here is some more information for you to chew on:
They Mayor has proposed that only TWO full time officers be assigned to any one event. The rest are to be supplemented by volunteers. That's TWO Officers to do all of the police related jobs for an event that has thousands of participants. Do you think that a liability?
The mayor says that THIS is the time of year to get a handle on how public events will be staffed.
Well, other than any Labor Day events that may pop up, all the biggies in July are over! DUH
I agree with Humble Public Servant that this has the smell of retaliation all over it.
Nobody can do a snit and pout better than Godfrey. I haven't spotted 'the truck' yet, but as it is described I can just see the little guy seething over it.
Don't be surprised if he has lackeys running through our streets with another proclamation from the Throne decreeing NO Bad Signs About ME on Vehicles! And I Really Mean It!
Free speech is only allowed if it is flattering.
The Hot Rockin' 4th is an event with alcohol. Do we honestly want to attend a raucous event with little kids in tow and be in the middle of a booze brawl and loud foul language?
I'd feel very secure when a 110 # gal shows up to get between the brawlers or a 260 # red-faced guy with his beer belly hanging over his belt, wheezing from the exertion of moving his fat body attempts to take charge of some drunken hooligans.
Yes Ogden..."We're in Good Hands with Goofy and Greiner".
The Mayor has proposed that only TWO full time officers be assigned to any one event. The rest are to be supplemented by volunteers. That's TWO Officers to do all of the police related jobs for an event that has thousands of participants. Do you think that a liability?
Yes, I do. For the obvious reason that more than one incident can take place in a crowd of people at the same time.
This is really baffling to me. I was under the impression that Public Safety has all this standardized, and that everyone had to comply with it. Like--for a thousand people, you will need this many officers, this many medical, this many portable sanitation units, etc.
Don't they do that here?
The past practice has been to select a Police Commander for the event. This Commander will assess the event, determine the needs and then allocate the appropriate police assets to address them. For instance, the Hot Rocking 4th this year had several thousand attendees. The commander had allocated approximately 30 full-time and reserve officers. At this event there were several fights, a couple of lost children (who were found) and of course the need to shut down the roads during the fireworks. This does not include any crimes or mishaps that were avoided by having the uniform officers’ mere presence.
It would seem, Dian, that you would be correct in thinking that a set number of officers were required for every 1,000 people. This is not possible, and even less so now, with the current administration's view on public safety. To put things in perspective, there are days that the police department fields 6 officers to handle a city of almost 80,000 at an average of 300 calls per-day. This is no where near any acceptable law enforcement standard.
I know that Chief Greiner has set a goal and has tried to reach a higher average of officers per-one thousand citizens. But he is limited to what the Mayor and City Council gives him to work with, and it appears even that is being cut.
I understand why people think that Chief Greiner is just part of the Godfrey political machine, but I don't see things that way. When the Mayor attempted to implement his "two full time officers at any event policy", which occurred during this year's Rodeo, it was Chief Greiner who fought against it and won. He didn't get any political leverage for this; he was just looking out for public safety. Can you imagine only two officers and six reserves at the 24th Rodeo? It would have been a disaster and at who’s cost? The first event that goes to hell because of the Mayor’s new policy will be proof of how inept he is in this area. The problem is that it’s going to be at the cost of someone’s safety and that’s unacceptable.
I would love to see the mayor dawn a police uniform and stand in 100+ heat for several hours, on a holiday, and see if he thinks it a benefit.
I will give it to the mayor in one area though; he has taken the attention away from the ticket quota he and the City Council has instituted by their punitive evaluation system. Maybe the extra overtime will be spent by having the police officers do special ticket writing shift.
I just passed the truck. It is parked at the corner of 26th and Harrison. The Mayor should see it when he comes home for lunch.
I'm starting to wonder about his health. Do you think the heat is getting to him - or just the criticism - which he deserves!
I just read Humble's comment about the mayor, in uniform, standing in the hot sun.
It makes me think that we need to see the mayor sit in the sample gondola in direct sunlight for the estimated duration of the ride to Malan's Basin.
Now you're talkin'!
1. In Re: an arbitrary number, like two, being assigned to ANY single site event. That's nonsense. Some events clearly require a larger police [not volunteer] presence, depending on estimated attendance, type of event, whether private security had been hired, etc. Any such one size fits all approach to police presence at public events would, clearly, raise serious questions about public safety. The idea of assigning a professional in law enforcement [police commander] to assess the needs and assign accordingly makes perfect sense to me. The only reason for NOT doing so and for substituting the judgement of an elected official [like the Mayor] would be if the mayor had no confidence in the judgement of police commanders. Which raises a much larger and far more serious problem. So, on this point, I agree and nothing I've posted suggests anything otherwise.
However, it seems a reasonable suggestion to me that traffic control might be capable of being safely handled by trained non-police without affecting public safety. Please notice I said might. It's a suggestion that is not, on its face, ridiculous, and so merits being looked at. The result of looking at it might well be that it's not a good idea. But it's not something I'd dismiss, on its face. Worth a look. Which is all I've said. Do other cities have non-police handle traffic control? Has it worked for them? Problems? Benefits? Worth a look see.
But any arbitrary force assignment decisions [no more than X police at any event] seems to me on its face to be indefensible. I find it hard to believe that even Hizzonah Mayor Godfrey, who is building a truly impressive record of making bad decisions, would suggest something as nonsensical as that. I wonder perhaps if the suggestion was not instead that the city would provide at city expense no more than two policemen for any single event, and that any police presence beyond that would have to be paid for by the event promoter or sponsor. That suggestion might make a lot of sense for the city, provided that the final decision on how many policemen must be present would be made by a law enforcement professional. Not the promoters or sponsors.
I've atteneded 'benign' (no alcohol or threatening behaviors) events where traffic and parking were handled by the events' own people.
However, the only part of this seemingly dangerous move by the mayor that could possibly be made less so is Curm's suggestion that the mayor MEANT 'two CITY PAID officers and the rest paid by the event sponsors.
Letting the public know that at any event, large or small, family oriented or one that attracts an unwholesome crowd, only TWO officers will be covering the public's safety is an invitation to insurrection.
Surely, even Godfrey is not that insensitive to the citizenry?
Perhaps the City Council should jump on this tonight at a special meeting.
This entire post should be emailed to Godfrey and his A Team!
gee whiz wally,
I saw the gondola parked over on the west of the stadium, in someones yard, it was the last house on the street on 17th, about the 500 block, it would be cool to see godfrey put into it and driven the route of where the gondola would be going, just so he could say that he has led the way for all of us. and that the heat was not all that bad.
has any one seen june cleaver, or ward, they were really hard on me last night, golly gee if only I could be like the mayor then I would not have to put up with eddy hasckel.
wutchoo talkin' about, Willis??
I saw the gondola too. I think that's where the loyal, outspoken Godfrey pals, the Ballantyne's reside.
See, the gondola wasn't displayed ON the rodeo grounds....so everything is ethical and full of integrity.
To our humbe public servant:
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do for the citizens of Ogden. There are a whole lot of us out here that appreciate and honor you and your comrades in uniform.
As to seeing the little lord in a police uniform - well, don't hold your breath. He just aint got the balls to stand up and protect the citizens, in uniform or out.
However, back when he was an actor he did play the part of a deputy. In fact I think re-runs of the old Andy Griffith show play daily here in Zion. Check it out. Godfrey's character was named "Barney Fife".
He really hasn't changed much since those days. Still dim witted, confused, excitable, and ever so full of false pride. He still looks pretty much the same, still acts pretty much the same.
Rudi - please find us a picture so we can all enjoy the little one's past fame as an actor.
Right on...except THIS Barney ain't funny.
I just about fell out of the old recliner when I was flipping through the channels and came across the one and only Barney Fife! It is truly amazing how much he really does look like Godfrey! Same face, same skinny build, same intellect.
Thanks Bonnie, it gave me the best laugh I have had in a long time.
At the request of gentle reader bonnie, we are reposting this link:
The Winner of the Barney Fife Lookalike contest
This page was originally linked from this Weber County Forum article, which also contains some similarly-comparative links.
One of our gentle readers has today also sent us startlingly-revealing additional comparative images via email, which we'll try to post once we find time to upload them.
As should be obvious... no reader request is too insignificant to NOT be shamelessly and slavishly "pandered to," here at Weber County Forum.
Boy, the mayor really makes barney look good!
To Some Dude
In answer to your question, see Peery's Egyptian Theater calendar for info about the Labor Day weekend Swing 'n Dixie Jazz Festival:
You probably need to be cautious. In a recent and much criticized U.S. Supreme Court decision, the Court ruled that government employees can be fired for remarks critical of the policy or management of the agencies they work for, that First Amendment protections do not necessarily extend to workplace speech critical of management or agency policy. The decision was widely viewed as stripping away significant "whistleblower" protections from government employees.
Whether Utah's constitution provides stronger protections for workplace speech by public employees, I don't know.
Curm and Officer:
The Utah Constitution does not appear to give any stronger protections than the federal one...
Article 1 Section 15
"No law shall be passed to abridge or restrain the freedom of speech or of the press. In all criminal prosecutions for libel the truth may be given in evidence to the jury; and if it shall appear to the jury that the matter charged as libelous is true, and was published with good motives, and for justifiable ends, the party shall be acquitted; and the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the fact."
Also, as another government employee involved in public safety, I am bound by similar if not stricter restrictions on my behavior while on duty or in uniform, and I agree with the necessity for such restrictions. While on duty, your job is to perform your assigned duty, not complain about your superiors. If you see problems or safety concerns while on duty, those should be addressed up the chain of command, not to the citizens you serve. There are plenty of opportunities to inform the public of problems after duty hours through council meetings, forums like this, and the press.
Did you know that godfrey maybe breaking the law and that your union attorney should look at this, just to make sure that we have a check and balance in our government. I think that when an officier is only telling the people the truth of the matter, "Im sorry I cannot give a warning, I have to give you this citation to get a raise"
And telling the people only what has been conveyed by the administration. I would think that this would be oppression on the officiers.
Then to have 3 officers have internal investigations conducted on them certainly could fall under the current law. READ BELOW!!!
10-3-826. Official neglect and misconduct class A misdemeanor -- Removal from office.
In case any municipal officer shall at any time wilfully omit to perform any duty, or wilfully and corruptly be guilty of oppression, malconduct, misfeasance, or malfeasance in office, the person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor, shall be removed from office, and is not eligible for any municipal office thereafter.
Amended by Chapter 178, 1986 General Session
Im sure the executive order was not another punishment it was just a coincidence. If the truth hurts, the truth should probably be changed instead of punishing the people that tell the truth.
And when you say, "It seems like one of the constitutional ammendments covers freedom of speech," Obviously Mayor Godfrey does not need to follow the constitution in Ogden.
I would be interesting to see if this would constitute breaking his oath of office. wherein it states that he shall up hold and defend the laws of this state.
What do you think.
Matt Damon matt damon matdamon
The free speech rights and limitations of municipal employees are clearly set forth by statute in the Utah code:
Utah Code Section 10-3-1108. Political activity of municipal officer or employee.
Such employees' rights to political speech and activity are limited only in the workplace, within the course and scope of employment.
Little Matty Godfrey is likely not breaking the law when threatening to discipline our city's finest police officers for speaking to those ticketed about quotas; he's probably not getting himself in a legal hang by sending out emails instructing city staff not to speak negatively about his proposed grand larceny (trading our public land for the giant Ferris wheel or gondola or bobsled track this child wants to run up 23rd and along Harrison); but the small, Napoleonic-complexed fella has done three things I think warrant a legal audit: One, he repeatedly speaks in senior staff meetings about him being "God's instrument" in bringing the Jetson-car gondola to Ogden and he spouts about his "vision" of this sillyness as being delivered to him by God. If we could ever have testimony by staff to this effect, we could demonstrate that he creates a hostile work environment and have him removed as chief administrator of city government. Two, although he's spent 15 times the $6,000 he reported on this land scheme with senior staff time, mailings for his litte private neighborhood meetings, public space rentals, et al, he may have violated state law in allowing Peterson to pay for his wife's airfare -- even if he paid Peterson back -- and for allowing the vendors to pay for her and his lodging and meals. It may seem inconsequential, but the details are what can hang 'em. Three, Godfrey may have ordered the fire at the Shupe-Williams building and definitely ordered crews to let it burn. Doesn't it bother anyone that the options on the river project expired two days after the city used the expected settlement to close? We need a brave legal rep. to look into these things. Does anyone know Bruce Barnard or someone in Salt Lake who would be willing to see if any of this holds water?
I find it intriguing that some commentators on this thread seem to accept Mayor Godfrey's utterences on this subject, or any subject, as inherently credible.
Godfrey asserts that public safety staffing will be reduced only for traffic control, and these assertions are naively accepted at face value.
American courts have developed rules for the weighing of witness testimony. Application of these rules would be useful in this instance, I would suggest.
Federal courts routinely utilize the following jury instruction:
"A witness may be discredited or impeached by contradictory evidence or inconsistent conduct, or by evidence that at other times the witness has made material statements, under oath or otherwise, which are inconsistent with the present testimony of the witness, or by evidence that the general reputation of the witness for truth, honesty, or integrity is bad.
[or by specific acts of wrongdoing of the witness]
If you believe that any witness has been impeached or discredited, it is your exclusive province to give the testimony of that witness only such credit as you may think it deserves.
Given Matt Godfrey's past performance, and under the foregoing standard, I believe his statements are entitled to near zero weight.
The Boss strikes again. It never ceases to amaze me at the tricks and revenge tactics the Godfrey Administration does to its Public Safety Employees.
1. They take punitive measures in regard to wages and merit when Fire Fighters and Police go to impasse. By the way the impasse is part of the procedure set up in joint resolution 95-9. Implementing a pay for performance system that is flawed and very subjective.
2. They take the above mentioned punitive actions, and then pass a city policy in effect placing a gag on those employees, so that they are not allowed to voice concerns about the treatment of the groups.
3. The Boss takes over the scheduling of Police, and Fire staffing at special events, effectively reducing the overtime paid to the groups, and placing a strain on the man power to accomplish the assignments that are expected at those events. I.E. only two paid Police officers at a special event. And using an Ambulance crew that is on duty to cover special events, instead of staffing a spare ambulance with overtime employees.
3. Staffing Fire Station #1 with a grass truck instead of a Fire Engine when there are three Fire engines in the shop for repairs. The apparatus is so old and in disrepair the reliability is in serious question.
What's next Matt?
Are we supposed to negotiate in good faith with the Administration next year? Or should we just roll over and let you shove it to us again?
It is also interesting that when Mr. Patterson gives figures on the wages and benefits that the employees receive, they report it as total comp, however when they report the salaries of the admin team it's only base pay. They fail to mention that they have hired 32 fire fighters in the past 2 years, with 7 of those leaving for employment else where. In addition they report other jurisdictions that the groups have not agreed to compare, they make comparisons with jurisdictions such as Weber State University, Highway Patrol, etc.
Minimum Maximum
Murray Firefighter I & II
Base Salary $31,512.00/$52,234.00
Total Comp $46,042.55/$70,129.80
West Jordan Firefighter
Base Salary $37,273.60/$47,590.40
Total Comp $55,142.40/$67,450.35
Sandy Firefighter / EMT
Base Salary $33,030.40/$48,422.40
Total Comp $47,150.75/$65,658.09
Provo Firefighter / EMT
Base Salary $33,149.00/$44,857.00
Total Comp $50,021.93/$64,317.40
Layton Firefighter III
Base Salary $37,190.00/$52,083.00
Total Comp $51,150.18/$68,919.85
South Salt Lake Firefighter
Base Salary $31,845.00/$47,154.00 Total Comp $48,431.98/$67,141.10
West Valley Firefighter
Base Salary $31,500.00/$51,120.00
Total Comp $46,959.33/$70,925.16
Salt Lake City Firefighter
Base Salary $33,862.00/$54,642.00
Total Comp $46,937.01/$71,671.45
Unified Fire -SL County Firefighter
Base Salary $33,684.00/$47,928.00
Total comp $45,517.66/$61,210.27
Base Salary $33,671.78/$49,558.98
Total Comp $48,594.87/$67,491.50
Ogden Firefighter
Base Salary $28,578.91/$44,335.27
Total Comp $45,423.77/$64,796.21
Base Salary -$5,092.87 -$5,223.71
Total comp -$3,171.10 -$2,695.29
% Difference
Base Salary -17.82% -11.78%
Total comp -6.98% -4.16%
The police can’t keep their department staffed, they are always under staffed. Do you think that this is because we are so over paid? Or maybe it's because of the Civil Service commission hampering the hiring process of qualified employees?
This administrration has created more contention and divided the community more than any other administraion than I can remember. Now he divides the employee groups and creates contention there also.
Call the Council and demand that they amend the recent ordinaces.
another humble servant:
Well said!
Public Servants,
These egregious issues and problems you ALL are enduring could be greatly alleviated by this Council will act in concert as the LEGISLATIVE body they are and amend the appropriate ordinances as you have asked them to do.
Many of us have asked also. I do hope that the Council will stop being fractious and think of your welfare, which means they will be acting in the best interests of the citizens of Ogden.
We hold you in high esteem and appreciate all your sacrifices and dedication to duty.
We pray for your safety and well being every day.
It appears that the Council Chair and Vice Chair have become tainted by the Godfrey Jaugernaut. They have lost their ability to stand up and set things straight.They have no spine.
I just watched the Fox 13 news,I am outraged. Godfrey just lied his way out of giving away the City about the Administrative leave of the Officer accused of the "Van Billboard". When is this community going to wake up and smell the stentch coming from the ninth floor? When is the Council retake control of the outrageous dealings of this Administration that has little or no integrity.
Ask the Police administration why the officer is on Admin leave...we all know why. The little pecker is losing control and cant wait to take anyone he can with him.
We wont be silenced till Matt shares a cell with Bubba.
It would appear that Garcia & Wicks are playing the part of Judas very well. They will tell everyone that they are sticking up for them, representing the public view, but when it comes time to vote, when the rubber meets the road, they are just clones of the mayor.
The wool will no longer be pulled over my eyes! Jeske is the sole isle of integrity on the council.
Another Humble Servant,
Please clarify for me:
Are you talking about the truck that was reported around 26th and Harrison??
If so, does it belong to an officer?
Can you supply some details?
The truck belongs to Budget rents.
There are over one hundred Police and Fire Firefighters who support their rights as off duty public servants to express their rights of freedom of speech and public concern. It is the so called van that pissed off the little lord Godfrey. He Lied about following the officer and getting his plate number, is it a coincidence that the duty lieutenant showed up at the officer's house to collect his gun, badge, and patrol car and place the officer on Admin leave? You decide. The Mayor is not telling the truth. I am sure that the City legal has told himn that he stepped on his dick. Then told him to contact the spineless Police Chief for clarification for details as to why the Officer is on Admin leave. They will no doubt trump up some phoney charges and cost the poor guy a ton of money so that he can keep his job.
Does the City Admin, and Mayor have any integrity? NO!!!!
It will take more than Jeske to help all of you. She needs to step up to the plate and take some control on the council.
I thought she and Wicks were going to be a good team...what happened?
Godfrey has been more detrimental to this town than any other person.
You cops should put his picture on the post office wall as PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE.
It seems to be, that the truck that was on 26th and harrison is the one, we are talking about. it was an officers wife and the little man who could be much bigger than his stature, has sunken to a be lower than that of the snakes belly, I think that the public should be outraged about this, If the mayor's own father-in law does stand up to this, then I have lost all respect for him, he should take him to the woood shed over this, or maybe it is time that the courts involved with this whole matter.
So who turned in the officer who apparently rented the truck?
I'm going to watch CH 13 in the morning as Fox rebroadcasts starting at 5 up to 9 am.
Why is Greiner going along with this? Does he ever speak up for his men/women?
Why don't you (all) give this story to the SL papers and TV too?
You must have people you trust to give the story to papers out of this town.
Are you saying an officer's wife rented the truck??
It is interesting how the Little Lord tried tonight on TV to misdirect the real issue with the police and fire fighters. In true sociopathic style he is blaming his victims!
He used the same lame arguments that Patterson laid on us in the Standard last week. A splitting hairs technical argument right out of Karl Rove's handbook. ie: "It might not be ethical but it is legal".
The real issue is fairness - period.
The cops and fire fighters got screwed by a vindictive Mayor and his court jester for having the audacity to stand up and bargain for what is fair. A confused and apparently spineless city council has stood by and allowed this screwing to go on, and by their inaction have become party to it.
The only two people in city government that stood up last night at the council work session and stated that this whole deal is fundamentally unfair were Jeske and Glasmann. The rest of them are taking the mayor's lead and hiding behind some chicken shit technicalities.
Treat our public safety people with dignity and respect or go to hell Matt Godfrey.
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I was anxious to see the story too but Ch 13 NEWS is not broadcasting on Sat til 5 pm!
How did Fox get involved in this? Did Godfrey call them to get his face on TV or did one of you HPS's ??
This is a story that should be all over the state.
You can bet that this vindictive little man doesn't want anyone outside his circle of admirers seeing what he's doing.
Why not have your reps get hold of the AP and other national news outlets?
Chicken Shit Mayor and Chief of Police are part of the sign of the times. “They lie and wait to deceive.” Our founding fathers fought against this sort of extremism. I agree we all need to speak out against this abuse.
It’s a good thing that the Mayor and the Chief of police are so qualified. Look at all those awards and certificates they’ve received. Just ask the Cops and Firefighter how grateful that their mayor and chief are so qualified!!
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I see you have several questions. I hope you have read the new article about speaking out, it matters. I think all of youre questions will be answered if not ask again for clarification. I am that officers wife and I appreciate all the support on this website.
This is the first day I have looked at this site and I am amazed at how many people support the police and fire. Sometimes it feels that we are alone.
I will look forward to youre comments. I am still learning how to use the internet so be patient if I don't immediately respond.
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