Yesterday's Standard-Examiner contained a short teaser which dang near kept us up all night with eager anticipation. "COMING FRIDAY - What is the key to the Ogden Mayoral race?" the Std-Ex sidebar blurb said. We always lose sleep whenever the Std-Ex political pundits promise a story that will explain "what's up."
Surely enough, and just as promised, the story was right there on the front page of our hard-copy front-porch edition this morning, under the banner headline: "The Ogden Divide."
And the "keys to the kingdom" that the Std-Ex promised to provide? (Drum-roll):
House Representative Hansen holds some mighty strong cards as we move toward the general election.
As our 17-year old nephew might have said, "Doh."
Breaking down the primary election numbers, we already know that two-term incumbent Boss Godfrey received only 40% of the primary vote, whereas the four anti-Godfrey challengers received a fat 60%. Somehow, however, the Standard-Examiner editors just can't bring themselves to mention that. Godfrey, who was polling at around a 40% approval rating in private polling eight weeks before the primary, hasn't budged in popularity in the succeeding period. Godfrey's campaign has obviously stalled, despite: a) the "deep sixing" of his goofy and wildly unpopular Golf Course Sale Plan, b) the planting of those thousands of prissy pastel $20 dollar lawn signs over every vacant property in Ogden, and c) the substantial "good ink" he got from the Std-Ex in the days preceding the primary election. Godfrey is obviously in deep political trouble, folks, but somehow the Std-Ex couldn't quite bring themselves to say THAT either.
Of the 6,863 total votes cast in the mayoral balloting, Hansen received 1,327 -- 19.34% -- more than enough to put Ms. Van Hooser over the top in November, especially with a Hansen endorsement, provided the campaign staffs in the Van Hooser and Hansen camps can get their respective acts together, and iron out joint and mutual commitments.
We were amused by these statements in this morning's Standard-Examiner, which, to us, sounded like the murmurings of a frightened little boy, whistling in the dark:
Godfrey also said it’s unlikely all of the voters who supported Hansen in the primary will cast ballots for Van Hooser in the general election.We have disturbing news for Boss Godfrey: The 60% of primary voters who voted for opposition candidates clearly reflected a decidedly anti-Godfrey sentiment which permeates the entire community. That general impediment is something we do not believe Boss Godfrey will be able to solve in the short 52 days leading up to the November election. Godfrey has been building animosity in the citizenry for years. No amount of campaign money or last-minute fancy footwork can turn that around, in our not so humble belief.
"It never happens that way. It depends on the issues,” he said. “The general election is a very different animal than the primary.”
What's more, we believe the strength that Rep. Hansen demonstrated west of Harrison Boulevard is also strongly indicative of Hansen's strong pre-existing support from within his House District 9, where he's been elected to five (that's 5) straight state legislative terms. If anyone can deliver anything approaching a "block vote" with an endorsement -- it's Hansen.
So there are two strong factors operating against Boss Godfrey, especially in the "west of Harrison precincts": Generally-existing anti-Godfrey sentiment, and a block of District 9 voters who like and trust Neil Hansen.
We understand that "feelers" are already going out, to promote early negotiations between the Hansen and Van Hooser factions. The earlier these nice folks begin (and complete) negotiations the better, we suggest.
We'll also turn our attention to this morning's Standard-Examiner companion story, wherein Bryan Saxton reports that some council candidates in the city of Syracuse are unhappy about an obvious mayor-lapdog ticket, the menbers of which are plainly sharing campaign tactics and resources. Pro-mayor tickets are of course nothing new in northern Utah politics. Don't feel alone in this, Syracuse citizens. We have one of those lapdog tickets right here in Emerald City too:

Love that shot of pod person #3. Looks like he's been guzzling lots of the mayor's kool-aide.
hey if Hansen runs a write in campaign, lets get some one to go against Brandon Stephenson at the same time. this will give the people the chance to tell the government how it is and not the other way around.
Godfrey won eight of the city’s 16 consolidated voting districts, [each] comprising as many as four precincts. Van Hooser took five districts, while Hansen won three.
This sentence from the S-E article, and the accompanying map, may be a bit misleading. This isn't the presidential election, where the winner in each state, no matter by how little, takes all of the state's electoral votes. The only thing that matters in the mayoral race is who gets the most total votes throughout the city. An additional vote picked up by Godfrey or Van Hooser is just as valuable in Shadow Valley or northern Ogden as it is in central Ogden.
The article implies that these potential additional votes are concentrated mostly in central Ogden. That's probably true in a sense, not so much because Hansen did well there as because so many people there didn't vote at all in the primary. But can Van Hooser or Godfrey convince significantly more people to register and vote? I'm skeptical. Low voter turnout in central Ogden has been the pattern for a long, long time.
I suspect, therefore, that Van Hooser's comment is the appropriate one: she (and Godfrey) must campaign throughout the city. The votes that will put one or the other over the 50% level are widely scattered.
Hansen said he hasn’t decided whether he will support Godfrey or Van Hooser in the general election.
I find it highly amusing to imagine Godfrey going to Hansen, hat in hand, begging for his endorsement. Anyone think that's happening?
I know what Pollster would say right now (unless you're still here, Pollster, in which case you can speak for yourself).
"Sure, my candidate only got 40%. That's the way you slice the numbers, to make it look favorable to your candidate. My campaign will slice the numbers the other way, and say we got 51%. That's a plain and simple lie, but we'll call it 'slicing the numbers' and the electorate will be stupid enough to believe us."
with Hansen having such a base and I would not doubt that all those that voted for him trust him and that he trust them. should he round them up. I think that inter city Ogden now can have the mayor in their palm of their hands and can control the agenda.
I would not put it past Hansen to put that together either.
he is very smart and is thing of the all the angles right now, I just know the way he is. and in this morning paper when Hansen talks about crime he know what it is because he sees in his neighborhood all the time.
Regarding the pro-Godfrey ticket:
Although those on this blog are well informed on these matters, I'm not sure the average voter is. For example, the average voter is probably unaware that Eccles and Petersen (in additional to Godfrey) signed the Lift Ogden manifesto last year, endorsing the golf course sale, the WSU land sale, and the urban gondola. Their names appear in the full-page Lift Ogden ad that was printed in the Standard-Examiner on 12 June 2006. Perhaps someone out there would like to write a letter to the editor to bring this fact to the attention of S-E readers. (I've already used up my letter for this month.)
Negotiations? Jaysus, Rudi. What were you thinking?
Running in a public election, and losing, is a huge blow to the ego. It feels like being sucker punched in the stomach. It feels like a rejection of you... not your platform, not your issues, but of you, personally. It feels awful. Takes a few days sometimes for the hurt to pass and the vision to clear. But when it does, and the sooner the better, it's important for an unsuccessful candidate in a primary election who envisions a future at the polls, to do the right thing. To be a stand-up guy. To thank all those who worked for him and voted for him, and then to call his victorious opponent, offer congratulations and whatever support he or she [in this case, Van Hooser]needs to go on and win in November... because that's the right thing for the city, for Mr. Hansen's constituents in mid-city and, ultimately, for Mr. Hansen himself.
A key result from the primary was VH taking precints east of Harrison, which were Godfrey's strength 4 year ago. Only danger is that perhaps all the VH voters turned out in the primary, while some of the potential Godfrey voters stayed home. As is always the case in local elections, turnout is key.
Rudi, can you release details on the private polls that you reference in your thread? Had not heard of any results of any of the polls conducted over the summer.
Thanks for pointing that out Dan.
If anyone can provide us a hard-copy of the manifesto, we'll be happy to scan and convert it to electronic form, and make it available online.
Power, Power:
As noted a thread below, Mr. Hansen's constituents in his lege district seem to be largely Democrats. Yes, Hansen's endorsement matters, but the assumption you offer that he can simply deliver his constituents to whoever he endorses is doubtful. Democrats are notoriously difficult to herd. I suggest you give Mayoral Christensen in Salt Lake City a call. He's just received a lesson on that very point.
One more wild card to consider. The voucher referendum will be on the November ballot and may [I suspect will] bring to the polls many voters who would otherwise not turn out of a municipal election. How they will break on the Mayor's race is at this point an open question.
"Pod People Ticket"?
More like the "Nerd Ticket".
As a true and unrepentant nerd, I beg to differ--and I take offense. :-)
They look to me, as Garrison Keillor has said, like "$50 haircuts on 50-cent heads."
People who vote in primaries are usually much more tuned in to the haps and details of the political scene. They do not necessarily represent the general election voters who most likely will be much less informed about issues and where individual candidates are at politically. The general election voters, except those who voted in the primary, are much more susceptible to the intense marketing that goes on before the general election.
Godfrey has tons more money for marketing than Van Hooser, so in my opinion he is still extremely dangerous. Do not count him out. To do so would be a huge mistake regardless of how Hansen positions himself. Godfrey is an intense, well financed and very dirty fighter. When every one else is home sleeping he will be turning and burning and plotting and planning and cooking up an endless number of lies to tell the people about how great and successful he is.
Politics is a very nasty blood sport and Godfrey is a vampire in the truest sense. He has been sucking the life blood out of Ogden for seven and a half years now. The only way to kill a vampire is to drive a stake through his heart. We must all come together and fully support VanHooser, rather we like her or not. She is now the only one with the stake and mallet and the ability to use them. Let's help her place the stake and swing the mallet.
Hopefully VanHooser will outbid Godfrey for Hansen's affections.
Personally I could not see Hansen backing Godfrey, but stranger things have happened and politics make strange bedfellows.
I am new to posting on this forum, but I cant help but say something about these pictures. Has anyone noticed that Johnson looks like a younger version of Eccles, and Eccles could be a younger version of Peterson? Godfrey is in a class all by himself there. But we all know that already.
Oz your right politics can become very nasty. I experienced that with famly members taking on Flora, Lowell, Nolan, and we came out the winning end but it took its toll on my family, never forget that little sprout will do everything in his power to win, he does not think of the consequences now, just win baby is his motto.
I agree with Ozboy.
Mayor Godfrey will leave no lie untold, no back unstabbed and no tax payer unmolested.
There are a lot of big league companies and sycophants of his who will do whatever it takes and spend whatever it takes to make sure he stays in office so that their gravy train will run on schedule.
Never underestimate the power of greedy pigs at the trough.
your such a mother fuckin asshole piece of shit bitch. Fuck you Rudi
If Hansen runs on a write in campaign that is a sure way for Godfrey to win. That will split Van Hooser votes and also share the non Godfrey folks. He needs to get behind Van Hooser and bring that 60% to her rather then split it again. Otherwise Godfrey will win. Also, she should get the endorsement of Jesse Garcia as this was his winning district last election and they will follow his lead as well as Hansen. The big difference is that Godfrey has lost much of his east bench support since then due to the Gondola/Mt.Ogden crusade. Especially near the Mt. Ogden district. That was the edge he won on last election. Now it is different but she does need the city central and west side which Hansen and Garcia both have strength in. If folks really want Godfrey out then all forces need to be behind one candidate and as it turned out Van Hooser is it. Otherwise Godfrey will be back if Hansen steps back in which I doubt he will do, he will not win as the primaries show. Susie will be a fresh new start, clean slate and will rid of many of the scoundrels that are the power behind the Godfrey regime. Back Susie.
Rudi: I notice we've had a visit above from a spokesman for the Committee to Reelect Matthew Godfrey.
Are you going to leave that comment up?
Where are you, Rudi?
Is that Bobbie Geiger writing in again? My his language has gotten a bit testy. Truth hurts I guess. The Mayor is on his way out!
What? You are not convinced by his trenchant logic of his argument, his unassailable reasoning, his weighty evidence, the soaring nobility of his prose?
You must be one of those "naysayers" we've heard so much about.
susie and curm:
Thanks for a good laugh on this lovely Friday afternoon, at the end of a long week.
Have a good weekend, all. Stop by the Sierra Club table at the Farmer's Market tomorrow if you get a chance!
to susie q. -
Is there or was there ever a Committee to re-elect Matthew Godfrey?
Or was it a committe of 1 - his Missus?
There is crime everywhere - even in broad daylight among a lot of people -
Sometime Thursday afternoon the front license plate was stolen from my late model auto.
When I went to the Ogden Police Dept. today to report the theft there was ONE person in whole big place to take complaints.
After standing in line behind a guy who was at the window when I arrived and waiting in line behind him for 30 minutes I finally had to leave.
I am sure this kind of crime is not counted in Godfrey's statistics because no one was killed - I just felt like killing whoever unscrewed the plate frame put on by the manufacturer and ruined my Friday because I had to try to report the theft before it was on a car that did kill somebody.
Good luck if you have to visit the Complaint Dept. at the Ogden Police Station. Remember to take a sack lunch.
The officers were at the funeral of Ogden Police Officer Jason Thomas whose funeral was today. He had fought a long hard battle against cancer. Sorry to hear that you were inconvenienced while the officers honored their own. I imagine they went to minimum staff at the front desk to allow those to attend the funeral.
We do not believe, judging from face value, that Another Ogden Statistic meant to demean Ogden's Finest, nor to impugn the dedicated men and women of the Ogden City Police Department.
At least that's our take.
What we "got" from AOU was supportive of the understaffed OPD, who were apparently forced, by Boss Godfrey's law enforcement underfunding, to leave a skeleton crew on the job, during the funeral of another member of Emerald City's OPD, an officer who has now departed his faithful and dedicated service to the people of Ogden City.
All those that think the vote is over, may I remind you there are still some ballots to be counted and the vote is over when the canvas is done. So done count your chickens till they are hatched.
I would like to comment that i personally knew Jason Thomas, He and I spent a week together in mexico many years ago, and were good friends as classmates at Weber State, Jason represented what made a police officer great, an awesome atiitude, willing to lend a hand and always finding a way to make you laugh, Jason you will be solely missed, you represent what Police Officers should be more like, your friend lance.
Clinging at straws are we, "don't dance in the streets yet"?
We can't wait for those additional 1500 or so imagined uncounted provisional and absentee ballots, which will put Boss Godfrey over the top, and make him "The Peoples Choice" again.
Boss Godfrey will be ousted in November.
Expect maybe 100 provional/absentee ballots, which will be evenly-distributed among all the mayoral candidates in proportions similar to the live vote.
After that the feds, who've consistently said "we citizens need to deal with him at the ballot box," (so the indictments won't be deemed "politial") will find him a nice little retirement compound at Leavenworth... or Draper.
1 who nose...
You know nothing, wait you'll be surprised.....
Rudi a touch of class, Thanks for the memorial to Jason Thomas.
"You know nothing, wait you'll be surprised....."
Let me guess. The primary election is under the jurisdiction of the little shit, and Godfrey will stuff the ballot box with phony absentee and provisional ballets.
Am I getting "warm"?
Two points:
<1> According to the SE, there were 400 absentee etc ballots still to be counted. Not enough to change the outcome in the Mayor's race, even if they all went to one candidate. It would still be Godfrey/Van Hooser in the run off.
<2> When something like a police funeral occurs, if officers are off their shift posts in large numbers to attend, it might eliminate a lot of wrong conclusions to simply post a notice, very visible, inside OPD stations, etc. so that citizens coming in for whatever reason would be informed of the circumstances and reason for the temporary lack of customer service staffing.
Just a suggestion.
F You rudi, do you wish to play house, because i will stand and deliver for him name the place and time and ill clean your clock and any other godfrey dip wadd, dont ever challenge me ill always win,rudi your the man.
Don't bother. Just wave at him as you drive by, some fall Saturday, as he and his friends in orange jumpsuits are picking up litter along the side of US 89.
Thank you, Rudi, for the Pod People iteration, although it's more aptly titled, "White Mormon Elders Who are Csmokers and Who Really, Really, Really Like Gondolas!" Any of you aforementioned pricks better get wise, because you are gonna be outed as gondola freaks and morons, post haste. But don't send your little piker, B. Geiger, to do your dirty work for you. Geiger, Geiger, Geiger, Geiger, Geiger, Geiger, Geiger, Geiger, Geiger, Geiger...
One thing I know is that Jason will back me, I will not put up with dip wadds that attack rudi or any other, remember my name cause im your savior when it comes to payback. God Bless you Jason you were and always will be a great friend.
I say again, it makes no sense to alienate the Mormon population, of which I am one. These godfreyites are Mormons, but they are something else too: WRONG!
Let me invite all my fellow good Mormons to join me this fall in voting for the ALL GIRL SLATE in the upcoming city elections.
Just think of all the great women you have known, including the many Mormon ones. And think of all the men you have known, including Mormon ones who, because of a lust for money, lost their way.
Then let's get out and vote for these great girls this fall.
Why did you do it. I saw it and I'm going to tell.
Rudi...will you delete that vulgar post? I thot you 'policed' this place?
The language on here, at times, is very raw. Surely there are others on here who don't want to read that filth.
To all Cops: Thank you for the great and selfless service you render. And, you work under Godfrey!
Unless Godfrey is in jail, Hansen should not have a write-in camaign.
We cannot afford to let Godfrey get one more vote. The people who actually turned out to vote gave a loud and clear message to Godfrey that 60% of the voters don't want him back!
Hansen's votes going to Van Hooser will give her a resounding win!
Van Hooser will be more of the same old Godfrey delusions.
Tell me just one instance of where she has voted against the Godfrey regime.
Why should Hansen repudiate his integrity by endorsing Van Hooser.
observer 1 said "unless Godfrey's in jail" which kind of ties in with what I hear a Godfrey supporter is reported to have said.
The word is that the Mayor has IRS problems and supporters were afraid it would break before the Primary.
Things are never dull in Godfrey Country.
I think Hansen should run as a write in. That will teach the back stabbing Firefighters and the back stabbing Conservitives!
Lets not forget, Susie was appointed by Godfrey!
Or Hansen can endorce Godfrey to get back at, the back stabbing Firefighters, and the back stabbing conservitives.
How would that be!!!
I think Hansen and Susie should come to an agreement. Fire, Chief Senator Greiner. Appoint Hansen to Chief. That way its a win win.
Hansen would fit right in with his brothers that are cops.
I'd pay good money to watch Rudi knock you into next week.
i tell it like i see it:
You obviously don't see much. How many council meetings have you attended since Van Hooser was appointed?
Van Hooser has voted "against the Godfrey regime" about as often as Wicks and Garcia--and not as often as Jeske. She has also voted for administration proposals in the large majority of cases, just like Wicks and Garcia (and even Jeske). Moreover, she is very articulate about the reasons for her votes and gives me (at least) the impression of being the most assertive and independent thinker on the council. After serving for only a year.
Examples: Van Hooser voted against the "process resolution" on the Peterson proposal, saying during the discussion, "The people have spoken." She voted to amend the administration's mixed use ordinance (which gives a great deal of power to big developers) to prevent its being applied outside of the River Project area. She voted to change RDA procedures in the aftermath of the Bloom's property fiasco, to prevent something like that from happening again. She also voted against something once, when she didn't actually object to the proposal and knew it would pass anyway, as a way of protesting how the Godfrey administration had taken the proposal to the media before the council learned about it. (Yes, she explained this during the meeting.)
Ok, that's four examples. I'm sure there are others. But equally important are Van Hooser's actions outside of regular meetings. She was the one who, during a council work session back in May, brought up the "secret gondola study" and pressed Godfrey to explain what was going on. This exchange may be what put the Standard-Examiner onto the story...and the rest is history.
Look: You have every right to dislike Van Hooser for some particular thing she's done, or hasn't done. But by fabricating false statements about her, you're giving the impression that you dislike her simply because she's not Neil Hansen. If I were Hansen I wouldn't want my supporters to go around acting like that.
Susie q :
Rudi's probably busy knocking
(untold name) into next week.
You're acting a lot like Godfrey, repeating the same lie over and over in the hope that people will eventually believe it. The mayor plays no role in filling vacancies on the city council. Van Hooser was appointed by her fellow council members.
(Before being appointed to the City Council, Van Hooser was probably reappointed to the Landmarks Commission by Godfrey. Big deal. Godfrey reappointed me and Mike Vause to the Ogden Trails Network committee. He's also appointed some very good people to the Planning Commission--and come to regret it afterwards.)
Serious note.
I've had the pleasure of working side by side with Jason Thomas.
I hope, I can be half the man he was.
I am a better cop for knowing him.
There was no better cop.
[Which, by the way, I doubt.]
Do try to pay attention. Mayor Godfrey did not appoint Ms. Hooser to Mr. Glasman's vacant seat on the Council. The Council screened applicants, reduced it to a short list, interviewed those on the short list, and chose Ms. Van Hooser to fill the vacant seat until the next election. The Council. Not the Mayor.
Oppose Ms. Van H. if you think you have good reason to, and support Godfrey if you think you have good reason to. That's what makes Democracy and horseraces possible: people disagree about probable outcomes. But, as Dan noted, don't do it by making things up and peddling untruths you think will help your side.
If you are a Democrat, you demean the name when you do that.
Dan S.
Sorry about that. I was obviously misinformed. I won’t say it again.
I’m taking your word for it.
just thinking:
Think again. Any such agreement (quid pro quo in exchange for an endorsement) would be absolutely illegal, and neither Hansen nor Van Hooser is unethical enough (or stupid enough) to do that.
If you think for just a minute you'll realize that by even mentioning such a possibility, you are potentially starting rumors that your candidate would actually do this--and thus hurting his reputation, perhaps irreparably.
You've taught me a lesson in civics. Thanks
Every elected official hires their own appointees. Pres. Georg Bush named all of his cabinet before they moved into the white house. Our own Governor Huntsman named his staff before they threw Ma Ma from the train. All the Presidential nominees name their choice for Vice President.
Tell me where this such law exists?
Tell It Like It Is:
Well, Ms. Van H. would not have been my first choice for that empty Council seat at the time. But I came finally to conclude that the Council knew better than I did on the matter, and had chosen wisely.
Ms. Van Hooser caught my attention at a Council work session at which Godfrey flack Mr. Montgomery was trying, yet again, to convince the Council to begin changing city ordinances to accommodate in advance the often-rumored but never produced "Peterson Proposal." During the discussion, which went on for some time, with Council members [some of them] raising substantive questions, with others, particular I believe Mr. Stephenson saying [in various ways] "I think so too" to whatever Mr. Montgomery indicated the Mayor thought. Finally Ms. Van Hooser said [this is a close approximation but not verbatim]: "I don't want to spend any more of the Council's time discussing a proposal that we don't have yet." I looked around the table, and members were nodding. The discussion ended there, and the Council's year long time-wasting attempting to deal with repeated Administration attempts to change the ordinances to accommodate the "proposal" Mr. Peterson was allegedly working on ended right then and there.
Got my attention, that night, Ms. Van H. did. Began watching her on Council business a little more carefully after that and was impressed. Didn't agree with her on all her votes, but hard to hold that against her since, inexplicably, no Council member has agreed with me 100% of the time so far as I know.
If I had to categorize Ms. Van Hooser's place on the Council, I'd do it this way: she is part of the common-sense pragmatic center, which is willing to support administration proposals that, upon examination, stand up to scrutiny and are supported by good evidence, but who are also willing to stand fast against proposals from the administration that, upon examination, turn out to be ill-advised and not supported by good evidence.
That works for me. If only the that the State House of Representatives and Senate had a similar pragmatic center making decisions, we'd be a lot better off. Having a Council dominated by pragmatic centrists has been, and will continue to be, very good for Ogden. Having a Council majority composed of Stephenson clone would not.
Having a pragmatic centrist in the Mayor's office would also be a very good thing for Ogden.
My apologies for the acerbic tone and edginess in my previous post to you. I get that way during campaigns sometimes. Not called for. Trying to correct it, but not always successful.
Again, my apologies for the tone.
You’re such a pain in the ass. Ha ha.
No really it’s ok. I’m clueless sometimes about civics. I've known to bark too much and have an off colored since of humor.
I've never met you, but find you very articulate. I look up to you.
No need to apologize
Crum what do you think about this talk back and forth.
I think Hansen and Susie should come to an agreement. Fire, Chief Senator Greiner. Appoint Hansen to Chief. That way its a win win.
Hansen would fit right in with his brothers that are cops.
Think again. Any such agreement (quid pro quo in exchange for an endorsement) would be absolutely illegal, and neither Hansen nor Van Hooser is unethical enough (or stupid enough) to do that.
Every elected official hires their own appointees. Pres. Georg Bush named all of his cabinet before they moved into the white house. Our own Governor Huntsman named his staff before they threw Ma Ma from the train. All the Presidential nominees name their choice for Vice President.
Tell me where this law exists?
What say you Crum?
Just A:
As I understand it, the law comes in when someone is offered a job in return for an endorsement.
By way of example, if Mayor Godfrey were to come to me and say "Curm, your posts on WCF are just killing my campaign, I'm going to lose if you keep it up. So, here's the deal: you stop criticizing my administration on WCF and instead support my re-election, and when I win, I'll appoint you to a city job paying at least 75K a year. What do you say?"
Mayor Godfrey would be breaking the law if he did that. However, suppose I suddenly underwent a dramatic political conversion, and concluded that Godfrey Is The Answer, and began touting his re-election on my lawn and at WCF. And if he was reelected and then came to me and said "Why, Curm, I've been mightily impressed by your writings on WCF recently. You're just the kind of sharp guy I need in my administration. I'm here to offer you the job of [whatever]. It pays at least 75K. What do you say?" That would be perfectly legal.
And anyone who believes that's how things actually work in campaigns [from presidents to mayors] also probably believes in Father Christmas, the Easter Bunny, the Great Pumpkin and that if we just extend The Surge nine more months, Democracy will break out all over Iraq and a happy populace will begin tossing flowers at American troops in Ramadi and Falujah.
Just a Cop:
I am sick and tired of you calling the Firefighters back stabbers. How do you figure?
The Firefighters interview the candidates that best share the views of Public Safety that includes the Police, by the way.
The Police association sits in the back row behind curtains bitching and moaning about everything, however they have never as an association, endorsed a candidate, they have never contributed to a candidate, and they have not gone out and dropped flyers for a candidate. They don’t return calls from candidates who want to help and understand the problems in the Police department. They prefer to cower in the corners and ride others coat tails, and if they don’t agree they call someone a backstabber. Why doesn’t the Police association get organized and defy their heavy handed chicken shit Chief, and actually get the balls to endorse a candidate.
Until your association stands up and communicates with other groups to come together on a choice for a candidate, I would suggest that you keep cowering down to your Chief. You might need a roll of paper towels to clean up the piddle.
What we need is a Mayor, other than Godfrey, who will support the public safety.
Neil is a good man, he is honest, he has done a lot to help the Police and Firefighters, as well as the citizens in Ogden, but for some reason he is un-electable for the position of Mayor. Neil does a very good job at the legislature; I hope he continues to be a watchdog for the people of Ogden.
Right now the candidate that can possibly beat Godfrey, is Susan Van Hooser. We need to rally and get her elected, then maybe Greiner can go away, and the cronyism that does not allow any promotional opportunities beyond the ranks of Sergeant may return.
Concerned Resident
Everything you said is what hansen was all all about. But Susie said she will run the city like a business so in my eyes she is just like Godfrey. Please tell me so what is the difference between her and the little guy. not much but a dress, and some times I wonder.
Yea, I got a ticket.
Hansen can't get elected, how about Susie can't get elected without Hansen. Boy what irony. Hansen has been with the firefighter for 15 plus years and when he needed their help they have turn on him, that makes them a back stabber. So don't tell me he was not the best candidate for the job, Susie just said I'm a woman and I can win so endorse me and they bought into that crap. So don't tell she was the best. Where has she been all those years to stop Godfrey and the republican form hurting them. well how about it. Tell me I'm wrong.
tell me i said:
How many times has Hansen run for Mayor? How many times has he made it through the Primary for mayor.
Dont blame the Firefighters because the voters didnt vote for Hansen.
Your explanation of the legalities of political appointments was accurate, and I assume the ending was a bit of satire to point out the how it really works.
Incidentally, your explanation also accurately describes how Glassman came to get his high paying job with the city. He won based on his telling the truth to the voters about the corrupt Godfrey regime.
After the election Godfrey and his high power team of slick executives "educated" him, (or brainwashed if you want to be direct), won him over in record time, then got him out of the way and off the council with the big job that payed him more than any other he ever had. Translation: Glassman sold out on his long held beliefs and his promises to the voter in a heart beat thus putting to rest any doubts that people had about how shallow he really is.
The true karmic justice of course is that they got Van Hooser in his place, and she is now positioned to bring the whole corrupt Godfrey house of cards down! Talk about Shakespearian!
Thomas B:
Godfrey as Richard III.... Hmmmmm. Works for me!
Ya I got a ticket:
Fact: Firefighters are back stabbers. Hansen has a proven record for their behalf. Susie looks pretty. Hum. Firefighter’s endorse Susie.
Cops associations are cowards. Because anti union elected officials, got their cronies on these boards. They shut the cops up. Remember Chief Senator Greiner was a President of the Association many years ago. He did nothing to change those bi-laws.
Now any cop who sits on the associations and tries to change those bi-laws. Well look at Matt Jones?
By the way if I could change those bi-laws I would.
For now I have to do this in the shadows. If they find out about me on this. I'll be fired too. But when my pension is secure,you'll see many of us comeing out and showing even more evidence of the coruption. By the way not too many years left either...
So hold on to your shorts and buy some popcorn.
By the way I won’t roll over, like what Matt Jones did.
Just a Cop:
You haven’t answered one question. You can’t face the fact that Hansen can not be elected as Mayor. I don’t hear you bitching at the Lifties, Geigers and other pigs at the Godfrey trough.
The fact is Godfrey has to go. Do you want four more years of Godfrey and Greiner? You cops can’t come together on any issue. You don’t respect the rights of individual groups to actively support who they think are ELECTABLE, and who will best represent PUBLIC SAFETY.
Greiner is one vote in your association, get the balls and change your bi-laws, or sit around and make accusations about other groups.
This type of whining is exactly why Matt Jones is gone; your association can’t even rally around your own people.
Keep bitching and watch as the Civil Service goes away when Godfrey gets re-elected along with his hand chosen council candidates.
Over and out!
Just a Cop:
Oh, by the way, this type of action and name calling is exactly what Godfrey and Greiner thrive on. It's called divide and Conquer.
Thomas b
I think you might be a bit too harsh as it pertains to Mr. Glasmann. Yes he did run on an anti-godfrey platform, and yes he did later change his mind. I think his position may be that once elected he became privy to much more extensive information than he had before the election and therefore changed his positions.
Although I do not agree with his switch of positions, I wouldn't necessarily call that brain washing or traitorous. In fact we all admire the rare politician that is flexible and intelligent enough to learn from experience, don't we?
I think his resignation was a result of his knowing he could no longer represent the positions that got him elected, and therefore resigning was the honorable thing to do. In any event it turned out to be the best considering it catapulted Suzi V into a serious enough position to unseat the little devil.
So it's a hats off to Glasmann in my book.
Loved the pic's with this article.
Four white, middle aged, manipulating, lying, Republican, Neo Con champions of the people. Just what Ogden needs to completely bankrupt the city once and for all.
Who said Ogden city government isn't for sale?
I got a ticket:
Your right. But your endorcement would have locked Hansen over the top with Susie. Godfrey would be packing her bags and wiping her tears away. And yes I mean Godfry.
The firefighters endorcement is that powerful.
You guys have the greats tool of endorcement. Cops hands are in handcuffs. We can't endorce a candidate. Because if we did we would be fired.
Even when I call you wimps and coward. "your all true hereos in my eyes."
Don't take it too personal.
God bless and good luck. I hope we get a better may than what we've had. Because if Godfrey wins.
Cops and Firefighters will be called a bunch of lazy weiners.
For the next four years
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