All prospective voters should read our latest update, regarding Boss Godfrey's most recent political dirty trick
Well... we've confirmed it, gentle readers. Just as advertised, the polling has begun in our long awaited Emerald City General Election. We were concerned that Boss Godfrey may have not had enough time to spend his $183,000 war chest, and that he might have issued an imperial order at the last minute, delaying today's voting for another couple of weeks. Happily this did not happen; and thus your humble blogmeister has just now returned from his neighborhood polling place, after having proudly cast his ballot for Van Hooser, Aardema, Gochner and Wicks.
After 2 years of postings about Emerald City politics here on Weber County Forum, words can't express our satisfaction in finally putting our money where our mouth has been, and in casting our votes for the ouster of Boss Godfrey and his evil corporo-fascist minions.
And though it may seem unnecessary to remind our readers again, today's election depends upon a robust voter turnout by concerned lumpencitizens. Let's hear no excuses today, folks. If the vote turns out unfavorably, with one single exception, we don't want to hear any griping from citizens who didn't show up to vote. And on that connection, we'll make a special offer to those poor Emerald City souls who still hold an ill-founded adherence to Boss Godfrey and his corrupt and undemocratic political practices. If you decide NOT to vote today, you'll be warmly welcomed here to gripe all your want. We're very forgiving here at Weber County Forum; and when the final tallies roll in tonight, we'll be happy to give you a warm shoulder to cry on.

We also struck up a short conversation, wherein we asked if they'd yet gone inside to vote. "Oh no," one of them volunteered. "We're from Washington Terrace, not from this neighborhood."
Blain Johnson: Candidate of the people -- the People's Choice for Paid Pickets from Washington Terrace!!!!
And even though we don't believe it's necessary at this point, we'll nevertheless state the obvious:
You know what to do.
Do it at your neighborhood polling place.
Have at it gentle readers. This would be a good place, we think, to post your election day comments, observations... and war stories.
(And yes, gentle readers. As per usual, we'll be firing up a new thread later this evening, where you can link, track and comment in real time upon tonight's election results. Don't forget to check back after the polls close.)
Update 11/6/07 1:05 p.m. MT: We have just received a message from one of our readers, who was turned away about an hour ago by poll workers at her precinct polling place, Grand View Acres Elementary School. Our reader was told by poll judges that Cindi Mansell, of the Ogden City Recorder's Office, has lodged a series of individual voter challenges, requiring a list of 50 or more Emerald City voters to provide two forms of ID, including proof of residency, prior to the issuance of an electronic ballot.
We have spoken with an official from the Weber County Clerk's office, who informs us that such a challenge is lawful. We have successfully obtained the aforementioned list. We've uploaded it to our storage site; and the list can be viewed here, in pdf format. If your name appears on this list, and you remain eligible to vote in Ogden, be sure to bring along AT LEAST two forms of ID, preferably your voter registration card and an official picture ID (Driver's License or other government-issued ID,) proving that you reside within your voting precinct. Failing that, bring along any other proof of residency which you may have on hand, such as utility bills and similar mailings which show your true address of residency.
If you know any of the people whose names appear on the list, please contact and inform them regarding this matter.
If all else fails, we are informed by Weber County election officials that it's your right to demand a provisional ballot. Whatever you do, do not allow yourself to leave your voting precinct without casting at least a provisional ballot. Questions regarding your eligibility to vote can be sorted out by election officials later. In the event that your poll workers refuse to issue such a ballot, demand that they call the Weber County Clerk's Office at 399-8400, so that county election officials can set them straight.
Come to think of it, we recommend that ALL prospective voters take along two forms of ID, including a photo ID and/or other proof of residence before going to the polls.
We can never predict what will be the next dirty trick that the evil Godfreyites will try to pull. We do advise everyone who hasn't voted yet to be prepared for the very worst.
Conversation overheard while waiting in line to recive our computer ballot access card:
One elderly woman, greeting four acquintances from the neighborhood:
"Are you voting for THE Mayor?"
One of the four neighbors (grimly):
"We're voting for A mayor."
It will be interesting to see if Van Hooser and her inner circle of Mary Hall, Mitch Moyes and the two has been county commissioners were able to give the voters of Ogden a good reason to unseat Mayor Godfrey.
I was hoping to be convinced by the Van Hooser team efforts to have a good reason to vote the mayor out. I really don't like the man at all. His arrogance clouds any possible good he might do.
Unfortunately, and in spite of looking, I found nothing in the Van Hooser campaign that was a compelling reason to vote for her or against the mayor.
It appears to me to be a great wasted opportunity to get the city out of the hands of the special interests. I'm sorry to say that I think Mayor Godfrey will win today.
Can you give an example of something that you were hoping to see in the Van Hooser campaign?
Just curious.
Also, who are the two has-been commissioners?
And for that matter, whom would you have liked to see in Van Hooser's inner circle?
I agree, to a degree, with your comments. The Mayor being an incumbent and w/ all his dough is definitely in a good position. Susie still has a good shot, though, and I can promise you Godfrey and Pals are sweating bullets right now. Most people I have talked with, even those I know who at one time sided w/ Godfrey, voted for Susan Van Hooser (as did I). Hopefully the rest of Ogden can see through the Mayor's empty promises and vote for integrity (something Ogden is in great need of).
Having been a long time reader of this blog, I find it a credit to Rudi and all involved that there has been an increasing number of obvious Godfrey supporters posting their blogs here. It shows what a community can do when a forum is given to come together and stand up to the seeming insurmountable. The Godfrey Administration, as proof in the attention this site gets, is threatened by what this site has done and will do.
No matter what the results are tonight, there is all the reason to hold your heads high. We have a place where free thinking thought and ideas can be exchanged. It is a place where truth is sought out, not hidden. These very values are what threaten the Godfrey Administration and The Standard Examiner, for it does not support their theory of winning by misinformation and out and out lying. The ends do not justify the means in here.
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."
Well, Myra,
I think that Godfrey spent all $183,000. that he had in his war chest because we received a letter from whining little Monica about how much the campaign had cost and any donations would be "gratefully received." Man, if you can't win a campaign with $183,000. when your opponent has less than half that much then there really is something wrong with the little man! Which most of us know to be the case and why we're voting for the Susie, and so as not to tie down her with Godfrey's cronies, we're voting for Aardema, Wicks and Gochnour!
I must admit that I voted for Godfrey four years ago - for the same reasons that many people will vote for Godfrey again today - FEAR. Not fear of a vindictive administration (although that is likely justified) but fear of Ogden's progress coming to a screeching halt.
Since then I have seen first hand how the Mayor doesn't really understand what progress is. He's willing to sacrifice real economic development opportunities in exchange for his "vision" of a disneyland/gondola/wal-mart/sprawlville. He doesn't really fundamentally understant the potential that Ogden has as not only a recreation destination but also as a truly vibrant urban environment, with rich contextual layers of history & culture!
In contrast - Van Hooser's campaign offers the one major thing that Godfrey and his campaign lack - INTEGRITY! While Godfrey spouts "vision" and empty promises, Van Hooser will be a mayor of the People! She will welcome input from citizens and experts; she will gather information and THEN make decisions (not the other way around as Godfrey tends to do); and most importantly she will LEAD in an atmosphere of OPENESS and RESPECT so that we can ALL work TOGETHER to make Ogden a great place to Live, Work, and Play!
Please - cast your votes for REAL progress - a vibrant future for Ogden based on public input, expert advice, and good development precedents!
Ogden City's Recorder's Office Election Results page is up and updating here.
I would have liked to see Van Hooser educate the public about the things that "Brett" (immediately above) writes about. I think the whole issue with the mayor is integrity, and his lack of it. I really didn't see where the Van Hooser campaign capitalized on that, the very main issue with him. There are almost endless examples of verifiable events where the mayor has been caught lying, or dealing city assets to his insider friends or scheming with them against the best interests of the public. There is the whole unsavory business of Gadi Leshem, the mayor, and how Leshem now owns a lot of very critical land very near the new train station. It seem to me that Van Hooser missed the boat in going after the mayor in his weakest points.
As to who I would have liked to see on her inner circle? How about you? How about Curmudgeon? How about Rudi? How about several other very smart sounding and politically astute participants on this blog?
The two ex commissioners? Spencer Stokes and Cammille Cain, at least according to the grape vine at the County Offices.
The only hard hitting and truth telling material I have seen is the article in yesterday's paper by Mz. Jeske, and I understand that a private citizen had to pay for that to be in the paper. The article/ad didn't have the Van Hooser campaign claim on it, so I assume she had nothing to do with it even tho it may very well be the most effective ad of her campaign.
What I'm saying is that I believe the voters of Ogden want to know the truth about their elected officials and I don't think the Van Hooser team did a very good job of educating them about the mayor's true nature. (no pun intended)
Let's put it more simply - Ogden IS at a crossroads. As an Urban Designer who's actually worked with REAL developers in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona, and California - I've seen many examples of good & bad economic development.
Godfrey's Vision = a quasi-suburban city center complete with a Wal-Mart and strip-mall style box restaurants. Think West Jordan only with a gondola and mountain vernacular architecture.
Ogden's Real Potential = Lower Downdown Denver, only better because we have great urban infrastrucure and access to fantastic recreational opportunities: Check it out for yourselves.
You decide!
Arrived at Polk Elementary just after 8 this AM to vote. Found long lines for one table of four precincts, no lines at tables for others. Poll worker explained the long lines, saying "five of our machines went down." They had most of the Diebold machines back up by the time I got to the table to vote, still having problems with one [or with the authorization cards that bring up ballots when you insert them.] I remarked to a harried poll worker that the metal boxes we used to drop out paper ballots in seemed never to malfunction.
That said, kudos to the poll workers who were uniformly helpful, polite, and working the phones for tech assistance to get their machine up and running. Under pressure, with lines building, their good will and polite helpfulness never cracked. Good people in a tough job.
Noticed two young women holding up Godfrey signs for passing traffic at 30th and Harrison. They were holding the signs up in front of their faces. Turns out, they were paid temps from SOS Staffing [a temp providing firm in Ogden]. If Hizzonah can't find volunteers to do his honk-and-waves for him, as Ms. Van Hooser has, and has to hire temp staff to do it for pay, he's hurtin'. Or he thinks he is.
It all depends now on turnout.
So, for potential voters, I have two messages:
First, for those who intend to vote as I did, let me remind you that this race at the moment is shaping up to be a close one, and that in a close municipal race, your vote probably counts a great deal more than it will in a state wide or national race. So if you want to make a difference, be sure to get to the polls.
Second, to those who intend to vote differently than I did, let me remind you that thousand of people will vote today, and that your single vote can't really make much of a difference, and it would be really a shame to waste time on a beautiful day like today waiting in line to cast a vote that, in the end, probably won't matter at all.
PS: I can confirm that the County Clerk's office was not available by phone this morning. Poll worker at Polk Elementary was trying to call them and getting no answer.
Who in the hell is Brian Furniss?
I think the link that mitchr posted above is a link to the primary results? I went to the election results link off the Ogden City website and it says that NO results will be displayed until after 8:00p.m. today.
Here's the link:
Extremely Upset:
You need to remember the Mayor is a Republican, and suppressing votes, making it more, not less, difficult for citizens to vote, and trying to prevent citizens from voting is a common Republican election tactic. When you believe the people are against you, discouraging them from voting becomes a very attractive tactic --- if you have no principles, of course.
Hey Rudi, is this blog hosted locally?
I saw Susan BVan Hooser drinking coffee today made with beans from South America!
Maybe Godfrey supporters actually have jobs.
I was wondering about that.
They must be reading this blog, they just zeroed everything out too.
Thanks for the main link.
Let's see now, let's follow out the logic of your post: People who drink coffee made from coffee beans grown in South America must be unemployed.
With logic like that going for you, you must be on the Godfrey inner circle of advisers, the ones who thought $45 dollars for three minutes wind tunnel ride was just what Ogden needed to put it on the map.
Extremely Upset:
According to the SE's editorial this morning --- ok, ok, I admit, a not entirely reliable source --- the voting judges should not be demanding two forms of alternate ID except from people who don't have a government-issued photo ID like a driver's license. According to the SE, the photo idea is sufficient to allow you to vote. Or should be.
Some of the VH campaign people might want to get on the horn to the state election commission about this. Pronto. Or did the SE get it wrong [yet again] in its editorial?
No, I was pointing out the silliness of saying that temp worker were hired from Washington Terrace. When we all do things that aren't local...I bet the paper used to print flyers were from out of state. And the shoes walked in were made in China, and etc. etc.
The logic is that sign holders from Washington Terrace have nothing to do with all of this....because we all do all kinds of things that aren't local. Including the coffee we drink.
It would have been just as ridiculous to have Rudi post, "Godfrey and Johnson wore chinese made shoes while campaigning."
And I am not out holding a sign becsaue I am at a job that ws brought here by Godfrey.
I hope that fills in some of the gaps in your head.
I hope your job that Godfrey brought to Ogden doesn't require you to read or write coherently, because judging by your posts, you'll need one of those sign-holding temp jobs in short (deck) order.
Seriously! I think the point is that Godfrey is paying people to look like they are out supporting him! I don't know about you but I think that is a pretty scummy way to get votes. If you want to go show your support for Godfrey then I suggest you go get a sign after you get off work for the day and relieve some of the paid support!!!!
I took time out of my very busy schedule to rally for my candidate - along with many other dedicated citizens. The suggestion that we are all "unemployed" is both baseless and extremely rude!
p.s. I'm sure your employer appreciates your blogging on company time.
I just returned from doing a job that brought forth a Godfrey from my ass. Good to see you gondola freak and onion-loving morons display your cognizant capabilities, though.
"And I am not out holding a sign becsaue I am at a job that ws brought here by Godfrey." So, what is your job? Posting non-sensical drivel on the Weber County Forum? BTW, if it hasn't dawned on you yet, you completely missed the point about temp workers holding signs from Brian Johnson.
Oops, my boss walked in while I was blogging. What I meant to say at the end of my previous post completely missed the point about temp workers holding signs for Blain Johnson. Not that it matters, of course.
oh my, kicked the sensitive little hornets nest!
Ute, oh brilliant one, what was the point?
"We also struck up a short conversation, wherein we asked if they'd yet gone inside to vote. "Oh no," one of them volunteered. "We're from Washington Terrace; not from this neighborhood."
Blain Johnson: Candidate of the people -- the People's Choice for Paid Pickets from Washington Terrace!!!!"
self employed--- me too! and I was at lunch if you must know. And I have provided 10 more jobs in the last year. And perhaps to the uneducated it looks like someone is being paid to look like they are supporting him, to the knowledgeable it is just another form of get back to work.
Well, Seriously, if you think you've improved the credibility of your post by claiming there is anything remotely parallel involved in (a) paying non-residents of Ogden to campaign in an Ogden city election and (b) drinking coffee made from South American beans, I suspect you are sadly mistaken. That makes about as much sense as your implying, in your latest post, that volunteer sign-wavers for SVH must not have jobs because the reason you're not waving signs for Godfrey: you're employed in a job brought here by Godfrey [presumably one of the outdoor manufacturing businesses]. If you are a regular reader of WCF you will know that I've been saying for a long time that his re-branding Ogden as an outdoors mfg. center was a good idea [following the collapse of his first idea of branding Odgen as the new Silicon Valley]. However, that's not [for me] sufficient to overcome the rest of his record. That it is for you, I can understand.
Have a good day, Seriously. And win, loose or draw, this employed campaigner for SVH intends to shamelessly sneak a cup of joe or two tomorrow at GFC --- South American beans notwithstanding.
Curm, Did you know that Hitler was put in office by ONE vote. So one vote does matter.
You wrote: And perhaps to the uneducated it looks like someone is being paid to look like they are supporting him, to the knowledgeable it is just another form of marketing.
Ah, there perhaps is the key, or at least a key, to our differences. You look upon election campaigning as simply another form of marketing, like peddling tooth paste or weight-loss pills. Guess I'm old fashioned, but I look upon election campaigning as something of a higher calling than that, as something requiring higher standards than product marketing. When I go campaigning, I'm looking to convince voters, not to sell customers.
Sadly, I think a great many people... yes, even in my party... share your approach to democracy and how it works, that it's really only another form of pitching the rubes... toothpaste, used cars, candidates for mayor, what's the difference? As I said, I think there is a substantial... no, that's not strong enough... a fundadmental difference. I'm saddened that you seem to think there's not.
Curm....yes, they are equally ridiculous. That is the parallel.
I find it ridiculous to think that people think this way:
Voter: I don’t know who to vote for, but I will go vote anyway.
Voter: Wow, two people are holding a sign on the corner for Blain Johnson. Wow he must be supported by everyone! I will vote for him!
Yes that show of support could be overwhelming.
You missed my point, by bringing up stupid crap, people look stupid.
good day to you too!
Do What is Right:
You wrote: Did you know that Hitler was put in office by ONE vote. So one vote does matter.
I am not an expert on German history, but I don't think that's right. Possibly one vote in the Reichstag made Hitler Chancellor of Germany, but I don't think one vote at the polls "put him in office." Perhaps someone with a lot more knowledge of modern German history than I have will comment, with a source or two cited.
That said, of course every vote matters, and they are likely to matter more in municipal than in state or national elections [because the electorate is so much smaller]. But I would be delighted if those those who would vote differently than I voted convinced themselves otherwise.
Well, at least now we know that the 2000 jobs that the Mayor promised us have been filled, at least for people holding signs supporting the Gang of $50 Haircuts.
You realize that when GODfrey wins he will be adding those sign bearing jobs to the list of jobs he has created in Ogden! After all it doesn’t matter what type of job he creates or how long it will actually be around as long as the job is available, if he created it then he should be worshiped for it. Why is that so hard to understand?
So get down on your knees you whiney Satan worshiping scum.
I think you are completely right! Paying people to hold campaign signs is just marketing. As we all know government is just business after all. In fact, I think we should just get rid of campaign rules altogether. Then great businessmen like Godfrey can just flat out buy their votes!
You're not the only person who thinks Van Hooser should have criticized (some would say "attacked") Godfrey more, especially for his lack of integrity.
At the same time, other people have said that Van Hooser's campaign is too negative, and that she hasn't said enough positive things about her own ideas for Ogden.
It's tough to be a candidate, especially when you're challenging a well-known incumbent. You have a limited budget and limited access to the news media. You have to choose carefully among many possible messages, always asking what will resonate with the most voters. And you have to be true to your own principles.
The sense I've gotten from Van Hooser is that she's well aware of what's wrong with Godfrey, and she'll tell you all about it if you really want to know. But she's also a very positive, hopeful person and wants to keep her tone as positive as she can. I just can't imagine her sending out campaign mail that attacks Godfrey in a mean-spirited way. And if she did, she'd lose her credibility when she says she wants to unify our community.
The paid Godfree sign holders looked like they could care less. I've seen a lot more animation from the guy wearing the cellphone costume on lower Harrison.
I agree with Dan. Suzie obviously decided early on to not run a negative campaign. Having knocked on doors all over town, I've been amazed at the variety of people who are aware of Godfrey's tricks and dishonesty and want him the hell out of City Hall.
Hold onto your hats.
I am on the challenge list. I called the clerk’s office to ascertain
how I ended up there. According to the woman I spoke with, two
individuals–Blake Fowers (name ring a bell?) and Jenny Terry–from
“Mayor Godfrey’s campaign” submitted the list last Friday or Saturday.
The woman told me they somehow researched address discrepancies on
VanHooser supporters. Without doing any research to verify the list,
the clerk’s office took it as gospel and flagged everyone on it to be
challenged. According to her, the law states that anyone can
challenge an individual’s right to vote. So, apparently, you can
drive around the city before an election writing down addresses that
display your opponent’s campaign sign, look up the name of the
individual and submit a challenge to the clerk’s office.
My history: I moved and registered at my new address in a new
district, voting twice there in the past four years. During this
year’s primary, the clerk’s office claims that they only have a
record of my being registered at my former address–where I tried to
cast my vote today. That’s when I found out I was being challenged.
I’m going to submit a provisional ballot and informed the clerk that
it damn-well better be counted. I also told her to pray that Godfrey
goes down in flames or shit’s going to hit the proverbial fan for
everyone involved in this travesty. I’m sick to death of the f&*#ing
antics of these worthless, immoral, unethical morons. Does he have no
‘Bout time to go Old School O-Town on these fools.
Stay on it. When the election's over, it might be worth pursuing if it can be shown that most of the challenges were without merit and all were known supporters of one of the candidates. Courts sometimes look with disfavor on deliberate partisan efforts to suppress voting.
Annoying though it is, I'd take it as a compliment. You are clearly so dangerous to the Godfrey administration that Hizzonah and his thug hencepersons have taken special efforts to make it difficult for you to vote. I'd be proud of that.
If the rules are truly that loose... anybody can challenge any voter for any reason --- or no reason --- does that mean next election any one of us can submit a list of "challenges" containing the Mayor and every member of his administration and they'd all go on the "provisional vote" list?
The other thing that comes to mind is this: is it the County Clerk's job to keep the voter list current, or to see that it is kept current? If not, whose job is it? And what remedy do voters have if they are failing to do their job?
I don't know the answer to any of those questions. Wonder if anyone does. I do know filing frivolous challenges is an oft-used Republican tactic. Did it last election in Florida and in Ohio and elsewhere. I believe the man in charge of balloting in Ohio was eventually removed from office and I think convicted for his complicity in vote-suppression schemes. He was of course a Republican.
I've never posted, but after today I may become a regular. My wife and I are both on the challenged list. We were turned away at Taylor Elementary school because we didn't have two forms of ID showing our current address. We were registered and on the list at our old address two blocks away in the voting book. An individual named Blake Fowers challenged both of us. I've never even heard of Blake Fowers. I felt as if I was being accused of casting a fraudulent ballot.
After spending an additional two hours securing additional proofs of residence we returned and cast a provisional ballet. I went immediately to the county clerk who rather quickly was able to provide me with the same list as is linked in the PDF. They said that Blake Fowers and Jeni Terry were the two individuals that had submitted the challenges. I overheard the women assisting me repeat to whomever she was receiving the information from that the challengers were "the two from the campaign"
Googling Blake Fowers I found a pro-Godfrey editorial in the Standard along with a comment on the blog regarding the Ogden listing his location as San Francisco, CA. Is he even a resident of Ogden?
I have to say I have never felt the mix of disbelief, anger, and helplessness as I did when turned away from voting. The poll official said we could vote provisionally, but it would not count without the proper documents. It was an incredibly Orwellian experience that I will never forget.
Adding to my complete disbelief of the situation was the poll "observer" which when I asked directly said he was the mayor's brother from St. George or something. He sat with a book of bar codes and a pencil marking what appeared to be some sort of list. It is incredible that local politics could take this turn. To think that two weeks ago, I was still trying to make a definite, informed decision on whom to vote for. I have a lot of good friends that are pro-Godfrey and I have always tried to give him the benefit of the doubt as I respected him and his family greatly. I'm still in disbelief of the depravity.
"I believe the man in charge of balloting in Ohio was eventually removed from office and I think convicted for his complicity in vote-suppression scheme"
I don't think Ken Blackwell was ever convicted of anything (I might be wrong) but he was "convicted" by the voters of Ohio:
He actually threw out voter registrations because they were on an incorrect weight of paper!
It's human nature for honest people to assume others are telling the truth until it's proven otherwise. Godfrey's machinations during the past years have been so outragious that it's hard to get people to believe he's really that bad. But he is.
Let's hope this is the end of him and his ilk.
To anyone who hasn't voted yet today - VOTE FOR THE WOMEN!!!
You wrote: I'm still in disbelief of the depravity.
Believe it, Zac. When former councilman Jorgensen endorsed Ms. Van Hooser --- Jorgensen had been a consistent supporter of the Mayor's while on the council --- he gave as his reason his belief that the Mayor's "win at any cost" approach to city governance was not a healthy one. What happened to you, and apparently many others, is a good example of what he was talking about.
Welcome aboard, Zac.
Zac and Beaver, for what it may be worth, please contact the SE about your experience at the polls today. My guess is that they will say that they won't do a story on something like this - even though they should - but it is worth a try.
OK, you're probably right. I seem to recall he was under investigation by, I think, the Feds, but his losing the election may have made all that moot. My apologies for getting it wrong. So many elected Republicans are going to jail these days, I find it hard to keep them all straight without a score card.... [grin]
This from the SL Trib of 11/1/04:
For 23 years, Carol Sheehan and her husband, Frank, have lived in the same Holladay neighborhood and their politics have remained about as constant as their address.
"My ballot is so stiff it doesn't bend," Carol Sheehan said. "It is very straight Democrat."
But Thursday, her right to place that Democratic vote was challenged by a Republican candidate for the state House of Representatives - who also challenged the legal registration of 1,495 other residents in House District 37.
Republican candidate Brice Derek Carsno claims all of those residents do not live in the precincts they are registered in and therefore should not have the right to punch a ballot Tuesday.
State and county election officials, however, disagree and at least one says Carsno's challenge could be criminal.
"There is no validity to his claims," Salt Lake County Clerk Sherrie Swensen said Saturday. "It looks to me like what he has done is challenge everyone with another political affiliation than his own."
Swensen, a Democrat, has spot-checked a couple of hundred names on the list Carsno provided and found that all live in House District 37 and all are legally registered.
Almost all are Democrats as well, other than one voter registered as a member of the Reform Party and one from the American Party. No name she has checked on the list is an unaffiliated voter or a Republican.
One of those voters is Barbara Kidrick, who has lived in Holladay for five years. She voted by absentee ballot last week, days before Swensen called to verify her address.
"I didn't expect this in Utah," she said, referring to claims of voter disenfranchisement in swing states in the close presidential election.
Carsno said a campaign staffer provided him the list, but he refused to say why his campaign questioned the voter registration of the 1,496 people.
"I followed the letter of the law, and the law states that any voter may challenge any other voter," he said.
But state elections director Amy Naccarato says Carsno misused that statute.
"The law says you need to challenge each person and give a basis for each individual challenge," said Naccarato, who works for Republican Lt. Gov. Gayle McKeachnie. "Turning in hundreds and hundreds of names without any grounds is a little bit over the top in my opinion. It has the potential to create chaos at those precincts."
Swensen has never received a mass challenge such as this and said even individual challenges are rare.
If Swensen had decided that Carsno's claims were legitimate, all 1,496 voters would have had to fill out a provisional ballot after showing proof of residence, which is exactly what Carsno said he expected to happen. The process would slow down the collection and counting of those votes.
Swensen says Carsno is trying to turn the new provisional ballot law on its head.
"It is taking a law that is meant to protect voter integrity and abusing it, trying to intimidate voters from voting," she said.
State law says voter intimidation can result in a class B misdemeanor - and voter intimidation in a federal election could result in a federal crime.
Swensen plans to meet with members of the county District Attorney's Office on Monday. She has also contacted the U.S. Department of Justice.
There was a similar story in the DesNews on the same date.
I find no evidence that anything came of the case, no charges were filed against Carsno that I can Google.
I contacted a friend who was on the list. His immediate response was to ponder, "I wonder how I got on that list?" Then he laughed and said, "I'm a registered Democrat."
He could have been closer to the truth than he knew. It would be interesting to see if one can find some sort of common thread in the challenges. From the names I recognize, I could venture some guesses.
I think we've found two more of the jobs created by the Godfrey Administration. "Voter challenger" can be a new job title.
Zac and Beaver, I would contact the US Attorney in SL. Nothing breeds more fear in these guys as a potential lawsuit or Grand Jury. If Godfrey looses he will try and sell the golf course before Jan.
Nice catch. Thanks for posting it. I notice that the Salt Lake County Clerk --- a Democrat, of course --- thought it her responsibility to actually check the names on the challenge list to see if the challenges were valid, and to refuse to accept them if they were not valid. Unlike, apparently, the WC Clerk who simply [apparently] took the Godfrey Campaign's list of challenged voters and plopped them all onto the challenge list, forcing them to cast provisional ballots.
Imagine that....
There are 146 names on that list. Not up to Mr. Carsno's standard, but still a significant number of challenges.
It would be interesting for someone who has access to see if each is a registered Democrat, for example.
It reminds me of a quote from my old University of Colorado days, where the campus cafeteria is named after the only man ever convicted of cannibalism in the US: The Alferd Packer Grill.
Legend has it that at his sentencing, he was told by the judge: "Stand up, you voracious man-eating son-of-a-bitch. There were seven Democrats in all of Hinsdale County and you ate five of them. God damn you sir!"
I'll bet that everyone on the list has an opposition sign in their yard.
Hey folks, what desperation, lying little matty and his professional staff are leaving no stone unturned. Paying temps to hold signs and challenging people that haven't been on any city voting register for 14 years. I'm on the list of challenged voters.
But lying little matty's brother is sitting at the polling place intimidating and taking notes.
Please remove this pack of scum from our fair city.
I'm sure you're aware that your own Dorothy Littrell tried to vote in Ogden today as a resident of North Ogden. And you're calling the mayor a crook?
Now you know why there's a challenge list.
Just a thought re: the challenged voters list. How many of the names on that list are Smart Growth people? In looking at the list I notice quite a few.
Dave F, if you look at the list it indicates that she has a residence in Ogden and is registered to vote at the residence. Any problem with that?
I forgot one thing, I caught a royal eccles radio slot today, this idiot is running for the City Council, and thinks the jackass center and junction are two separate things.
I had to try 3 times today and make a trip to the County Clerk's office to get the Fowers list before I was allowed to cast a provisional ballot at Grandview Elementary School.
The first time I went to vote about 10:00 o'clock the election workers told me I could not vote. Period....
Because I was on a Challenge List and could not produce a utility bill with my name on it.
Not one word was said about a provisional ballot. I went back the second time with my Voter ID card and my driver's license but still no mention of a provisional ballot and I was told again that I could not vote without showing a utility bill with my name on it.
This time I got the County Elections Officer involved and she made a trip to Grandview to read them the rules for allowing me at least a provisional ballot.
I finally got a provisional ballot at 3:10 p.m. for the first time in my life.
The provisional ballot is a joke, too, because there is no voter's I.D. number on it.
If I hadn't asked about why I didn't have an I.D. number so I could trace to see if it is ever counted I would have not been issued an I.D. number.
I believe that anti-Godfrey voters were intentionally in the greater number of persons listed on the Challenge List.
I believe I was on that list because of my Extraordinary Writ suit against Matthew Godfrey, City Recorder Cindi Mansell and City Attorney Gary Williams because
none of the reasons for being on a Challenge List applied to me.
It is no wonder I have no respect for the Godfrey Ogden City form of government.
You BET I have a problem with it if it's not HER residence. Talk about hypocrisy after filing her stupid campaign lawsuit.
Dave F.
Dorothy maintains a legal address in Ogden and has voted from this address without challenge before!
Aardema's own child and husband were turned away!
The mayor's brother was at Taylor shool with friends' harrassing voters.
A police report is being filed...A judge being apprised as I type, and we've already had Ch5 up here at Grandview with Dorothy, Neil and Dorrene interviewed.
What this dictator is doing is trampling on a citizen's right to cast a ballot without duress and harrassment. This is our Constitutional right and privilege. This just shows how desperate this crook is to win 'at all costs' as he has stated.
I think a class action suit by outraged citizens should be brought against this Putin/Chavez wannabe...his skinny butt should be in jail.
Let us not forget his vindictive firing of Berrett, Martinez, Jones, and the threats against Jorgenson with the help of John English of UTA...Kent's boss.
Pray for Van Hooser....we live in a gulag here...I've had to fight for every word that the TV stations have given us...and it's usually edited to whitewash this crook.
The stations have had to be reminded that they have Ogden viewrs too, and we deserve to be heard. Unfortunately none have sent an investigative reporter (not a Schwebke) up here to uncover and report the unethical and immoral, and most likely, criminal acts of Geofrey and his henchmen. More voices than mine are needed!
As long as she is registered to vote at only one residence, she is in full compliance with the law.
BTW...some of those sign holders at the schools: are from WA Terrace! Some appear to have some schnapps in them.
Ah, I note pres's post above. Another of the Godfrey Family Values Inner Circle heard from.
I know its a little late, but to Deep Throat:
I think, didn't you mean to say, anyone on that list had an opposition sign STOLEN from their yard?
I am a reporter with the Deseret Morning News -- my name is Rebecca Palmer. I am working on a story about these challenged voters lists. Can anyone involved please give me a buzz at 801-237-2101 or 801-668-7073? I would love to talk to anyone who was turned away and to find out how this blog got a copy of the lists. Thanks a billion!
Royal Eccles has a bunch of sign holders outside of gramercy elementry. I spoke to a few of them and discovered that 3 were illegal aliens and one was a gang memeber. How fitting.
Yeah, Curm. Mr. President is back with a typically Rude series of posts.
Unfortunately we had to delete them.
Seemed like old times around here, eh?
Channel 5 did mention the challenge and the provisional ballots taken. They did say they did not know if those who put the challenge forward were aligned with a campaign.
the lurker who was obviously the mayor's brother was at Taylor when I voted there at about 2. I saw no challenges when there for 10 minutes.
I don't know what was happening at Taylor or why Ms. Littrel had to spend hours getting an election offial down there to read the rules to the poll worker about provisional ballots, but I want to say again that the poll workers at Polk Elementary seemed much better trained, and were providing the challenged with provisional ballots without difficulty so far as I could see, on presentation of identification.
Isn't it the responsibility of the County Clerk to train poll workers so voters don't have to spend hours on voting day --- if they have the hours to spend --- to get officials down to read poll workers to rules, just to get the ballot they are entitled to? Is this the same County Clerk that accepted the Godfrey Campaign's Challenge list apparently without doing any checking at all... when we know from the story Jim posted from the SL Trib that other county clerks in similar situations felt an obligation to see if the challenge lists were valid or bogus rather than simply placing all the names on the provisional ballots only list?
Is this the kind of County government our property taxes are rising to pay for?
I remember watching this blog in the last hours of the election two years ago. There was all the same spectacular allegations of election fruad. This next day, it all turned out to bogus.
Some people will do anything to get a few more voters out.
Oh yeah, Skeptical?
Got a link?
Your ever-humble blogmeister is calling you a liar right now.
If you'd actually been reading this blog two years ago -- as you claim -- you'd be aware that we were actually quite pleased with the 2005 Emerald City Municipal Elections results.
I really doubt that Jesse Garcia is ineligible to vote in Ogden. We also have two friends on the list and know that they have owned homes for years in Ogden, live in them, and pay taxes here. I doubt this will all turn out to be "bogus".
BTW, thanks to Rebecca Palmer of the Des News. Sometimes we here in Ogden feel like we're screaming in a vacuum.
You were plenty happy once the polls were closed and votes counted. A few hours before that it was all voter fraud and corruption.
"A few hours before that it was all voter fraud and corruption."
Oh yeah?
Well... we still await your posting of any link which might provide supporting evidence for your assertion.
All articles from that period are still available.
Go fetch, gondolaboy!
Hey Rudi, do you think skeptical might be the quizling Glasmann?
This information was already posted anonymously above, but I just called the county clerk's office to confirm it: The list of voter challenges was submitted to the county by Blake Fowers and Jeni Terry. Both are known supporters of Godfrey and/or opponents of Van Hooser. Terry had a letter to the editor, attacking Van Hooser, in yesterday's Standard-Examiner.
We both know that if I try to post anything that embarasses you, it will never make it to the post. Don't waste my time.
He's certainly lame enough to be Glasmann.
"Don't waste my time."
Please return the favor, skeptical. You can't find the article link, because such a link doesn't exist, right?
Now put down the bong, and await our new election article, which will come up in about 35 minutes.
We have important business to discuss here tonight. Run along now and log off your mommy's computer.
Thanks in advance.
Before today I can honestly say that I was pro-Van Hooser and not anti-Godfrey. After these depraved antics I am definitely anti-Godfrey. Anyone who has so little respect for the public process has no right to be in a position of power. If he isn't even honest enough to respect the decision of the voters - then you can all kiss the entirety of Mt. Ogden Park goodbye (campaign promise or no - this little man could care less what the people think)!!!!
I just searched the WCF archives for the election day comments from 2005. Nary a comment about election fraud. Now, even if there had been such comments that turned out to have no backing, that doesn't mean that the stuff that is being posted tonight is not valid.
You made the claim about what was posted here two years ago. And so it's up to you to substantiate it. The presumption of most readers, politics aside, is that when someone makes a claim of fact ["WCF posted thus and so"], and is challenged to corroborate it, and refuses, it is because he or she can not corroborate it. If you cannot find such postings as you claim were made, then understand that your bluff was called, you could not produce, and slink off as quietly as you can manage. If you can produce evidence to back your claim, you'll win this particular discussion. If you can't, you won't. That simple. Really.
Or as we used to say on the mean streets of da Brooklyn of my yout', "put up or shut up."
Did someone above say that Chairman of the Ogden City Council, Jesse Garcia, was on the Godfrey campaign's challenged voter list? Surely not.
Election analysis from each and every liberal always follows these lines:
1) If victorious, it is a clear and unequivocal "mandate" from the people, regardless of the margins.
2) If sadly there is a defeat or even the possibility of a defeat, it is because of voter fraud (insert current form of voter fraud), because it is impossible that any free thinking human could vote against a liberal.
Where is a hanging chad when you need one????
There is a Jesse Garcia on the Challenge List.
Sigh... are you wing nuts still trying to tell me, a certified card carrying liberal, what I think? If so, you are dead wrong, as usual. Go on up to the main election thread and be educated. If that is possible.
One thing that you wrote is correct you are certified, you'll get no argument from me there. As for receiving an education from you, well I'd rather remain ignorant, thanks.
Remember it is great to have an open mind, your just not supposed to let your brain fall completely out in the process.
Dave F.
So, If I own property in 2 cities, I can't decide for myself which city I vote in? I have to leave it up to the current regime to determine my right? I can understand not being able to vote in both. Sounds like you are just pissed off....period. The law suit may be stupid to you, but making sure our elected officials follow the laws is not stupid to most people. Your old-school ego wasn't bruised by a female standing up to an arrogant male regime in the land od Zion was it? How dare Dorothy not walk 10 steps behind the men. Seems she has more balls than a man of your like can handle. Be very pissed. I thinkn the show is just about to begin for the little mayor. Seig Heil!!
No, you can't just decide what city to vote in.
See Utah Code 20A-3-202
(b) A person may challenge another person's right to vote by alleging that:
(v) the voter does not live in the voting precinct;
(vi) the voter does not live within the geographic boundaries of the entity holding the election;
(vii) the voter's principal place of residence is not in the voting precinct;
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