We didn't want to let the whole day slip by without putting the spotlight on this afternoon's Ogden Valley Forum article, briefly mentioning yesterday's protest rally, and inviting concerned northern Utahns to join in again tomorrow, for a follow-up demonstration, which will be held between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.:
Saturday's Powder Mountain Protest made it to the Top of Utah front page of the Standard this morning, and even more news coverage is scheduled for Monday's rally. Don't miss the photo's of our Powderville Heros tirelessly "working" the picket lines.These dual rallies were of course also the subject of this morning's fact-filled and photo-laden Marshall Thompson story.
Be there or be square Monday with signs in hand to show your support for residents who are being forced into "Powderville" with no vote and no representation.
We know tomorrow will be a paid holiday for at least some of our readers, so we urge those of you who won't be stuck in the office to take the short drive up to Ogden Valley, to stand in solidarity with our neighbors in eastern Weber County, who are feverishly and valiently working at the grass-roots level, to oppose the most aggressively-overreaching corporate neighbor (today's OVF article broaches the subject of corporo-fascism) observed in any Utah neighborhood since... well... ever.
We're also informed that broadcast news camera crews may be on hand to record the event for the evening news, in addition to reporters from the various northern Utah print media.
Don't forget to don your long-johns and woolie-woolies. Remember, it gets right chilly in Eden, Utah, on clear mid-February mornings.

Thanks for the plug Rudi. Be sure to bring homemade signs - the cheesier the better, and as Rudi said, dress warm as the temperature at show time should be in the low teen's.
See you there!
If you read the story in the Standard Examiner, the spokesperson for Powder Mountain said "We have heard this all before". What a brilliant retort! She also said the protesters "had a right to demonstrate" another pearl of wisdom from the top of Powder Mountain. She did not Mention that those same demonstrators DO NOT have the right to be EXCLUDED from the Gerrymander design of the Powder Mountain town. So much for civil rights.
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