• WSU struggles in MontanaAs an added bonus, we bring you another three stories from The Missoulian, the Grizzlies' home town newspaper:
• Wildcats got wish: Grizzlies tilt
• Etuati's return sparks Wildcats
• FCS playoff notes: Plenty on the line for Weber State against Montana
• It's time for Griz vs. Wildcats, Part IIThe game will be televised live on the Altitude TV Network, (Comcast channel 61 in Weber County.) Unfortunately, neither Big Sky TV nor the NCAA site will be podcasting the game this afternoon, so unlike past weeks, we'll be unable to provide our usual live video feed. For those WSU fans who are stranded without a TV cable hookup or a functioning radio receiver however, you can always check out the KLO Radio online audio broadcast, of course:
• Wildcats braced for improved Griz
• FCS quarterfinals: Weber State coach channels his inner ‘wacko'
• KLO Radio (Click the "Listen Live" button)And just for fun (and also to let our readers know we're covering all the bases), here's the link to the Grizzlies' home town radio broadcast site:
• KXGZ Radio (Click "Listen Live.")We'll provide the final score via a post-game update, along with stories and other tid-bits as they become available online. Our WCF comments section will remain open of course, as per usual on WSU game days, for those readers who'd like to chime in as the game progresses.
Best wishes to the 'Cats; and we hope at everyone in Emerald City and environs will enjoy this pivotal playoff game.
Update 12/6/08 9:41 a.m. MT: For those WCF readers looking for a hospitable venue to relax and view the game... this just came in from gentle reader Wm M:
For those WSU fans who are stranded without a TV cable hookup ...Sounds like one heckuva great idea to us.
The City Club and Brewskis on Historic 25th Street will be showing the game ... great chow and adult beverages ... self-indulge with pleasure and HDTV.
Update 12/6/08 3:17 p.m. MT: Ooops! Grizzlies 24; Widcats 13.
The Salt Lake tribune already has the story:
• Weber football: Montana ends Wildcats' dream 24-13Oh well...
Update 12/7/09 7:45 a.m. MT: The Std-Ex provides four post game writeups this morning for those who'd like to play Sunday morning quarterback:
• End of Road: Wildcats can't recover from early fumblesIt was a fantastic season, all-in-all. Gotta say we're proud of our Wildcats. We can't wait to see Coach Mac and the underclassmen back on the field in '09.
• Cats fumble it away
• 'Cats showed grit, met Grizzlies' intensity
• Wildcats' seniors feel they set precedent
Content for news information only ... WEBER STATE +7 ...
Go 'Cats ...
Ooops! the Wilcats turn over the ball within the first five minutes...
And the Karma?
WSU is down 7-0.
Maybe Coach Mac ought to warm ups the SWSU team with a full one quarter's scrimmage prior to every game on game day.
Why is it we have to always wait for the WSU team to "warm up?"
Another turnoverer turnover by WSU, this doen't look good.
Two WSU turnerovers, two 14 point scores as a result of hopelssly bad WSU defense.
WSU ain't lookin' so good today.
I'm already sorry I made the bet.
I'll be settling up with my "book," "Murray" on Sunday, I think.
Hopeffulu WSU will come back bigtime in the second half.
TD Weber State at 9:02 in the second quarter.
Score: Montana 14; WSU 7.
EASAD. Montana.
WSU stops the Griz in a goalline stand, and start out at their own two yard line.
will we see some of the vaunted WSU offense this timE?
Tough luck, Cats.
Difficult to beat a team of equal talent when you turn over the ball 3x.
That doesn't mean we don't loves ya's.
Great season Wildcats!
We'l see most of ya's back next fall.
Remember... the preseason polls had you picked to finish #5 in the Big Sky Conference.
My Fellow Ogdenites: It was one year ago today that Gadi Leshem brought his secret weapon, RFK Jr., to Ogden to headline a coming out party for Gadi's Renaissance Village and concomitant cleanup of the river.
Anyone remember that? And better yet, has anyone seen any demonstration at all of Gadi's commitment to Ogden's revival since that day? RFK Jr. said he'd be back in three years, since Gadi had invited him, "to see fly fishermen up and down the river, children enjoying the banks, and people walking and riding bicycles and rollerblading ..." Well, one year down ... how many to go?
The federal and state permits for Gadi's "master plan" were to have been applied for during 2008. Construction on Renaissance Village "might" get underway in 2009. Anyone want to bet on that? If anything were happening with this, either the Standard-Examiner has dropped the ball in reporting it, or our eyes do not deceive us -- this is dead in its tracks.
If anyone has any news on this, today would be appropriate for sharing it.
Wonder if RFK Jr would like to see some photos showing the current state of Leshemville? I'm sure Gadi would be full of excuses but he sure hasn't done anything to benefit Ogden, in fact it's been the opposite.
Off topic:
And the SE sinks a bit more into bland mushiness. The Sunday comic that replaced "Opus" is... "Pickles." Pickles! [Take a look at today's "Pickles" for a painful indication of just how wimpy compared to "Opus!" things have gotten. Surely, somewhere, they could have found a Sunday strip with a little edge to it. But no. We got "Pickles" instead. Geez....]
And then there's today's readers' poll on the web page. It bravely asks us all to stand tall and take a stand on this crucial question: "What's your favorite dessert? [Cookies, brownies, cake, pie or other.] Now on-line polls are not much of a measure of anything significant, I know. But still, they serve a purpose if they get readers thinking. If they ask questions that make folks ponder a moment or two to decide what it is they think about the question posed... and maybe, sometimes, why they think it.
But what's your favorite dessert?
Pickles and a dessert poll: not core parts of the paper, but disappointing to see the SE sinking into mushy irrelevance even there.
Leshem has visited Ogden several times in the last year, and has assembled an informal stakeholder group to provide input on the river restoration. He has also hired a consultant who has apparently done quite a bit of work. I've attended three of the stakeholder meetings but as with so many meetings, we don't seem to learn much or accomplish much. A lot seems to be contingent on getting federal funds, which Leshem says he will match (at least for the portion of the river adjacent to his property). I wish I understood more about the restoration itself and about the funding process. Fortunately, the participants also include some folks from state agencies who may be able to educate me.
Dan: Thanks for passing that along. I regret that the Standard-Examiner has apparently not been on top of this.
There's a lot the Standard-Examiner has not been on top of the last year or so.
It's a real disappointment to me to see our hometown newspaper go down the tubes.
Moroni & Mono,
There was at least one article a few months ago about the attempt to get federal funding.
Whoopy. He's hoping to get federal funding. It's been six years since Godfrey and Leshem first rammed this project down our throats, and now he's looking for federal funding?
I guess that's how people get rich.. do something half-assed, THEN look under the couch cushions for cash to pay for it, and let the city pay for demolition either directly or indirectly (via arson). It's just taxpayer money, who gives a shit? If the Lard's messenger says it's to be, then the thinking has been done.
Then there's Godfrey's latest $1-million taxpayer-funded scheme to build the beautiful, sprawling strip mall stretching from 12th to 17th Street. I wonder how many years that'll take to finally get going and provide oodles of extra traffic on Wall, which is already becoming horrendously congested thanks to ever-expanding subdivisions off of 7th St, 2nd St, and into Farr West/Harrisville?
I liked things just fine when I had neighbors across the street instead of a junkyard. Hell, what do I know, I'm just one of the fools who are actually affected by Godfrey's near-schizophrenic pipe dreams.
Hey Godfrey, how about you do some of this shit up on Harrison by your own fucking mansion? Maybe you fence off and plow up that park up there near your house, so you can grow a giant field of weeds like we have here?
Go do it in your own goddamned backyard, you stupid midget egomaniacal fuckhead..
To clarify: The requested federal funding would be for restoring the river to a more natural state--not for building any of the residential or commercial developments that Leshem is planning for his property.
Actually Drew the Lil' Lord doesn't live in a mansion. In fact his house is rather modest compared to the other robber barons he schemes with. His proposed Gondola dream would also most likely have a negative impact on his house and neighborhood.
However, in my opinion he is still a punk.
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