And in the end
The love you take
Is equal to the love
You make
The Beatles
The End --Abbey Road Album
Recorded 23rd July 1969
Bruce Edwards officially went off his rocker today, spray painting an F Bomb on his own building. Here are the stories from the Standard-Examiner and Salt Lake Tribune:
• Property owner may face charges for obscenityUpdate 4/25/09 8:00 p.m. MT: Here's an instructive JPEG image from the Trib:
• Ogden feud heats up with threats and grafitti cusses

So what say our ever-gentle readers about all this?
Bruce Edwards should have a 30 day psych evaluation ordered by the local courts, not an appeal hearing granted; looking at his building this evening made me sick.
What an asshole.
I supported his protest over the Landmarks Committee's silly and Puritanical denial of his request to repaint the historic Becker Beer sign on his building. And I applauded Mr. Edwards taking the city to court over attempts to deny his free speech rights, and I celebrated his victory. But it seems he's gone over the line this time. I don't know if Mr. Edwards' free speech rights extend to painting "F..K Ogden" on his store windows which it seems, according to the SL Trib, he has done. But I do know he should not have done it. It's not just city or code enforcement officials who have to see the sign. It's all the rest of us as well. And we don't deserve that.
Mr. Edwards did his latest sign painting in response to the City code enforcement office demanding he clean up a vacant lot he owns downtown. I don't know if the order to clean up the lot, and threat of fines for non-compliance, was justified or not. Doesn't matter. The proper place for him to have fought it was in court if need be. Not by painting "F..k Ogden" on his windows.
I'm Ogden too, Mr. Edwards. So are we all.
Is this the guy with the "gondola godfrey" picture in the window?
I was kinda rootin' fer the guy, but this is too much.
Curm is right. This slaps us all.
Choose your targets, Bruce. And respect your neighbors.
Bruce Edward's is a p.o.s.
No matter how his battles have been in the past, which he has been right for the most part, it is clear now that he has no respect for his community and it is all about him.
I don't know where he lives, but it shouldn't be here.
The 25th Street Association had 25 kids, planting 25 trees on 25th Street for an Arbor Day celebration when Edwards decided to display his 3 foot letters FUCK OGD in his windows ...
Very bush league, very low class ...
Very embarrassing ...
Exactly. Not a class act, and not something an honorable person would do.
Bruce is Bruce, he's ok, we shouldn't act so shocked and outraged over a case where one's simply had enough of this administrations selective enforcement of clutter, look at gadi's.
It's strange to see so much uproar over the appearance of a commonly heard four letter word in a community with the most corrupt administration in the western US, and that includes Hilldale.
Obviously you aren't invested in the community and trying to make 25th a viable business are.
Bruce is Bruce? Children will be children. Bruce is a dumb ass who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but himself.
What is strange is that you feel the need to defend him.
Any good will or support the average Ogden city resident had for Mr. Edwards seems to have disappeared. I drove past his building and saw his crude childish window display. Many of us supported him in his original suit against the city. Cursing or shouting never helps your cause. This could make one takethe side of the city. Grow up.
The thing I found most strange was that there were two stories with "offensive language" issues: the Edwards sign and the racial slur written on the memorial. One is a free speech issue. The other isn't.
Bruce has been a great crusader against the evil Godfreyite movement. He has taken the clowns down in Federal Court and established important civil rights principles vis-a-vis the Lil Lord and his quest to subjugate Ogden citizens.
However, it does seem that he risks offending his supporters with the use of this street language in the current signs displayed.
I hope that Bruce would find a graceful way of removing the offending signs. After all he has made his point. By continuing to have the vulgar signs up, he will be creating a smoke screen that will mask his good work for civil rights in Godfreyland.
Take em down Bruce, put something up that says the same thing only a little more cleverly. Your window's and signs serve a good purpose in Ogden - to post the truth about Godfrey for all to see, please don't diminish their power by displaying things that offend your base.
How about using your own plentiful cleverness to come up with a series of "truths" about Godfrey to display in your windows. The little liar with the big nose posters were good, but they are also getting old.
You could even have monthly contests for the best signs that expose the crookedness of the Godfrey administration. With the great 25th street exposure you could do lots of good toward educating the public about the perfidy of the Godfreyites - if you don't lose credibility with this kind of crudeness.
This is not a condemned area like Gadi's. People are trying to make their living on 25th. It's his tenant and neighbors complaining to the city about his junk.
What about Fisher's Star Noodle Building, the Windsor Hotel, almost all of Washington Blvd.? Just about every property with a Provident Partners sign on it.
Bill you are comparing a year of reconstruction with 10 years of blight. Your approach is as childish as Bruce's.
Birds of a feather Bill ... all their wrong's don't make Edwards right ...
How would you feel being the gal who runs Trends and Traditions - the tenant in his building? Better yet, go ask her - her name is Mary Gaskill ...
I don't think you can seriously condone his actions ...
Just what has Provident Partners "reconstructed" in the year or so that they have graced Ogden with their presence? Seems to me that they have only increased the blight of the properties they have bought.
They are "flippers" not builders.
You of course are right in your above statement. I don't think anyone could really justify Edward's actions in this particular incident, not with the kids and his tenant being effected like they are.
I think however that Bill C might have been pointing out the disparity in enforcement between the Edwards situation and that of Gadi, Provident Partners, and various other friends of Matt who somehow seem to be overlooked by the weed and junk cops.
The shop you mentioned "Trends & Traditions" is a real nice place with lots of great merchandise. The owners, tenants of Edwards, certainly deserve better treatment from their landlord than this.
Hopefully Edwards will drop this latest angle so that he does not get bogged down in a side show which could take away from his otherwise splendid efforts to expose the Mayor for what he is - a little punk and bully.
I use the F-word constantly in private settings. It's comparable to taking a drink in civilized settings: it shows you trust your companions enough to relax your guard in their presence.
But Bruce Edwards' completely public and indiscriminate use of a word calculated to offend even avid users of the word goes too far. It has no place, as we all know, in civilized discourse. I can no longer offer any moral support to anything Bruce Edwards does.
Which one do you think is a "free speech" issue?
I had a front row seat yesterday as Mr. Edwards decided to play "Wheel of Fortune" with the front of his building. Had he quit with this: " F__K OGD", then I probably wouldn't be as angry about this as I am.
But, no, he had to buy a vowel, then solve the puzzle.
And in that instant, whatever respect I had for Mr. Edwards fighting for his right to free speech eroded into nothing but disdain for him.
One thing the Standard failed to report was that there was a class of teen-aged kids (either middle school or early high school) participating in the tree planting activities. If they didn't see Mr. Edwards in the act, the aftermath was there for them to view.
If we as the citizenry of Ogden aren't absolutely outraged by this man's conduct yesterday, we have way bigger problems than our mayor. And Mr. Edwards doesn't deserve a "pass" for this because he took on the city and won.
I do feel badly for the owner of "Trends and Traditions" I see her sweeping the sidewalk, keeping her store front nice, and working hard to make 25th Street a better place to do business, as do most of the other business owners on the street.
Unfortunately for her, I bet that most people don't know the signs in the upstairs windows of the building her shop is in that say "Ogden is not safe" don't belong to her. These signs send a terrible message about our town to everyone that sees them, and unfortunately, she becomes guilty by association.
To put Bruce Edwards in another light, try looking at it this way: If Bruce's building was a house, it would be the one that needs paint. The yard would be full of dandelions and not mowed. When you try to explain that he's making a bad impression in the neighborhood, he doesn't care because it's his property and he can do anything he wants with it. Hopefully it explains better what it's like to be Bruce's neighbor on 25th Street, which is really everyone in Ogden's neighborhood.
With all the hell everyone raised about the Windsor, why does this guy get a pass? Because he hates the Mayor? So do a lot of people. Imagine how good Ogden would look if everyone spray painted "F__K Ogden City Government or F__K OGD? Where's the outrage? Where are the torches and pitchforks? Where is the crew to run this guy out of our town on a rail?
Yesterday, Bruce Edwards crossed the line from rabble rouser and champion of free speech to just another douchebag, and he deserves everything he gets.
"Imagine how good Ogden would look if everyone spray painted "F__K Ogden City Government or F__K OGD?"
Hmmmm... Not bad.
Just take it down, Bruce, and we forgive you.
Remember, as Curm says, you gotta play the political game. Satire of Godfrey on your building is one thing. F Ogden is another. Learn the difference.
Witness For The:
You asked: "With all the hell everyone raised about the Windsor, why does this guy get a pass? Because he hates the Mayor?"
If you've been reading the comments on this blog, and over on the Stander Examiner comments section, you should have noticed that he is not "getting a pass" --- here or there.
Mr. Curmudgeon,
I was typing my post when most of the others were posted. It took me a while to come up with the words I wanted to use. Nice to see he's not getting a pass in regard to public opinion for this.
As for Mr. Edwards getting a "pass", let me elaborate a little:
The police spoke to Mr. Edwards yesterday but he was not cited, (or arrested) to my knowledge. The SE reported he received a "letter" from the city. You try that at your place and let me know if you just get a "letter". Are the kids that spraypaint graffiti just receiving "letters", or are they arrested, or at the very least cited?
I realize it's his property, but the crime remains the same. It was committed in broad daylight, in front of dozens of witnesses (to possibly include school children) and the man received a letter telling him to fix it. How is that not a pass?
He gets a pass by some.
It is good to see that others are getting a feel for what people on 25th Street have been dealing with for years. This is the real Bruce.
Oh c'mon people. Your kids hear this word every day on the schoolyard.
They use it in their own conversations out of your earshot.
Grow up!
Sorry. I thought you were talking exclusively about public reaction/postings, not about how the OPD dealt with him. My mistake.
Take some of your own advise "grow up."
We are of the mind that there are ways you don't sit when at aunt Helga's for thankgiving supper, shirts you don't wear to sunday church services, and noises you don't make in class at school.
There are also words you don't speak in public - or in polite company.
The word fuck would be one of them.
Its a matter of breeding, really.
There are no bad words, wrong ways to sit, or noises; its all situational.
Here is my situation.
Bruce Edwards has the word fuck in foot high letters on the front of his business, just a few doors down from the front door of our current residence.
He will have to remove it, pronto. Or we will certainly remove it for him; and bill him for our time, and prolly kick his fat ass if he does not offer an apology.
Enough said.
Its actually the slumlord Bruce Edward's son that we feel for; look at that parenting example: slovenly, petty, vindictive, stinky and schizo.
We are thinking an investigation by child and family services are in order, that and a 3o day psych evaluation at the local ward.
It's just a friggin' ubiquitous and commonly used WORD, people.
How is it possuble that anyone in the 21st century could possibly be offended by this?
Oh that's right. We have a claque of puritanical marmons (the Utah verson of mennonites) who control the government here in Ogden, and who are Hell Bent to turn Ogden into Provo.
Good Luck!
Good on Bruce Edwards too!
The local culture is in great need of another good shakeup!
How coarse would you have society become?
You care if we wipe some snot on your kid sister? Hey! Its just snot!
Do you have any limits to what you would like painted across the street from your grandma's house?
"Screw your old smelly twat, die now you putrid bag-o-whore-bones?"
Just words, right?
Or are you so tough, jaded, and feel so persecuted by your neighbors that you also have a Edwards Load of bile inside?
Either way, these BE pussies make real desperadoes sick; cowards with a can of spray paint.
Yes it is just a word but so are words like n****r or s**c or k**e. Those of us who came of age in the 1950s and 1960 came to learn the power of words to hurt people. Lots of people cam talk, express themselves and make a valid point without resorting to profanity. You can take a stand against the current administration without cursing. I would think that the majority of people try to avoid words that merely inflame but do nothing to advance the discussion. Using profanity seems to be a admission that you cannot make a valid argument any other way. Mr. Edwards has a right to use provactive words but I also have a right to protest and ask him to start acting like a adult.
I can't wait for you to take on Bruce Edwards in a street fight, Narg, aka Svwengali.
I'd pay serious money to see you get your ass kicked by the well martial arts trained trained Mr. Edwards.
All proceeds from your ass-kicking should be donated to the Marshall white Center. of course.
The huffy and puffing 40ish Bruce Edwards, a well trained martial artist?
Fat schizos who take karate courses do not phase the ex-combat soldiering, triathlon trained, in shape, and sword of truth wielding Sons of Welsh Warriors.
As if.
The fact that you KNOW he KNOWS martial arts makes him even more of a loser than he was before.
Its like telling everyone you have a concealed permit; it makes you a ass-hat moron.
Where do these small minded denizens surface from?
We love this town.
Tough talk, Gnarg.
I'd be happy to set up the bout.
Remember... all proceeds from your ass-kicking will go to the Marshal White Center. Now thqt I think about it, in fact, your ass-kicking could actually happen in the ring @ the Marshall White Center!
I'll give Bruce a ring right now, to find out whether he's interested.
Although Narg might occasionally fly business class along side one Rasputin J. Svengali, one can be assured they are as different as Oscar Wilde when along side of Hunter S. Thompson.
Or Noam Chompsky when taken in comparison to W. F. Buckley.
Or Harold Angel v. Louie Cipher. Well, maybe that is a bit far.
I find it interesting that most people are offended by Edwards telling the truth. The republicans have been using that exuse for years.
"It's common practice"
It is common practice that republicans F us all the time.
It is common practice that people say the F word when they are mad.
It is common practice to not allow this bad behavior on both ends.
Doesn't that beat all.
You would have that pile of stinking Edwards on your speed dial.
Another foul mouthed, violence-prone-due-to-lack-of-personal-power-in-their-lives, loser; sound familiar?
You are also probably prone to road rage; like that pile of stinking Edwards.
Friend of BE, what an insult.
We recognize your garbled logic, and quick to ass-kick attitude now; you post under various titles.
Of course, its you.
You also probably also run with Mike Burton.
Have a nice day, friend of that Stinking Pile of Edwards.
mike burton is not now, and has never been, a friend of b edwards.
although both are like totally gay for cap`n midnight.
It's also common practice for Andy Howell to
1) Not print the truth. (when it is damaging to republicans).
2) Bash republicans with small stupid issues that have not political consequences just after the election.
3) Print false statements, that somebody said, and make it look like investigative reporting of the truth.
Growup -
Just because a large percentage of the population use the word and hear it in the schoolyard, workplace and marketplace - doesn't make it acceptable. I mean, there are plenty of other descriptive words that people could use - I would be more impressed by hearing someone not ever use the F-word - it shows their vocabulary is diverse and they have respect for ladies and children within earshot. It is a vulgar word - no matter how common place it is. Okay for sailing ships and construction sites maybe, but we don't use it around the dinner table with our children, and I'll bet there aren't many families who do. Even though it is so commonplace and you hear it everywhere.
I do believe I was 25 before I heard my own father utter the word, and I about tipped over.
I'm not stuffy or arrogant or intolerant, just civilized and concerned for the rights of others.
Bruce has a right to his opinion, but we don't necessarily want the right to be forced to view it in dayglow paint on a nice old building downtown. If I want to see his opinions in writing, maybe I will visit his blog. But I don't so I won't'
Bravo. Couldn't have said it better myself.
And to Growup...I've used this word in every descriptive connotation you can, from smashing my hand with a hammer, to describing my boss, but in polite ADULT company. If I heard one of my kids say it, they'd find out how good Zest tastes.
Not everything is appropriate for everyone and it's why we have community standards. It has nothing to do with being Mormon, Catholic or Buddist. It's a matter of decency and good taste.
To RJS: I had to look at this garbage almost all day from my shop. You need help painting, say the word. I'll bring the ladder, and see if we can get some forgiveness from the Landmarks Commission for not using approved colors.
Re: Loves the Martial Arts said ...
I'll be in Brewskis all night ... if Bruce wants an ass kicking, send him over ...
Sorry, didn't mean to sign off Anonymous ...
I too had to look at this crap all day. It is enough to make you think you would not feel a bit of sadness if he went missing or turned up dead.
One day when Jo Packham (late 50's female) ex-president H25 approached karate king Bruce Edwards about his absurdity,he told her to get fucked, she slapped him, and he hit her in the mouth.
You supporters of this guy SERIOUSLY DO NOT KNOW THIS GUY.
>>>Packham... slapped him, and he hit her in the mouth.
Maybe that will teach the little Godfreyite bitch to stop slapping people.
Words, just words.
Curmudgeon: I was a little unclear, I fear. My point was that, according to one story in the SE this morning, someone scrawling a racial slur on the memorial is "a free speech issue" and won't be removed by the city. According to another article, Edwards's painting "FUCK" on his windows is somehow an issue that the city must deal with immediately.
Re: Loves the Martial Arts:
* Etiquette of the martial arts ...
#1 ... To build true confidence through knowledge in the mind, honesty in the heart, and strength in the body ...
#2 ... Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control, and indomitable spirit ...
Then you say " Maybe that will teach the little Godfreyite bitch to stop slapping people" ...
Mr. Miagi would be so disappointed in your "Edwardian" Western approach ...
Still waitin' ...
OK, thanks for clearing it up.
I think the OPD Lt. was flat wrong, however, in telling the SE reporter that the OPD couldn't remove that graffiti because there was a "free speech issue." The racist graffiti was on the pole of a traffic light, and so it has, I think, excactly zero first amendment protection. None. It's vandalism, and there is no first amendment protection for speech via vandalizing public property.
Mr. Edwards window obscenities may be protected by his free speech rights. He thinks they are. I suspect we're going to find out. I'm not sure he's right, but we'll know soon enough if he takes it to court as I suspect he will.
Con Sa Hom Nee Dha, Wm III!
In all language - you're welcome ...
Curmudgeon: Yeah. I don't know anything about local or state ordinances about public profanity (although it seems such ordinances don't hold up under scrutiny). With regard to painting "FUCK" in a public shop window, the first amendment seems awfully clear. Maybe if Edwards had put up a cartoon of a woman in a sexy Santa outfit, it would be different.... ;)
All Bruce Edwards needs is a good PR agent and a shower then he would be seriously dangerous to the Mayor and his henchmen.
Time and place restrictions on free speech are upheld all of the time, and are rarely even accepted for appeal.
The word f@#$ is not protected public speech in this community. Try standing on the local corner outside an elementary school, and yell it at the top of your lungs all day. See how "protected" this speech is.
As for his original citation for having a public nuisance rat trap, give me a break.
People all over the city have had to clean up their side yards and do a little sprucing, this building looks like it would be on the short list to cite.
So, whats the deal?
Why does he purposely keep his property's like this? Why does he scream so loudly when a city employee enforces a legal clean up the yard law?
Whats the deal? What is wrong with this guy?
Thanks for checking in, Mike. I believe your legal analysis re 'protected speech' is probably right on the money.
Interesting local business operation that you have there too, for which I'll provide a hopefully helpful plug:
Capricorn's Lair
Welcome aboard!
Don't be a stranger.
Thanks for the clarification, Mike. My point was that it is essentially profane political comment, which I had (perhaps wrongly) assumed would be protected speech.
Simple solution for Bruce:
1. Buy a bottle of windex;
2. Scrub off "f***k".
3. Insert "screw".
Same message in less objectionable vernacular.
Problem solved.
Your example of shouting F**K outside a school isn't a good one in this instance, I think. Mr. Edwards put it on a sign on his own property; he's not shouting it outside a school [thus interfering with classes, which would absolutely trigger time/place/manner issues] or even waving it on a sidewalk outside a school.
You may still be right about the law and what he has in his window, but the particular example you used to make the point doesn't seem on point to me.
For the few that are really interested in the facts.
Let me set your misinformation correct.
#1. Ed J. said...
One day when Jo Packham (late 50's female) ex-president H25 approached karate king Bruce Edwards about his absurdity, he told her to get fucked, she slapped him, and he hit her in the mouth.
What actually happened was Jo Packham approached me on the first Art Market on 25th Street and told me she wanted to talk to me in private. She then informed me that if I didn’t get out of Ogden that she was going to have me arrested and thrown in jail. After informing me at least four times, because I didn’t run to my car to escape, I said “look bitch who do you think you are”. She then slapped me across the face and I thereafter believed she was going to slap me again when I slapped her back but I only slapped her a quarter of what she slapped me. If I would have “hit” her she would have gotten hurt and I would have been arrested even if I was 100% right. Her slap cut my face with her ring. OPD was called but not by calling 911, her secretary’s husband was an OPD officer. I was approached by OPD and was asked if I hit Jo. I informed the officers that I slapped her and asked the officers if she told them why she was slapped. The officer informed me that she stated she had slapped me first and that “they” OPD was there to make sure I didn’t start a riot. Jo slapped me in public, in front of my son and took the position she was empowered to order me out of town like some gun slinger. In my life the only woman I have ever slapped was Jo.
More to come.
Well, Well, Godfrey did it again, the heat is on him and how he has broken the law and what does he do?
He hurries and make a compliant against Bruce, so that every ones attention is turn from Godfrey and to a guy that is now the bad guy.
Folks lets all focus on the real problems here in this city, that it is the mayor that is the real freeeeeking problem. See how I used the f word. it is still the same either way. So lets get back to looking at the lawbreaker Godfrey and press some charges on him and this whole mess will be cleaned up.
In Re: the above.
1. I don't really care what transpired between Ms. P. and Mr. E some years ago. Their business, not mine.
2. Whatever transpired, it has nothing to do with what Mr. E. has posted in his sidewalk window recently. He should take those particular signs down. If he has a problem with the Code Enforcement Office, take them and the city government on in court. Post his side of the dispute in his windows. He knows how to take the city government to court successfully. But plastering his sidewalk window with F-bombs is not the action of a rational or an honorable man.
Thanks for the post, Bruce.
As always, especially in Emerald City, there are two sides to every story.
They need to send in the Military to get rid of Edwards because the republicans can't find Osama.
The only way you deal with crooks that are elected officials are to use drastic measures.
People like you keep protecting him by saying take it to court.
Well they are the court, they are the police, they are the jury.
Let him fight his battles and stop protecting the crooks.
For the few that are really interested in the facts.
Let me set your misinformation correct.
I had an Audi parked behind the Helena Hotel. After a couple weeks the car was vandalized and all the windows except the rear was broken out. In 2004 I received a notice from the city that if I did not remove the car in 24 hours that the City was going to kick my ass. Fine me for each day and put me in jail. Ogden City Code provides 10 days minimum.
I told Jeff Glum, Ogden City Code Enforcement, to go to his boss and if he wanted to be reasonable I was willing to be reasonable but I’ve been down that other road with the city before. An hour later Jeff Glum told me I had 24 hours or else. An no time has Ogden City asked me to move the vehicle, it has always been that they are going to kick my ass.
The next morning I filed an appeal claiming that Ogden City order was arbitrary and capricious and that the car in question represented “symbolic speech” and was therefore protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Several years went by and in 2008 I received a notice again stating that the vehicle had to be moved. The day I received the notice I went to Code Enforcement and stated that I was more than happy to move the car and that I would place the car on the roof of the building. I was thereafter told to forget it.
So on or about October 2008 I received another notice that stated that I had to move all the building materials and equipment. Bricks, scaffolding, HVAC equipment, fork lift, scissor lift, sky lift and even the sign that was on the front of the Helena. Some of which has been used on a regular basis. Now I’ve been to District Court about 10 times over the same issues and have prevailed against Ogden City each time.
I met with the City with Keith Morey, Greg Montgomery, and Code Enforcement and pointed out that we had been to Court over the same issues and was informed by Keith Morey, that he didn’t care what the Judges said.
We then went to and inspected my property and I was again informed that “EVERYTHING” had to be moved.
I informed Keith Morey, Greg Montgomery, and Code Enforcement that we would have to have the Court settle our dispute and that if we had to go to there then we were going to go to war and if we went to war I was not taking prisoners.
I was contacted by Code Enforcement the next day and was told that it was subject to negotiation. I informed Code Enforcement there was nothing to negotiate. Thereafter we reached a compromise. I agreed to remove the car and clean up the back of the properties and made the agreement conditioned upon weather conditions.
I believe I have complied with 90% of what we agreed to. I have stated to the City that I am ready, willing and able to comply with the agreement.
I received a notice in March 2009, that I was again to remove everything behind the building. I met with Code Enforcement and stated that I was ready, willing and able to comply with the agreement. I believed there was a meeting of the minds, we had an agreement.
On April 14, 2009, I contacted code enforcement and was told that I had to remove all the construction material and equipment without exception and landscape the property.
More to Come.
Can anybody tell me what the defination of (F u c k) is?
I agree with you Curm, however I do believe there are mitigating circumstances with this situation. The mayor and his administration have a very long history of harassing Edwards on a large number of different issues. Edwards has had unimaginable stress and huge expenses laid on him - all associated with not fitting in with the Mayor's vision of Ogden's renaissance.
I believe that Edwards has won some very important civil rights victories over Ogden, including in the Federal Courts in SLC. These legal actions have cost the people of Ogden hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, and could very well end with millions of dollars of damages to be paid from the city general fund. All because of the mayor's ego and tendency to step on any one who he perceives to be in opposition to his grand schemes.
This business with "Jo", a Godfrey operative, sounds like another case of harassment on the part of the administration. In my opinion the question should really be - just how much of this kind of treatment should any citizen have to put up with from the city government.
I don't condone the "F" bomb Edwards has resorted to, however I certainly understand his frustration with the treatment he has received from the city. On the "Jo" situation, I would not have been put out one bit had he actually hauled off and slugged the smarmy bully. The woman has a reputation of throwing her weight and connections around and I'm glad to hear of Edwards standing up to her.
I think Edwards can get a lot more mileage out of this current incident if he drops the "F" bomb, apologize to the citizens he has offended and then use the public attention to bring more light to the illegal and foolish way the mayor and his group are treating citizens that do not agree with them and their dangerous financial shenanigans. The obscene signs in his window only divert attention away from the real problem - our arrogant and mean spirited mayor.
defination and curm,
That is exactly why Edwards will win in cout. Nobody can define it?
Why is it that a news orginization can post "fuck ogden city gov" on it? but a citizen can't post it on their property?
For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.....
FUCK = )
For the few that are really interested in the facts.
Let me set your misinformation correct.
On April 14, 2009, After I contacted code enforcement and was told that I had to remove all the construction material and equipment without exception and landscape the property contrary to our previous the agreement I went to the Helena and began placing a few of the signs back in the windows. I placed a sign that stated “Ogden City Administration is Incompetent” and “Ogden City is Not Safe” and thereafter after much consideration for several days painted on one window on the Helena that “F- - k Ogden City Gov.”.
Friday morning I drove by the buildings and observed approximately 5 to 6 Ogden City employees in front of the buildings holding a tarp in front of the 2 signs with Godfrey. I then went and picked up a photographer to shoot what was going on. When I arrived back at the Helena there was an 8 ft. x 8 ft. tarp in front of the sign that I painted the day before with an arbor sign attached to the tarp on a pvc frame.
I was asked if I knew about the sign. I informed the Ogden employees that I had painted the sign. The Ogden City employees were amazed that I admitted that I had painted the sign. I was informed that OPD was on their way and that I was going to be arrested.
What happened next I didn’t have to analyze. I was not going to be oppressed, again. I knew that I had to do something but wasn’t sure. After discussing my dilemma with several 25th street businesses I decided that I would paint a new sign stating that “Screw Ogden Gov.”. But after taunting from Ogden City Employees I painted “F- - K OGD” on the transom windows of the Helena. After I had completed the new sign and the continued harassment from Ogden City Employees I then filled in the missing letters.
During the “standoff” I contacted Greg Montgomery, Ogden City Planning Manager and stated that I didn’t want to fight with the city but I no longer could work on the buildings and fight with the city. It had to be one or the other. It was up to the City. If the City didn’t want thighs to escalate then they need to get back with me immediately. I informed Greg Montgomery that from now own if some one steps on my toes that I’m going to cut their throat. I’ve done everything but beg. Ogden City Administration was forewarned of exactly what would take place if the City again breached its agreement with me.
5 officers from OPD showed up. The only statement made to me by any officer was that some Sgt. was on his way to talk to me. Upon arrival the officer never said anything. CSI showed up to take pictures and the SLT took pictures of the CSI photographer taking pictures of the signs. Later I was approached by Keith Morey, Community Development Director who handed me a letter, that stated the signs were a “public nuisance” and if not removed could be charged with a class B. misdemeanor. The letter also states that the City has a graffiti removal program free of charge if I’m unable to remove the language myself. (I’ve spent 2 years removing up to 60 layers of paint off the brick. I’ve know more about paint removal than probably anyone in Northern Utah.)
Ogden City Municapal Code 12-1-1: HEALTH AND SAFETY DEFINITIONS: Defines NUISANCE: Whatever is dangerous to human life or health and whatever renders soil, air, water or food impure, unwholesome or offensive is declared to be "nuisance".
More to Come.
For the few that are really interested
Ogden’s position.
First the City thinks that me painting “Fuck Ogden Gov” is graffiti. They even have offered to remove the “graffiti” for free. In addition Ogden Administration is under the opinion that the sign is a “public nuisance”.
If you search the word graffiti on Ogden’s City Code site the only match is the following;
Painting Or Defacing Carts: Automated carts shall not be painted, marked or otherwise defaced; provided, that a customer may repaint a cart using the original cart color in order to cover over the colors of paint, unauthorized markings or graffiti. If a customer fails to restore a cart to its original color and appearance, after being noticed by the operations division, the division may provide a replacement cart and the replacement costs shall be paid for by the customer.
Now it seems common sense to me that for it to be graffiti it would have to be painted by some other than me with out my permission.
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: graffiti
Form of visual communication, usually illegal, involving the unauthorized marking of public space by an individual or group.
The key element in Graffiti is that it has to be an unauthorized marking. Let me assure you that I did authorize what took place.
So again there is no possible way that the City can state that the sign amounts to graffiti.
Our next analysis is that is the sign a “Public Nuisance”
Ogden City Municipal Code 12-1-1: HEALTH AND SAFETY DEFINITIONS: Defines NUISANCE: Whatever is dangerous to human life or health and whatever renders soil, air, water or food impure, unwholesome or offensive is declared to be "nuisance".
There is no relationship to a sign stating “Fuck Ogden” and whatever is dangerous to human life or health and whatever renders soil, air, water or food impure, unwholesome or offensive is declared to be "nuisance". Ogden can not and will not prevail in any argument that the sign is a “Public Nuisance”.
Ogden City has no authority to do anything regarding the removal and or taking any civil and or criminal action regarding the sign.
If the City goes down any path the City will just be throwing tax payer money around and will get the City’s ass kicked.
Know there are some out there that believe that said speech is not protected.
Not only is it protected by the Free Speech provision under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution but it is in addition protected by the right to petition the government for redress. In addition there are provisions under the Utah State Constitution that provide protection for said speech.
The word “fuck” is defined as “to engage in coitus with - sometimes used interjectionally with an object (as a personal or reflexive pronoun) to express anger, contempt, or disgust.” Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 505 (11th ed. 2004)
Present: Chief Judge Felton, Judge McClanahan and Senior Judge Fitzpatrick
Argued at Richmond, Virginia
Record No. 1219-05-2
JANUARY 16, 2007
Under these circumstances, we hold, using the definition of obscene set forth in Code § 18.2-372, and the requisite standard of review, Airhart’s use of the word “whore” and repeated use of “fuck you,” were insufficient to permit a reasonable trier of fact to conclude the references were obscene. See Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15, 20 (1971) (finding that “[w]hatever else may be necessary to give rise to the States’ broader power to prohibit obscene expression, such expression must be, in some significant way, erotic”). Although the words “whore” and “fuck” are sexually explicit, Airhart’s usage of the words was not erotic and did not have the purpose to appeal to a prurient interest in sex, but was used in a communication where he told the victim to leave his roommate alone. Airhart’s use of these words, while offensive and coarse, was a method to show his anger, contempt, or disgust with the victim and to direct her away from his roommate. Thus, the words failed to meet the definition of obscene as required by Allman and
Code § 18.2-372.
So what do you think? After more than 10 years of being persecuted by Ogden City, being threatened with arrest and being thrown in jail for 30 years for having a sign in a window of a building stating “Ogden City Administration has no integrity” etc., being called a prick for taking a picture of an OPD officer while committing a crime, for being arrested for “obstruction of justice” when I refused to comply with an unconstitutional order by an OPD officer, for being threatened with arrest for drinking a can of coke from the cooler of the Everwood treat truck parked on my property, for having about 140 criminal charges for which the City hasn’t prevailed on one. For attempting to run me out of town. For treating me like a cockroach from a third world county that Ogden City can stomp on. I have had hundreds and hundreds of run ins with the Ogden City Administration
So you think I might be angry, have contempt for Ogden City Administration, or be disgusted.
I have to say, as a student of constitutional law, Bruce is on fairly solid ground here. The Supreme Court in the past has upheld the right of individuals to wear tee shirts that had the words Fuck the Draft on them. The first ammendment to the US Constitution states that there shall be "no law abridging the freedom of speech." Note it does not say prohibiting, but abridging. That said, the Court has long maintained that governmental agencies may have a compelling interest or interest of the highest order to deny people their free speech rights. Examples of such compelling interests are preventing seditious or criminal activity or preventing someone from being "harmed" through the utterance of false statements about them. Hence words that directly incite crime or are slanderous can be punished, despite our freedom of speech. One thing that Bruce has going for him is that the court has long maintained that the primary function of the 1st amendment is to protect political speech - and not just popular political speech - but unpopular, even offensive political speech. You will note that there is no right in the Constitution to be protected from offensive words. None of this is meant to be an endorsement of either Bruce Edwards or Ogden City government.
Bruce I have listened to you for years and nothing is ever your fault. Even this situation you only did "because you were being taunted by city workers."
You legal right do do something doesn't make it the right thing to do.
Perhaps someone should create a situation where they are within their legal rights to kill you. I sure it could be orchestrated.
Does that make it the right thing to do?
You orchestrate confrontation then behind your "legal right to do so."
You're pathetic.
Have you forgotten that Mr. E. did take the city to court? And he won?
The sign in the window now is not intended to inform the public about his dispute with the city, as he previous signs were, nor is it satirical characterization of the Mayor, as others were. The people it mostly affects are those walking downtown who have (a) nothing whatever to do with the current dispute (b) are in no position to resolve the dispute in Mr. E's favor. And so it is hugely offensive to a many who have done him no harm, many who have supported him in his disputes with the city in the past, and it's insulting to them as well, if they are part of Ogden.
He should take it down.
To All Those Arguing the legality on free speech grounds of Mr. Edward's sign window:
I and some others have not been arguing the legality of Mr. Edwards sign. We've not been arguing that he can not paint it on the store window. We are arguing that he should not do it.
It's a little ironic that Mr. Edwards now seems to be adopting the position of Mayor Godfrey, who told a constituent some years ago that as far as he was concerned "legal" and "ethical" were synonyms, that if it was legal for the Mayor to do something, then it was ethical for him to do it. It seems now that Mr. Edwards has joined Hizzonah in an inability to distinguish between what it is legal for an honorable man to do on the one hand, and what it is ethical for him to do on the other.
Mr. Edwards want to "go to war" with Hizzonah and his code enforcement office, fine with me. It's his decision to "go to war" with all the rest of Ogden, including me, by posting that sign that I can't condone. Or understand. He should take it down.
It's not about being right asshole, it's about doing right. I echo, you're pathetic.
Yes, Curm, you and some others have not been arguing the legality of mr Edwards's speech. But many others have. Also, it is not clear to me how Mr Edwards has "gone to war" with the rest of Ogden, as you put it? Do you really think Edwards' statement is directed at you or the citizens of Ogden generally and not at the city administration?
We'd be curious to know which of the business owners you talked to. I can tell you I sat there and watched the little show you put on Friday, and the business owners I talked to across the street and, I'd be willing to bet, most of the other merchants and a good part of the citizens of Ogden, think your actions are disgusting. Are you talking about the group of smokers standing outside the Kokomo Club? I saw you parading around, walking back and forth across the street, admiring your handiwork and chatting with them. (Disclosure: I smoke and I like smokers.)
I spoke to your little "photographer" toadie on Friday morning before the freak show started and asked him (OK, I TOLD him) to tell you to take down the Ogden isn't safe signs if he saw you before I did. I hadn't seen the spray painted windows at that point. We have clients visit our businesses from Provo to Logan, and those signs send a terrible message to them. They don't know your battles with the current administration. All they know is that Ogden is a bad place and those signs just reinforce that belief. I can speak to this first hand because in 2004 when me move here, I told my wife to look for a house "anywhere but Ogden" I'm very happy she didn't listen to me because I was wrong about Ogden. It's a great place with friendly people.
You should also know our temper tantrum cost us a client on Saturday because she didn't want to do business in this "neighborhood". Thanks for that.
Bruce, I'm a HUGE supporter of free speech, which I point out to my customers you're well within your rights to exercise when they complain about how crappy the building across the street is. I remind them that sometimes living in a free society means we have to tolerate what we don't like. I've served in the military for 26 years now, and although I don't agree with what you say or how you say it, I'm willing to die to protect your right to say it. But what you've done, in my opinion, isn't a free speech issue. It's crossed the decency line. If it's OK to spraypaint "FUCK" on the side of your building, how come I can't call up a talk radio show and say "Fuck Bruce Edwards"?
Bruce, it's time you wake up and realize that it's not always about YOU. Perhaps if you had an operating business in the Helena, you'd be a little bit more respectful of your community, your neighborhood, and think twice before doing what you've done. Your actions don't cost you anything. You don't lose clients,. But your actions cost the rest of the city. When I lose a sale, sales tax isn't collected. If people quit coming to 25th Street, we have to either move or close. If we move, we can't afford our employees. If we close then there are 3 more jobs gone from our economy.
We understand you have frustration with the city, but your neighbors are equally as frustrated with YOU! We're curious to know if the city is taking this code enforcement action on its own or if it's because they're tired of receiving complaints about you. We know for a fact your neighbor to the east was griping about your building and the city's inability to do anything about it during a Landmarks Commission meeting a few months ago.
So, what's the deal with you and the mayor anyway? You used to date his wife or something? He give you an atomic wedgie in the hallway at school? He screw you over in a business deal? You just hate authority, no matter whose it is?
The funny thing is that Mr. Curmudgeon is and the mayor are turning out to be like a two headed coin. It's OK for you to spraypaint inappropriate language on your building, but it's not OK for the City to exercise their free speech rights to block the view with a poster about the Arbor Day festivities, which was planned far in advance of your tirade, on a sidewalk which they own. You're all about free speech, as long as it's YOURS. You say city workers taunted you. Maybe they're expressing their free speech rights to let you know they disapprove of what you did in a public place. Maybe they're frustrated because they bust their butts trying to make Ogden nice and you come along with your garbage and negate what they worked so hard on. Free speech works both ways, Bruce. The constitution wasn't just written for you!
Seems to us that if you put half the energy in being a good neighbor as you do being a douchenozzle, you'd have a successful business up and running and the Helena would be the showpiece on the block. Instead, you appear to have to let everyone know you're around and you're more important than the rest of your neighbors.
The view from where you're standing might be fine, Bruce, but the view from across the street sucks. We're asking that you be a good neighbor and responsible citizen, and clean up your mess, for the benefit for the rest of O-town and particularly those of us who are trying to make a living on 25th Street.
Comment moved to new article comments section
Very nicely put. Soundly reasoned and argued. I hope, for your sake, for Ogden's sake and for Mr. Edwards' sake, he listens.
I share you feelings for the Ogden City administration. The sooner we can marginalize this city administration until elections, the better.
That said, I also feel that the recent revelations about the use of the Salomon Center while it was still under the ownership of the city by the Envision Ogden group for political purposes has the city administration on the run. This whole matter has raised an awareness to the residents as to just how corrupt the city administration is. Envision Ogden’s actions have not only been questioned by the residents but have created an uneasiness among some the administration’s supporters in that in some cases some of the donors, that made contributions, have determined that their contributions were in direct conflict with their corporate policies on political contributions, and in one case possibly even illegal, all brought about by Envision Ogden’s misrepresentations. No company or individual representing a company can trust this administration to properly use their funds in a way that won’t get them into possible legal or personal trouble. The effectiveness of their fundraising has been dealt a huge blow and the connection of this organization to the mayor has cost the administration huge amounts of goodwill among even his followers. It’s the first time ever his followers are taking notice and questioning his integrity.
Your battle with the city has been something that we all have watched and have cheered you on from the sidelines. I enjoy the posters in your windows and think the idea posted earlier on this blog of letting others contribute to your window was a great idea.
Unfortunately your most recent action, as stated by others on the blog, not only is disrespectful to the city but to the rest of us. My bigger concern though is that your action will distract from the whole Envision Ogden issue. We have the administration loosing credibility with the whole community and possibly loosing support from its financial support base. The rest of this story surrounding Envision Ogden needs to come out and not get buried in the back pages of the newspaper because of the attention given to your actions. Your actions will give the administration the opportunity to gain back support from the residents as he takes a position against your actions based on the community sense of morality. The administration will use you to gain back support in the community by challenging your actions. The Envision Ogden story really needs to come out, it has the chance to bring about the change that you want, not just an expensive toe to toe fist fight for a couple of years.
Please don’t give the administration the opportunity to gain back support on what would be deemed a moral issue or to marginalize its involvement the whole unethical Envision Ogden issue. Please remove the spray paint.
Witness, I agree with that B.E. should be a good neighbor. And I agree that he should clean off his painted sign - and probably the others inside the window.
As to your question why its OK that he canwrite Fuck Ogden City Government on his window but its not ok for you say Fuck Bruce Edwards on the radio. If by OK you mean legal and constitutional, here's why, if you are interested. Has to do with property rights and Congressional regulations. No radio station owns the frequency waves over which it broadcasts. Hence there is nothing preventing me from broadcasting my own radio show on say AM 700 and blocking out the SportsTalk radio that also broadcasts on that frequency. So, Congress passed a law granting companies exclusive rights to broadcast on specific radio frequencies. But with that grant from Congress come many, many regulations. This is the primary reason why folks can say things on satellite radio that can't be said over non-satellite radio. Same holds for TV.
Mr. Edwards, I have a question about the painted message at your Ogden location. Are you angry enough about the situation to put the same message on your private residence? How about on your vehicle? That would allow you to express your feelings wherever you travel. Legal questions aside,does your anger only apply to your 25th
location? Have you given any thought to placing the same message on your vehicle or wearing it on a shirt? You seem to be angry at Ogden city only at a single location. Share your opions with your neighbors at your residence.
Spectator, are you suggesting that all the folks that voted for the lying little mayor, and support him, were totally unaware of his distain of honesty and how he thinks and behaves like a common criminal prior to this Envision Ogden scam? Could they really be that naive, blind or stupid?
Bill C,
Not all, but I'm confident that it's more than a few. Several of the large dollar contributions came from corporate entities that don't mind contributing to a community events but have strict company rules about political campaign contributions in their name. The Envision Ogden group mislead these company representatives as to what purpose their contributions would go toward. Some of these corporations will not trust Envision Ogden or the mayor's supporters again.
Spectator, I am quite confident that the very large donors like the hospital and qwest, were duped, conned and defrauded. I also believe that none of the big one would even speak to Shreve, those solicitations were made by lying little matty, and possibly Harmer and Patterson. Shreve may not be aware but, he's the sacrificial lamb so far, I wonder how fast he'll flip if a real prosecutor starts in on him.
Has anyone noticed the low quality of the frontmen for these mayorial sham orginizations? Short Deck- lift Ogden and Shreve-envision Ogden? The fact that no one with any credentials or credibility will speak for them says all one needs to know.
Retarded republicans at each other.
Looks like some punk kid with a bb gun is going to have to start in on this eyesore.
Leave it to a 16 year old to be proactive.
Maybe Bruce can pay his taxes stacking up since 2004.
How much did Bruce Edwards purchase his buildings from the city for?
About $1 a piece. The exact amount and the original contract should be a matter of public record, so Mr. Shwebeke, Mr. Schroder or anyone else would have access to all of the information if interested. Mr. Edwards was one of several original owners – others have long since bailed from the “project.”
When Ogden was still seeking “investors” for 25th Street, many city-owned properties downtown were essentially given to individuals and companies for private development. In theory, it’s a good idea for a blighted area that may not otherwise attract businesses. Unfortunately in the case of Mr. Edwards building(s), no performance clause was placed on the contract, so when he failed to complete the project year after year the city had no recourse. They gave the building away “no questions asked.” This all occurred prior to the current administration, but key city planners were in similar positions at the time and would have likely had some (or the primary) role in facilitating the sale of dilapidated properties on 25th Street.
Mr. Edwards has likely invested his own time and money during time (probably approaching or exceeding 15 years) he’s held properties void of any real businesses that contributed to the vitality and rebirth of the street (or Ogden tax revenue). However, those who spend a lot of time downtown will remember that most of the real investments only came when a television show used downtown Ogden as a backdrop and financed a lot of the refurbishment of his building facades.
Only in very recent years did a business finally move in to the lower level of one of those buildings. Mr. Edward’s signs do nothing to enhance that business’ beautiful window displays.
It’s unfair to blame either the Planning or Landmarks Commissions (no matter who’s on those commissions) for not approving Mr. Edward’s plans as some here have done without all of the facts. Prior plans he’s brought before both volunteer committees have included hand-sketched pencil plans drafted by Mr. Edwards to start construction on a roof deck – no engineering or architectural plans or studies by someone certified to verify those plans are safe. Most of what he brings before both commissions has not been drafted by anyone competent to do the work, and it would be irresponsible of either organization to approve something that may not be safe for future occupants. His numerous trips to the Commissions are the result of his lack of action. Authorizations to act on plans submitted to both committees are subject to timelines. Approval expires if work isn’t completed timely.
As for 60 layers of paint on the exterior, if the building was purchased in 1995 (or even a few years later) and was built in 1890 (a total estimate – not the actual date) that’s about 100 years. That would mean that the building was painted AT LEAST every other year since its construction. Possible – but not probable, seeing as painting brick was something that was only generally done once it was in place for several years and was seen as a cheaper option than cleaning building facades. It’s this type of exaggeration without documentation that has made city staff and volunteers weary of his claims – they’re just more excuses for not getting things done.
Regarding the re-painting an advertising sign on the outside of the building had nothing to do with the subject matter of the ad. Review the minutes if you’re interested. 25th Street’s colorful history is something both commissions have encouraged and publicized in signage they authorized on the street regarding Ogden’s notorious past.
While I (and most) would agree Mr. Edwards’s spray-painted “signs” are obscene, perhaps it may be more difficult to prove in a court of law. What has been obscene by almost anyone’s definition is the price he’s asked for his buildings when real investors with actual capitol have approached him.
While I think Mr. Edwards is more bark than bite, you can see (based on his comments posted here and track record) why if you were a small business loan office you’d be very hesitant in taking a risk on him during the current or any other financial climate.
Mistakes occur, but Mr. Edwards’s embarrassing signs and lack of progress should have been a consistent reminder that, while we want to work with potential Ogden investors, we must still hold them to performance standards. Planning staff seems to have learned nothing from past mistakes. As stated in the eloquent editorial the Standard Examiner published on Sunday, history has already repeated itself. In the Riverfront Project we have given away everything to someone who can’t deliver, and now we’re stuck holding the ball (wrecking ball in this case) and paying the tab for the clean-up, blighted areas and loss of revenue. We gave $300,000 to owners of another building on 25th Street to offset costs associated with adherence to historic standards. They then used the money to develop a plan disregarding historical guidelines, that they admitted did not meet the guidelines set by the Secretary of the Interior for historic areas. No word yet on whether that money (enough to fund the Mount Ogden Golf Course deficit for this year that’s been so widely publicized by the administration) has been repaid.
Mr. Edwards, please sell your building for market value. You’ll reap a significant return and make room for someone who wants to make a real contribution to our city. Yes, the mayor has a heavy-handed approach, but you weren’t much more cooperative with the prior administration. ALL of your signs (obscene or not, and legal or not) are embarrassing for the city, no matter who we voted for for mayor.
Try replacing them all with a “For Sale” sign.
We asked him to consider selling us the property in question, about 1 year ago.
Bwooce Edwards puffed up his chest, making his belly stick out, assumed a lord of the manor look on his face, and said, and we quote:
One million five, cash, not negotiable.
And then got this weird little grin on his face that looked like the character Sloth, the large and deformed criminal from the movie Goonies.
We laughed.
For the few that are really interested in the facts.
Let me set your misinformation correct.
Performance Clause said...
How much did Bruce Edwards purchase his buildings from the city for?
About $1 a piece. The exact amount and the original contract should be a matter of public record, so Mr. Shwebeke, Mr. Schroder or anyone else would have access to all of the information if interested. Mr. Edwards was one of several original owners – others have long since bailed from the “project.”
I didn’t purchase the buildings from the city. I made a loan originally in the amount of about $75,000.00 for the buildings to a third party. I was supposed to be paid back in 90 days but things didn’t work out like they thought so I agreed to loan additional funds so that they could obtain a SBA loan. After demolition, replacing the roof and floors which came to over $200,000.00 they had buyers remorse.
So Performance Clause, you sound like you know what your talking about but don’t! If your going to make statement of facts then get them right. Otherwise your just more of the problem and not part of the solution.
More to Come.
For the few that are really interested in the facts.
Let me set your misinformation correct.
Performance Clause said...
It’s unfair to blame either the Planning or Landmarks Commissions (no matter who’s on those commissions) for not approving Mr. Edward’s plans as some here have done without all of the facts. Prior plans he’s brought before both volunteer committees have included hand-sketched pencil plans drafted by Mr. Edwards to start construction on a roof deck – no engineering or architectural plans or studies by someone certified to verify those plans are safe. Most of what he brings before both commissions has not been drafted by anyone competent to do the work, and it would be irresponsible of either organization to approve something that may not be safe for future occupants. His numerous trips to the Commissions are the result of his lack of action. Authorizations to act on plans submitted to both committees are subject to timelines. Approval expires if work isn’t completed timely.
First I’m unaware of any approvals before the Planning Commission with the exception of maybe the new signs 7 to 8 years ago. I have not been to any planning commission meeting.
Second when I submitted plans for a roof deck there was a complete set of engineering that was submitted to landmarks. It took me almost a year to get approval but I finally prevailed with landmarks. If it would be irresponsible of either organization to approve something that may not be safe for future occupants, why did landmarks approval the roof decks.
Performance Clause maintains that my “numerous trips to the Commissions are the result of his lack of action”. While it’s true that I’ve had to go back and get approvals for previous approvals, it took 10 years to get a sign approved that should have been approved the first time, numerous items have taken approximately a year for approval. I was originally denied the replacement of the front windows on the Helena, they could not be repaired for the numerous fires, water damage.
So Performance Clause, you sound like you know what your talking about but don’t! If your going to make statement of facts then get them right. Otherwise your just more of the problem and not part of the solution.
More to Come.
At that price it certainly would be funny. However, it would not be any funnier than the pals of the Lil Lord who were trying to strong arm the city out of about the same amount for the dilapidated shell across the street called the Windsor.
For the few that are really interested in the facts.
blackrulon said...
Mr. Edwards, I have a question about the painted message at your Ogden location. Are you angry enough about the situation to put the same message on your private residence? How about on your vehicle? That would allow you to express your feelings wherever you travel. Legal questions aside, does your anger only apply to your 25th location? Have you given any thought to placing the same message on your vehicle or wearing it on a shirt? You seem to be angry at Ogden city only at a single location. Share your opions with your neighbors at your residence.
In response this all happened Thursday after Ogden City again breached an agreement with me. I hope this week that Ogden and I can come to terms with what’s going on. If not I intend and am prepared to have bumper stickers prepared stating the same of which I will place on my vehicle and provide to any and all that will desire to do the same. If I lived in Ogden I would have the same sign at my residence. I wish that I didn’t have to do what I did but based upon what I have had to go through over the last 10 years I do not think that I am out of line. If OPD can call me a prick for taking a picture and threaten to arrest me for the same my speech is not out of line. If Ogden finds my speech outrageous, then Ogden City should watch what they say. Finally I would have no problem wearing a shirt that says the same that is in the window. If I’m going to say it I want everyone to know that it is me, I’m not going to hide. I’m angry with Ogden at more than just the properties on 25th Street. I share my opinions about Ogden everywhere I go!
More to Come.
For the few that are really interested in the facts.
Let me set your misinformation correct.
Performance Clause said...
As for 60 layers of paint on the exterior, if the building was purchased in 1995 (or even a few years later) and was built in 1890 (a total estimate – not the actual date) that’s about 100 years. That would mean that the building was painted AT LEAST every other year since its construction. Possible – but not probable, seeing as painting brick was something that was only generally done once it was in place for several years and was seen as a cheaper option than cleaning building facades. It’s this type of exaggeration without documentation that has made city staff and volunteers weary of his claims – they’re just more excuses for not getting things done.
Since the building was built more around 1896 and was vacant from about the mid 1970’s to 2004, your math is non sense as well as your facts, arguments and conclusions. The building historically known as the C.C. Keller and most well known as the El Borracho and Rose Rooms brick was painted red and grout was painted black. On the North West side the building was used as a billboard for most of its history. The bill board was approximately 12 feet high by up to 20 feet long. At this location there was close to 80 layers of paint. And yes I have art. Even Greg Montgomery, Planning Manager, would substantiate that the side of the building was a billboard.
It’s this type of stupidity that keeps feuds going. You want to see more get done and not more excuses then come on over I’ve got plenty of hammers. I’ve personally done more work on 25th Street than any body I know and if your bitching about it ain’t enough then the “Fucking City” should let me finish what I started without playing all the stupid games.
So Performance Clause, you sound like you know what your talking about but don’t! If your going to make statement of facts then get them right. Otherwise your just more of the problem and not part of the solution. It’s people like you that are the best argument for the current signs.
More to Come.
The bill board was approximately 12 feet high by up to 20 feet long. At this location there was close to 80 layers of paint.
The 80 is an error and should be about 60.
Michael Tanner
Ogden Utah -
There are several facts missing in regards to the recent occurrence of April 25th 2009 .
Mr. Edwards did not know of the events that were going to transpire the next day after he had painted the F*ck Ogden Gov on his window. He didn't have any idea about it because he only painted the first sign after he was told that all the work he had done in the back part of his building to clean it up a bit was not sufficient as if he had done nothing. He painted the sign in direct response of what he was told the previous day within hours of being informed of the decision.
Which goes to show the state of mind of Ogden City officials. Many people came down to look at the signs including the city attorney who also didn't want to identify himself. Police officers refused to give out names or badge numbers as they “We don't want to do your interview for you!” One officer said to me. I later got wind that they have been ordered not to give statements to press include the reason of the call or statement of a large presence in front of Mr. Edwards building.
The code enforcement officer when speaking about the Arbor Day sign said "I dearly hope that he touches that sign so we can go after him over that." He said. Our Mayor Mathew Godfrey "I don't know who it is that erected the sign but I fully support them." he said. Local business owners were unwilling to comment on the record despite being very upset about the f-word "I have a major client meeting in 15 minutes and I don't need this, how is this going to look?" local business owner across the street from Bruce Edwards Building said.
One business owner who also didn't want to go on record said "I have been in the military for over 26 years and I support free speech and all, but this gives us a real black eye." he said.
Another Local business owner said “I don't want to comment because I don't want to get into it with Bruce, he would probably sue me for it and that won't do me any good.” she said
The actual graffiti said "F*ck Ogden gov" and was about the size of a poster board in red paint on the outside of the building wasn't a big deal until everyone started to react by placing a bigger sign in front of the store window. Then when the wind threatened to knock it down workers came into place to reinforce the sign. These brave souls and handymen of the city refused to identify themselves and didn't want their pictures taken of them doing in stark contrast to Mr. Edwards when asked "Did you paint that on the window?" by local authorities "Yes I did!" Mr Edwards said. Multiple police arrived escalating the situation. Then turned to other officers and said "Don't take pictures of us, I told him not to take pictures of us." he said to other officers standing around him. To avoid certain abuse of Mr. Edwards rights phones where then made to local media as the situation continued to escalate.
Mr Edwards seeing the four men holding up the blockade of his smaller hand painted sign in his window decided to paint an even larger sign on the out side of his building some 6-8 feet above to left of the agents of the city who refused to identify themselves obviously proud of what they are doing as they were. Originally he only painted the F__K and OGD on the his newest creation, but then with taunting from the cities work crew he filled in the other letters of for unlawful carnal knowledge(you get the idea), then arrives the local city officials who want to charge him with a crime for obscenity.
It is shameful to me that the Mayor Went to Weber State University and does not observe basic rights of his citizens. The actual correspondence between the city and Mr. Edwards is brief and much of the agreements between Mr. Edwards and the city is in an lose oral form. Mr. Edwards has been told “If we give you the money to help develop your building will you take the signs down?” Mr Edwards has always contended that his fight has never been about money but the treatment of him and his family during the past ten years.
Many people comment about how much money they lose because of Mr. Edwards signs but this is very hard to prove. The Supreme Court of the United States has held in Alexander vs. Minneapolis(928 F. 2d 278 (1991) that economic concerns are not in consideration “the inquire as to First Amendment purpose is not concerned with economic impact” and as a warning to lower courts and local authorities in the Miller Test Miller vs. California “remain sensitive to any infringement genuinely serious literary,artistic,political or scientific value.” -Miller vs. California 413 U.S. 15(1973)
That Mr. Edwards sign is a political statement and holds the highest protection possible afforded by the U.S. Constitution is obvious on it's face. And the threat of the city of Ogden to site Mr. Edwards with a class B misdemeanor that could include fines and jail time should show the fear that the average citizen faces when dealing with local authorities.
Further if the city were to take up the prosecution of Mr. Edwards I believe remedial U.S Constitutional rights classes should be taken up by any prosecutor that would press such a case. Such a Prosecution should lead to the disbarment of any attorney that would take up this case.
City officials should also be aware that courts have held that the f-word is not merely a sexual context and community standards may not apply in all cases. The f-word has several meanings and context is key.
I have found that many people would say negative things Mr. Edwards in public forums like this one rarely come out and post their names to what they say. They wear masks much as the KKK did to hide the author of threats of personal bodily harm to Mr. Edwards or his family.
They are very brave like having 20 to one odds on a kid walking home from middle school wearing ski masks. If you are proud of what you say then as Mr. Edwards say “You should come out with it to my face. Put your name on it, because you are entitled to you own opinions but not your own facts.” he said.
This all really started over a few piles of bricks behind a building that no one really cares about, from a code enforcement action that Mr. Edwards tried to comply with and spent time and money to do so, and an unwillingness to be flexible by both parties the city officials and Mr Edwards who told them what he was going to do before he did it.
For more information and pictures of this and other events contact:
Michael Tanner
The above post is pretty ridiculous. It is like the fools that tell people "if you don't like it leave" as if they owned the town, state or country in question.
I understand the frustration exhibited above, but really - "Leave town"?
It seems to me that this kind of arrogance is the same as the city has shown to Edwards for the last 8 years or so, and the kind of attitude that just bucks him up and makes him fight back even harder. Fighting Edwards on these kinds of things seems like a fool's mission as he has beat the city a hundred or so times in court and never lost one yet. One would think the city administration and people like the above poster would get smart and try a different attitude with Edwards if they really wanted good results.
I would also like to point out the above statement: "It is not unreasonable for you to clean your messy back lot as all other businesses and residents have to follow". I agree, but actually that is not true either. It only applies to people who are not friends of the mayor. His friends can do basically anything they want without fear of interference from the city as witnessed by the current fiasco with Lesham. Lesham by the way is responsible for a mess that is hundreds of times worse than Edwards' is and now the citizens of Ogden get to clean it up for him! So why isn't the city volunteering to clean up Edwards' mess? If it is good enough for Lesham, why isn't it good enough for Edwards?
I support Edwards 100%, except for the F-Bomb in the window which I hope he takes down soon as it only deflects attention away from the conduct of the mayor where it really belongs.
My above post is in response to "F**K BRUCE EDWARDS", not to the excellent post above by Michael Tanner.
Why did I do it?
I don’t believe that there is anyone in this State that could go through what I’ve been through over the last 10 plus years. To have a police officer tell you you’re facing 30 years in jail and defy the officer’s order, how many of you could do that? To be harassed by an army of Ogden City ass holes on a daily basis. I have had enough! I no longer am interested in fighting Ogden City on a daily basis and attempting to restore the historic properties that were tossed in my lap. For more than 10 years I have been fighting the City’s stupidity. I have prevailed in almost every battle. Can’t think of one that I’ve actually lost. Even argued a case before the Utah State Court of Appeals and kicked Ogden’s Ass. I have had to fight with the Mayor, Police, Prosecutors, City Administration, Code Enforcement, Building Inspections, City Counsel, Judges, Landmarks, etc. I see no end in sight. So what do you do? It has been suggested that I should do something different, but no one has a clue what to do except kiss ass. The most common suggestion is to “sale” and get out. Not possible, I might have to fight to my dying breath but I will not kiss ass and neither do I expect to have my ass kissed. I’m not a citizen of Ogden, I’m a citizen of the United States of America and I was taught to stand up for what I believe. Regarding placing the properties for sale everybody thinks that because I am fighting with Ogden City that it’s a fire sale.
If OPD can call me a prick while OPD is committing a crime, then I can certainly tell OPD, fuck U or in a more appropriate matter because the Administration of Ogden induced OPD to act in the matter to commit said crime to Fuck Ogden City Gov is appropriate and just.
If the Administration of Ogden can attempt to have OPD chase me out of town because I refuse to Kiss Ogden’s Ass then I have the right and the duty to tell Administration of Ogden “Fuck You”.
I have had so much support for fighting for your rights?
Not one of you has any real knowledge of what is going on. You may have knowledge about a grain of sand at the beach but that knowledge is only about a very, very small pebble. You know nothing about the beach. Most of you set smugly behind your anonymity and think that your anonymity has empowered you to make statements based upon little to no facts and little to no intelligence. I’ve been threaten to be tar and feathered, long before I decided to go the distance and stand up to an corrupt government. Many people state that “we support you” but I’ve never have seen any one support me. People cheer win I take on City Hall and kick their ass but when I have to do it day in and day out for over 10 years and I don’t have the time to take my son fishing and do things “normal” fathers do because I spend the majority of my time fighting battles with the city to protect your rights and then when a sign stating “F K OGDEN GOV is painted on a window you wine like a little girl. Some argue that I am selfish for what I’ve done. I didn’t reelect Godfrey as Mayor, I didn’t breach the constitution, I haven’t committed a crime and for you less learned telling the city that you’re frustrated and angry by putting a sign up that says ‘FUCK OGDEN CITY” is not a crime and in the end there is nothing that Ogden City can do. What is Ogden City going to do when I mail out a thousand bumper stickers that say ‘FUCK OGDEN CITY” and do a web site called The truth is Ogden City is powerless in the end. Some people maintain that I am acting like a child and being the bully at the playground but where I stand I see many cowards that kiss ass to try to stay on top and I say shame on you. See before you judged me I had already judged many of you. So for you who think my ass should get kicked all I can say is give it your best shoot.
More to Come.
Michael Tanner
Ogden Utah
Duty,Honor,Core. Huah! I don't know how to spell that sound, but it seems many of you could never make it. Many of you would have people fall in line. Many of you would never argue or fight except from the safety of your anonymous perch three hundred miles from the fight in a bunker. Many of my friends worry about losing the right to have guns, and if I believed as they do about freedom of speech I would be too. I would be afraid of a world where they say keep the guns and we take away your rights. I would be afraid to walk the streets in a world where we couldn't talk about things that might upset us. Where it is better to be quiet and wrong then it is to be vocal and right. It is a ye omens task to stand against those in authority who are right until you are proven guilty. I would hope that many of you remember that millions of Americans died and over 20 million Russians died fighting in Europe because one man said "We may not have right, but we see to our responsibilities." -Hitler 1943 s he burned the books and the bibles, I would think that such a state that has such a large minority faith would be ever so sensitive to the reach of government. There was a time that President Buchanan sent the army to Utah to suppress freedom here in Utah. My family was a family that had a hand cart to come here for freedom.
How many of you would die rather then give up your gun but then why do you say that? Is it that you fear that your freedom will be taken if you do not have the ability to defend it?
Your right to free speech is better then any gun you can have. Guns only work on those that are held in fear, eventually "you have to get off your horse and rule."
You can't use fear and intimidation because it really doesn't work long term. There are two types of communication corrosion and seduction. Which works best in your opinion will determine a good deal how your life comes out.
As the saying goes. Community Harmony can be reached by negotiation and prompt response.
I have been on several military bases and have had the f-word used about me to me and by me and especially in description of me and I still live.
There seems to be a real lack of understanding of media when it comes to Ogden city leadership.
This story has gone worldwide now it is on the AP. It is on KSL. It was in the SLC Trib. It was all but ignored by Standard Ex. I wonder if the word was put out not to cover Bruce but it is the local journal of record and they have a responsibility to cover things that are important to people in the community.
Mr. Scott Schewbert neglected to mention in his story that the standard didn't send a reporter down. I was there the A.P. was there also SLC Tribe but the Standard was Absent without leave.
The wind and the sun see a man walking down a road wearing a rain coat in spring. They have a bet with each other to see who can get the man to take off his rain coat.
The wind goes first and he blows and blows and the man reaches for his coat and holds it tighter and tighter to him. Then the sun takes a turn after the wind. The sun begins softly to shine at the man. He warms and warms through out the day. So the man gets hot and decides that it is time to stretch himself in the sun, so he takes the jacket off and rests him self on a rock in the sun. The man reaches for the sky to thank the sun for all he has done for him.
So you tell me who is the most powerful force the one that tried to take the coat from the man or the one that let the man decide for himself?
We can all help make a change if we want to.
Michael Tanner
Ogden Utah
In regards to your statement
"One business owner who also didn't want to go on record said "I have been in the military for over 26 years and I support free speech and all, but this gives us a real black eye." he said
Didn't want to go on record? Really? And which paper do you represent Mr. Tanner? I believe when you first strolled into our business you told us that you were a modeling agent, then photographer, then movie critic and after you "set up shop" in our store with your laptop all plugged in for over 4 hours one day we asked you to leave. And until Friday you haven't been back.
As for as the above statement, my husband said this to you BEFORE Mr.Edwards went on his little tantrum, my husband asked you to tell Bruce to remove the "Ogden City is not safe " signs. It's bad for business and it's hurting EVERY LEGITIMATE BUSINESS OWNER on 25th Street.
You came in and asked me what I thought after said tantrum was completed. I told you and I QUOTE " You tell Bruce Edwards if he hates Ogden so much than leave" Love it or leave. I, along with everyone else involved in business on 25th Street have invested not only money and time in making it successful but ourselves.
I will not be bullied by Mr Edwards or you Michael Tanner, the days of school yard bullies are over. Bruce Edwards is nothing more than a terrorist to the City and it's citizens, and this time he has gone to far.
I will not cower in the shadows hoping that Bruce Edwards will just do the right thing.
My husband and I deal with matters like adults and find appropriate solutions to issues. If the way that Mr. Edwards has handled this situation is now considered acceptable in our society than we should be ashamed, we as a society are better than this. I can tell you that from speaking with customers ( both from Ogden and visiting) that they are appalled and disgusted.
If you want my opinion or any further "quotes" you know where to find me. For those you don't....
Wendi Cooper
Sugar and Spice Cakery
200 HISTORIC 25th Street
Ogden Utah
Michael Tanner is full of shit ...
poor little picked on brucie - does he need to get laid or something? what a baby. he's looking for something to fight about because he needs the attention.
the lady with the one old tire leaning neatly up against her home did not spray paing F--- Ogden on anything when she got her ticket. And she had a tidy yard.
bruce purposely leaves a mess - daring someone to make him move it. bruce needs to shut up, and put the paint can away; he's an embarrassment to Ogden, and he doesn't even live here. I feel sorry for the little whiney bastid - and I bet his mother has moved to Timbuktu bynow.
Mr. Edwards, What should I do? I enjoy going to 25th street. I do not enjoy in my face profanity. Your tantrum is making it very difficult to support other business on 25th street. Those of us who live in Ogden want a exciting vibrant 25th street. This has become less of a dispute with the city than a self perveived challenge to your manhood. But it must be nice to show your love for profanity. You are hurting many people and business owners who have nothing to deo with your battle with Ogden city. You may not have any enemies but your supporters cannot stand you. BTW, is this the start of a trend for me? Whats next, being called out by Mr. Geiger?
Michael Tanner = Bruce Jr. Only with less brains and more girth.
"I don’t believe that there is anyone in this State that could go through what I’ve been through over the last 10 plus years."
"To have a police officer tell you you’re facing 30 years in jail and defy the officer’s order, how many of you could do that?"
To be harassed by an army of Ogden City ass holes on a daily basis. I have had enough!
"I no longer am interested in fighting Ogden City on a daily basis and attempting to restore the historic properties that were tossed in my lap."
"For more than 10 years I have been fighting the City’s stupidity. I have prevailed in almost every battle. Can’t think of one that I’ve actually lost. Even argued a case before the Utah State Court of Appeals and kicked Ogden’s Ass. I have had to fight with the Mayor, Police, Prosecutors, City Administration, Code Enforcement, Building Inspections, City Counsel, Judges, Landmarks, etc."
"I see no end in sight. So what do you do?"
"It has been suggested that I should do something different, but no one has a clue what to do except kiss ass. The most common suggestion is to “sale” and get out. Not possible, I might have to fight to my dying breath but I will not kiss ass and neither do I expect to have my ass kissed. I’m not a citizen of Ogden, I’m a citizen of the United States of America and I was taught to stand up for what I believe."
"Regarding placing the properties for sale everybody thinks that because I am fighting with Ogden City that it’s a fire sale."
"If OPD can call me a prick while OPD is committing a crime, then I can certainly tell OPD, fuck U or in a more appropriate matter because the Administration of Ogden induced OPD to act in the matter to commit said crime to Fuck Ogden City Gov is appropriate and just.
If the Administration of Ogden can attempt to have OPD chase me out of town because I refuse to Kiss Ogden’s Ass then I have the right and the duty to tell Administration of Ogden “Fuck You”.
"I have had so much support for fighting for your rights?
Not one of you has any real knowledge of what is going on. You may have knowledge about a grain of sand at the beach but that knowledge is only about a very, very small pebble. You know nothing about the beach. Most of you set smugly behind your anonymity and think that your anonymity has empowered you to make statements based upon little to no facts and little to no intelligence."
I’ve been threaten to be tar and feathered, long before I decided to go the distance and stand up to an corrupt government. Many people state that “we support you” but I’ve never have seen any one support me."
"People cheer win I take on City Hall and kick their ass but when I have to do it day in and day out for over 10 years and I don’t have the time to take my son fishing and do things “normal” fathers do because I spend the majority of my time fighting battles with the city to protect your rights and then when a sign stating “F K OGDEN GOV is painted on a window you wine like a little girl."
"Some argue that I am selfish for what I’ve done. I didn’t reelect Godfrey as Mayor, I didn’t breach the constitution, I haven’t committed a crime and for you less learned telling the city that you’re frustrated and angry by putting a sign up that says ‘FUCK OGDEN CITY” is not a crime and in the end there is nothing that Ogden City can do."
What is Ogden City going to do when I mail out a thousand bumper stickers that say ‘FUCK OGDEN CITY” and do a web site called The truth is Ogden City is powerless in the end.
"Some people maintain that I am acting like a child and being the bully at the playground but where I stand I see many cowards that kiss ass to try to stay on top and I say shame on you. See before you judged me I had already judged many of you. So for you who think my ass should get kicked all I can say is give it your best shoot."
This "Bruce" thing is starting to disprove the old axiom "My enemy's enemy is my friend".
It occurs to me that with this latest F**k Ogden tactic Bruce is losing the empathy and support of the people that despises Godfrey as much as he does.
He also is starting to appear to be completely clueless when it comes to PR.
Bruce - please try to recall the immortal words of Lil Abner - "No man is an Ireland" If you lose all the moral support of those who have given it to you in the past, the Mayor and his gang will eat your lunch in the end. If you continue to adhere to the Godfrey styled "my way or the highway" you will lose the war even though you may win this particular battle.
Please re-consider your tactics and start focusing on winning the bigger war. If you don't, I believe you will on contribute to more political victories of the Godfrey gang and I am pretty sure that is not your objective.
No matter whose “facts” anyone believes, what is undisputable is that Mr. Edwards has owned his buildings during two administrations (for close to 15 years either as a partner, lender or sole owner depending on who you want to believe) and was only finally able to occupy one side very recently. The other building has been an eyesore on a very successful block for more than a decade while other significant progress has been made all around him.
Mr. Edwards seems to be a self-proclaimed expert on everything “25th Street” except owning and operating a successful business there.
His attitude denotes he would have issue with any administration, not just the current one. After years of his complaining and feet dragging, I can see why code enforcement officers would have little to no patience with even minor infractions. They are not considering one or two minor infractions, but rather the sum of years of non-compliance. Repeated visits cost us all money. Think of the taxpayer money that’s been spent dealing with this single individual.
If some structural repairs, a little work to the facade and paint removal on a sign that’s 12X20 (240 square feet, according to Mr. Edward’s figures) are the primary accomplishments on the still unoccupied property over more than a decade it’s likely he’s unable to complete the project.
Nobody is asking Mr. Edwards to give his properties away, just to sell them for fair-market value and let an entrepreneur move in to them. Or, if he feels $1.5 million dollars is the fair-market value, he should certainly be taxed at that value. All of Ogden City, on both sides of every issue, is losing the potential revenue and is home to an eyesore because of his irresponsible behavior.
After the recent press, it’s unlikely he’ll find a business owner willing to occupy the location as a tenant. Locating on the ground level doesn’t mean Mr. Edwards wouldn’t have the “right” to post “signs” on higher stories.
I repeat my request. Mr. Edwards, please make your next window display a “For Sale” sign. Sell at a profit and move on. It sounds like you’re cut out for the paint removal and lead disposal business. Please let someone with a business plan and financing have an opportunity now.
Wendy... you have a wonderful shop. Thanks for taking the chance and putting time, money and love into your bakery and shop for us all to enjoy. Many of us, probably the majority feel for you and what has just now been imposed against your will and against your rights upon you. This is total crazy and I hope you can hang in there. I wish there was an easy answer of how this will go away. He has been persistent in his self proclaimed purpose of destroying everything, his building, our city and our wonderful street. Now he wants to spread the ugliness to everyone in the community including our children and decent folks. Hang in there. I will be in your shop to give you support even more now and your post was most excellent. Thanks for being a positive part of our community. You have taken that space so far and it is appreciated.
It doesn't matter too much what you say about me. I am not the topic here. Yes I am frothing at the mouth. My daughter and mother had to see this sign when we went to Athenian for dinner last Saturday. I drove by again today and it does have me frothing. I am frustrated that nothing can be done and something like this can happen in our community. He seems frustrated and rambling and yes that is provoking the same out of many in this community. What else is there to do right now. He has the city by the nutz and every member of the community with it as well has to share and participate in this ugliness. Call me what you may, I am upset and angry. He sits on one of the most beautiful buildings on the street and it is hard enough to see it just disintegrate and after all these years of his idiocy we now have to see these words. I was shocked and embarrassed for my mother and daughter to have to see this and all the visitors and community who enjoy our historic district. I was speechless. I am trying to find a way to vent my anger and dismay. Where else? To him? Right. Do you have any ideas or suggestions less ridiculous sir? I am reacting and reaching. He does not listen or have the capacity to understand. What else? I will avoid going downtown from now on. He wins. So do you.
Hahahahaha! Bruce just wants attention and to feel clever.
He fails to recognize you earn respect not acquire it through juvenile ways.
Mr. Edwards, I have solved tyhe reason for your actions. Every time Mayor Godfrey begins to face serious problems you rescuse him. How you may ask? By creating a diversion. With questions about golf course financing and hotel/condo building, unethical use of city buildings for campaign donations or examing the curious relationshiop of developers of the river parkway project. Do you suggest how to best cause a minor controvery. It is clever of you and Mr. Geiger to create a smoke screen to divert attention problems. I salute the mighty three, Edwards, Geiger and Godfrey for a stroke of genius. If this somehow does not work what is next? Your right to not wear pants or a tattoo on your forehead? Maybe you could changs your name to Bruce F**k Ogden Edwards.
the false anger you have with Ogden and Godfrey is worthy of notice and admiration. You are a master at helping Godfrey appear to be a victim of a vindictive property owner when it is merely a clever ploy to divert attention from the real problems. Isalute you and your special genius.
Brucie said:
"What is Ogden City going to do when I mail out a thousand bumper stickers that say ‘FUCK OGDEN CITY” and do a web site called The truth is Ogden City is powerless in the end. "
I don't know what Ogden City is going to do, but if I get mailed one of those, I will sue for emotional abuse and harrassment.
Junk mail is one thing, but mailing me personally your own propoganda and opinions does not qualify. It's not as if you are running for some kind of office and want people on your bandwagon to get votes, you just want attention. I will not stand for it!
I see it in my mailbox I am marching right down to the DA's office - with fear in my heart, because I think you are unbalanced and I don't know to what lengths you will go to spread your propoganda. You frighten me, and I fear for the safety of me, my family and my Ogden neighbors!
As for your website, how many hits do you think you will get, besides various authoritative agencies investigating you for further attacks on the citizens of Ogden.
And in the end
The love you take
Is equal to the love
You make
...and when the big developement director in the sky isn't showing you the love, Bruce - guess what?
You're fucked ...
119 comments; wow, what an ass.
I spoke with the slum lord today, and found that he is a really disturbed individual. I told him that the community was going to rectify this situation, with or with out the help of the govt.
Anyone know where he lives? I think a little turn about would be fair play.
It seems apparent that years of exposure to the lead based paint previously used at Mr. Edwards place of business has had a negative impact on his thought process. But again I repeat, you are doing a fine job of diverting attention from the real problems caused by mayor Godfrey.
"Mark My Words"
Who wouldn't be disturbed by punks like you running around making implied threats such as:
"I told him that the community was going to rectify this situation, with or with out the help of the govt."
and the equally stupid:
"Anyone know where he lives? I think a little turn about would be fair play."
It is wanna be hero's like you that escalate dumb situations like Bruce has created. If every one ignored him this whole brouhaha would disappear faster than Godfrey's promises.
With your comment you have demonstrated that you and Bruce are on the same low level of mental process.
Paul, it is not a threat; I just think citizens should go and be proactive, paint over it, block it, something...
instead of just waiting for the govt to do EVERYTHING for them. If i was in your moms face, screaming filth obscenities, would you try and stop me or would you simply say, "free speech, nothing I can do"? I was downtown getting a beer today and saw the mess. I cant just "ignore it". I am going to fix it. Sorry if that is not your method of dealing with this stuff; I don't think it makes me a punk to try and solve a problem that the city cannot or will not fix.
When I was a lad, this would have been handled by the stake president, local block leader, or... here is a fancy concept:
ostracization by his peers?
As for his address, I already found it, thanks. Now I am looking for his moms address. If anyone knows where his family lives, I would be greatful if someone would send it my way. I have something I would like to discuss with them.
And perhaps I have a little painting to do of my own.
Mark my words, every new thing you write just confirms what the previous poster said to you. Yes, you are coming across as a total punk with your macho and juvenile threats. I'm sure they are just empty babblings from an empty brain as punks like you are only brave when you are a safe distance from conflict.
Another possibility is that you are jealous of the attention that the fool Edwards is receiving and you just want to horn in on his silly action.
Your stupid comments about looking for the address of his mother and relatives is also inane. What are you going to do, go harass an old lady who is probably already carrying a great burden for having a fool like him for a son?
Some of us on the street can remember when people used to stay away from 25th st. because they might run in to a drunk, a lady of ill repute or some other unsavory person, most of which can still be found here if you look. However when I read all the comments from you that say you cant do business with merchants in a town or on a street like this because you look out of a bakery, restaurant's or other shop's window on the street for that matter and see a sign you find offensive, all I can say is wake up! If you stay away from the merchants on 25TH. because of a sign, you are helping drive the street back to where we were twenty years ago. What you should be doing is coming down and supporting the many business's that line the street rather than staying away.
Right or wrong, Edwards has a beef with Ogden City. He also lives in America, where we have a right to free speech. I did not say he used good taste or judgement in this matter but he still has that right.
You also have the right to ignore him and any of his signs you find offensive.
Two Bit Rick
Best post so far on this thread!
I think it is way overblown that some people think this will have an adverse effect on folks patronizing stores on 25th. We are talking one sign on one building on one block. I doubt if many will really see the dumb ass sign unless they go looking for it. The one exception probably will be the poor woman with the very nice store that is unlucky enough to be a tenant of this yoyo Edwards.
Really? Have you seen the "sign." Do you have a business on the street? Do you have to look at it all day?
You know what? You are right. This is America. And you know what, my lease is up on the street and I am tied of Bruce's bullshit and I will be moving on.
That's the reality of actually having to try to do business with this crackpot as a neighbor.
Freedom works both ways.
"out of here"
You are really moving out because of the fool Edwards, and not because you're not making money where you're at?
Sorry if I find that hard to believe. If you are telling the truth on this, I think you owe it to the decent merchants on 25th to go more public with it. Call a news conference and tell every one who you are, what your business is and provide some reasonable proofs as to just how Edwards has ruined your business. Nothing would expose Edwards for what you say he is better than that. It would certainly be more effective than an anonymous post on a blog.
I didn't say he ruined my business.
I said I would rather do business away from him.
Plain and simple.
Well Bruce is cleaning his windows right now.
Out of here:
Yes I do have a business on the street, it was started in 1942 and it may be the oldest business on the street. I am not next door to Edwards but I do drive past his place every morning and every night, eat lunch on the street daily and spend most weekend nights at one of the many places to eat that are near Edwrads place, so yes I have seen his signs.
This past weekend while dining in a packed house at Tona's Sushi, I watched and listened to their patrons as they saw the signs and commented on them, but saw none leave because of them.
In reality these signs may well be Edwards own undoing don't let them be yours. Renew your lease you are on the best street in Ogden to have a business.
I just got off the phone with Wendi and she said you've taken down the Ogden City isn't safe signs and removed the F-Bombs. We appreciate it.
Dale Cooper
Yesterday, we requested of Bruce "greasy" Edwards to remove the offending eyesore, pronto.
He agreed with our request, evidently.
We now are looking forward to him cleaning up his back lot, in order to bring it up to city code.
Or, to get back to his main business: that of sticking his finger in Godfrey's eye.
We love this town.
Kudos to Steve Van Wagner for assisting Bruce scrape his windows. I have a feeling he did more than just scrape windows as he talked with Bruce for almost an hour prior to commencing scraping. Thanks Steve.
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