1) Here's a Deseret News story which has been on the back burner for a few days; so we've finally decided it was time to feature it on the front page:
• West Valley City to post video of meetings onlineNotably, the City of West Valley City accomplished this step toward transparency in government with little fanfare or rigamarole. We've already called for a similar broadcast arrangement in Emerald City before the end of the summer; and the Standard-Examiner has done likewise. So what say our gentle readers? Isn't it time that the administration and council got moving on this? If West Valley City can pull it off, why can't we?
2) And here's a short letter from the Std-Ex live site, calling upon Powder Mountain skiers to exert some socio-economic muscle; and to boycott Powder Mountain:
• Residents oppose Powder Mountain agendaWe believe Std-Ex reader Dennis Maher makes a very good point. For those who are opposed to the Powder Mountain developer's despicable Powderville Town power grab, buying ski passes at Powder Mountain is rather like sleeping with the enemy, isn't it?
3) Although we'd figured this blog had dispensed its final 2009 Ogden Pioneer Days story last week, it seems that these stories just won't go away. With that in mind, here's a photo which was submitted by one of our readers yesterday, capturing an image of Mayor Godfrey, sitting in the box seats above the chutes, at the July 24, 2009 Ogden City Pioneer Days Ro-DAY-oh:

Along with the picture, we also received this query:
"Is Godfrey's hat on backwards, or is his head just on backwards?"This is of course a useful question on a slow news day such as this, so we'll put this question to WCF's gentle readers for the ultimate answer.
Before we do that however, we'll link to the Resistol® cowboy hat site, inasmuch as our vast experience in cowboy fashion matters allows us to disregard all the other alternatives and readily conclude that its a Resistol brand straw hat perched either backwards or frontwise atop Godfrey's gourd. Here's what Resistol hats look like normally, by the way, for those who aren't totally up on modern cowboy hat fashion design standards:
• Resistol Straw Cowboy Hats collectionThere's 0ne thing even a non-follower of cowboy hat fashion will also observe after taking a look at the Resistol site: Normally a cowboy hat's brim tapers from narrow in the front to wide in the back. Godfrey's hat, on the other hand, tapers down from front to back.
And what about that little down turned poop-de-doop on what looks like the back of Godfrey's hat brim? Normal working cowboys often bend one of those on the FRONT of their brims, to shield our eyes from the sun... yet in this photo... Godfrey displays it over his backside.
We'll now turn over this last 2009 Pioneer Days discussion to the single lingering final question. Having viewed the photographic evidence, we'll reiterate our gentle reader's query:
Is Godfrey's hat on backwards, or is his head just on backwards?
Who will be the first to comment?
Interesting shot. I don't know about the hat, but the strategic placement of that horses tail makes it look like the mayor is wearing a bushy Hollywood style mustache.
This picture makes me wonder whether Godfrey shouldn't spend more time ocasionally, with a real fur moustache on his lip.
In my opinion the hat is correct, it's the head that's backwards which would begin to explain Mini Mayor Man's irrational thinking. Just another case of the Emerald City's ruler trying to be something he's not.
The SE's Business Section also has a story about Deseret Books planning to open a big store/LDS supply center in the Earnshaw Building at the Junction. Maybe this means that the Earnshaw building will actually be completed sometime soon.(See the comment following the article.)
Well, everyone already already knows through experience that Godfrey's head is mounted on completely backwards, although that specialized knowledge doesn't necessarily resolve the particular rodeo hat question.
Ah'm definitely confused.
Aw, c'mon guys. Give Hizzonah a break. He was at the rodeo, having [I hope] a good time. The rodeo stands [and Raptor games] ought to be "time out" zones from politicking, que no?
What I found particularly interesting is that only 8 of the condos in the Earnshaw Building are complete and about to receive certificates of occupancy. But hey, two years late, but it's a start. I'm sure the businesses/restaurants in the complex, which bought on when the projection was that Mr. Reid's massive Condo Block and the Earnshaw building would have put many dozens of up-scale condo occupants just a few steps away already. But, again, it's a start. Hope the rest will be finished soon and leased, as will the condos by the movie theater.
I had looked forward to a bookstore in the Junction, but have to confess, Deseret Books isn't the one I was hoping for. Nevertheless, hope they do well there. The J needs all the successful businesses and foot traffic it can find.
Well one thing's definitely for sure. I won't be over at The Junction browsing browsing the shelves at Deseret Books. For the time being, I'll continue to browse for and buy books through Rudi's online Amazon.com links.
He is just a hip-hop stylish kind of mayor. That's why he wears his hat backwards. Besides we all know, no matter how you dress them, they like to change things when they get out of sight of adult supervision. I wonder if he put his boots on the right feet?
Rudi - I think it is a no brainer!
Every one who knows knows that in Godfreyite land up is down, down is up, black is white and white is black. And you waste valuable blog space ponderin and wonderin if the Lord Mayor of Godfreyville is wearing his hat backwards - Duh.
And Mr. Curmudgeon, interesting thing I remember very well about the Earnshaw building is that it was for sure absolutely sold out before it was even built! The mayor, Earnshaw and all their sycophants were making a lot of noise about the outstanding success of the building and how indicative it was of the Junktion in general.
Good looking building by the way, hope it is as nice inside the units and that it does well in the end. The top east facing apartment has gotta be a killer place what with the mountain views and such - That is unless they build something big and ugly just east of it.
Aw, Curmudgeon, don't be such a spoil sport. We're not politicking, just having fun! And what a fun subject -- bet you can't find a better one!
Godfrey was at the rodeo at taxpayers' expense. He had 24 seats at $30. each for family members and to impress future governor Gary Herbert and Senator Bennett and his wife. Wouldn't it be nice if you could have the $30. seats for you and your wife, instead of paying taxes so that Godfrey can impress others?
its not a cowboy hat unless it it being worn by a cowboy. godfrey is no cowboy. i wonder just what godfrey is?
and dont tell me mayor, cause he doesnt wear the mayor hat right, either.
This article and pic makes me a little sic. Lay off the guy for a day for hell sakes.
I think I agree with curm
When hizzonah spends $720. of taxpayer money for ONE evening's entertainment, he deserves to receive hits from the public. He was at the rodeo in the $30. seats every night(5 nights) of the rodeo. Four nights cost us a total of $1,920. of our taxpayer money, plus $720. for Friday night for a grand total of $2,640.
That's what makes me sick! I just can't justify my tax money being spent so frivolously by such a brown-nosing jackass! And one that doesn't even know the right way to wear a cowboy hat!
Are your noses as brown as Godfrey's, both Anonymouses?
I love your comments. Maybe a "Dunce Cap" would fit Godfrey better than the cowboy or mayor's hats.
Althepal and Dave,
IF Godfrey could grow a mustache, it might improve his physical image so he isn't mistaken for a kid. But then his actions would be sure to give him away. After all, actions do speak louder than words.
Godfrey is a typical Retarded Backward thinking Republican...
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