OGDEN — The Kokomo Club, the Historic 25th Street bar where Ogden bluesman Roby Kap has hosted a long-running Thursday night jam session, is putting on a benefit concert today — for Kap.If you can't make it tonight's concert, please (with sugar on it), we hope you'll navigate over to Roby's above-linked website anyway, and make a generous donation via Roby's PayPal donation button.
Kap was injured in a fall two weeks ago, which left him in a rehabilitation facility recovering from serious leg and shoulder injuries.
Music is set to begin at 7 p.m. today at the venue, 216 Historic 25th St. The club is for those 21 and over.
“Roby Kap would cut off his right arm for anyone else, if they were in trouble,” said Cindy Simone, organizer of the event and owner of Kokomo’s. “He is always the first in line to do this sort of thing. I know there will probably be other benefits, but I want to get the ball rolling.”
The night will feature a raffle, including a custom pool cue, a guitar and other goods and services. Performers include many members, past and present, of Kap’s band. Also, many of the musicians he helped get their start, such as harmonica/guitar player and KRCL 90.9 FM drive-time host Brad Wheeler, will take the stage.
The cost to get in is $2, but organizers hope people will give at the door, and buy raffle tickets as well.
“Roby is in a wheelchair right now, and in a lot of pain,” Simone said. “He is not able to work at this time. I hope his friends can help, like he has helped them in the past.”
For further details, or to donate goods or funds, call the club at (801) 621-9991. To otherwise contribute, go to www.robykap.com.
When God was busy making "great people," it was Roby who broke the mold.
Update 3/20/10 11:25 a.m.: I just got off the phone with my old friend, Cindy Simone, proprietor of Ogden's classic KoKoMo Klub. Upon my inquiry, Cindy reports to me that last night's benefit concert was a smash hit. "Fantastic" was the first word that came out of her mouth when I asked for a description of how the event worked out. Cindy describes a packed house full of Roby's fans and friends, squads of Northern Utah's finest musicians, double parked cars outside the Kokomo with passengers leaping out to drop off checks in 3-digit denominations, teary-eyed folks hoping for Roby's fast and full recovery, etc.... just the kind of response we'd hoped for when we provided yesterday's heads-up. "An outpouring of love, money and donations" is how she further described it.
On behalf of Cindy and everyone who put together last night's Roby Kap Benefit Concert we'd like to extend our hearty thanks to those who've rallied to provide Roby a much-deserved helping hand . Roby's put on more benefit concerts for other folks over the years than Cindy could count. It's great that the warm-hearted folks of Northern Utah had the opportunity to offer Roby a little something in return, with his own top-notch benefit concert event.
And in this connection we'll now invite any WCF readers who made it over to the KoKoMo last night to chime in with their own comments, observations and anecdotes.
Inside dope say this event going to rock.
Hello Everyone!!! My name is Cindy Simone & my husband Eddie & I own The Ko Ko Mo Club on Historic 25th Street. Yes we did hold a benefit for everyone's friend Roby Kap last night. I have had several calls & e-mails thanking me BUT I need to tell you that the thanks should not be directed to me. THANK YOU ALL of Roby's friends & followers who supported this event!
My tears flowed many times last night as you came through the doors of my establishment giving nothing but LOVE & SUPPORT for OUR FRIEND! The music was so very unbelievable..with more than 20 musicians throughout the state who traveled just to play. They didn't just play their regular music, they poured their hearts out & showed their LOVE for Roby. We had no idea that some of them were even coming...they just started showing up & taking their turn at the mic. Yes it was a great...fun night at The Ko Ko Mo Club. We took tons of pictures & even shot segiments with a video camera. We had raffle drawing & auctions with all the donated items from many generious friends. There was something missing at this event though...yes all this great music & no Roby Kap to join in with the party. Hey you guys...Roby will soon be out of the re-hab center. Hopefully in a few months or less he will be out of his wheelchair doing what Roby does best... singing his heart out for all his friends. Hey remember one thing..
"Roby Kap Loves You"! Thank you again!!! Cindy Simone
I will second what Sin911 stated above. But what she didn't mention was the great turn out. Standing room only.
Thanks Eddie and Cindy and all those that played the great music.
What a great community support for one of our greatest Ogden Legends. Thank you KoKo Mo Club for hosting this for our dear friend. As a former Ogdenite, I have loved and worked with Roby since I arrived in 1988
Heres one of his videos I took
Love, and Thanks again,
Wild Bill Hill
Thanks to YOU, Bill... for taking the time to chime in.
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