By Dan Schroeder
Tipped off last week by a comment from an alert reader, I ventured into the Newgate Mall today to see the rumored kiosk touting Mayor Godfrey’s proposed Fieldhouse. On the first pass I walked right by it without noticing; perhaps I was distracted by the Piercing Pagoda or Famous Footwear. But on the way back I saw the kiosk’s other side which features a monitor showing a video loop. Around the monitor was a sprinkling of sports equipment and plastic beach toys, plus small copies of the four photo display boards from last December’s unveiling.
And there was one more thing: a small pile of nice glossy color cards to pick up. One side of the card lists the various facilities that the Fieldhouse would include, while the other side shows the architectural sketches and instructs shoppers: “To Show Your Support Please Visit”. This web site, of course, is the one that until recently dislayed the email addresses of the county commissioners, RAMP board members, and Ogden School Board members, asking supporters to contact and lobby these individuals. I now see, however, that the list of people to lobby has been removed from the site and viewers are merely asked to “email us with your support or questions at or call (801) 629-8111.” That number, of course, rings in the mayor’s office.
Here are a few photos of the kiosk display, for those who want to save a trip to the mall (and to preserve its splendor for posterity).

After RAMP vetoes this complete waste of time, as they should this week, maybe we can get back to the important items on the agenda like Blain Johnson and his alleged illegal campaign funds and the FNURE and Envision Ogden shell game. This boondoggle should not be allowed to take away focus from enforcing the laws and ethics of our city government.
So who funded the Kiosk, follow the money as usual. It isn't cheap unless the equipment was laying around city hall in a secret room.
Any comments from the city council on advertizing or is this another surprise and wasteful city funds.
I would flood the mayors number and tell him what city government is supposed to do, water, streets, police and fire, not gyms or elite sports complex.
Can't help notice the illiteracy of the "Senior's" sign. It's a plural, stupid, not a possessive.
I agrre with What will it cost.
Flood the Mayors office with complaints about his pipe dreams.
Remember when the mall had a gondola display and a Geiger telling everyone how inportant it was to the city. I almost got into a fight after telling him how dumb it was for a gondola and the cost to the taxpayers. Geiger was very hostile to any suggestion it wouldn't work. Anyone standing by the kiosk to ask questions or explain the benefits and costs?
Glad I could be of some help. Praying that RAMP Committee chooses not to fund this complete waste of time & money.
Exactly how much discretionary funds does this mayor of ours have, anyway?
Cuz he better not be using my dime or monies gotten (can you say: theft by deception?) from tax increment/school district funds to pay for this little monstrosity.
oi vey
Yeah....where did the buckos for this come from....including renting the space!
and.....Whats with the track meet?
Can't wait for the field house project to go down in flames so we can move on to hating the next Godfrey project. I don't know what it is yet, I just know we're gonna hate it!
Seems like a cheesy little display for such a grand and expensive proposal.
Proof positive of what a true bush league amateur entrepreneur the mayor really is.
If he didn't have access to big buckets of tax payer's money he wouldn't make a pimple on a true dealster's ass.
Next, We'd all jump for joy and get excited if the next project was to bring out the truth about Blain Johnson and his cronies..... so you're right, we're gonna hate it!
They pulled the addresses? Funny. And telling.
Goode makin skis here now instead of China....+1 get the poles made here. MG was a little nausiating though in the SE article
Cheesy display, poorly thought-out, and pulled addresses? The kiosk appears to be a last ditch attempt to influence RAMP board and others. Perhaps even Captain Godfrey is realizing his constant rearranging the deck chairs on HMS Fieldhouse can't keep this Titanic from sinking...
Who's Blaine Johnson? Is he that guy that quit a year or so ago?
Very telling (and I bet if support calls are the only calls they take, they're not very busy) that they want to hear from "FOMs" only. Hizzonah isn't interested in suggestions or criticism - gotta be his way or no way!
As for the next project, prepare yourself, Godfrey has money in the budget for the gondola and has put it back on the CIP (Capitol Improvement Plan). He'll probably wait until after the election this fall, and then it will be the #1 priotity.
“Let not [mayors] complain of the faults committed by the people subjected to their authority, for they result entirely from their own negligence or bad example” -- Niccolo Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy;
this would include the freedom to give feedback as asked for (before the address pull) in a REPUBLIC such as ours. If said mayor gets negative feedback he should NOT disregard it - that's called investigator bias and some dictatorships and empires get rid of the naysayers in public executions --- I feel like the mayor here would like such a privilege.
What the hey! BJ mistaken for BG. Will wonders ever cease? See how really important that resignation was in the big picture. Business as usual, before and after. Didn't even slow the clock down and we got Susie Van then and now.
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