Got this missive from one of WCF juggernaut Bill Critchlow's pals earlier today, which has even put your hard core jaded blogmeister into the deep emotional dumps:
Rudi:Rest In Peace, Bill Critchlow, my dear friend.
Though you may have heard, just thought your forum would like to know our beloved Bill C. passed away this morning. Been battling cancer. Heard he had a stroke and passed within the last couple of hours. Details on arrangements to follow.
He was family to me, and a friend to countless.
Needless to say, words are hopelessly insufficient.

Bill Critchlow (1955-2011)
Update 4/10/11 9:02 a.m.: Bill's obit is in today's Standard-Examiner:
Funeral will be Tuesday at 1 pm at Myers Mortuary, 845 Washington. Viewing Monday night 6 to 8 and Tuesday 11:40 to 12:40.
Aw, hell. Bill was an original and I will miss our conversations at GFC. Feisty, with strong opinions about many things, but careful to ground them on research and as much evidence as he could find.
He was indefatigable in tracking down governmental shenanigans and skulduggery when he thought he'd uncovered some. He was no armchair citizen or couch potato voter. Sadly, Ogden is a little poorer this day, a little less rich in the mix of its people, a little less interesting a place to live than it was before he died.
Pax, paisan. Too soon gone. Way too soon. I will miss you.
We'll miss you Bill C. A little less interesting indeed, Curm.
So long Billy Boy, it was one hell of a deal knowing you.
What a tragedy.
Bill loved the mountains, and the golf course, and the city, and his goats and other animals, and the native people who descended from the original inhabitants of northern Utah.
He could smell a rat better than any of us, and he pestered us tirelessly until the rest of us noticed it too. He was the one who convinced me that Envision Ogden was really a political action committee. He was the one who guessed, absolutely correctly, that FNURE was really Envision Ogden in disguise. A year later, when I found out he was right, he was the first person I called.
He was just bouncing back from his cancer treatment during the last few weeks. He was furious about HB477, and wanted to know how to fight it. When it was repealed, he was the happiest guy in town.
The very best thing about being involved in the community is that you get to know lots of wonderful people. It was a delight and a privilege to have Bill as a friend for these last five years, and he'll continue to inspire me for as long as I'm around.
Now cracks a noble heart.
Good-night sweet prince, And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
I can't write anything. Rest, Billy. You done enough. Fuck this.
I did not know Bill well even though he was a cousin of my mother's. My mother, Blanche Critchlow Saam was one of the Critchlow Entertainers with a family vaudeville act in the 20's. After her funeral in 2006, Bill came up to me, introduced himself, and said he had fond memories of my mother when he was a boy. She would sing to him "Oh Where Have You Been Billy Boy Billy Boy". It was a special moment to meet him and hear his recollections of my Mom.
He will be missed.
As soon as Godfrey bowed out......Are beloved Bill C. figured he had done enough !!! Love ya Billy !!!!
gotta play his last round of golf with him at mt ogden saturday he saved our golf course from the evil empire of godfrey and he was the best as billy would say fuck evision ogden rock on billy
Didn't know him and don't know what moniker what he posted under @ WCF. Rudi, any historical posts you can guide me to on WFC so I may read something from him?
Bill always posted as "Bill C."
Enter "Bill C" in the search box on this site and it will give you a pretty complete (I think) list of Bill's comments.
Ahh HELL! I can't see the keyboard to type this. It's not fair!! Bill was just like a brother to me.
I met Bill one night at Union Station about five years ago on my way to a meeting that Godfrey had on the gondola and the proposed development around the golf course. Someone had told me that Bill Critchlow wanted to meet me. I had no idea who he was except by his writings on WCF. The person I was walking in with said, "There's Bill Critchlow," and pointed him out to me. I told them that I'd join them inside in a few minutes and went to meet Bill. We became good friends immediately. (I didn't make it in to the meeting until it was over.) He always had a hug for me and would stop by the house to talk or give me some new info that he'd come across. I feel like I've just lost a brother, and he leaves a great big empty spot in my life.
I've met the greatest people since I decided to run for the council, and some have become so close that they're just like family, and now three of them have been taken -- Diann, Sharon and now Bill! Two of them were younger than I, and weren't supposed to die before me! Life just isn't fair!
That saying that some people come into our lives and make such an impact on our lives that we are never the same is surely true of Bill, Diann and Sharon. And I still have days when I miss them so. Auf Weidersein, Bill, (however you spell it) Till then, I'll be waiting for a hug.
To one of the greatest fans of the Greatful Dead and a true friend, I'm at a loss for words.
Anyone that was unfortunate enough to have not know him will never know the magnitude of their loss, for Bill added a lot of color to my life and to the life of others.
He always boiled down his thoughts into a simple statement (and often in the vernacular of the peasantry) but he was usually spot on.
I wish miss you greatly.
... Godspeed, WB ...
Here's one of my favorites, from when we learned that the Ernest Health development had fallen through, despite having been previously described by the Godfrey administration as a "done deal". Our blogmeister had aptly used the metaphor of counting chickens before they're hatched, and the discussion had continued along those lines for a while before Bill chimed in...
Bill C. said...
Having a small herd of chickens for some years now, I should point out what should be an obvious initial observation. Before you bother to count your eggs, look for the presence of any roosters. An unfertilized egg will never develope. None of lying little matty's cohorts, or beneficiaries, have any of their own clams sunk into any of these endeavors, this means almost all of these are totally infertile.
It would be a total waste of time waiting for any progress towards hatching, they will rot. I may suggest scrambling or over easy for the current eggs in the basket. It may not hurt to find a rooster.
May 06, 2009 9:47 AM
Damn, life is a mystery. RIP.
Such nice comments above - I have nothing to add except to say that Bill C was called "the Great Bill C" for a reason.
He was one of the people that made Ogden both great and unique.
It's a loss, but life is for the living. We must soldier on.
Bill I will miss you, Your were a great friend and one that we could be ourselves around each other. I loved when you came to my house and we would spend hours talking about politics and how you would give me some guidance on some issues. I will miss your laugh and your long hair that reminded me of my days gone by so long ago. What a great friend. I will miss you but will meet again in the hear after. Life does go on.
I have been privaleged to call you friend.
The battle to right the wrongs will continue but it won't be the same without Bill C. You showed us the way in many a conflict and we will all remember your spirit and that laugh of your's.
God bless you Bill as God has blessed us all with your presence in our lives and your friendship.
Bill's obit is in today's Standard-Examiner, page 5C. Maybe Rudi can provide a link. Funeral will be Tuesday at 1 pm at Myers Mortuary, 845 Washington. Viewing Monday night 6 to 8 and Tuesday 11:40 to 12:40.
Bill's nephew played this song at the funeral last week. Now I'll think of Bill whenever I hear it. Crank up the volume and sing along...
Grateful Dead: Brokedown Palace
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