It got a mite breezy in northern Utah yesterday, didn't it folks? The Standard-Examiner's done a bang-up job reporting on yesterday's big windstorm, so for archival purposes we've collected some of the interesting stuff that's up this morning on the SE site:
- Wild winds wallop Weber County
- High winds cause havoc in Davis, Weber counties
- Strong winds down trees, power lines across the West
- Video of high winds at Weber State University
For those readers interested in the mechanistic approach, the Standard carries an informative story explaining how mother nature made it happen:
The ever humorous Gentle Reader Bill Hansen has a simpler explanation however and suggests that "It looks like the Lord is punishing people in Utah today, for voting Socialist Republican! ;)"
The Standard has also assembled an ever-expanding robust photo gallery, and is even calling upon its "citizen journalist" readership to submit their own storm photos. Here's what the SE has compiled so far:
Amongst the photos displayed above, here's one with a "personal touch," at least from the point of view of your blogmeister:
Boss Godfrey's Revenge?
What you're seeing here folks, is Mt. Ogden Park's "flying" spectator bleachers, parked in your blogmeister's mother's front lawn, about ten feet short of the front door, prompting your blogmeister to ponder the obvious sodden question, which dovetails somewhat with Bill Hansen's above comment.
And among the lessons we learned from yesterday's storm? Never park your car on the leeward side of a giant streetside conifer, during Emerald City's fairly frequent gale-force windstorms:

So we'll now turn the floor over to our gentle readers. Who wants to let us in on how you spent the day yesterday? Do you have significant storm damage to report? Personal anecdotes should be the order of the day in the storm's aftermath, wethinks. How many of you took the approach that your blogmeister took yesterday during the period that his power, phones, internet and all other vestiges of modern hi-tech civilization were stripped away? How many of you built a raging fire in the fireplace (like Rudi did) and curled up with a good book? Gotta add that the little hydraulic wood-splitter that your blogmeister purchased on Amazon a few years back definitely proved to be worth its weight in gold.
A Weber County Forum Tip O' the Hat to the hard-working crews of Rocky Mountain Power and the crews of all other emergency first-responders, by the way, who on days like this, definitely earn their keep.
When the power went off, I put on a sweater and fuzzy socks. I was comfortable all day. By evening it was 55 degrees. If I was outside in a sweater at 55 I'd be comfortable. So, I was comfortable. I also stopped worrying about being "connected." No email and facebook felt good. No phone, too. I did household chores that didn't require electricity. I lost a fence and some tree branches but things could have been so much worse. While the weather was going full-bore, I took my foot of the gas-pedal for the day. THAT was surprisingly pleasant.
Are the Pickle Ball facilities Okay?
I hate to brag, but I only had one shingle compromised (and it was only bent up a little bit. Email me @ the link at the the uphand right sidebar, and I'll tell yas how to put a roof on your house that will last you for the rest of your life.
I did like you did, Rudi. I just stayed home. What possible point could there be wandering around in a milieu when when dangerous debris was flyin around, and you could just stay home the old-fashioned way and devour a good book?
... and don't you live in just about the oldest house on your street?
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