Uplifting Ogden City economic development story in this morning's Standard-Examiner, as S-E reporter Mitch Shaw reports on one of the outcomes of last night's Ogden City Council meeting. It's out with the old and in with the new, Mr. Shaw reports, as the Ogden City Council replaces the moribund Golden Spike Redevelopment Area, which has been sitting idle for (and no, we are not making this up) 25 years, with the new and improved Trackline Economic Development Area Project. Waiting in the wings to build out this 122 acre plot is the newly formed "Central Spur LK100, LLC, a company out of Corona Del Mar, Calif.," which expects "to to develop a light-manufacturing, industrial and business park in the area," and to "tap" up to $13 million in tax increment dollars over the projected 20-year life of this project, Mr. Shaw duly reports:
Unlike certain other RDAs which Ogden City has attempted to finagle in the recent past, this West Ogden project would facially appear to fulfill the Utah statutory foundational definition of blight, wethinks, if only because that oft-neglected region of Ogden City might be reasonably considered for all intents and purposes as blighted per se, right?
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"Typical" property a few blocks south |
Nice to see the Caldwell Administration and the City Council devoting their energy to reviving the worst-dilapidated Ogden area of them all.
Added bonus? "No eminent domain [will be] involved,[and] any homes or businesses will be purchased by a developer from willing sellers," this morning's S-E story reports, which ought to be reassuring news for those libertarian-minded property rights advocates among us.
Looks like a win-win for everyone, right?
If not, why not?
like the concept. But the California origination of this latest white
knight makes me nervous. Can the RDA certify that neither Gadi nor his
ilk will taint this project?
Reading the story, I was reminded, as I so often am in Junction City, of the old folk saying "If wishes were horses, then beggers would ride."
We'll have to see what develops this time round.... if anything. The previous "development district" produced squat over a quarter of a century. I hope the new one succeeds big time, but maybe we ought to hold off a bit on popping the champagne corks and tossing the confetti til we see what happens.
I am waiting to see if anyone suggest linking it to the Junction with a gondola.
BR, gondolas are old thinking, old technology. Ogden doesn't need a gondola. It needs a maglev monorail! Just imagine it flashing silver as it rises, bullet-fast along its gleaming rail,from downtown then plunging into a tunnel bored through the mountain wall to emerge at a mid-mountain lift at Snow Basin resort in but minutes....
Gotta think outside the box, dude.
Support group now forming. Sadly, "Lift Ogden!" as a name has unfortunate associations, so we've chosen a new one: "Shaft Ogden!". Look for our petition table at the Farmers Market.
I can only hope to see the petition table at the Farmers Market. However i am concerned the promised petition will be a Godfrey type of hope and will never again be mentioned.
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