When filling out their tax returns, Utahns are given the option of checking a box to voluntarily donate to organizations such as the Pamela Atkinson Homeless Account, the School District and Nonprofit School District Foundation, or the Youth Character Organization Account. Now, one lawmaker wants to add a box for Utahns to donate to the State’s fight against marriage equality.Read up, O Gentle Weber County Forum readers:
Representative Merrill Nelson (Republican – Grantsville) is proposing HB 78, to establish a “Marriage Defense Fund.”
His HB 78 would, among other things, use these contributions from official state tax forms “to pay litigation and appellate expenses…for legal actions related to the defense and enforcement of Utah Constitution, Article I, Section 29, or any section of Utah Code, Title 30, Chapter 1, Marriage.”
In short, the fund would pay for any costs associated with defending the recently overturned Amendment 3, which barred Utahns in same-sex relationships from obtaining civil marriages.
Flagged Bill: HB 78 – Marriage Defense Fund, Rep. NelsonSorry, folks! What's wrong with exercising the power of the Utah Mormon State in raising litigation money from those neanderthal LDS "knuckle-dragger" people who still believe practicing their religion amounts to (weirdly enough) turning thousands of their fellow Utahns into Second Class Citizens, we ask?
So who'll be the first to advise Grantsville House Rep. Nelson that he's an irretrievable tool?
Here's Rep. Nelson's email addy, btw, folks, just in case you'd like to give hm a "piece of your mind": mnelson@le.utah.gov
What'll come up next? A tax form check-box to help out poor old John Swallow with his legal expenses?
1 comment:
Well, let's think about this for a minute. If the Gret Stet of Utah is going to fight this through the courts, and clearly it is, I rather like the idea of those who think it's a good idea voluntarily kicking in a buck of their own in higher taxes to pay the state's expenses. Otherwise my tax money goes to do it.
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