For the sake of those unfortunate WCF readers who live away from Ogden, the center of the Weber County Universe, I'll provide current links to the "ferret story," something that's launched a real awareness of the "hard-hearted coldness" of Ogden City government in many warm local hearts. It's been mentioned often enough in our gentle readers' WCF comments that I feel compelled to offer information for those unfortunates who, unlike I, don't get a gleaming hard-copy of the Standard-Examiner delivered on their front porch in the wee hours every morning.
This is the original Std-Ex story, which launched the whole phenomenon.
Here is the next day's story.
You can read part of the flurry of outraged "letters to the Std-Ex editor" here and here.
For a top-notch compassionate, humane and on-the-money Std-Ex editorial, don't miss this. I'd thought for a time that the Std-Ex was a lost cause, compassion-wise, but it seems I was wrong about that.
Please don't let the cat get your tongues. Comments are always welcome here, even from you who live in the boon-docks.
Man Rudi, I'm so jealous. If I could get the kind of readership that this blog gets, I'd think that I had died and gone to heaven. I can't imagine how the council candidates in Ogden can ignore what is said here.
Yo Centerville citizen
It's easy, the Ogden City council ignores everyone!
The Little Mayor is devinely inspired, above reproach and expects only to be sustained by his people, the sheep in his flock.
Unfortunately the sheep have more empathy for ferrets than they do for their poorer fellow sheep.
Congratulations on the success of your blog. I in no way ignore this blog...I don't think there is a more informative place to stay on top of Ogden issues. As a candidate running for city council, I welcome questions from any of the readers. I would also like to take this opportunity to ask for your vote.
Mr. Prisbrey,
Please tell readers of the WC Forum why we should vote for you.
I appreciate the opportunity to share a little about me and why I seek your vote this election. Growing up I had the opportunity to watch my uncle Scott Sneddon run for city council and then later for mayor. He used to let me help him campaign and attend meetings with him. He loved the people of Ogden and was a peoples mayor. He instilled in me the desire to get involved and serve. Now I realize that this alone doesn't qualify me for the job. So let me take a few minutes to explain why I feel I have the qualities that will represent the people here in Ogden.
1. I feel that individual rights are the most important rights we have. The government shouldn't infringe on those rights. Granted, laws are necessary to keep society in whole safe. However, I don't think the government (i.e.. Ogden City) should be able to tell property owners how to run their businesses. For instance, why should the city be concerned how local motels do business? They are not housing criminals.
2. The government has never been effective getting involved with free enterprise. I feel strongly that the city shouldn't be involved in business deals, or redevelopment. Sure, the city needs to be able to oversee the process and be involved somewhat logistically, however, I feel it is proven that free enterprise when left to the private sector, always takes care of itself.
3. Ogden is a great place to live, in my travels I have never seen a more beautiful, more appealing city. We do have our problems, but they are all small in comparison to how blessed we are to live in this city.
4. Our current city council is out of touch with the people who live in this great city. I have personally talked to city council member who admitted they didn't know if they had the heart to do the job. How can this person seek re-election?
5. We have a very diverse city with people from all walks of life. I want to represent all of Ogden, not just the most vocal.
If you have any more questions please feel free to call me. I welcome your questions or concerns. #801-389-0481
Once again I ask for your support and most importantly your vote in October and November.
Mr. Prisbey:
You could start by answering the questions posed a couple of threads ago by OzBoy.
Check out Thegoodinogden.blogspot.com for a truly remarkable story just posted. Talk about a turnaround in opinion in a matter of 1 day, based off of the right facts and information.
Bill I heard your house was for sale this may impact your election run. No.
Well said, Bill. You could even make a campaign promise to continue to be a faithful reader of the Weber County Forum to achieve that goal of once again having government officials listen to private citizens. It shouldn't be too hard to keep, and others might follow suit as well.
Mr. Prisbrey, I like your forthright style. You have a certain moxey that just might lend itself to this election. Gotta go along with Dian, Bill, nice comments. Would you really file for the council and sell your house and impact the election? Doubt that. And D-Mo, highly educated, forgiving, showing some class when you could have been a real b-t-ch shows a certain amount of flair. Like that in a candidate.
Hope to hear from some of you other people who have thrown your hats in the ring. Could be a very interesting election season, as already, the incumbents have put a $28,000 "spin machine" in motion and have begun distancing themselves from Godfrey. Let's see how thie Gang of 6 votes come Tuesday and we'll see if ANY of thier words hold water.
Safsten, you don't even know that the fire hydrants are the Planners thing. And you're the Council Chair? Gee-zust!
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