These shots of avid ski enthusiasts Scott Appleby, Mike Allen and Kevin Brown were taken at Snow Basin after they hauled their gear to the top of Porcupine on August 7.
Very cool.
Who needs ski-lifts and thermal underwear?
I can hardly wait for next February's Pineview water-skiing images.
(Via the Std-Ex's new photo blog, which could also develop into something very cool, I think.)
Ya'll think this is Bobby Geiger?
So you think the Standard could inadvertantly stumble into doing something cool?
Must be some pesky subversive artists that have infiltrated the Emerald City branch of The Suits of Sandusky Inc. (TSSI)
Thanks Rudi! I'm inspired.
Looks like a little corn, on top of a solid frozen base. Perfect Springtime conditions.
Conditions like that are definitely worth lugging your gear on foot from the Snowbasin parking lot to the near-top of Mount Ogden on a hot August day.
These scenes would be everyday if Mr. Holding and his son in law would quit playing possum, and just build the damn thing from WSU to Snowbasin. it's not like Mr. Holding can't afford it. The cost is chump-change to him.
The old coot's playing his cards though, and hoping the gullible public will foot part of the bill for the downtown leg. I also love the part of the story where the son in law swears on a stack of bibles he isn't acting on daddy's behalf.
Multi-billionares don't become multibillionaires in a lifetime by being dumb.
And they don't stay that way without knowing how to play it close to the vest and use other people's money for their pet projects.
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