First, there's another John Wright article, under this deliciously creative headline, "Ogden rec site to get OK - Environmental tests show not too much risk." I'll incorporate the gist of the story:
OGDEN -- State environmental officials say they plan to sign off on construction of a high-adventure recreation center at the downtown Ogden mall site.It's certainly nice to know the Utah DEQ scientests are carefully looking after our interests, isn't it?
Stephen Thiriot, an environmental scientist with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, said Thursday he had reviewed the rec center area's latest round of soil and groundwater tests submitted by the city.
Although the tests show concentrations of tetrachloraethylene, a solvent, above the regulatory limit in groundwater, DEQ will not require remediation or further investigation because there are no drinking wells in the area, Thiriot said.
"I think we're on pretty safe ground with it," he said. "There are some slight exceedances [sic}there, but we don't think anybody's at risk. There's nobody in that area drinking the water, and it will break down over time (200 years.)
You can read the full article here.
Perhaps Mr. Theriot hasn't gotten the word that the volatile neurotoxin TCE can penetrate concrete foundations and cause damage through inhalation. Perhaps, on the other hand, the Utah DEQ's "signoff" is the result of political expediency, as blog regular Dian suggested in an earlier thread.
What the heck! Who cares? There's a certain macho-style irony in locating a private health club atop an EPA-unqualified chemical waste site, I think. We gym-rats, rock-climbers and bowlers are hardy folk, and we all subscribe to the old axiom, "that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger," right? I'm sure the slighty risky prospect of inhaling carcinogenic chemicals
while doing extended aerobic exercise won't deter anyone who has "the right stuff." And don't forget we all drink our own bottled water anyway.
And then there was this remarkable "letter to the editor."
I'm not sure whether an endorsement from one of the gang-of-six (particularly Mr. Filiaga) is a benefit, or the "kiss of death," for a candidate in the current council race, given the current political climate. We'll find out in about 11 days, though won't we? This letter certainly clarifies the choices, though, for gentle readers who will vote in the Ward 3 race. If you're in favor of continuing and endless reckless borrowing, spending and central-scheming, Steve Larsen is definitely a "no brainer."
If you're looking for a level-headed, highly-competent, non-political-extremist, on the other hand, there's always Doug Stephens.
And you have to love Mr. Filiaga's rationale: Mr. Larsen has lots of time on his hands; thus he'd make a great council-member.
Gawd I love Ogden city politics!
And what say our gentle readers about all this?
Would your words be so chided towards Mr. Filiaga if he came out is support of your coveted candidate Stephens?
gotta agree with Ogdenite... although I wasn't initially impressed with Larsen at the Junior League debate, he seemed to be the better informed at the League of Women voters. He does seem to have studied the issues more so than his counterpart Stephens.
I think being around other candidates at various public gatherings is a good way to gauge what they are like. Unfortunately, several candidates in this race seemed two-faced to me. They would adapt themselves and their policies according to what they felt a particular audience wanted to hear. They might tell the Standard Examiner one thing, then change their stance the next day at a pro-gondola revival meeting. However, two candidates who struck me as being straight up were Stephens and Larson. At least that was my observation. It should be a tight race down to the wire with these two.
I think it was you who came up with a comment on another thread about people on this blog needing to come up with alternatives before criticizing those who are at least trying to do something. I felt your comment was sincere and have asked myself what can be done several times. I think there are people who express pretty good ideas on this blog, but are quickly criticized by both the negative nellies and the pro status quo contingent. Then, the status quo folks beat their chests claiming no one else has come up with a better plan when actually alternatives are out there, just ignored. Well I developed a thick skin from running, and I’m not afraid to take on more criticism.
If I were coaching basketball, I’d make sure my team had mastered the fundamentals of dribbling and passing before I’d teach them cool slam dunks. Similarly, city government should take care of the basic needs of citizens: public safety, utilities, city image, and overall public services. These things have been neglected while pursuing more glamorous projects. I understand these things cost bucks. I realize Ogden’s tax base has dried up as less business development, an aging downtown, a prevalence of low-income jobs, and other well-chronicled factors take their toll. I can even understand why Mayor Godfrey and well-meaning city leaders took a knee-jerk approach to intervene in hopes that they could energize this town and bolster business, jobs, incomes, etc…
What I don’t understand is why can’t we take care of the fundamentals first, and allow the natural course of business to take care of itself. Let’s separate public and private business again in Ogden so the city leaders go back to the affairs of the city, and private business is in charge of seeking profitable ventures that will be a win-win for everyone.
I can already hear pro-administration dido heads claiming that the past 30 years we’ve been waiting for business to come here and it never has, so we have to FORCE our own destiny. First of all, I don’t agree with this argument, because being recklessly involved hasn’t yielded any better success. Secondly, how attractive is a team of flashy slam dunkers going to be when we’re dibbling the ball off our feet? In other words, how attractive will our rec. center be when people are too afraid to come here? How will things go if the toilets back up?
I just think we need leaders with the right priorities, but these are just my thoughts. You are now free to attack.
Thanks for the thoughtful comments, tigresslover and former candidate.
I think we have the vestiges of a rational political discussion forming up here.
There's lots of truly rotten negativity floating around in the background. (You would not believe the garbage I receive by private email.)
We need to start discussing the various candidates positions, and the attributes they will bring to a woefully low-paying council job.
As an aside to ogdenite...
The chances of Filiaga endorsing my endorsed candidate, the strait-laced Doug Stephens, are slim to none. So why even speculate about the impossible?
Doug Stephens, by definition, unlike his opponent,is NOT a brain-numbed Godfrey-zombie socialist extremist.
I'll say this again though. I've known Doug Stephens for over thirty years, since the time we both worked together at the Z.C.M.I store at the corner of 24th and Washington.
There's nobody else I know who's more decent, morally-straight, honest and bright than he.
As an added plus, he's been involved "hands-on" in Ogden retail business all his life, and holds an academic B.S. degree in business management from our hallowed WSU.
Does Larsen have any academic degrees? HAHAHA.
Go to the candidate info on Weber County Forum. (I swear WCF has the "hands down" best information anywhere.)
Steve and Doug are both "good" men (although Steve has a history of being a little "flaky;) and they're both life-long Ogdenites.
The tipping point for me is that Doug Stephens has a stiff spine, credible academic credentials and significant private business management experience here in Ogden, whereas "Godfrey Gopher" Steve Larsen doesn't.
Steve Larsen's academic business credentials are conspicuously absent in any of his statements here. The only job of significance that he's held, according to his recenty public statements, is apparently a government one at DDO, coutning army "widgets," prior to that base closure.
It thus comes as no surprize that Steve's whole political philosophy is markedly socialist. Steve Larsen believes that BIG GOVERNMENT is the solution to all problems.
BIG GOVERNMENT is Steve Larsen's "mommy" and "daddy," I think.
I'd like to know more about Steve, indeed.
One of the other things I'd like to know is exactly when he served as the Weber County Republican Chair, which is something he's publicly asserted he did.
This is supposed to be a non-partisan race. Our buddy Steve raised the political party issue though, when he mentioned it in an interview with Lynze Wardle
that he'd served as a former Weber County Republican Chairman.
That's what he said, both in the press and in other private but non-confidential conversations.
Tell us when you served in that office, Steve. I've talked to many county GOP insiders...
And nobody seems to remember you.
Two of these people have already hinted that, shall we say, your assertion was "mendacious."
And I currently sit on the Weber County Republican Executive Committee.
Nobody on the current committee seems to have a friggin' clue about you.
Times and dates please Steve.
Thanks in advance.
Suffice it to say, there are "skeptics" out there who are awaiting more information on your press statement -- with abated breath.
Let's get the discussion going, so we can resolve this pesky issue.
Was Steve Larsen "truthful" on this Weber County Chair issue?
If anyone can pin down Steve Larsen on this -- it would be useful on the question of his truth and veracity.
If anyone can confirm his atatement -- that would be good, too.
I'd hate to think Steve is a bald-faced liar.
Tell us Steve!
Exactly WHEN did you serve as Weber County Republican Party Chair?
Thanks in advance.
Shouldn't you be practicing what you preach when it comes to slammiing candidates. You take great offense to your favorite candidates getting heat while you slam the one you deem to be pro-Godfrey. I too worked with Doug Stephens at ZCMI at 24th and Washington and didn't find him to be the man you claim him to be.
Rudi, I rememmber you saying similar kind words about Steve Larsen before he somehow veered from your Godfrey-hate agenda.
When I first came accross this blog it was a breath of fresh air as it was truely an escape from the bubble gum, watered down Standard Examiner. However, this site has been hijacked (including the moderator) and could be renamed "Moveon.ogden.org!"
"I too worked with Doug Stephens at ZCMI at 24th and Washington and didn't find him to be the man you claim him to be."
I'm going to call B.S. on that assertion right now, and say your're a friggin' L-I_A-R.
If there's anybody who's beyond character reproach in this campaign, it's Doug Stephens.
That you would even resort to character assassination against Doug Stephens in his case shows your sheer desparation and reveals how utterly desperate the gang-of-six and its brain-numb zombie lackeys have now become.
I only slam candidadates on issues that reflrct their fitness for office.
For example, I have a permamament monument to Kent Jorgensen about the lies he told before he flip-flopped, voted to tear down the mall, and then thumbed his nose at gullible types like me, who voted for him, based on his campaign promises to save it.
This reflects upon his present unfitness for continued service. A man like that, who lies to get elected, and then flip-flops, and then taunts his own voters, needs to feel the voters' wrath. There are many Ogdenites who remember the insult.
I also slam council candidates who get elected to office as city legislators, and then take the role of some weird mayoral "management team," in violation of their council oaths to serve the people who elected them, and in abrogation of their political role as advocates for their constutuents, and watch-dogs against overly-aggressive mayoral administrations.
There are FIVE of them now.
There will be NONE of these two years hence.
I'm very consistent in my views; and I don't believe any single group has the monopoly on good ideas.
If you don't like this blog, BTW, you're invited to leave and not come back. Reading this blog IS NOT mandatory.
Unlike some other local blogs I can think of, I don't suck up to anybody in power.
I just calls it as I sees it.
Tigresslover and Ogdenite, the reason that Larson seems to have studied the issues more is because, as I learned tonight, Godfrey's hand-picked candidates have the benefit of being primed by Ogden City staff members and are privy to information on projects so that it looks like they "have studied the issues more." This information was accidently dropped in a conversation with a city employee. It is apparent that our Mayor will do anything to get his people elected even get one of his highly-paid gurus to work with and prime his chosen.
I just hope and pray that the voters can see what is going on behind the scenes, and vote for the candidates who are sincere in their efforts to better Ogden.
imagine skydiving into a pool of tetrachloraethylene, whatever that is. talk about high adventure. then u could go surfing on a pool of petroleum hydrocarbons. the kids will love it.
Anything to get Godfrey's resurrected toy, the "Wreck Center," up and running. Water, sewer and drain pipes run through the ground that still has the contamination. Swell. No worries, mate.
Doug Stephens is one stand up guy. I have to laugh when I see and hear Larsen fawning all over the Mayor and Council of 5 whenever this guy speaks. The obviousness of what's taking place is earthshaking. No shame, from either side.
Anyone see Godfrey's little call-in show on Ch. 17? Notice how there were no questions that took issue with ANYTHING? Screened to the max. Not objective in the least, but what does one expect these days?
This whole thing is a joke and the political process is damaged, subverted and in danger of collapse. Representing the people is OFF the table. Godfrey and his minions will do anything to ram his projects through.
What a shame the dignity of office has been lost!
Bottom line, Larsen will win this election period. I have personally heard from voters that Stephens rubs them the wrong way. And I did work with Stephens in the old ZCMI building back in the early 90s and he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed! And prisbrey was right, stephens often doesn't even get their permission to place his ugly signs.
How outrageous is this, that a recreation and health facility is being built on a toxic contaminated site?? Have they considered, (purely from a standpoint of revenue, which after all, is what speaks to them,) that many people engaged in healthful fitness activities would not get within a mile of that facility if they knew this?
This is the same city administration that is so horrified at alcohol consumption that it killed the Street Festival and pulled the liquor licenses of the stores on 25th Street. The same people who have been known to have their minions harass individuals who smoke cigarettes in outside public areas.
The same administration, in other words, that bleats madly about its concern for people's health, thereby justifying its shutdown of events and places where people partake of legal, albeit religiously prohibited substances.
Were there a religious prohibition against inhaling the vapors of TCP solvent, a massive clean-up probably would have taken place last month. Or earlier.
Ziogden, care to make a serious monetary bet? Put your money where your mouth is, pal, and let's bet it up. $1000 do it for ya?
Benny Hanna,
Ill bet you a nice lunch at Roosters that Larsen will win. $1000 is way to much for me to wager, I'm just a lowly college kid!
"Nice Lunch at Roosters"
A nice oxymoron if I ever heard one!
Here we go again. A whole lot of similar minded people hootin' and haulering' at evertything that Godfrey does. If the Professionals say the site is safe. Then who is better qualified? We knew that there were traces, but the levels don't cause any major concerns to the DEQ guys. Ones who are educated and trained to make these kinds of decisions. If everyone in Ogden knew how many homes have had a layer of Say, Lead Base Paint on the homes there would probably be a big scare. But when is the last time you heard of someone being severely harmed due to Lead Base paint in Ogden? If the professionals who by far and large are very conservative, say the site is safe. Then Guess what....
The Site is fine.
It may or may not be safe. From a technical POV it may be. From a PR and marketing point of view it may not be.
Unfortunately Ogden's financial future will depend on a couple of bush league guys succeeding in a huge and risky game - with public money not their own of course.
The odds are pretty big that they will not be able to do the enormous daily business that will be required to make this Rec center break even let alone return a profit. This is why the banks want the BDO money gaurantees, they know this thing ainta gonna work on its own!!!
With the legends about being built over a toxic site that will certainly grow around this facility, it will be just that much more doubtfull that this project will ever be a marketing success.
Ats right, Ozboy, I don't think I want to go play down there and I sure as hell won't let my kids go either. Kind of like Amity Island when Jaws was cruising the waters, a beach pic with a big old dorsal fin patroling near shore. Here we can have a picture of some unfortunate kyaker (sp?) padlling desperately to avoid the sludge and slime that is percolating up from the bottom into the reservoir.
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