Internet spammers have very recently discovered blogs as a new place to spew their garbage. The numbers are increasing fast enough that it's finally reached the point where I simply can't keep up with them all manually.
Adding this feature means that WCF readers leaving comments will be required to complete a word verification step, before actually entering comments. The entry screen looks like this:

What this does is prevent automated systems from adding comments to WCF, since it takes a human being to read the word and pass this step. If you've ever seen a comment that looked like an advertisement or a random link to an unrelated site, then you've encountered comment spam. A lot of this is done automatically by software which can't pass the word verification, so enabling this option is a good way to prevent many such unwanted comments.
Sorry about the hassle. I'm going to try it for a while to see whether it does what it's supposed to do. Please don't hesitate to let me know if this presents an unnecessary obstacle to participating in this board.
Thanks for your patience and continuing support O gentle readers.
Although they are a pain, what a compliment to see your blog has the readership and attention to warrant these measures.
Having a dumb software robot deliver 6-8 spam messages from places like India, Indonesia and China every time I post an article is hardly a compliment, I think.
Thanks anyway, though -- I guess.
Rudi, what's wrong with using 2 or 3 wavy letters to thwart the bandits? Seven letters seems to be a bit much!
Don't ask me, bunnie.
I didn't design the danged thang.
Just try to cope with it as it is, OK?
Let's keep our eye on the ball, and concentrate on taking our city back from the brain-dumbed zombie Godfrey robots.
My name is not bunnie honey! With a name like Rudi Zink I would think you wouldn't be such a smart ass with the ladies.
What say you Rudi about the big wigs in ogden this week including COVER ALLs relocation to OGDEN as stated inthegoodinogden article "another piece of the puzzle".
I will have you know, bunnie, that I'm a world-renowned Austrian ski instructor. Many people have mistaken me for Brad Pitt with the legs of a frog.
I talk like Arnold Schwartenegger, although I have a much deeper basso-profundo voice, which befits my extreme Austrian masculionity.
I would love to charm you over a good Austrian-style fondue lunch, after which we could engage in more conversation about gondolas, yodeling and what-not.
Please email me privately @ my private email address, which you'll find in the WCF sidebar.
"What say you Rudi about the big wigs in ogden this week including COVER ALLs relocation to OGDEN as stated inthegoodinogden article "another piece of the puzzle"."
What more can be said about this!
Isreali floor covering companies are absolutely essential to ski hubs, dammit!
I got the early press-release too, and was not overly-impressed.
I apparently showed a little more discretion than "somebody else" did.
It was probably good for Ogden city, but not exactly front-page material, methinks.
Is this a forum for ogdenites or the love connection, I think I going to puke now.
Yeah, that goodinogden blog is basically a joke. Rarely are there any comments and I think the blogmaster has just set it up to see his words in print, as he's been run off this blog for immaturity and foolishness. Not much substance, from either the Utmo guy himself or his so-called readers, which number in the low single digits.
Seems Utmo's always trying to "fill in the puzzle" or warn other cities that Ogden's hot on their tail. I really think Ogden folk could care less about Layton and Provo and us "catching them." The trick is is to pay attention to what it is we need to do and not to worry about playing some idiotic catch up game that seems ego driven at best. Hell, those guys on thegood blog were going crazy over the Paramount Picture logo and their attempting to credit it from somebody's discovery of Ben Lomond, thereby associating the movie business with Ogden which puts us on some imaginary map someplace. Gee-zust! Who the hell cares.
Issues like 76 million in debt, 2 firefighters on a 5 man engine, 18 million in A & B Bonds that we might get stuck with if Fatz and Golds don't pan out, Union Square failing, severance payments to the least but should be the most appreciated dude, Stu Reid, those are the things that should be discussed on a blog, not a comparison of Ben Lomond Peak and Paramount's logo.
Anyway, let's take the test and get back to the good old WCF blog, without a world of pop-ups, etc.
I wonder, tho, if this word verification has to be taken each and every time we post....hope the hell not! That would be a royal pain in the keester, dudes....
That took six seperate tries to verify. Not cool.
I had the same problem alucard.
I'm hoping the cure won't turn out to be worse than the disease.
It seems to be working okay now.
Seems to be working....fingers crossed.
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