"It's just a question of, again, if people are supportive of continued progress, or if they want to stop the momentum completely and start over again," Jorgenson said. "There would be more impasse. Is that to the benefit of progress?"Standard-Examiner
Challengers against mayor's plans
November 6, 2005
"If you're motoring full-speed ahead in the wrong direction, where do you wind up?"
"If you're standing in a hole...first, quit digging."Weber County Forum
Home Sweet Ogden -- the "Smell" of Success
September 19, 2005

Click to enlarge
I take as my text on this Election Day Hugh Nibley's observation that clever businessmen know that "as long as you fly the flag, you can get away with anything."**
Likewise William Paley, late owner and operator of CBS, flaunted his priceless art collection and other trappings of wealth because he realized a reputation for excellent taste would disarm regulators and a public who otherwise might object to the crap Paley purveyed on his network's airwaves.
In Ogden, this principle manifests itself in a bishop who unctuously praises Rosa Parks while stabbing underprivileged citizens in the back, and a mayor who bans beer from public festivals while saddling Ogdenites with unconscionable public debt.
It's time to vote this administration's Council allies Off The Island!
**You'll have to wait for my quotes from Nibley's Guide to Parenting in future posts.
Have you decided to run for office yet?
Because you sound a lot like a politician.
Rudi, you really deserve high praise for that photograph. You have even managed to capture the Toxic Plume, rising in an arc above the site and then raining effluvium down upon the rubble.
How ever did you manage it?
Looked like a smudge to me. But after the description, maybe you are correct.
I hope everyone votes and tells all their friends and neighbors to vote.
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