Researchers at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem found a link between a gene called AVPR1a and ruthless behaviour in an economic exercise called the 'Dictator Game'. The exercise allows players to behave selflessly, or like money-grabbing dictators such as former Zaire President Mobutu, who plundered the mineral wealth of his country to become one of the world's richest men while its citizens suffered in poverty.
The researchers don't know the mechanism by which the gene influences behaviour. It may mean that for some, the old adage that "it is better to give than to receive" simply isn't true, says team leader Richard Ebstein. The reward centres in those brains may derive less pleasure from altruistic acts, he suggests, perhaps causing them to behave more selfishly.
Read the full article here.
Scientists at Hebrew University continue to work on unraveling the Boss Godfrey Genome:

Godfrey has no genes. Only chips and circuit boards.
I knew there was a reason I sat through all those long, boring neuroscience conferences, instead of attending crime conferences for the last 35 years like Chief Greiner.
I�m disgusted by this web site now. I'm a Democrat and don't like how Godfrey does some of the things he does.
But Godfrey does things because he's trying to make life better for us all.
This article is a low blow and I will not come back to this web site!
Interesting article Rudi. I am wondering if we could manipulate the Bosses genes and attempt to make him a more honest kinder forgiving person, one who does not slap around women, and treats others with differing opinions with respect.
Naw, probably not.
earlier this week i made this observation about godfreys mode of operation on issues in comparison to another politician.
the words of lenin the russian communist politician - a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
this is exactly what godfrey thinks and tries to do with the residents.
maybe lenin had this gene too.
low blow
being a democrat has nothing to do with posting on this blog. you dont have to be a democrat to post. I am not a democrat.
but i also dont think godfrey is trying to make life better for all of us and if thats what you think then i think you should read and ponder my post above relative to what he is telling you.
i think the only ones godfrey wants to make life better for are his family and his friends who will in return down the road make life better for godfrey.
godfrey doesnt care who he hurts or even if the punishment fits the crime so to speak when he dishes out his retrobution to those who oppose him or stand in his way.
he is out of control.
Hey low blow, ponder this one. How come nothing lying little matty does is in consort with the exsisting demographics of this city? Everything is about newcomers or future residents, he's always trying to change the demographic rather than work with in it.
Bill C.
I wonder why?
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