Happy Birthday to us. Weber County Forum and her claque of hard-core Weber County political wonks can happily mark this day as the sixth anniversary of the advent of the public forum which has put the Fear of God into Utah political crooks and misdemeanants of every rotten stripe.

Time flies when you're having fun, dunnit?
And heck... we're just getting warmed up.
Congratulations on your 6th Anniversary. I read this blog everyday, several times a day. Thank you fro your service toward making Ogden a better place to live. Where can I buy a Weber County Forum T-shirt or baseball cap?
Keep up the great work.
Monte Stokes
Good grief, has it really been six years?
Congrats, R. It's been a trip.
Congrats, Rudi! Here's to many more...
Congratulations, Rudi.
Congratulations! Way to go, Rudi! You provide a valuable and great service for Ogden! Thanks!
Thanks and congrats.
What Dorrene said.
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary Rudi!
So where the hell else is a poor Ogden boy to read the truth about crooked politicians and their endless shenanigans in Utah?
Ya do a great public service Rudi, thanks.
Oh, I also notice that the WCF is getting close to a million hits! Don't know how that stacks up with other political blogs around these parts, but I rather suspect it is a kick ass number as these things go.
Maybe we ought to have a "coming out" party for all the regulars who post here and make it the bestest blog in Zion. You know, a chance to put faces with names and see what each other really drinks.
Happy Birthday WCF and many thanks Rudi for not only a job really well done and very much needed and unexpected in these parts, WCF is also the best entertainment in town. Thanks again!
heh .. would we need to wear multiple name tags? or would the real name suffice ...
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