Big Debt faces off versus Common Sense
Mark your calenders, folks. As a followup to our
most recent article on the subject, the
Standard carries a story this morning, announcing to its print readership,
in advance, Ogden City Council's previously set public August 20 public hearing, concerning the Caldwell administration's proposed
$18 million water/sewer capital improvement bonding:
Borrowing "to the Max" |
S-E reporter Mitch Shaw has even done some additional
"sleuthing" on the subject, and reveals that despite calls for financing some portion of these repairs from some $28 million (not the mere $10 million which Mr. Shaw reports) which is sitting mostly idle in the Water and Sewer Uitility Funds' bank accounts, the Caldwell administration remains steadfast in seeking to run up the city's prospect bond debt
"to the max," at the highest possible principal loan amount, over the longest possible repayment term:
“A lower bond amount or shorter term would save the city interest over time,” reads a letter issued Thursday by the city’s Public Services Department.
“However, the benefits of such savings are currently outweighed by the capital needs of the water utility.”
Because the full amount of the bond was planned for in the city’s financial sustainability plan, the mayor and the Public Services Department believe that increasing the number of projects to replace leaking pipes and addressing other projects identified in the master plan will actually provide a better return for the water utility than reducing any debt costs associated with the term or amount of the proposed water bond.
The city council is also considering a $4.7 million storm sewer bond that would come with an interest rate of approximately 4 percent and would be paid out over 20 years.
We'll sdd that we're delighted to observe
the Standard finally getting ahead of this important story, for once, at least.
Down in the lower
SE comments section, we're also delighted to find that
Ogden City Political Watchdog Dan Schroeder
has already chimed in with his own views on this
"thorny" subject:
When the financial sustainability plan was put together last year, the city's consultants predicted lower revenues, higher expenses, and lower interest rates. Now we know better: higher revenues and lower operating expenses have allowed the water fund to accumulate more cash than expected. On the other hand, interest rates have increased so borrowing money is less affordable. The city would be foolish not to adjust its plan in light of these changed circumstances. That means spending the accumulated cash and borrowing less.
Thus the stage is set; and the battle lines are drawn:
Big Debt v. Common Sense |
Keep your eyes on
Weber County Forum this coming Tuesday, where we'll devote a dedicated new article to the City Council arena bonding battle which is brewing between the
lumpencitizen-driven forces of
Fiscal Common Sense vs. the bureaucratic advocates of
Big Government Debt.
And yes. We do believe that the current council's treatment of this issue could become an important
2013 Ogden Municipal Election issue, depending on how the council incumbents handle it.
Update 8/16/13 9:00 p.m.: Thanks to a tip from yet another sharp-eyed and alert
WCF reader, we provide this online
Question and Answer sheet, elaborately setting forth the Caldwell administration's surprisingly flimsy
"rationale" concerning this matter: