Tuesday, December 31, 2013
New Years Day Bonus Special
Here's an added bonus from our ole pal Dave Barry, the only political humorist in America even funnier than our own Mark Saal:
Happy New Year, EVERYONE!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Sunday Funnies: Utah's Fight to Overturn Gay Marriage Ruling Could Cost $2 million - Updated
Thankfully, in the Theocratic State of Utah, taxpayer money apparently "grows on trees"
In Friday's Weber County Forum story we reported that our newly elected Utah Attorney General will be "turning to outside counsel for help with its efforts to stop same-sex marriages, a move the office said Thursday would temporarily delay its application for a stay to the U.S. Supreme Court." Well... Lo and Behold, The Standard-Examiner now reports the probable Utah taxpayer price tag for this "fool's errand":
Thankfully, in the Theocratic State of Utah, taxpayer money apparently "grows on trees."
Utah: The best-managed state? "Utah manages itself with savvy business acumen," opined the Pew Center on States Government Performance in 2008.
Of course it hurts a little less when you laugh about it, right?
Just a little something to add to your Sunday morning merriment and mirth.
Over... and Out!
Update 12/29/13 6:00 p.m.: Added bonus: Just to keep this whole brouhahah in context:
In Friday's Weber County Forum story we reported that our newly elected Utah Attorney General will be "turning to outside counsel for help with its efforts to stop same-sex marriages, a move the office said Thursday would temporarily delay its application for a stay to the U.S. Supreme Court." Well... Lo and Behold, The Standard-Examiner now reports the probable Utah taxpayer price tag for this "fool's errand":
Thankfully, in the Theocratic State of Utah, taxpayer money apparently "grows on trees."
Utah: The best-managed state? "Utah manages itself with savvy business acumen," opined the Pew Center on States Government Performance in 2008.
Of course it hurts a little less when you laugh about it, right?
Just a little something to add to your Sunday morning merriment and mirth.
Over... and Out!
Update 12/29/13 6:00 p.m.: Added bonus: Just to keep this whole brouhahah in context:
Friday, December 27, 2013
Salt Lake Tribune: Utah Seeks Outside Help In Request For Gay-marriage Stay
Newly-appointed Utah Attorney General, Sean Reyes, apparently recognizes that his office is "way" over its head
Fascinating development in the Kitchen v. Herbert Utah same sex marriage case, as the Utah A.G.'s Office prepares to take the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court, on the heels of being rebuffed in its requested "stays" of execution four (count 'em 4) times by both US. District Court Judge Shelby and the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier in the week:
Encouraging to learn that our newly-appointed Utah Attorney General, Sean Reyes, apparently recognizes that his office is "way" over its head, ainnit?
Of course, if you take the time to read Judge Shelby's well-reasoned full decision it becomes obvious that whatever private law firm takes up the task of rescuing Utah's ill-conceived, and now constitutinally overtuned "ban" on same sex marriage most definitely has its work cut out for it:
Needless to say, we'll be keeping a close eye on the U.S. Supreme Court docket over the next four days.
Stay tuned, folks.
Fascinating development in the Kitchen v. Herbert Utah same sex marriage case, as the Utah A.G.'s Office prepares to take the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court, on the heels of being rebuffed in its requested "stays" of execution four (count 'em 4) times by both US. District Court Judge Shelby and the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier in the week:
Encouraging to learn that our newly-appointed Utah Attorney General, Sean Reyes, apparently recognizes that his office is "way" over its head, ainnit?
Of course, if you take the time to read Judge Shelby's well-reasoned full decision it becomes obvious that whatever private law firm takes up the task of rescuing Utah's ill-conceived, and now constitutinally overtuned "ban" on same sex marriage most definitely has its work cut out for it:
Needless to say, we'll be keeping a close eye on the U.S. Supreme Court docket over the next four days.
Stay tuned, folks.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Standard-Examiner Op-Ed: Reaction by Herbert, Others to Gay Marriage Ruling is Rotten
This Standard-Examiner Guest Op-Ed piece deserves a hearty WCF thumbs-up, wethinks!
Bravo, Mr. Clark!
Best thumbnail analysis of the current Utah Gay Marriage legal situation yet!
Bravo, Mr. Clark!
Best thumbnail analysis of the current Utah Gay Marriage legal situation yet!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Salt Lake Tribune: Herbert Picks Reyes as Utah’s Next Attorney General
We congratulate Sean Reyes for finally ascending to the Office which he ought to have occupied a year ago
Whoa! looky here! We now have a new replacement Utah Attorney General, after a year or so of digesting this extremely uncomfortable political BS:
Hard core political wonks will recall that the new AG, designee, Sean Reyes, was the runner-up, during the the 2012 election, second only to the sadsack John Swallow, the now-disgraced poster boy for the good-ol-boy Utah Caucus/Convention Nomination System.
We'll suggest that there is some justice in Governor Herbert's Sean Reyes Attorney General appointment, inasmuch as Reyes is the guy who probably would have been elected, if the creepy John Swallow hadn't successfully corrupted the entire Utah GOP political nomination system.
So whaddaya think, folks? Was Sean Reyes the right pick?
And can we see by a show of hands how many of you believe Utah Republican "delegates," the very same people who let Swallow "slip through the cracks," properly "vet" other Utah political nominees, and do a good job of "vetting" corrupt bastids like John Sswallow?
"All's well that ends well," though, we suppose, in which connection we congratulate Sean Reyes for finally ascending to the Office which he ought to have occupied a year ago.
Whoa! looky here! We now have a new replacement Utah Attorney General, after a year or so of digesting this extremely uncomfortable political BS:
Hard core political wonks will recall that the new AG, designee, Sean Reyes, was the runner-up, during the the 2012 election, second only to the sadsack John Swallow, the now-disgraced poster boy for the good-ol-boy Utah Caucus/Convention Nomination System.
We'll suggest that there is some justice in Governor Herbert's Sean Reyes Attorney General appointment, inasmuch as Reyes is the guy who probably would have been elected, if the creepy John Swallow hadn't successfully corrupted the entire Utah GOP political nomination system.
So whaddaya think, folks? Was Sean Reyes the right pick?
And can we see by a show of hands how many of you believe Utah Republican "delegates," the very same people who let Swallow "slip through the cracks," properly "vet" other Utah political nominees, and do a good job of "vetting" corrupt bastids like John Sswallow?
"All's well that ends well," though, we suppose, in which connection we congratulate Sean Reyes for finally ascending to the Office which he ought to have occupied a year ago.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Standard-Examiner: City Council Candidate Sues Riverdale For Being Disqualified From Race
The Riverdale City Council would be calendering a motion at the earliest available date to reinstate Mr. Griffiths to his elected council post, if the Council had a lick of sense
The Standard's Mark Saal reports the latest development in the 2013 Riverdale Municipal Election SNAFU. Yep. Just as we predicted, Riverdale City's ham-handed mis-handling of the November City Council race has landed the City in 2nd District Court:
"They (Riverdale City) broke several laws, and we're addressing each of those," (ousted candidate Gary) Griffiths said in a telephone interview Friday.
Weirdly, Riverdale officials however seem committed to "gambling," that their actions, which nullified Mr. Griffiths' election, will be upheld, apparently under a twisted mis-application of "contract" theory.
Seems that Riverdale City's blunders continue to be compounded, inasmuch as the plaintiff, Mr. Griffiths, may be statutorily entitled, assuming he does prevail in court (a sound assumption, we think), to "costs" and "attorney fees," in addition to reinstatement to his council seat:
Given the City's shamefully arrogant and stubborn behavior to date however, we certainly won't be holding our breath.
The Standard's Mark Saal reports the latest development in the 2013 Riverdale Municipal Election SNAFU. Yep. Just as we predicted, Riverdale City's ham-handed mis-handling of the November City Council race has landed the City in 2nd District Court:
"They (Riverdale City) broke several laws, and we're addressing each of those," (ousted candidate Gary) Griffiths said in a telephone interview Friday.
Weirdly, Riverdale officials however seem committed to "gambling," that their actions, which nullified Mr. Griffiths' election, will be upheld, apparently under a twisted mis-application of "contract" theory.
Seems that Riverdale City's blunders continue to be compounded, inasmuch as the plaintiff, Mr. Griffiths, may be statutorily entitled, assuming he does prevail in court (a sound assumption, we think), to "costs" and "attorney fees," in addition to reinstatement to his council seat:
(9) (a) A private party in interest may bring a civil action in district court to enforce the provisions of this section or an ordinance adopted under this section.Gamblers that they appear to be, Riverdale City officials should keep in mind the primary rule of "smart" gamblers:
(b) In a civil action under Subsection (9)(a), the court may award costs and attorney fees to the prevailing party.
You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'emTurning to the legal and equitable merits of this case, we believe the Standard-Examiner editorial board said it best:
Know when to walk away, know when to run.
In short, Riverdale goofed on its interpretation of the deadline for signed filings. Its initial response -- to allow Griffiths to be a candidate -- was correct. Herrick's decision to change that after the vote has led to a man unfairly losing his election to city council. If Griffiths decides to challenge Riverdale's decision, it's our opinion he will have an excellent case.The Riverdale Council would be calendering a motion at the earliest available date to reinstate Mr. Griffiths to his elected council post, if the Council had a lick of sense.
Riverdale should simply admit it made a mistake and restore Griffiths' election victory.
Given the City's shamefully arrogant and stubborn behavior to date however, we certainly won't be holding our breath.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Weber County Officials: Marriages Will Be Performed Today
Just a little something for our "outcast" Weber County-situated WCF LGBT friends who might want to BE legally binded" in their relationships over the weekend
Take this for what it's worth, since we haven't been able to independently verify any of this:
On the heels of yesterday's monumental U.S. Federal Court ruling , and in the wake of this morning's magnificent Cathy McKitrick story, we learn from several sources that our local Weber/Ogden government public agencies will be open during a short time window to issue marriage licences today, and to allow "non-traditional" couples to be promptly "hitched":
Via Weber County Forum's good friend, James Humphreys:
Yeah. The timeline is a mite fuzzy. Might be worth the extra effort, though, for "non traditional" couples to "press" to receive the legal benefits of their mutual commitment and love, we believe.
Update 12/21/13 6:43 p.m.: Well... we gotta say this totally sucks:
Of course, nobody ever believed that achieving a level playing field for equal rights in Utah would be easy, did we?
Hang in people. Ultimately, "We" Shall Overcome, right?
Take this for what it's worth, since we haven't been able to independently verify any of this:
On the heels of yesterday's monumental U.S. Federal Court ruling , and in the wake of this morning's magnificent Cathy McKitrick story, we learn from several sources that our local Weber/Ogden government public agencies will be open during a short time window to issue marriage licences today, and to allow "non-traditional" couples to be promptly "hitched":
Via Weber County Forum's good friend, James Humphreys:
"Rudi: this is James Humphreys calling I was wondering if you could put something out for me today.. [Ogden Mayor Mike] Caldwell will be available to perform wedding ceremony today for those who would like to do so and the Weber County clerks office will be open for a few hours this afternoon to help those who would like to receive marriage licenses. take(?) given there's a short week next week for Christmas and the staff is already gonna be inundated with requests on Monday. This could be the pressure valve for them so if you wouldn't mind passing that word along I would be very very grateful Sir. Thank you.Via Equality Utah:
Weber County Clerk's office: They will open from 1 to 2 pm, anyone in line at 2pm will be served. The front doors will not be open, so you have to park in the garage, and go in the entrance from the garage. The address is 2380 Washington BLVD. The garage entrance to the Weber Center is off of 24th street.Just a little something for our heretofor "outcast" WCF LGBT friends who might want to legally "bind" their relationships over the weekend.
Yeah. The timeline is a mite fuzzy. Might be worth the extra effort, though, for "non traditional" couples to "press" to receive the legal benefits of their mutual commitment and love, we believe.
Update 12/21/13 6:43 p.m.: Well... we gotta say this totally sucks:
Of course, nobody ever believed that achieving a level playing field for equal rights in Utah would be easy, did we?
Hang in people. Ultimately, "We" Shall Overcome, right?
Friday, December 20, 2013
Salt Lake Tribune: Federal Judge Strikes Down Utah’s Ban on Same-sex Marriage - Updated
Gotta say this cracks us up
Great news for Utah advocates of individual liberty this afternoon, as the Salt Lake Tribune reports that "[a] federal judge in Utah Friday struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, saying the law violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection and due process."
"The state’s current laws deny its gay and lesbian citizens their fundamental right to marry and, in so doing, demean the dignity of these same-sex couples for no rational reason," wrote U.S. District Court Judge Robert J. Shelby. "Accordingly, the court finds that these laws are unconstitutional."
Here's the full text of Judge Shelby's written decision:
And Yes. Of course. The forces of status quo bigotry have vowed to immediately appeal, and to turn back the ineluctable tide of history:
Gotta say this cracks us up.
Stay tuned for further breaking developments, folks.
Update 12/21/13 8:16 a.m.: "SALT LAKE CITY – The U.S. District Court for Utah has denied the state’s emergency request for stay of the court’s ruling issued earlier Friday declaring Utah’s same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional":
You can bet your boots that the Utah A.G.'s office will have lawyers standing on the courthouse steps of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday morning, looking for a stay order. So For those readers who'd like to urge Governor Herbert to keep his mitts off Judge Shelby's Friday ruling, here's an online citizens petition to which you can affix your electronic signatures:
Update 12/21/13 9:56 a.m.: Clever and timely photo image via James Dabakis...
Great news for Utah advocates of individual liberty this afternoon, as the Salt Lake Tribune reports that "[a] federal judge in Utah Friday struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, saying the law violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection and due process."
"The state’s current laws deny its gay and lesbian citizens their fundamental right to marry and, in so doing, demean the dignity of these same-sex couples for no rational reason," wrote U.S. District Court Judge Robert J. Shelby. "Accordingly, the court finds that these laws are unconstitutional."
Here's the full text of Judge Shelby's written decision:
And Yes. Of course. The forces of status quo bigotry have vowed to immediately appeal, and to turn back the ineluctable tide of history:
Ryan Bruckman, spokesman for the Utah Attorney General’s Office, said its attorneys plan to appeal the decision and were currently drafting a motion to seek a stay of the ruling "as quickly as we can get it taken care of."No doubt about it. The post-decision pandemonium will something we'll keep on the Weber County Forum front-burner.
Gotta say this cracks us up.
Stay tuned for further breaking developments, folks.
Update 12/21/13 8:16 a.m.: "SALT LAKE CITY – The U.S. District Court for Utah has denied the state’s emergency request for stay of the court’s ruling issued earlier Friday declaring Utah’s same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional":
You can bet your boots that the Utah A.G.'s office will have lawyers standing on the courthouse steps of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday morning, looking for a stay order. So For those readers who'd like to urge Governor Herbert to keep his mitts off Judge Shelby's Friday ruling, here's an online citizens petition to which you can affix your electronic signatures:
Update 12/21/13 9:56 a.m.: Clever and timely photo image via James Dabakis...
Salt Lake Tribune: Obstruction of Justice? Swallow Fabricated Documents, Investigators Say - Updated
Looks like our former Utah Attorney General's in a heap o' trouble, dunnit?
There's a truly mind-boggling set of alleged facts and revelations emerging from the reeking John Swallow cess-pool this week, as the Special Utah House Investigation Committee winds down its activities, and enters the second day of reporting its findings in their six-month investigation of former Attorney General John Swallow. The Salt Lake Tribune's Robert Gehrke is all over the story this morning. Hold onto you hats, folks:
Here's the gist, folks:
Howbout obstruction of justice and criminal provisions within the Government Records Access and Management Act, and Utah State Bar disbarment, just for "starters?"
Looks like our former Utah Attorney General's in a heap o' trouble, dunnit?
Of course, Swallow and his "mouthpiece," Salt Lake attorney Rod Snow, continue to proclaim his innocence, as Snow's hourly billings keep on mounting up.
Update 12/20/13 11:40 a.m.: Added bonus for those who'd like to follow today's Utah House of Representatives hearing in realtime:
Simultaneously fascinating and disturbing, indeed.
Remember my fellow Utah voters. Always vote GOP straight ticket [Wink].
Update 12/21/13 6:30 a.m.: The Tribune carries the day 2 report, which is even creepier than day 1:
Tony Soprano for Utah Attorney General!
There's a truly mind-boggling set of alleged facts and revelations emerging from the reeking John Swallow cess-pool this week, as the Special Utah House Investigation Committee winds down its activities, and enters the second day of reporting its findings in their six-month investigation of former Attorney General John Swallow. The Salt Lake Tribune's Robert Gehrke is all over the story this morning. Hold onto you hats, folks:
Here's the gist, folks:
John Swallow left a 2012 meeting at Krispy Kreme with Jeremy Johnson so alarmed that he was in the cross hairs of federal investigators that Swallow took drastic measures to cover his tracks and ties to the indicted businessman, Utah House investigators said Thursday.Yes. Many of us expected the worst; and it appears that's just what's being rolled out, as the discussion turns to the possible legal blowback for the beleaguered John Swallow, as is set forth in the accompanying SL-Trib "companion" story:
In the weeks that followed, Swallow obliterated his electronic footprints and created new documents designed to mislead anyone who might delve into his activities, according to evidence pieced together by a five-month investigation by a special House committee.
"We believe the evidence here shows Mr. Swallow panicked following the Krispy Kreme meeting, thinking about the consequences that would occur in terms of his political run for attorney general if Mr. Johnson went public with his allegations," said Steve Reich, special counsel to the committee. "And it was this panic that led him down a path of evidence elimination and evidence fabrication."
Within weeks of the doughnut shop exchange, Swallow had thehard drives on his state-issued computers wiped clean and appears to have purged thousands of emails, later lying to the public and investigators about their disappearance, Reich said. He bought a "burner" phone that couldn’t be traced and created a fake paper trail for consulting work he did on a Nevada cement project.
"Based on the record available to us, our conclusion is that the Krispy Kreme meeting that Mr. Swallow had with Jeremy Johnson … set off a months-long spree where Mr. Swallow destroyed or lost records while creating new ones designed to support his version of events."
His record of behavior, his shifting story and attempts to mislead investigators and the public, taken as a whole, Reich said, cannot be innocently explained away.
Howbout obstruction of justice and criminal provisions within the Government Records Access and Management Act, and Utah State Bar disbarment, just for "starters?"
Looks like our former Utah Attorney General's in a heap o' trouble, dunnit?
Of course, Swallow and his "mouthpiece," Salt Lake attorney Rod Snow, continue to proclaim his innocence, as Snow's hourly billings keep on mounting up.
Update 12/20/13 11:40 a.m.: Added bonus for those who'd like to follow today's Utah House of Representatives hearing in realtime:
Simultaneously fascinating and disturbing, indeed.
Remember my fellow Utah voters. Always vote GOP straight ticket [Wink].
Update 12/21/13 6:30 a.m.: The Tribune carries the day 2 report, which is even creepier than day 1:
Tony Soprano for Utah Attorney General!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Standard-Examiner: Judge: NSA Bulk Collection of Phone Records Unconstitutional - Updated
Richard Nixon is rolling over in his grave a wants a do-over
By Dr. Pump and Dump
Richard Nixon was removed from the U.S. presidential office for authorizing a few clowns to break into an office and yet the NSA rapes your privacy on a daily basis:
Richard Nixon is rolling over in his grave and wants a do-over.
Update 12/19/13 8:28 a.m.: Excellent analysis of U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon's decision by Fox TeeVee Judge Andrew P. Napolitano:
"Even though [author of our Constitution, James] Madison would be aghast, surely the Obama administration will appeal this, and just as surely, appellate judges or Supreme Court justices will have the final say. But for now, we have the great satisfaction of knowing that an independent judiciary has saved our liberties from the tyranny of the majority. And this is a cause for great joy," Napolitano says, breathing an almost audible sigh of relief.
By Dr. Pump and Dump
Richard Nixon was removed from the U.S. presidential office for authorizing a few clowns to break into an office and yet the NSA rapes your privacy on a daily basis:
Richard Nixon is rolling over in his grave and wants a do-over.
Update 12/19/13 8:28 a.m.: Excellent analysis of U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon's decision by Fox TeeVee Judge Andrew P. Napolitano:
"Even though [author of our Constitution, James] Madison would be aghast, surely the Obama administration will appeal this, and just as surely, appellate judges or Supreme Court justices will have the final say. But for now, we have the great satisfaction of knowing that an independent judiciary has saved our liberties from the tyranny of the majority. And this is a cause for great joy," Napolitano says, breathing an almost audible sigh of relief.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Utah Political Capitol: Matheson Announces He Will Not Run in 2014
Time to get down to work, Utah Democrats, wethinks
Breaking News from internet heavywight Utah Political Capital, which came out about an hour ago with this blockbuster Utah political story:
Meet your new GOP US House Rep, O Ye citizens of Utah's 4th Congessional District, folks, assuming Utah Democrats can't scramble to find somebody to take Matheson's place in 2014.
Time to get down to work, Utah Democrats, wethinks.
Breaking News from internet heavywight Utah Political Capital, which came out about an hour ago with this blockbuster Utah political story:
Meet your new GOP US House Rep, O Ye citizens of Utah's 4th Congessional District, folks, assuming Utah Democrats can't scramble to find somebody to take Matheson's place in 2014.
Time to get down to work, Utah Democrats, wethinks.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Standard-Examiner: Utah GOP Makes Its Picks to Replace Swallow
Barring any last minute legal maneuverings from the loyal opposition party, it looks like we could have a replacement Attorney General in place by the end of the month
Via the below-linked AP story, we learn from the Standard-Examiner this morning that the field of candidates to replace disgraced Attorney General John Swallow was on Saturday narrowed to three:
You can click this link to review these candidates' bios, folks:
Barring any last minute legal maneuverings from "the loyal opposition", it looks like we could have a replacement Attorney General in place by the end of the month:
Here's the full writeup, folks:SANDY -- The Utah Republican Party selected three finalists Saturday to replace former Attorney General John Swallow, who stepped down last week amid ongoing allegations of bribery and misconduct.The party's central committee, meeting in Sandy, forwarded the names of Sean Reyes, Robert Smith and Brian Tarbet to Gov. Gary Herbert.Herbert, also a Republican, will choose one of the three to serve as the state's top law enforcement officer until a special election can be held in November 2014.
You can click this link to review these candidates' bios, folks:
Barring any last minute legal maneuverings from "the loyal opposition", it looks like we could have a replacement Attorney General in place by the end of the month:
Needless to say, we'll all be sitting on the edge of our seats, eagerly awaiting the next development in this ever-enthralling matter.Herbert said he does not have a fixed deadline to make his choice but hopes to decide before Christmas. He plans to interview and vet each candidate."I think I've got three great people to choose from," Herbert told The Salt Lake Tribune.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Jay Hill Named Weber State Head Football Coach - Updated
The coaching situation is obviously improving drastically at Weber State, yes?
Fantastic news for we beleguered Weber State University football fans this week, folks. And as an aside, and if you don't believe we're beleaguered, just read this mindless crap, from some wimpy little pansy-ass fool who plainly doesn't believe WSU should further continue funding our temporarily-embarrassed WSU football program.
Moving on from the naysayers however, we have great news this week, from a multiplicity of online sources, indicating that our WSU Football Program is moving forward. In the aftermath of WSU Football coach Jody Sears' involuntary departure, Hallelujah, we now have a new WSU Head Coach:
And here are the main "pluses" which Mr. Burton identifies with particularity:
So what about this, WSU Football Fans?
Update 12/16/13 8:00 a.m.: According to this morning's Roy Burton story, Coach Hill is hitting the ground running, and putting his recruiting skills to productive use:
Fantastic news for we beleguered Weber State University football fans this week, folks. And as an aside, and if you don't believe we're beleaguered, just read this mindless crap, from some wimpy little pansy-ass fool who plainly doesn't believe WSU should further continue funding our temporarily-embarrassed WSU football program.
Moving on from the naysayers however, we have great news this week, from a multiplicity of online sources, indicating that our WSU Football Program is moving forward. In the aftermath of WSU Football coach Jody Sears' involuntary departure, Hallelujah, we now have a new WSU Head Coach:
- Weber State to name Jay Hill new football coach
- College football: Utah assistant Jay Hill takes Weber State head job
- Jay Hill named Weber State head football coach
And here are the main "pluses" which Mr. Burton identifies with particularity:
"See, Hill is a great hire for three reasons":And with no disrespect meant to Jim Burton, here's another important factor which this ever-great sportswriter inadvertently missed:
No. 1, he's an in-state guy, raised in Lehi and an alumnus of Ricks College and the U of U. He understands Utah kids, their wants, needs and motivations. He knows how to recruit them as well as the out-of-state kids who'll fit in here.
No. 2, he's coming from U., which means he's worked under Ron McBride, Urban Meyer and Kyle Whittingham over the past 13 years. He not only saw that program's transformation, he was a part of it.
No. 3, he's a first-time head coach, which to some may seem risky. However, considering Nos. 1 and 2, the risk doesn't seem all that great. What's more, the reward is Hill's hunger to succeed.
No 4, Jay Hill was named to Rivals.com’s Class of 2009 Top Recruiters and as one of the Top 10 Recruiters in the Pac-12 in 2012.The coaching situation is obviously improving drastically at Weber State, yes?
So what about this, WSU Football Fans?
Update 12/16/13 8:00 a.m.: According to this morning's Roy Burton story, Coach Hill is hitting the ground running, and putting his recruiting skills to productive use:
[SUU] Thunderbirds offensive coordinator Steve Clark and passing game coordinator/receivers coach Fesi Sitake will join Hill's coaching staff at Weber State, moves that were first reported by CoachingSearch.com.Read up, Wildcats fans:
The Standard-Examiner has also learned that SUU defensive coordinator Justin Ena will be joining Clark and Sitake in making the move north, according to a source familiar with the situation.
After his hiring last Thursday, Hill said his biggest immediate challenge was getting a staff in place as soon as possible and said he intended to interview the assistants from Weber State's previous coaching staff first.
"I owe it to these players to have the best staff that I can hire," Hill said.
Salt Lake Tribune: Federal Judge Declares Utah Polygamy Law Unconstitutional
The phrase "or cohabits with another person" is a violation of both the 1st and 14th amendments, says Judge Waddoups
There's blockbuster news on the Utah domestic relations front this weekend, as the Salt Lake Tribune reports on what can only be described as a stunning Federal Court development: On Friday (12/13/13) "a U.S. District Court judge sided" with a polygymous Utah family, ruling that "key parts of Utah’s polygamy laws are unconstitutional." Here's yesterday's eye-popping Jim Dalrymple II story, folks.
Specfically, Friday's ruling invalidates portions of Utah Code Section 76-7-101, which provides, among other things, that "(1) A person is guilty of bigamy when, knowing he has a husband or wife or knowing the other person has a husband or wife, the person purports to marry another person or cohabits with another person." [Emphasis added.]
Here's the gist, from the above linked SL-Trib writeup:
As Mr. Turley anticipates, this matter will be no doubt taken up on appeal by the Utah Attorney General’s Office (what's left of it) to the US Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.
It goes without saying, of course, that we'll be keeping a close eye on this.
As an added bonus, we'll present what we suggest might be the possible new "Brown Family" theme-song, heheheh:
In the meantime, what say our gentle readers about all this?
There's blockbuster news on the Utah domestic relations front this weekend, as the Salt Lake Tribune reports on what can only be described as a stunning Federal Court development: On Friday (12/13/13) "a U.S. District Court judge sided" with a polygymous Utah family, ruling that "key parts of Utah’s polygamy laws are unconstitutional." Here's yesterday's eye-popping Jim Dalrymple II story, folks.
Specfically, Friday's ruling invalidates portions of Utah Code Section 76-7-101, which provides, among other things, that "(1) A person is guilty of bigamy when, knowing he has a husband or wife or knowing the other person has a husband or wife, the person purports to marry another person or cohabits with another person." [Emphasis added.]
Here's the gist, from the above linked SL-Trib writeup:
Judge Clark Waddoups’ 91-page ruling, issued Friday (12/13/13) , sets a new legal precedent in Utah, effectively decriminalizing polygamy. It is the latest development in a lawsuit filed by the family of Kody Brown, who became famous while starring in cable TV channel TLC’s reality series "Sister Wives." The show entered a fourth season at the end of the summer.Needless to say, the the plaintiffs and their trial counsel are "whooping it up" (even more than usual), in which connection we're delighted provide this link to prevailing attorney Turley's blog, where the post-decision tone is more than a mite celebratory:
Waddoups’ ruling attacks the parts of Utah’s law making cohabitation illegal. In the introduction, Waddoups says the phrase "or cohabits with another person" is a violation of both the First and 14th amendments. Waddoups later writes that while there is no "fundamental right" to practice polygamy, the issue really comes down to "religious cohabitation." In the 1800s — when the mainstream LDS Churh still practiced polygamy — "religious cohabitation" in Utah could have actually resulted in "multiple purportedly legal marriages." Today, however, simply living together doesn’t amount to being "married," Waddoups writes.
"The court finds the cohabitation prong of the Statute unconstitutional on numerous grounds and strikes it," Waddoups later writes. Utah’s bigamy statute technically survived the ruling. However, Waddoups took a narrow interpretation of the words "marry" and "purports to marry," meaning that bigamy remains illegal only in the literal sense — when someone fraudulently acquires multiple marriage licences.
As Mr. Turley anticipates, this matter will be no doubt taken up on appeal by the Utah Attorney General’s Office (what's left of it) to the US Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.
It goes without saying, of course, that we'll be keeping a close eye on this.
As an added bonus, we'll present what we suggest might be the possible new "Brown Family" theme-song, heheheh:
In the meantime, what say our gentle readers about all this?
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Salt Lake City Weekly: Tim Lawson, Shurtleff/Swallow "Fixer" Busted - Updated
Sodden question: With "multiple arrests to be made in the ongoing Salt Lake County investigation," which other miscreant(s) will be frog-marched next?
Breaking news concerning the reeking John Swallow Political Cesspool via Salt Lake City Weekly. Here's the blockbuster lede:
"Thursday’s bombshell charges indicate the first of potentially multiple arrests to be made in the ongoing investigation being conducted by a joint operation between investigators with the FBI, the Utah Department of Public Safety and the office of the Davis and Salt Lake County District Attorneys," SLCWeekly's Eric Peterson further reports.
A Weber County Forum Tip O' the Hat to Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill for doggedly following up his office's "ongoing investigations," and conscientiously "bringin' on" these charges.
Sodden question: With "multiple arrests to be made in the ongoing investigation," which other miscreant(s) will be frog-marched next?
Take a wild guess, O Gentle Ones.
Update 12/13/13 6:00 a.m.: The Trib's Robert Gehrke has more on this story. Turns out that it's both Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill and Davis County Attorney Troy Rawlings jointly bringing forth these 3d District Court felony charges:
This whole story reads like a a cheesy dime-novel, dunnit?
We'll be standing by, eagerly awaiting the next upcoming perp-walk.
Breaking news concerning the reeking John Swallow Political Cesspool via Salt Lake City Weekly. Here's the blockbuster lede:
Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office [today] arrested Tim Lawson, a fundraiser, political fixer and ally to Utah Attorneys General John Swallow and Mark Shurtleff, on six felony charges, including obstruction of justice, threatening a witness and failing to pay taxes on roughly $120,000 he received in payments from Marc Sessions Jenson, a businessman convicted of securities fraud who used Lawson to gain access to Shurtleff and Swallow.Read up, folks:
"Thursday’s bombshell charges indicate the first of potentially multiple arrests to be made in the ongoing investigation being conducted by a joint operation between investigators with the FBI, the Utah Department of Public Safety and the office of the Davis and Salt Lake County District Attorneys," SLCWeekly's Eric Peterson further reports.
A Weber County Forum Tip O' the Hat to Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill for doggedly following up his office's "ongoing investigations," and conscientiously "bringin' on" these charges.
Sodden question: With "multiple arrests to be made in the ongoing investigation," which other miscreant(s) will be frog-marched next?
Take a wild guess, O Gentle Ones.
Update 12/13/13 6:00 a.m.: The Trib's Robert Gehrke has more on this story. Turns out that it's both Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill and Davis County Attorney Troy Rawlings jointly bringing forth these 3d District Court felony charges:
- Scandal’s first charges: Shurtleff’s ‘fixer’ slapped with six felonies
- The six charges against Tim Lawson
This whole story reads like a a cheesy dime-novel, dunnit?
We'll be standing by, eagerly awaiting the next upcoming perp-walk.
Monday, December 09, 2013
Publius Online: Background on All Candidates for Utah Attorney General - Updated
The Utah Republican State Central Committee will vote for three names to send to Governor Gary Herbert on Saturday
As our latest installment in the John Swallow political corruption saga, we're delighted to provide a link to this top-notch rundown of the 9 candidates vying to take the reins as "top dog" in the Utah Attorney General's office:
"The Utah Republican State Central Committee will vote for three names to send to Governor Gary Herbert on Saturday," the Publius Online blog reports.
A Weber County Forum Tip O' The Hat to Utah political gadfly and blogger Daniel Burton for compiling and publishing this most robust and information-rich A.G. candidate "short list."
Update 12/9/13 9:39 a.m.: We learn from one of our Gentle Readers that there are a huge number of people on the Utah GOP State Central Committee looking for information on what the public thinks....The entire SCC list is available on the GOP website." Here are the relevant links, for those WCF readers who'd like to offer their own input (for what it may be worth):
As our latest installment in the John Swallow political corruption saga, we're delighted to provide a link to this top-notch rundown of the 9 candidates vying to take the reins as "top dog" in the Utah Attorney General's office:
"The Utah Republican State Central Committee will vote for three names to send to Governor Gary Herbert on Saturday," the Publius Online blog reports.
A Weber County Forum Tip O' The Hat to Utah political gadfly and blogger Daniel Burton for compiling and publishing this most robust and information-rich A.G. candidate "short list."
Update 12/9/13 9:39 a.m.: We learn from one of our Gentle Readers that there are a huge number of people on the Utah GOP State Central Committee looking for information on what the public thinks....The entire SCC list is available on the GOP website." Here are the relevant links, for those WCF readers who'd like to offer their own input (for what it may be worth):
Saturday, December 07, 2013
WCF Saturday Special: Ogden Area Count My Vote Petition Site Map and Addresses
Please sign the Count My Vote petition, and in November we’ll decide which system we want!
Thanks to a tip from one of our Gentle Readers, and in response to several private inquiries, we're delighted to provide this morning a short list of Ogden area locations where those of you who are who are eager to affix your signatures the now active Count My Vote petition can find these petitions available for signing. Via the Count My Vote website, we've gleaned the petition location site map and street addresses set forth below:
Legend: Site Addresses and Google Street View Pics :
1) Event/Location: Union Station Fermentation Station
Senate: 18
Type: Business
Address: 2404 Wall Ave Ogden, UT 84401 801-392-9772
Phone #: 801-392-9772
Hours: During business hours
2) Event/Location: The Junction - Megaplex Theater
Senate: 18
Type: Ongoing
Address: 2351 Kiesel Ave. Ogden 84401
Phone #: 801-528-5800
Hours: Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
3) Event/Location: Turner Bitton
Senate: 19
Type: Residence
Address: 960 E. 21st Street Ogden, UT 84401
Phone #: 801-564-3860
Hours: Call to arrange
4) Event/Location: Ogden-Weber UniServ
Senate: 18
Type: Ongoing
Address: 939 25th St. Ogden 84401
Phone #: 801-399-3746
Hours: Call to arrange
5) Event/Location: Grounds For Coffee
Senate: 18
Type: Business
Address: 3005 Harrison Blvd Ogden, UT 84403
Phone #: (801) 621-3014
Hours: During Business Hours
6) Event/Location: Office of Ed Allen M. D.
Senate: 18
Type: Business
Address: 3860 Jackson Avenue Ogden 84403
Phone #: 801-392-1050
Hours: Call to arrange
Let's all show the crackpot political insiders our votes should mean something! Please sign the Count My Vote petition, and in November we’ll decide which system we want!
Update 12/8/13 8:55 a.m.: For those readers residing outside the Ogden/Weber area, find your nearest petition signing location via this handy interactive map:
Thanks to a tip from one of our Gentle Readers, and in response to several private inquiries, we're delighted to provide this morning a short list of Ogden area locations where those of you who are who are eager to affix your signatures the now active Count My Vote petition can find these petitions available for signing. Via the Count My Vote website, we've gleaned the petition location site map and street addresses set forth below:
![]() |
Ogden/Weber Count My Vote petition signature sites |
Legend: Site Addresses and Google Street View Pics :
1) Event/Location: Union Station Fermentation Station
Senate: 18
Type: Business
Address: 2404 Wall Ave Ogden, UT 84401 801-392-9772
Phone #: 801-392-9772
Hours: During business hours
2) Event/Location: The Junction - Megaplex Theater
Senate: 18
Type: Ongoing
Address: 2351 Kiesel Ave. Ogden 84401
Phone #: 801-528-5800
Hours: Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
3) Event/Location: Turner Bitton
Senate: 19
Type: Residence
Address: 960 E. 21st Street Ogden, UT 84401
Phone #: 801-564-3860
Hours: Call to arrange
4) Event/Location: Ogden-Weber UniServ
Senate: 18
Type: Ongoing
Address: 939 25th St. Ogden 84401
Phone #: 801-399-3746
Hours: Call to arrange
5) Event/Location: Grounds For Coffee
Senate: 18
Type: Business
Address: 3005 Harrison Blvd Ogden, UT 84403
Phone #: (801) 621-3014
Hours: During Business Hours
6) Event/Location: Office of Ed Allen M. D.
Senate: 18
Type: Business
Address: 3860 Jackson Avenue Ogden 84403
Phone #: 801-392-1050
Hours: Call to arrange
Let's all show the crackpot political insiders our votes should mean something! Please sign the Count My Vote petition, and in November we’ll decide which system we want!
Update 12/8/13 8:55 a.m.: For those readers residing outside the Ogden/Weber area, find your nearest petition signing location via this handy interactive map:
Friday, December 06, 2013
Salt Lake Tribune: Alleged Ogden Gang Members Plan Suit Over Injunction
Hopefully Weber County's malpractice insurance is fully paid up
Notable development in the Ogden Trece Gang Injunction matter, as the Salt Lake Tribune reports this morning that in the wake of the Utah Supreme Court's October decision, which "threw out" the Weber County's vaunted anti-gang injunction lawsuit on the grounds of defective service of process, the taxpayers of Weber County now find themselves at risk of significant economic blowback, as "defense attorney Michael Studebaker, who represents some of the alleged gang members, has filed a notice of claim detailing his intent to sue the county and police." Yesiree folks, there's a lawsuit coming up, with a potential Weber County taxpayer liability which could amount to as much as ten million bucks:
"It’s the appropriate measure to take simply because these people were wrongfully enjoined," Studebaker said Wednesday. "My clients’ rights were violated. ... These people should be compensated for the actions of the government and what they did."
Undaunted by this latest setback, Weber County Attorney Dee Smith however "endeavors to persevere" and vows to "soldier on":
The sodden and thorny question, of course: How do you go about serving a loose "association" of individuals who have no "formal" leadership structure?
Hopefully the County's malpractice insurance is fully paid up.
We'll of course keep you all posted on future developments in this matter, folks.
Notable development in the Ogden Trece Gang Injunction matter, as the Salt Lake Tribune reports this morning that in the wake of the Utah Supreme Court's October decision, which "threw out" the Weber County's vaunted anti-gang injunction lawsuit on the grounds of defective service of process, the taxpayers of Weber County now find themselves at risk of significant economic blowback, as "defense attorney Michael Studebaker, who represents some of the alleged gang members, has filed a notice of claim detailing his intent to sue the county and police." Yesiree folks, there's a lawsuit coming up, with a potential Weber County taxpayer liability which could amount to as much as ten million bucks:
"It’s the appropriate measure to take simply because these people were wrongfully enjoined," Studebaker said Wednesday. "My clients’ rights were violated. ... These people should be compensated for the actions of the government and what they did."
Undaunted by this latest setback, Weber County Attorney Dee Smith however "endeavors to persevere" and vows to "soldier on":
It'll be fascinating to find out whether Smith can "pull a rabbit out of his hat," and salvage a situation which appears, at this juncture at least, to be a Michael Studebaker legal "checkmate."Weber County Attorney Dee Smith declined to comment on the potential litigation. He said prosecutors continue to work on a way to fix the issue with how the injunction is served, and hopes to put it back in place."The gang injunction is something that is important to this community," Smith said. "We intend to move forward with it."
The sodden and thorny question, of course: How do you go about serving a loose "association" of individuals who have no "formal" leadership structure?
Hopefully the County's malpractice insurance is fully paid up.
We'll of course keep you all posted on future developments in this matter, folks.
Thursday, December 05, 2013
Salt Lake Tribune: Lee Receives Endorsement from Tea Party Express
"The kiss of death" for our Junior Utah Senator?
Great news from the Salt Lake Tribune (we suspect), for any bona-fide, prospective GOP candidate who might be jockeying for position to challenge Utah's Senator Mike "Shortsale" Lee for his U.S. Senate seat in the upcoming 2016 General Election:
To frame any possible discussion this morning, we'll put the spotlight on this clever retort from one Trib reader in the lower comments section:
Great news from the Salt Lake Tribune (we suspect), for any bona-fide, prospective GOP candidate who might be jockeying for position to challenge Utah's Senator Mike "Shortsale" Lee for his U.S. Senate seat in the upcoming 2016 General Election:
To frame any possible discussion this morning, we'll put the spotlight on this clever retort from one Trib reader in the lower comments section:
I'm sure Mikey is now eagerly awaiting endorsements from the KKK, the American Nazi Party, John Swallow, and various payday loan sharks, vitamin supplement pushers, and other con artists.So what about it, O Gentle Ones? Is this endorsement "the kiss of death" for our Junior Utah Senator? Or does the tea party still have traction in Utah, the reddest of all red states?
Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Standard-Examiner Editorial: Riverdale Goofed, Restore Griffiths
A slam-dunk remedy for Riverdale City's unfathomable incompetence and hubris
Yep. The Standard-Examiner editorial board "nails it" this morning, concerning Riverdale City's ham-handed bungling of its 2013 Municipal Election City Council race:
The Standard gets it exactly right, of course.
We'll be keeping our fingers crossed that Griffiths will insist on his "Day in Court," in what will surely serve as a slam-dunk remedy for Riverdale City's unfathomable incompetence and hubris.
Yep. The Standard-Examiner editorial board "nails it" this morning, concerning Riverdale City's ham-handed bungling of its 2013 Municipal Election City Council race:
In short, Riverdale goofed on its interpretation of the deadline for signed filings. Its initial response -- to allow Griffiths to be a candidate -- was correct. Herrick's decision to change that after the vote has led to a man unfairly losing his election to city council. If Griffiths decides to challenge Riverdale's decision, it's our opinion he will have an excellent case.Check out this morning's "strong" editorial here:
Riverdale should simply admit it made a mistake and restore Griffiths' election victory.
The Standard gets it exactly right, of course.
We'll be keeping our fingers crossed that Griffiths will insist on his "Day in Court," in what will surely serve as a slam-dunk remedy for Riverdale City's unfathomable incompetence and hubris.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
John Swallow Update, Episode LVIII: The Impending Post-resignation Replacement Selection Battle
To our friends of the Utah Democratic Party persuasion: "Go for it," we say!
There's a fascinating new development in the John Swallow Three-ring Circus, as Utah's major political parties jockey for position in the partisan battle to pick a new Utah Attorney General in the wake of John Swallow's impending December 3, 2013 resignation. While the Utah GOP lays plans to select a successor A.G. from Utah GOP ranks, Utah Democrats are hinting at a lawsuit. Although there are multiple online stories presaging this impending battle, we'll put our main focus on Tuesday's (11/26/13) KSL-News story, just for the sake of simplicity. Here's the lede:
Was Swallow's one year term of office void ab initio? Very interesting legal question, wethinks. Odds are, this is an issue which will be soon decided by the Utah courts.
As the KSL article notes, there are several additional benefits to Utah taxpayers in the event that the Democrats do succeed in their effort to have Swallow's 2012 election judicially "nullified" on the ground of fraud:
We'll also put the spotlight on another interesting development of relatively minor note, thanks to Stephen Dark, yet another amazingly dedicated SLCWeekly reportorial sleauth:
Yeah, a $3000 "bonus" looks like peanuts in comparison to the sums above. And it certainly pales in comparison to the $1.5 million in taxpayer funds it took to swallow out. It does nevertheless reveal, we believe, the extent to which, over the course of his 4-year "public service" tenure, Swallow has treated the Utah treasury as his own personal "piggy bank." Moreover, "it all adds adds up," right?
Don't let the cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones.
There's a fascinating new development in the John Swallow Three-ring Circus, as Utah's major political parties jockey for position in the partisan battle to pick a new Utah Attorney General in the wake of John Swallow's impending December 3, 2013 resignation. While the Utah GOP lays plans to select a successor A.G. from Utah GOP ranks, Utah Democrats are hinting at a lawsuit. Although there are multiple online stories presaging this impending battle, we'll put our main focus on Tuesday's (11/26/13) KSL-News story, just for the sake of simplicity. Here's the lede:
SALT LAKE CITY — Utah Democrats contend embattled Attorney General John Swallow wasn't legally elected, and because he can't resign from an office he didn't hold, Republicans shouldn't get to pick his successor.And check out the accompanying video, folks, which lays it all out in a nushell:
"It's rewarding the party of the evildoer," said Utah Democratic Party Chairman Jim Dabakis. "So why should we go back to the Central Committee of the Republican Party, the people that got Swallow in there in the first place, and say, 'Here, take another crack at it?"
State Democratic leaders say voters should choose the next attorney general, and Gov. Gary Herbert can call a special election in June.
"This gentleman was not elected by the voters under Utah law. He committed a cheat and a fraud on the Utah voters," said Joe Hatch, a Democratic Party lawyer and former Salt Lake County Council member.
Democrats called their shot in a news conference Tuesday that could lead to legal maneuvering with the GOP majority over how to replace Swallow, a first-term Republican.
Was Swallow's one year term of office void ab initio? Very interesting legal question, wethinks. Odds are, this is an issue which will be soon decided by the Utah courts.
As the KSL article notes, there are several additional benefits to Utah taxpayers in the event that the Democrats do succeed in their effort to have Swallow's 2012 election judicially "nullified" on the ground of fraud:
- Swallow would be likely required to disgorge the $104,000 (annual) salary which he pocketed during the year 2013
- Swallow would be deprived the "vesting" of his $12 thousand annual pension, amounting to a calculated "lifetime" sum of $156 thousand, based on the life expectancy a typical caucasian Utah male who would begin drawing this benefit at the age of 65.
We'll also put the spotlight on another interesting development of relatively minor note, thanks to Stephen Dark, yet another amazingly dedicated SLCWeekly reportorial sleauth:
Yeah, a $3000 "bonus" looks like peanuts in comparison to the sums above. And it certainly pales in comparison to the $1.5 million in taxpayer funds it took to swallow out. It does nevertheless reveal, we believe, the extent to which, over the course of his 4-year "public service" tenure, Swallow has treated the Utah treasury as his own personal "piggy bank." Moreover, "it all adds adds up," right?
Don't let the cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Standard-Examiner: WSU Football Coach Jody Sears Fired
The Standard-Examiner this morning reports some essential news for Weber State University football fans. In response to the hanging question concerning WSU head Coach Jody Sears' continuing job security in the aftermath of a 2-10 2013 season, it turns out that there are big changes in store for the WSU football program:
No doubt about it WSU fans, It's a tough time in America to to be a football coach with a "losing" record.
WSU Athletic Director Jerry Bovee says he hopes to move quickly to replace Sears:
So what do you think, folks? Does current WSU offensive coordinator Robin Plugrad, who put together a fairly respectable win/loss record at the University of Montana, and is already involved in ongoing player recruiting, enjoy the inside track to step into the WSU head coaching job? Or will his other past professional difficulties compel WSU Athletic Department officials to look elsewhere to fill the top WSU football coaching spot?
No doubt about it WSU fans, It's a tough time in America to to be a football coach with a "losing" record.
WSU Athletic Director Jerry Bovee says he hopes to move quickly to replace Sears:
"We're going to be very methodical about it, we're going to make the right decision and we're going to look at what our options are," he said. "Obviously, we need to expedite it because every day we don't have a coach on board here you lose a day of recruiting. As soon as possible, but we're not going to go so quick that we don't make good decisions."Bovee adds that "[a]ny members of the current staff who are interested in applying may do so."
So what do you think, folks? Does current WSU offensive coordinator Robin Plugrad, who put together a fairly respectable win/loss record at the University of Montana, and is already involved in ongoing player recruiting, enjoy the inside track to step into the WSU head coaching job? Or will his other past professional difficulties compel WSU Athletic Department officials to look elsewhere to fill the top WSU football coaching spot?
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Robert Gehrke: Why is Swallow Waiting to Leave? Money May Be the Reason
New Utah State Motto: "Idiocy Elevated?"
Here's the latest from the John Swallow Three-ring Circus, folks. Will the mind-boggling John Swallow news developments ever come to an end, we ask?
On Saturday, KUTV News asked the question:
Yesterday evening however, it seems that Salt Lake Tribune journeyman journalist Robert Gehrke, after a little bit of digging, has come up with a more complete and plausible answer to this interesting question:
So can we see by a show of hands how many of our gentle readers are surprised by Mr. Swallow's purely self-serving behavior, as he wallows up to the public trough, even as he exits the public scene in abject disgrace?
Additional sodden question: How is it possible that in our (purportedly) fiscally tight-wad state, where most public pensions have been placed on the chopping block, an "elite public servant" such as Swallow can qualify for thousands of dollars in pension benefits after serving on the public payroll for a mere four years, especially on the heels of a Utah House investigation which has already clipped the Utah taxpayers for a million and a half bucks? How idiotic is that?
So many questions... so few answers.
Utah: "Idiocy Elevated?"
Perhaps our Gentle Readers can help us out on this?
![]() |
Swallow and company |
On Saturday, KUTV News asked the question:
"Yesterday I met with the governor and the chief of staff and I informed then that I would be stepping down," a somber Swallow said."The answer comes down to burning a little vacation time. He's leaving for a week for a previously scheduled vacation over the week of Thanksgiving," explains John Swallow's spokesperson, Paul Murphy:
A day later, however, John Swallow is still the A.G. His letter of resignation is post-dated.
"I delivered and tendered to the governor's office a letter of resignation indicating that would be resigning from this office effective Tuesday, December 3rd at 12:01 AM," he said.
In other words, his last day on the job will be Monday, December 2, 2013. That's 11 days from John Swallow's announcement that he is leaving until he will actually leave. Why the delay? It's a good question.
Yesterday evening however, it seems that Salt Lake Tribune journeyman journalist Robert Gehrke, after a little bit of digging, has come up with a more complete and plausible answer to this interesting question:
Attorney General John Swallow’s Dec. 3 departure date — announced when he submitted his resignation last week — may be more than just a convenient time to wrap up his time in office.Read Mr. Gehrke's atonishing writeup here:
It could mean tens of thousands of dollars for his retirement, money he never would see were he to bow out just a few days earlier.
By making it past Dec. 1, Swallow will have accumulated four years in state government, a magic threshold that qualifies employees for the pension system.
That means the soon-to-be-former attorney general will be able to collect a state pension of about $12,000 a year once he reaches retirement age.
That amount comes on top of a separate state pension, pegged at about $2,000 a year, he was already eligible for after his six years in the Utah House.
So can we see by a show of hands how many of our gentle readers are surprised by Mr. Swallow's purely self-serving behavior, as he wallows up to the public trough, even as he exits the public scene in abject disgrace?
Additional sodden question: How is it possible that in our (purportedly) fiscally tight-wad state, where most public pensions have been placed on the chopping block, an "elite public servant" such as Swallow can qualify for thousands of dollars in pension benefits after serving on the public payroll for a mere four years, especially on the heels of a Utah House investigation which has already clipped the Utah taxpayers for a million and a half bucks? How idiotic is that?
So many questions... so few answers.
Utah: "Idiocy Elevated?"
Perhaps our Gentle Readers can help us out on this?
Monday, November 25, 2013
Official 2013 Municipal Election Results -- All Weber County Municipalities
Congratulations to all the winning candidates, and thanks to all unsuccessful challengers who helped make this year's election one one of the smoothest-running election seasons in years
Via the Weber County Clerk's Office, we'll close out our coverage of our recently-complete 2013 Ogden City Municipal Election with these now official results, gleaned from County Clerk Ricky Hatch's just now-released 2013 Election Summary Report:
SEAT A Total
Number of Precincts 45
Precincts Reporting 45 100.0 %
Total Votes 3857
THOMPSON, STEPHEN D. 1384 35.88%
WHITE, MARCIA L. 2457 63.70%
Write-in Votes 16 0.41%
SEAT B Total
Number of Precincts 45
Precincts Reporting 45 100.0 %
Total Votes 2966
BLAIR, BART 2904 97.91%
Write-in Votes 62 2.09%
Number of Precincts 8
Precincts Reporting 8 100.0 %
Total Votes 307
GARNER, NEIL K. 304 99.02%
Write-in Votes 3 0.98%
Number of Precincts 11
Precincts Reporting 11 100.0 %
Total Votes 1096
STEPHENS, DOUG 605 55.20%
BITTON, TURNER C. 487 44.43%
Write-in Votes 4 0.36%
You can view the official results in all other Weber County municipalities here:
With the exception of that single Riverdale City Council race which "may" still be subject to post-election litigation, as to our 2013 municipal elections, we'll call it a "wrap."
Congratulations to all the winning candidates, and thanks to all unsuccessful challengers who helped make this year's election one one of the least contentious and smoothest-running Ogden City election seasons in years.
Via the Weber County Clerk's Office, we'll close out our coverage of our recently-complete 2013 Ogden City Municipal Election with these now official results, gleaned from County Clerk Ricky Hatch's just now-released 2013 Election Summary Report:
SEAT A Total
Number of Precincts 45
Precincts Reporting 45 100.0 %
Total Votes 3857
THOMPSON, STEPHEN D. 1384 35.88%
WHITE, MARCIA L. 2457 63.70%
Write-in Votes 16 0.41%
SEAT B Total
Number of Precincts 45
Precincts Reporting 45 100.0 %
Total Votes 2966
BLAIR, BART 2904 97.91%
Write-in Votes 62 2.09%
Number of Precincts 8
Precincts Reporting 8 100.0 %
Total Votes 307
GARNER, NEIL K. 304 99.02%
Write-in Votes 3 0.98%
Number of Precincts 11
Precincts Reporting 11 100.0 %
Total Votes 1096
STEPHENS, DOUG 605 55.20%
BITTON, TURNER C. 487 44.43%
Write-in Votes 4 0.36%
You can view the official results in all other Weber County municipalities here:
With the exception of that single Riverdale City Council race which "may" still be subject to post-election litigation, as to our 2013 municipal elections, we'll call it a "wrap."
Congratulations to all the winning candidates, and thanks to all unsuccessful challengers who helped make this year's election one one of the least contentious and smoothest-running Ogden City election seasons in years.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Weber State Football Game Day Thread: Idaho State v. Weber State
Wildcats hoping for bookend victory to end 2013
Our cellar-dwelling Weber State Wildcats (1-10, 0-7) close out their Big Sky Conference season at home this afternoon, where they'll host and almost equally downtrodden Idaho State Bengals (3-8, 1-6) football squad at 1:00 p.m. at Stewart Stadium. Looking at the bright side however, the Bengals are "riding" a 44-game "road" losing streak, and haven't beaten the Wildcats a Stewart Stadium since 1984. Whew! We'll be keeping our fingers crossed, hoping history repeats.
Here's the pre-game setup from the Salt Lake Tribune and Idaho State Journal, reflecting each team's high hopes to end the season on a "happy" note:
Here's how the Vegas prognosticators see this game shaping up. Woopie! For the first time this season, as mere 3-1/12 point underdogs,our Wildcats won't be demoralized by crushing long odds:
'Cats fans who can't make it to the game can catch the game via the usual online sources, of course:
We'll keep the lights on for anyone who'd like to comment on the game, as per usual.
So what about it Wildcats fans? Will our WSU Wildcats football squad exit Stewart Stadium later this afternoon in their happy place? Will Coach Sears keep his job?
Go Wildcats!
Update 11/23/13 4:15 p.m.: Final Score: WSU 32, ISU 7. Today's WSU victory is O So Sweet!
Update 11/24/13 11:30 p.m.: Roy Burton provides two Standard-Examiner post-game reports:
Hearty congrats to our victorious Wildcats!
Our cellar-dwelling Weber State Wildcats (1-10, 0-7) close out their Big Sky Conference season at home this afternoon, where they'll host and almost equally downtrodden Idaho State Bengals (3-8, 1-6) football squad at 1:00 p.m. at Stewart Stadium. Looking at the bright side however, the Bengals are "riding" a 44-game "road" losing streak, and haven't beaten the Wildcats a Stewart Stadium since 1984. Whew! We'll be keeping our fingers crossed, hoping history repeats.
Here's the pre-game setup from the Salt Lake Tribune and Idaho State Journal, reflecting each team's high hopes to end the season on a "happy" note:
- Wildcats hoping for bookend victory to end 2013
- Bengals have potential to end season on a positive note today at Weber State
Here's how the Vegas prognosticators see this game shaping up. Woopie! For the first time this season, as mere 3-1/12 point underdogs,our Wildcats won't be demoralized by crushing long odds:
Click to enlarge image |
'Cats fans who can't make it to the game can catch the game via the usual online sources, of course:
We'll keep the lights on for anyone who'd like to comment on the game, as per usual.
So what about it Wildcats fans? Will our WSU Wildcats football squad exit Stewart Stadium later this afternoon in their happy place? Will Coach Sears keep his job?
Go Wildcats!
Update 11/23/13 4:15 p.m.: Final Score: WSU 32, ISU 7. Today's WSU victory is O So Sweet!
Update 11/24/13 11:30 p.m.: Roy Burton provides two Standard-Examiner post-game reports:
Hearty congrats to our victorious Wildcats!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Utah Attorney General John Swallow Tenders His Resignation: The Aftermath - Updated
Keep your eyes on this page, as additional frantically-prepared stories and analyses continue to roll in
As the oderiferous John Swallow political era winds to a merciful close, the Utah political webosphere is awash with frenzied reports and analyses in the wake of yesterday's Swallow resignation:
We'll make it a point to update this page, of course, as additional frantically-prepared stories and analyses continue to roll in.
Update 11/23/13 10:00 a.m.: Uh-oh. There's more:
As the oderiferous John Swallow political era winds to a merciful close, the Utah political webosphere is awash with frenzied reports and analyses in the wake of yesterday's Swallow resignation:
- Utah A.G. John Swallow resigns, citing toll on family, finances - DNews
- Swallow resigns, denies any wrongdoing -Standard
- Defiant Swallow Tenders His Resignation - Utah Policy
- Utah Attorney General John Swallow Officially Resigns - Utah Political Capitol
- Attorney General John Swallow resigns (Video) - KSL News
- Swallow Resigns After Being Politically Pecked to Death - SLCWeekly
- Utah A.G.’s office eager to get back to normal - SLTrib
- John Swallow takes his place in Utah scandal history - SLTrib
- Bob Bernick's Notebook: The Cost of John Swallow's 10 Months in Office - Utah Policy
- 2013 John Swallow timeline -DNews
- Swallow tales: Report says A.G. has big credibility gap - SLTrib
We'll make it a point to update this page, of course, as additional frantically-prepared stories and analyses continue to roll in.
Update 11/23/13 10:00 a.m.: Uh-oh. There's more:
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Utah Policy.Com: Breaking: Swallow to Resign by Friday - Updated
So long, John. It's been nice knowin' ya's. NOT!
Just as the Standard Examiner reports that the cost of the State House of Representaives John Swallow impeachment investigation has racked up a cool $1.5 million in billed overhead, Utah Policy.Com delivers this blockbuster news:
Took him long enough, didn't it? We guess he had to wait it out for the best "plea" deal.
Is there anyone amongst our Gentle WCF readership who isn't murmuring the words, "good riddence?"
So long, John. It's been nice knowin' ya's. NOT!
Update 11/21/13 11:19 a.m.: The Trib's now all over this story, too:
Update 11/21/13 5:30 p.m.: As Roy Orbison would say. "It's Over":
Comments, anyone? Don't let the cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones.
Just as the Standard Examiner reports that the cost of the State House of Representaives John Swallow impeachment investigation has racked up a cool $1.5 million in billed overhead, Utah Policy.Com delivers this blockbuster news:
Sources, speaking on the condition of anonymity, tell Utah Policy that Attorney General John Swallow will resign from office by Friday. Swallow has reportedly cut a deal with investigators to resign from office in order to avoid criminal charges. As part of the deal, Utah Policy is told, he will be slapped with a civil fine for campaign finance violations.Read up:
Took him long enough, didn't it? We guess he had to wait it out for the best "plea" deal.
Is there anyone amongst our Gentle WCF readership who isn't murmuring the words, "good riddence?"
So long, John. It's been nice knowin' ya's. NOT!
Update 11/21/13 11:19 a.m.: The Trib's now all over this story, too:
Update 11/21/13 5:30 p.m.: As Roy Orbison would say. "It's Over":
Comments, anyone? Don't let the cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones.