Just as the Standard Examiner reports that the cost of the State House of Representaives John Swallow impeachment investigation has racked up a cool $1.5 million in billed overhead, Utah Policy.Com delivers this blockbuster news:
Sources, speaking on the condition of anonymity, tell Utah Policy that Attorney General John Swallow will resign from office by Friday. Swallow has reportedly cut a deal with investigators to resign from office in order to avoid criminal charges. As part of the deal, Utah Policy is told, he will be slapped with a civil fine for campaign finance violations.Read up:
Took him long enough, didn't it? We guess he had to wait it out for the best "plea" deal.
Is there anyone amongst our Gentle WCF readership who isn't murmuring the words, "good riddence?"
So long, John. It's been nice knowin' ya's. NOT!
Update 11/21/13 11:19 a.m.: The Trib's now all over this story, too:
Update 11/21/13 5:30 p.m.: As Roy Orbison would say. "It's Over":
Comments, anyone? Don't let the cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones.