Saturday, July 18, 2015

Salt Lake Tribune: Breakthrough — Utah GOP Leaders Reach A Deal On Medicaid Expansion

With recent reports exposing how these crackpot Gang of Six Republicans have "blood on their hands"... The Gang of Six decides to "punt" again.

Via Utah's most honest and honorable State Senator, James Dabakis:
NO KUDO's! I will leave it for others to be pleased. I am not. I am aggravated. Utah should give up it's ego about a 'Utah solution' and just take full Medicaid Expansion NOW. Not some 2nd rate, yet to be worked out, then sent to the legislature, then on to Washington for approvals and waivers!
'Broad conceptual framework' after more then 2 years of negotiating--with their own caucus-that is not a cause to give thanks, it is a shove to finish up with full expansion!
Read up about the latest tiptoeing around the primary Utah Health Care issue (medicaid expansion) by Utah's Republican Death Panel, err, we mean the Utah GOP's Gang of Six:
Gentle Reader stepfordson nails it completely in the Trib Comments section:
As always, family health and welfare come first in Utah... Right behind developers, mineral rights, gun rights advocates, cattle ranchers, payday loan lobbies, banks, fighting gay rights, getting rid of non-existent wolves, reforming school testing, eliminating sex education, building roads and goblin toppling. If you are still waiting for the state to do something about air quality, water quality or global warming, take a number.
How many months will we have to wait until this crackpot plan gets shot down by our federal authorities? How many uninsured Utahns will die in the interim?

Okay. With recent reports exposing how these crackpot Republicans (and their Koch borothers-supported legislative cronies) have "blood on their hands"... The Gang of Six decides to "punt" again.

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