A helpful and attentive Weber County Forum reader submits this cartoon panel via email, and suggests that yesterday's Scott Adams cartoon may have certain
"implications," shall we say... regarding current local government leadership and optimism:

(You can click on the image to enlarge it, by the way, Viktor, in case you can't find your spectacles again.)
Via the
Official Dilbert Website.
Seems like the guy that does this cartoon has been sitting in on the Mayor and Council meetings in Emerald City. Our mayor doesn't have pointy hair does he? Maybe that was just a disauise the cartoonist used so the gang of six doesn't sue him?
While our mayor does not have pointy hair quite the way the ding bat boss in Dilbert does, his head definately looks like the boss in the last panel of this cartoon. Comics following real life?
No cece, it's real life following comics. Take in a council or RDA meeting and you'll see what I mean.
Ahm confused. Ogden City is planning to take out a 20 million dollar loan to pay off some other loans it already has. In the meantime, Ogden is borrowing more money to build a new receation center.
We all know that Utah is the number one state for bankruptcy's in the country. And we all know how people get head over heads in debt. Been there, done that. They max out one credit card, and pay it all off with another until nobody will give them any more credit cards. Then they file for bankruptcy. This happened to me in Texas a few years ago.
Three questions for you all:
1. Does anybody know how much money is actually owed by Ogden City now?
2. Can Ogden City file for bankrupcty if it can't get any more credit and goes broke?
3. Whats the Mormon Church's position on living by borrowing? I'm Baptist; and I know most Baptist denominations in America frown on that. I've heard all about that, believe you me.
Thanks in advance.
This also sounds like our North Ogen situation, except for the fact that Mayor Mayor Muirbrook is slightly more a Trotsky neocon than even Mayuor Godfrey.
Safsten has them all beaten hands-down, though, for authoritarian comminess.
If ever there was a neocon lemming, Safsten is at the top of the list.
Kent Jorgenson is the second trotsky-commie lemming on my list.
He's merely a "dupe," of course.
How do we get rid of them?
Dear confused - you ought to get together with your fellow texan Mitch and he can tell you all about how it works here in the land of Zion. He is an expert on the subject and has made great strides in straightening out Ogden City Government.
It is scary to think that whoever suggested that it is in fact the real life that is following the comics may be a little to close to the truth if you consider the last couple of years worth of actions by the mayor and council. They are spending and bonding and borrowing and scamming like drunken sailors with a stolen credit card.
I am amazed! When you really look at what is going on in city government and then read that Dilbert Cartoon it is impossible not to be!
Are Ogden's citizens the only ones in America that had that reaction when they read it? Is this kind of thing going on in other cities accross the land?
Can't we be unique even in our madness?
Ouch! What gives fellow bloggers? I take off a few days to be with family and friends and when I get back our precious blogsite has turned into a war zone. Goodness sakes alive, people, what gives? I know that this site is supposed to stimulate debate and dialogue, but these insults and inuendos that are flying about reallt dismay me. New posting names abound who are calling people neandrathals, morons, drug dealers, criminals, dopes, etc., simply because somebody posted some thoughts. Young people are firing off on old people and older people are shooting back at younger people. Some people are being drafted for the upcoming campaign while others swear that if they run they'll turn the city into a mad-house.
I think everyone should take a step back and suck in a deep breath and remember the "do unto others" thing we learned as grade schoolers. Maybe if there were a spirit of cooperation instead of all this slanderous name calling and finger pointing we could achieve something positive in our city.
Remember, there's nothing wrong in calling attention to differences, but do it with dignity, not this absurdity that seems so pervasive now. It's alright to disagree, but try not to be so damnable disagreeable. Easy does it, people.
Bravo, EC!
You're right.
What we need here is a little more light, and a lot less heat.
At least we're finally talking though.
That's probably a plus, methinks.
I would like to say to enthused citizen that he should get his own friggin blog and not give any one the address. Then he can control all the dialogue back and forth between himself. He sounds like a friggen grade school teacher that has lost control.
In fact I already been thinkin of him as a real weinie based on his other comments. It takes all kinds to make an interesting blog. Lot's of folk tune in to see a war, some want to see a little intellectualizin and some want it down and dirty. Then there are some turkeys that just want to control the ebb and flow in order to sooth their feelings of being a piece of shit.
Puttin on airs of superiority is for chumps Mr. Inthusiastic. Why don't you try and get in touch with the real world and open your eyes and get your head out of your ass. Your sounding like some lame assed politician that is sucking up for votes.
This enthused and confused citizen fellow sounds like the dim bulbed old fool in the next room to me. We were in the same room for a while but he was such a numb skull I had to move. They both have the same lame ass churchy approach and they are always trying to control shit.
Viktor, Viktor, Viktor....get back on your tanquelizers and medications and re-f___kin-lax. You still must be takin way too much Oxy or spending too much time at the old ball park. Nobody's trying to control things here....freedom of speech, press, etc., which I served some years defending. You and that idiot lame-brained douglas charles did just what I thought you would: you lashed out with NO INTEGRITY, spewing forth venemous words that just goes to show everyone what real people slobs you are (see, I'm operating at your level now, and this is exactly what I mean). It's debasive, devisive, improper and puts you guys in the neandrathal group that I earlier referenced. Re-read this, and you'll MAYBE, MAYBE now, see what I mean, for if all posts were in this vain, we would have nothing but a low class, smut book to read. You 2 clowns ought to be ashamed.
Bu the way VIK, we've never been on the same page YOU IDIOT!
It would be nice to see some civility from some of you people.
Hey Viktor & Sir Charles Douglas, you 2 idiots really take the cake. Here's a nice posting about civility and decency and you 2 old fools call the guy a "piece of shit" and that that's getting in touch with the "real world." How so? Horrid, idiot speech like that isn't real world stuff, its degeneracy and deliquency and has no place in the blog. This new guy Thud Butt might be your next door roommate in the nursing home Viktor, look him up and Mary Jo too. What a collection of junky, trahsmouthed people we're getting on the blog.
Hey, you, Viktor and Sir Charles Douglas, is calling a guy, who only wants civility in the posts, a "piece of shit" really getting "in toucvh with the real world?" I think not, you old fools. It's idiots like you, deliquents and degenerates, that cause people to avoid the blog. Maybe that new guy, Thud Butt, is your next door room-mate in the nursing home Viktor. Look him up and that bitchy Mary Jo. What a collection of discontents were getting here. Back the hell off and offer something decent instead of this "pull your head out of your ass" crap.
A tip-of-the-hat to "Desperate," for bringing such decorum to this place with that last post.
This is a new, blog, Desperate. Don't worry. I've run new blogs before, and they always settle down soon, once the novelty of that 100% pure free speech "thingy" eventually wears off.
Don't worry about folks leaving. We had a record number of page-loads yesterday (653); and we're on record pace today, too.
One other thing. Observe the primary directive of the blogosphere:
"Don't Feed the Trolls."
Dear Desperate - If you were not so desperate you could have a sense of humour and then maybe you might be able to put a smile on that stony assed face of yours. Lighten up a bit my boy. If we all took this political BS and public dialogue idea as serious as you, we would be storming the bastile and cutting the little buggers head off!
One of the most important things I've learned in my 83 years cruisin this earth is that you better have a little fun, especially with the serious stuff like politics and relations with your in laws.
So all you yahoo's who got your shorts up you butt's over the insulting words that fly through these magic little machines ought to sit back and relax. Hells bells you only go around once so you might as well get a few laughs while you can. My guess is that more folks are a liken the nasty stuff than not. They probably come to this site for it after they watch that show your on named after your wife who also apparently is desperate. Your probably the guy who's wife is knocking down on him every chance she gets. It's a dumb ass show but the only one the attendant will let on the TV when it is on.
If you want to be all that serious you should come down here to the so called rest home and take a wiff of what the place smells like. Reminds me of a new york subway tunnel.
Viktor, you just don't get it....
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