Tom Owens is more than that, though. I've come to know him through various political events, from city council meetings to the BBQ that I referenced here in another article. My impression of him is that he's quite brilliant. The fact that he's a native Ogdenite doesn't temper that impression at all. Being a native Ogden boy myself, it enhances it, of course. Tom Owens is definitely NOT a "carpetbagger." He grew up in our town; and he definitely knows our unique local culture. And being a native Ogden boy, he's naturally tough as nails. He's U.S. Army "Airborne" to boot, as rumor has it. All these factors make him a force to be reckoned with, I think.
For those who are unfamiliar with Mr. Owens' contributions to the ongoing Ogden City political dialogue, you can brush up on his two most recent Std-Ex communications here and here.
We're also fortunate to have him contributing to Weber County Forum, from time to time, in the reader comments sections.
Recently, Steve Larsen contributed his own Std-Ex political broadside, slamming Mr. Owens, in the form of this guest commentary.
I consider myself a friend to both Steve and Tom, by the way. They're both honest, decent and honorable men, but I think Steve went a little off-track on this. I do hope they'll meet for lunch sometime soon, in order to identify what I see as much common philosophical ground.
Now that I've brought everybody up to speed, though, I'm about to expose Mr. Owens' secret life -- the one he leads down in Farmington. He's an evil guy, alright, and he hangs out with a bad crowd -- like the Utah Daughters of the Pioneers, Glen Leonard, LDS Church historian and Mary Johnson, International DUP president.
Tom Owens leads a stealth life. It's high time that he should be exposed.
In that connection, here's the interesting article that appeared yesterday in the Deseret Morning News, which was emailed to me by one of our attentive Weber County Forum regulars. It seems to me that Tom Owens may be quite a bit more "establishment" in real-life, than his detractors portray him. Read the article here.
Oh, the shame! And here we'd thought that he might be just another evil "obstructionist."
Yer busted, Tom Owens!
Comments anyone?
I think the LDS Church ought to exercise eminent domain on this property.
I almost cried after reading this article in the paper. Tom Owens is brilliant Rudi, give me a frickin break man. Tom Owens is a moron who would like to sell this to the church for a tidy profit. Tom leave us alone in Ogden we don't like you. Go bother Farmington about their very low affordable housing or something. Like I said, until you park your ass in that dumpy duplex in Ogden shut the hell up down there.
That article pissed you off, didn't it "Mr. President."
What really ticks you off, probably, is that Mr. Owens has amassed a greater fortune than you'll ever assemble in three lifetimes...
And that he's lovingly restored an old historic Utah place on his own dime.
Give us all a break, "Mister President."
Your main problem is that this Owens guy, who many of you have tried to smear, has closer connections to the 800# gorilla than you will ever have.
It's sad, very sad.
How do you know what my fortune is, and why the hell do you keep bringing that up. Whats so sad you moron. Marco Moron thats your name. Many people fix up historic sites and homes, and ya on there own dime. You Moron.
I admit it. I'm an idiot. please disregard anything I've posted in the past.
I'm in a reality program now.
Take everything I've said before oppositely.
Everything I said before was ass-backwards.
President, what duplex, ya fool? It's an SFD that Owens owns. Owens is a native son, a former owner of multiple Ogden properties, still has family and friends here, and is held in high esteem by many people in high places. When I read your writings, and compare them to Owen's writings, its rather obvious who got short-changed in the brains department.
For some reason you, like all those who fail, complain, whine and blame others for their failures. You people have an ax to grind against good people like Mr. Owens, people who have rolled the dice and succeeded. It's interesting how clowns like you react to the successes of others....you blame them, you rationalize your short-comings, and you do this from a foul position.
Like I mentioned to Utmorman, keep on posting, for if nothing else, you're entertainment, and we can all use a cheap ticket.
I'm with the President fellow, I think this big shot Owens is in it for the money. From the sounds of it that has been his modus operandi if he's a fat a cat as it sounds like. Hey, Ogden boys don't grow up to be rich Country gentlemen from Farmington by givin a damn about regular folks like us. They get there by the love of money and a heap of ambition to be a bigger deal than they was born as. If he gave a rat's ass about Ogden he would live here. How come they always go south and into the foothills and out of Ogden when they get more than two nickes to rub together?
Now this President fellow sounds like someones pinchin him real hard in the balls or something. He seems pretty angry about life. Shit O Dear man wait till he ends up like me in this drab assed and so called rest home. He seems as nutty as the bastards that run this joint, but I do agree with him on this Barron of Farmington.
You seem like a pretty bright man who fancies himself as a competent and thorough journalist.
Before you post such a lauditory article on this Tom Owens maybe you should look into where alll his money came from. Tell us the whole story about him instead of portraying him as some esteemed citizen. How do you know that his money didn't come from white collar crime or drug dealing or prostitution or any other number of offensive and illegal activities. Where was he between Ogden and Farmington? Prison maybe? or on the run from the law?
Lots of felons ingratiate themselves into decent society by restoring old junk buildings and then posing as some sort of society savior. The truth of the matter is that this old decrepid rock building should be torn down and replaced with a new modern building that would return a lot more taxes to Davis County and the city of Farmington. We would all be a lot better for it. This is 2005 not 1860, lets get in the modern age and pull together for the common good .
If your going to paint such a glowing picture of a known trouble maker, you should have the integrity to tell us the whole story, not some sugar coated tale that sounds like something he would probably write himself.
On the one hand we have a city administration that thinks it is OK to cheat people out of their homes and property for the benefit of Wal Mart and a bunch of RDA hustlers.
And opposed to them on the other side we have a home town boy who went away to the big city and competed and succeeded on his own guts and initiative and comes back home and puts up a very large chunk of his own hard earned money to save and restore a wonderful and important piece of our Utah heritage.
Lets see now, who's side am I on? Who's side are you on?
I hope that Owens continues to use his money and influence to fight Mayor Godfrey and this obedient city council of his. We need more people like him that are willing to spend their own time and money to help protect the common citizens from these greedy and overly ambitious politicians.
Put down the bong and step away from the keyboard, Stanley.
You're W-A-A-A-A-A-Y f****d up.
None of you clowns knows what the hell you're talking about. Your posts absolutley wreck of a lack of facts. Nothing but assumption on all your part, due, I'll bet, from jealousy. If any of you guys were worth a damn you'd cowboy up and get involved instead of slandering a well meaning, principled individual, a guy who wants only what's best for the people of Ogden.
In what for the money, Viktor?
Criminal behavior, Stanley James?
Who do you fools think you are? All you do is toss bombs; you don't have the cajones to stand up and participate. Take a breath, look in the mirror, and then tell us all what the last significant thing you did for the city, or for anyone, was.
I just wanted to address the last post from campaign watcher. I must admit Mr. Watcher in the woods, your patronizing tone towards the younger citizens in ogden is very offensive. Do you think that just because you are old you know everything?? Are you always right because you are old?
Guess what? The future of Ogden lies with the younger citizens. We are the ones that will live in Ogden for the next 50 years, not you. How do you know how much any of us has participated in the bettering of Ogden. What have you done for Ogden?? We finally have a mayor that is helping to take Ogden to bigger and better places. If everyone in this city had your mentality, Ogden would be economically dead for the next 100 years. We are not going to let that happen. Things are changing. The future is positive. I beleive the city is in great hands with Mayor Godfrey. Do you know why? Because he's not an old geezer just watching things happen and making a fuss when things change. We need change and its a coming!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. campaign watcher in the woods...
p.s. As a Doctor, I am prescribing a month supply of Moron pills for you!
Doctor Ogden, Viktor, President, Stanley, all the rest of you young and foolish kids, listen up: you people need to mature and grow up, because none of you is even wet behind the ears. let alone dry. You have absolutely no sense of how things work or why things work. You don't accomplish anything by writing these juvenile posts and scream about peoples' age whom you don't know. Your comments are rude, assumptive, meaningless and completely out of line. If what you write is an indication of how you act, I pity your town of Ogden if you ever get off your lazy butts and go to work to try to improve the very town that we have fought to improve for all of these years. It's these young, immature people like Godfrey, Jorgenson, and Safsten, who, when combined with the first kid on the block A. Stephen Dirks, turned this town upsiode down because of child like mistakes when it comes to running a city. There's nothing that beats experience, especially your little brats who think you know so much yet really don't know JACK!
Recess is over so go catch a quick nap and let the adults get back to work.
I think that "moron" Dr. Ogden is really that "moron" the president. Naw, naw, naw, you can't fool us with that old sheep's skin. Like "childproof" said, take a nap because your recess time is over.
Kidstuff for kiddies.
It's people like Owens that protect society against would be dictators like the big guy on nine. It takes people with guts, money and power to stand up to these little men like Godfrey who would eliminate freedom and democracy if they could.
I have two wishes. One is that Owens lived in Ogden, and the other is that the big guy on nine was up for re-election this year.
Tom, don't give up on us here in Oz. It is only two years till the punk is up in front of the voters. With your help we can throw his ass out of town and back to Harrisville from whence he came.
Absolutely right. That guy, the Mayor, is the carpetbagger. You young ones take note, WE'RE taking back the city!
To Mr. Childproof, and Thud butt,
I am sorry you feel the way you do about the younger generation. I really am. It is a shame that you can't value someone's opinion because you feel they are "too young" to know better. (You could never be more wrong). You say that you have fought for years for this city, to improve it. well gentlemen what have we to show for all that fight??? I'm sorry to say, not much. So isn't that a pretty good indication that we need to do some things differently? Something like what Mayor Godfrey is doing? The answer to that question boys.. is YES!!!!!
Change is coming. Thanks to Mayor Godfrey, the future of this city has never looked better.
Say "doctor," are you really Mayor Godfrey beginning a 2 year early campaign because he knows he's in trouble?
Actually, doctor, if you re-read your postings you'll see why I fired back at you. You assume too many things about people you really know nothing of, a mistake of youth and immaturity, but with a little time and seasoning, something that can be corrected. You'll also notice your language, and that of other "youthful" poster, insulting people because of their age and using words like "moron," etc., something that doesn't exactly endear you to people of the older generation. You, I'm afraid, speak from true position, while I speak in leavity, to raise your hackles and see how you respond. You, unfortunately, respond as predicted, aggressively and combatively, instead of maybe tossing out an olive branch and searching for cooperation.
It's easy to hang out at the computer and point the finger of blame at any and every one. What works best, and what you will come to understand with a few more years under your belt, is to identify some problems and then enlist some support, ask some questions, and go about soling them by working with everyone in a spirit of cooperation. You, unfortunately chose to denigrate rather than search for harmony.
But that comes with youth and disappears with age. I admire your spirit, but you have a ways to go in method. Channel that hard charging finger pointing into embracing ideas from both young and old and you'd be surprised how that can effect positive change.
Have a nice day and keep on posting. Just tone down the retoric and learn from those who have some time in grade instead of assaulting them.
Ah, the eternal war between the generations! The young in the jungle grow up to eat the old, it is an endless cycle.
The"old" guys in this little Ogden drama are the "young" ones of yesterday. Nature has a tendancy to mellow the survivors and embolden the young lions who have taken their first sip of knowledge and with it think they know all the answers. The old, while surely not knowing everything themselves, have taken many thousands of sips from that cup of knowledge, and if they have a lick of common sense to go with it, usually are much closer to the truth on these matters than the restless and thirsty cubs with good instincts but lacking a complete understanding of the way of the jungle.
Without the wisdom of these old geezers the whole damn thing would crash and burn. Without the energy and ambition of the young cubs the whole damn thing would fizzle out and die on the vine.
Give em hell, young and old alike. Participate, agitate, make stuff happen. Ogden is a great place that will survive the assault being laid on it by the current crop of politicians. It will continue to be a great place as long as all of you get up and speak your mind about the direction our fair town is going.
What does all this have to do with Tom Owens anyway?
Mr. Childproof,
I have no problem listening to the older citizens of Ogden, in fact I really enjoy picking the brains of wise and educated minds alike, Young and Old. I love learning from those who have been down a road many times more than me. I don't have a problem what so ever learning from those more experienced. What I do have a problem with is when people attack the younger generation, Which would include the Mayor, as well as some of the other city administration. Sure we younger folks don't know everything, who does? The biggest problem I have is that I feel like many older citizens have been around so long that they have a hard time seeing the vision of what this great city can become. I feel like it will take the younger generation with the vision, to really transform this city. No I'm not the mayor as your previous posting hinted at, and no I have no conection with him whatsoever, but I do like the direction we are headed. We are headed somewhere. Which is a lot better direction than we have been headed previously. May this city change, and Grow, and become the beautiful city that it has the potential to become!!!
With or without those who point fingers at the city leaders who have the vision needed.
Yo, doctor ogden, no one, especially the city administration, is beyond reproach. Don't get into such a big tear if some criticizms are leveled at them or at your generation. We're all dispensible. Take some of what you hear and read to be constructive, rather than firng back all in a lather. Learn from our experience, because like it or not, we're a veritible font of knowledge and information, gained through trial and error.
And Thomas, I don't know what the hell this has to do with that Ownes guy either. He was attacked as being old, criminal, etc. and those of us who know him or of him wonder why that was, especially from people who don't know him and form an impression, wrongly I might add, from some dame blogger article.
"Yo" Mr. Childproof or campaign watcher (You're probably the same guy). There are no tears here, only optimism for the city of Ogden. I will take advice from those experienced but I think that there are more experienced people than yourself to take advice from.
Those who have proven track records and advice worth listening to . Because there are those experienced citizens that agree with the direction we are headed.
Many very successful business Owners are backing the plans that the city has to re-develope and grow. They are men with vision and understanding of what it takes. They know because they have been there. I have all the time in the world for those kind of men. Guys who know what they are talking about.
So how rich IS tom Owens, exactly?
Anyone want to line me up?
To Mary Jo, he is not that rich and you probably wouldn't like him anyway.
It makes me wonder why these people that make a lot of money feel that they have the right to meddle in other people's business. Why does this rich guy from Farmington have to come up here to Ogden and try and tell us what is right and wrong with our town?
Why doesn't he straighten up the mess they have brewing in Farmington with their own RDA scam?
I haven't seen one word on him saying or doing a single thing to stop the $19 million dollar developer give away that the Farmington RDA board has approved. Size for size, Farmington is a worse RDA offender than Ogden, yet Owens has plenty to say about ours and nothing to say about his own towns incompetence and waste of tax payer money.
Verl, what's the story with this supposed $19 million dollar boon dogle in Farmington? I live close to that town and haven't heard anything about it?
Blogmaster - Do you know anything about this? I know it is in Davis county, and this is the Weber blog, but that seems to be topical to all of us in Utah.
I would like to correct some missperceptions that
this article may have created:
1. Rudi, I am not "cranky "- you ungratefull curi!
2. I am not particularly "brilliant" either.
3. I am not "a force to be reckoned with".
4. I do not "hang out" with the DUP president,
church historian, members of the seventies
or any other leaders of the LDS church. I know
them and they are all very fine people, but to
repeat, "I do not hang out with them!"
5. I definately am not "establishment". Are you
trying to ruin me in this town Rudi?
I am flattered that you felt me worthy of an article but I am baffled as to why you would waste your energy. There are numerous more interesting and worthy people in the Ogden resistance movement than me.
To name only a few: Dorothy, Rulon, Jim Brilley, Jason Rouch and his family, Chris and Milton Rodriguez and family, Bill and Pat Glasmann, Frank Holliday, Tom Feeny, Bruce Edwards, Amy Butters, and many many more, both above ground and below.
I am grateful for all of them, and I am proud to be with them in this struggle.
I've known Tom Owens for over 30 years and I can say unimpeachably that he is a fine, decent individual who only has the best for the people of his home town at heart. He is a self made man and an Ogden property owner who opposses only those who beguile others and afront our Constitution and liberties.
Tom O, you should move back to town and run for a Council Seat or maybe try to knock off the Mayor in 2 years time.
Anyway, thanks for all of your hard work in trying to right some of the obvious wrongs that are before us.
Tom, don't bother you frickin obstuctionist ya I'm talkin to you. I'm going to be dead serious here Tom your proud of what you have accomplished by stalling our downtown progress you should be ashamed of your self you have wasted your time your not looking out for the people, your an obsructionist who looked out for2 or 3 people, and said the hell with the rest of the city. You piece of crap.
To "Tom's pal" - 30 years - hmmm that narrows it down a little bit but I'm still not quite sure. Thanks whoever you are for the supportive words. Seems if this "president" fellow is any indication I'm not doing to good in the fan department these days!
I'm intrigued by your suggestion to run against the mayor. Do you think I could win with two votes - yours and mine? The way the good mayor's popularity seems to be going two votes just might do the trick.
Actually I would like to see the Mayor and Council do the job they were elected to do, and I don't think that was to be big shot developers spending public money like they got it in a Monopoly set.
The Mayor is obviously a very bright guy, I just think he is way off course. He may even be smart enough to fix the water system crisis if he paid any attention to it.
Needless to say I will be supporting whoever his next opponent is. But if the mayor wins again I promise to quit criticizing him!
As for all the negative comments about you, Tom O, I'll invoke a quote that I invented back in those daze: "Often amused, not often impressed."
Ain't it great?!?
I would like to chime in on the old vs. young part of this debate. I can say that I have gained my love of Ogden from the older generation, specifically from Len Allen. There are volumes of stories and a wealth of knowledge in our older generation. I do believe, however, that sometimes the older generation gets a bit set in their ways and beliefs and aren't exactly open to change. Hence the entrance of energy from the younger generation. Things sometimes seem new and fresh to them. They find that they can make a difference and maybe are not so hardened by experience. So what I am saying is that the older generation is an invaluable resource to the community, but neither should be so quick to shoot down the other. Many things have changed in the world and maybe some of the younger folks' ideas could now work in our city (the gondola idea is a specific example). But then again, we also need to learn from the past and not just throw aside the experience of our predecessors. Both sides simply need to be understanding of one another.
Well said, Utmorman, well said. Now this is an example of well-reasoned youth, rising to the forefront. His postings are well written, logical, and lack the horrible language that seems so prevasive from some of you, both young and old.
Much can be gained, as I've written, be combining forces and respecting the attributes of the other. And if ever a town needed this, ours does. Our youthfully exuberant mayor could learn from you, Utmormon, as how a collaboration would serve us all better, as opposed to his blinder wearing arogance that seems to be his lot recently. Maybe that Stuart Reid guy had something to do with it. Maybe it's like I've heard and read, his is a self-imposed position from on high, a conduit from Heaven that shows him the way. I don't know, but he does somewhat lack the latitude to consider suggestions from those who have been in the trenches and in the fields of business and developing, longer than he has breathed air.
Keep it up, Utmorman, and maybe we'll be voting for you in this or the next election. Some of you other hotheads, take notice of how this guy is doing it. I used to be a rival; now, I'm almost a fan.
That is correct Tom you have no fans up here with the exception of some very crusty old farts who drool in public, I'm serious man.
Speak for yourself, president, you lunatic. Don't see anyone lining up to join your fan club, except for a few subversives, the unknowing and radical fringe, and good old Viktor. You, my finely tuned schlumit, are surrounded by fools!
Mr. Anonymous, I think you are missing the boat when you group Victor in with the lunatic fringe and call him a fool. If you read his comments and really pay attention I think you will find a pretty crafty and intelligent mind at work poking fun at the pretentious.
It is subtle and ironic humor he is dishing up. I'm sure the dim witted among us don't get it. Not that I am saying you or any other commenters on this blog are dumb - except the one who calls himself president and he or she is obviously not very bright or clever.
Victor said the best thing yet on this site the other day when he advised every one to have fun and laughter in your life or it is all a big waste.
Thomas Luke: I agree, Viktor's OK, except in certain instances when he foul mouths, compares baseball to oxykotin, fired hard at the enthused cit guy when he just wanted posters to tune down the horrid language, etc. Ah, Viktor, look and you'll see I seperated him from the ship of fools, does have a keen wit about him, but so many comparisons to people and descriptiptives of the bathroom smells where he lives does get a little, shall we say, stinky. Maybe this president clown could move there and we wouldn't have to put up with his incoherent nonsense. That guy definitely is several bricks shy of a full load.
Doc and President I like you guys You now what your talking about these guys are old and crap their pants
Hey Bill, water seeks its own level. You, doc, lionel, those guys. Brush up on your writing skills and then ya'll come back now, hear....
Viktor, you've been silent for far too long. We miss you, so get back and start posting some stuff. You've turned us into fans, just like that young Utmorman fellow has.
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