OGDEN -- The Ogden Redevelopment Agency will apparently be unable to assemble a 22-acre site for a proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter downtown, making it doubtful the project will become a reality, a city official said Monday.It appears that the project will be permanently "DOA", unless Wal-Mart decides to negotiate with the individual property owners on its own, and in good faith:
Although the RDA has options to purchase a majority of the 98 parcels needed to build the 206,000-square-foot store on Wall Avenue between 21st Street and 22nd Street, it has been unable to reach agreements with a few property owners who have refused to sell.
"We are not in a position to deliver the preferred site to Wal-Mart," said Richard McConkie, the city's deputy director of community and economic development. "Being able to develop the site is very questionable."
However, Wal-Mart could still move ahead with the project if it is able to assemble the parcels on its own, he said.Fat chance of that. What's obvious is that Wal-Mart is only interested in coming to town if it can do so with a sweetheart deal, borne on the backs of individual property owners, with the Ogden RDA acting as its broker/hatchet-man.
Wal-Mart has not considered acquiring land on its own, said John Petrovich, a Wal-Mart real estate manager. The company has not been notified by the Ogden RDA that the deal is off for the supercenter, he said.
"If it (the RDA) can acquire the land, we would still be interested," Petrovich said. He declined to elaborate on terms of the agreement with the RDA.
This raises the question as to whether the result might have been different if Wal-Mart had operated in a more conventional and less oppressive manner, engaging an experienced real estate broker to conduct negotiations, rather than relying on the coercive power of the Ogden RDA, wielding the heavy eminent domain hammer, and offering low-ball "take it or leave it" offers. The ham-handed manner in which this situation was conducted is an embarrassment to the citzens of Ogden City, and illustrates why Ogdenites need to look toward more business-experienced replacement councilmembers than we have now, as the November election approaches, I think.
The Ogden Wal-Mart tale reeks of arrogance, insensitivity, corporate greed and government hubris, and started out a sad one. It has a happy ending, however, in the tradition of Jack the Giant Killer folklore:
Cris Rodriguez, who lives on Oak Street and has refused to sell her home for the Wal-Mart project, said she is pleased the big-box store apparently won't be built in her neighborhood.It makes me feel great too, Cris.
"It makes me feel great," she said. "I never wanted to move."
Howbout everybody else?
This raises some interesting questions. I was born and reared in Ogden although I live in the state of Virginia now.
I love Ogden City, and plan to get back there when my husband, who works for the State of Virginia, retires.
I've been reading this blog for a few weeks, and I'm concerned about what some people have called the "carpetbaggers" that seem to dominate Ogden City Government.
There are four Ogden City council members coming up for re-election there in November.
Can anybody tell us where the came from, or what they do for a living?
I only get back to Ogden every year or so, to visit my ailing grandmother. She doesn't have any idea about the backgrounds of those people who sit on the council. Nor do some of my old Ogden friends, whom I email fairly regularly.
Is it possible that somebody could come up with "resumes" of the people who are running for city council seats come November?
I'd like to know where they all come from. I fear some of these people don't understand Ogden at all.
Yo Ogden lady - great idea! Just who are these rascals and where did they come from? Are any of them really "from" Ogden?
I can promise you that the lord will seek vengance with the true "carpetbagger" that horrid Dorothy from the North. The lord will invite our good Mayor Godfrey to sit at his side when he smites this princess of evil.
I would also hate to be in the shoes of those dark people the Rodreguez group come judgement day. There is no earthly reason that they could not have taken the generous offer the city made them for their miserly little piece of junk land. They would have had a good down payment on one of the wonderful condo's that will be built at the new mall.
I wouldn't be suprised if a bomb didn't fall off a jet landing at Hill Field and wipe out the Rodreguez group and all the other darkies and white trouble makers that opposed the Mayor's inspired plans for that horribly blighted area.
The Hells Angel's down there are going to be set aside for special punishment also as they could have come out as a group and supported the mayors inspired plans. They could have used their behind the scenes influence to accomplish this project for the common good of all of Ogden. They stood on the side line and watched a huge injustice happen and didn't lift a finger to stop it. I guess the old rumours are true that they are just a bunch of criminals.
"Darkies?" "White trouble makers?" My gawd, man, where is your brain? This ain't Selma, pal. You, Lionel, have got big problems!
The true carpetbaggers are indeed Dorothy Littrell, Tom Owens, and the like. Lady from Virginia this blog is so full of old farts who can't get themselves over the eminent domain issue they refuse to see all the other dozens of positive things going on in our city.
This is where the old farts get together to make themselves feel like the majority, hell I even heard Marco reccomend Bruce Edwards for city council, what a crusty old fart who drools on himself, and doesn't wipe the crumbs from his face.
I read the editorial the other day about those signs on Bruce Edwards building on 25th. Does he have any class. What a classless piece of crap he is.
It's evident that Lionel has the hots for Dorothy. Forget it, Lionel. She's too hot for you. She'd give you a heart attck.
It is evident that Marko has the hots for Viktor nad Lionel thats gross man.
I'm throwin' the flag on Lionel Greiger. He sounds too much like somebody else here just using an alias to stir up trouble. If you are real, my appologies. If not, stop saying things just to cause trouble, especially when you use racial and/or religious undertones. We seem to strive for educated comments here. I can find plenty of uneducated comments in various places in this city, this forum seems to be different. Let us not turn it into a place where we just bash on everything, but have actual educated dialogue on topics that go on in the area.
Utah momon. I am loyal to the lord. I do not use alians to accomplish my goals. Your slander of me is only an attempt to divert attention away from my message. The message is that we have inspired leaders in our city government that have been called at this particular time of trouble to come forth and fix the many problems of Ogden. It seems like there are a lot of phillistines who would like to thwart that devine plan. The devil works in many and mysterious ways and he is working through the likes of Dorothy Litrell and Tom Owens to try to destroy Ogden and leave it in ruins. Owens and this group of trouble makers are the true modern day sons of perdition. We must cast them out so that we can progress as the shining city of God and be an example to all the world of what can be done with obedience to the lords deciples..
Whatever the Mayor and his trusted councilors decide it is the right choice as they are conduits to the real power in heaven. It they think this plan will work to turn around Ogden, then who are we to argue with that?
I was not being racial when I used the word darky. I was not refering to negro's. I don't think there are even any living down there. I was refering to the spanish people who populate that horrible corner of Ogden. they really should be sent back to Mexico from where they came.
You seem to be proving my point more and more with each comment.
Lionel, you're a racist pig, a guy with no class, no intelligence, who'se utter stupidity spews forth with each posting. Go back to where you came from and stop soiling our blog with your insipid, heartless remarks!
I came across the following article in the St. Louis Post Dispatch while doing some research on a child abuse case for work and thought this may be of interest to you. It looks like Ogden is not the only city in the US facing issues with eminent domain.
Maplewood backs off on eminent domain plan
Special to the Post-Dispatch
Maplewood will curtail the use of eminent domain and will not use it to force property owners near Manchester Road and Sutton Boulevard to sell their land to a private developer, Mayor Mark Langston announced Monday.
At a press conference Monday morning, Langston said the council unanimously agreed by fax over the weekend to a resolution that would limit the use of eminent domain so it would not be used as a threat to force property owners to sell to private developers.
In announcing the resolution, Langston said the restrictions would apply to the request for proposals the city issued for the Sutton-Manchester area last month. Proposals for the area are due July 29.
The resolution says the city will use eminent domain only "for those traditional areas in which eminent domain has always been used," such as building roads, parks and other public uses and for redevelopment of blighted areas meeting certain criteria.
Langston's announcement came less than a week after more than 300 people packed a City Council meeting at City Hall to protest a request for proposals the city issued last month for the Manchester-Sutton area. Many said they feared the city would declare the area blighted and use eminent domain to force business owners to sell to a developer.
The resolution is a "promise to Maplewood citizens," Langston said. It is not binding, but officials plan to introduce an ordinance implementing it at a meeting on Aug. 9. They may also take a public vote on the resolution then, he said.
Several dozen residents, business owners and others who attended the press conference said they were happy with the council's action, but many said they were skeptical because the resolution is not "written in stone."
Under the resolution, the city will:
Use eminent domain for private development only when a majority of property owners agree to sell to a private developer and a "holdout" is blocking the project. The resolution does not specify a number, but Langston said it would take a substantial percentage of property owners favoring a development to persuade the city to use eminent domain on the holdouts. "We've discussed 90 percent or more," he said.
Notify residents of an affected area by certified mail 30 days before it issues a request for proposals for a redevelopment.
Seek "a partnership of local interest areas contemplated for redevelopment and proceed only with the concurrence of substantial numbers of the affected parties."
Matt Williams, a business owner in the affected area, praised the council for passing the resolution and said it was a major victory over eminent domain abuse.
In an interview Williams called the resolution "a neat public-private partnership."
He added: "It's not watertight. It's not perfect. But it's a great first step, and the unanimous vote is a public statement of the City Council's intent to curtail the use and abuse of eminent domain."
The resolution says the power of eminent domain for the benefit of a private developer solely for a private economic development project having no other public purpose is contrary to principles of sound government.
Maplewood declared blighted a residential area on Hanley Road in 2002 and granted eminent domain powers to THF Realty to acquire property to build a Sam's Club and Wal-Mart in a development called Maplewood Commons.
Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that government can use eminent domain for economic reasons and that taking a home to build a shopping mall is as much a "public use" as is taking land to build a highway or school.
After last week's City Council meeting, officials and leaders of the property owners met Thursday, Friday and throughout the weekend to hammer out the agreement.
Five homes and about 18 businesses that employ nearly 200 people are in the Manchester-Sutton project area. The request for proposals covers an area bounded by Manchester Road, Sutton Boulevard and Hazel Avenue, but excludes Cavalier Ford at Manchester and Big Bend Boulevard.
Thanks for the comment, link and article, Amy.
It seems that at least one municipal government understands the overwhelming public sentiment against the unbridled use of the power of eminent domain.
Not only is it morally wrong for local government officials to stand for seizing individuals' private property for economic development, it's probably politically risky.
I'm providing a link to a number of national polls which demonstrate where most US citizens stand on this issue:
One of the links is apparently "broken," but it's pretty obvious how average citizens stand on the issue, judging from the rest of these polls:
Several of your colleagues on the council have been adamant supporters of the use of eminent domain for economic development.
Their feet should be held to fire in November because of this, I think.
US polls re eminent domain.
I was ROFLMAO at Lionel claiming to not be racist by claiming that his reference was to spanish people rather than blacks.
Lionel, you are a troll.
Me 2, Arcritic....Lionel, not a racist? My ass! Guys like that jerk makes me wonder how we keep from going under.
You angry non believers can cast all the stones you want. They just bounce off my armor. The only truth of it is that I am right and you are wrong.
Fear not though because you will have a chance to redeem your sole if you humble yourselves and accept rightousness in the very near future. I think a good start would be for you all - dark and white alike - to appear in person before the Mayor and Council and admit your sins and beg forgiveness. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes if the Lord were to end it right now.
It is very clear if you were to study your scripture that the "darkies" you get so nervous about were not put on this earth to empede the progress of the lords servants. These dark skinned Lamanites, and I hope that term will make you feel a little better, will be punished for what they have done in stopping brother Godfrey and his chosen team from accomplishing the lords work. In all eternity they will not be allowed fair skin and entry into the higher kingdoms.
Again, I am going to throw the flag on Lionel. We've had other "names" on this site post similar comments. Again, we do not need people using different names to stir up trouble. This is a good forum. Whoever you are, don't risk losing your collegues by using a different name and bring an aspect to the conversation that does not need to be brought up in specific threads.
Thank you, UTmorMan.
In addition to your several red flags, I've received some private emails re: Lionel, asking that I delete his inflammatory posts.
I'm as much an advocate of free speech as I am with respect to property rights, though. I've resisted censorship, so far, because of that.
My gut feel is that leaving his racist posts up on the blog make him stand out for the throwback he is. He's a good demonstration of how sick xenophobic people can become, and what a danger they present to rational society.
I reserve the right, however, to delete all his posts, and ban his IP address from here, unless he takes steps to correct his anti-social behavior.
Let's see how he behaves from here on out.
Utah Mormon and Rudzink you cannot take the truth. If you studied your scriptures you would know that I am right. You will find what you look for and it is obviously racism you are seeking because that is what you are finding. There is nothing I have written here that is in any way racist. The truth is not racism.
The lord made these people dark for a reason. Do you really think it was an accident? they are being punished for transgressions in prior lives just like the white people who have followed the devil's lead and thrown a road block in front of the good works of our city government will be punished with dark skin in future dispensations. Get straight with the truth or you both will be joining them in that dark fate.
The end is near and I advise you to get right with the lord before it is to late.
This lionel guy is DANGEROUS! Get him the hell off the blog! There's room for passionate debate, yea, even a little name calling, but this racist pig has to go. And he's doing it in the name of the Lord All Mighty. My gawd, to what have we sunk when we have to read this drivel?
Lionel, you have now contradicted yourself qiute a bit. The "curse" you speak of coming from Mormonism and the thought of being punished for previous lives are blatently contradictory to one another. Have you looked at my name? I study the scriptures plenty. I don't even know why I am wasting my time arguing with you about this because you are doing it just to get a rise out of people. You got me this time, but it won't happen again; I hope.
I am sad to see that your Wal-Mart article was hi-jacked. Deleting intentionally off topic remarks is different from censorship.
I really liked your Wal-Mart analysis. While Wal-Mart continues to position itself as the champion of the free market. They tend to use taxe breaks and RDAs to their fullest advantage. Your article was an astute analysis of the problems of RDAs. The comment section is a great of example of the idiocy that dominates discourse in the modern world.
You probably should consider moving Weber County Forum to a full forum program that allows to pare off comment topics into a rants and raves section.
My Wal-Mart article "got hijacked?"
I've posted several of those -- one of which you're commenting about now.
All the rest can be found in the archives on the sidebar.
No article is ever deleted from this forum.
I debated with my various "selves," upon founding this forum, whether to use the "blog" style format, or to use the more web- traditional message board style.
I opted for the blog style, because I think it's a better format to keep the discussions "fresh," and to stimulate reader responses to developing events.
The downside of this format, of course, is that it automatically demotes articles to the archives section after a given number of more current articles are published. Weber County Forum settings currently show only the ten most recent articles on the front webpage.
I've also considered adding a "Best of Weber County Forum" section in the sidebar. This would, of course require at least some reader input.
I'm planning to stick to the "blog" format. I realize it takes a little adjusting for some of "ye olde timers," who are used to the olde message-boarde format.
As for the "off-topic" reader comments...
I'll probably get around to a little bit of censorship, once the level of discourse picks up.
What we need here, if we're going to have the rational forum that I envisioned though, is more intelligent argument and debate. As "socrates said on another thread: "All heat, no light; all hate, no create."
What we need here is lots more intelligent people like you. Intelligent people will always drown out the morons in a forum such as this.
I've set up this forum for Weber County citizens, gentle readers. What happens here is genuinely your call.
Nice post, Rudi. I've noticed that the "verbal bums" that were once so prevelant hae grown silent. No doubt because of this "intelligent discourse" that the blog's now in receivorship of.
Glory be!
Time to kiss this one goodbye
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