TIME AND PLACE: Tuesday February 24, 12:00 noon, Wildcat Theatre (north west side of the Shepherd Union building), Weber State University Ogden campus. (Campus map available: WSU Map and the union building is number 36 SU on the large map).
PANELISTS: Matt Godfrey (mayor of Ogden), Peter Metcalf (president and CEO
of Black Diamond, a major outdoor equipment company in Salt Lake City), Mary
Hall (representing Weber Pathways), Kari Dunn (Regional Outlet Manager for Patagonia, a major outdoor clothing company) and Jeremy Town (representing Amer Sports of Ogden, parent company of Salomon and other name brands).
BACKGROUND: Ogden has been vigorously pursuing an economic development strategy to attract outdoor recreation companies by branding the city as an outdoor recreation mecca. This approach has met with some success, drawing Descente, Amer Sports, and others to the city. Mike Dowse, CEO of Amer Sports, cited three M’s-- mountains, the mayor, and money-- as factors in his decision to relocate to Ogden (article in The Economist, October 23rd 2008, available: The Mormon work ethic).
But what happens when a place becomes an outdoor mecca? What happens when more and more people are encouraged to go outside and play? Do they bring home a stronger conservation ethic, voting for more environmentally-progressive policies and behaving in more environmentally friendly ways, or do they take the ethic of the city into the outdoors, demanding ever-more and ever-easier trails, more and better parking, and turning the outdoors into an industrialized playground? Although outdoor recreation companies can be big money-makers, does their very success threaten the wilderness on which they depend? And what can companies, organizations, governments, and individuals do to minimize that threat?
Join us for a stimulating panel discussion of these and other issues, 12 noon in the Wildcat Theatre, Tuesday February 24.
Ed. Note: The above notice was transmitted to us this morning by Gentle Reader ET. To us, it looks like a can't miss event. It's an all-star panel with a red-meat topic. We couldn't have done better if we'd planned it ourself. Be there or be ...

What? No Geigers? How can this be???
Cage fighting.
That should be the format.
A little trip down memory lane:
Ogden: the Junction City mega thread
Why are these things always scheduled when "most" people have to work. I would love to attend but noon on a tuesday - ya that's going to happen.
Too bad I, too, must work during this event. For I would like to know why a group of self-appointed volunteers have decided that they can extort fees out of users of North Fork Park for grooming trails that, frankly, many us don't need and would prefer to not have there at all.
My snowshoe partner and I were pretty amazed to see a "ski pass required" sign posted at the parking lot this past Sunday. Required by whom? Not Weber County parks.
Upon passing and ignoring this sign -- we have snowshoes and neither need nor desire groomed trails with skate-skiers -- we were greeted by some Weber Pathways folks positioned under a tent directly in front of the groomed paths, who said we didn't have to pay the fee if we "felt OK about doing that," hinting that not paying (even if not using the trails) was akin to stiffing the volunteer trail-groomers.
Made us wish gasoline was still $4 a gallon.
Honestly, the grooming may have opened North Fork to those who prefer skate skiing. But those of us who preferred snow sports in a more natural state without the treadmill mentality have apparently lost our opportunity to enjoy our experience at North Fork.
We left and found another public place nearby. But I certainly am not going to say where it is for fear it will attract the attention of more "volunteers."
Did you just say, "I have to work"?
Really? In America?
In this economy, the phrase is, "I have the opportunity to work for pay".
Kids, note: in the USA, where the streets still seemed paved with gold for those who know how to look, no one "has" to work.
You made choices to set up your life in such a fashion whereby, rather than allowing others to work while you reaped the benefits of their labor, you decided to work for others.
And, seeing as how you cannot get even one afternoon off for something you would much rather do than act the slave, you have chose to work in very restrictive conditions.
Kids, there are endless options available to have a nice home with food in the fridge and a decent auto, without having to say, "I have to work".
Speak with your guidance counselor now, that you might be spared the embarrassment of being a victim of yourself later on. Make choices now, so that you might have the freedom to act later on.
I, for one, will be there.
I do not have to work.
I work as I please, for my own enjoyment.
I love this town.
"Exactly right, And if you listen to at least the first few minutes of the house committee audio, you'll no doubt quickly come to the conclusion that the main reason these government bureaucrats are pushing this tightening of GRAMA rules seems to be because they consider it a hassle"
These are not "government bureacrats" they are REPUBLICANS.
The above mentioned panel will be taped. Once I find out if it will be shown on CH 17,I will post time here.
Outdoor Recreation and Environmental Stewardship: A panel discussion
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Ogden Nordic has received major RAMP FUNDS, in Jan 2007 to buy new trail grooming equipment to groom those trails. RAMP FUNDS, as all here know, come from allof us in WEBER COUNTY, throughthe taxes we pay.
The people who volunteer to use that equipment, as they did last winter (2007-2008) are members of Ogden Nordic. This is a ski club that holds all of its events on the North Fork trails.
Next time anyone gives you a hard time re using North Fork Park trails in winter, tell them you made you contribution to RAMP FUNDS in your taxes.
When the Ogden Sierra Club holds it Mardi Gras event at North Fork Park trails (snow shoe and cross country ski) on FEB 28, I will ask for an update on trail fees.
Saturday February 28, 2009: Cross Country Ski - Snow Shoe costume party @ North Fork Park
Prizes for the best two costumes. Some refreshments will be served. Call Joanie @ 801-399-0034.
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