Per Wm M Parker III

Where are the Amber Alerts? Where are the press conferences? Where is Alexis Rasmussen?
The City Club and Brewskis is offering a $1000 REWARD for information leading to her safe return.
Please contact the Ogden Police Department, if you have ANY information at all about young Ms. Rasmussen's possible whereabouts.
Whatever you do, don't let the cat get your tongues!
She was listed as "endangered runaway" on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who got their info from the NOPD. I got them to change it on Monday to her correct classification, "endangered missing". I've been practically harrassing the press. The SE put out a breaking news story that this has turned into a criminal investigation just a few hours ago. Spoke with some reporters earlier in the day and they had NO IDEA she was no longer considered a runaway. WTG, LE.
One other important point. If a (technical juvinile) kidnapping charge comes out of this, anyone who helps hide her out is a criminal accessory.
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