Interesting Christopher Smart story in this morning's Salt Lake Tribune, which includes some introspective quotes from our lame-duck Mayor Boss Godfrey...

... as he prepares to let the City Hall exit door slap him in the backside:
Here comes the money quote:
Godfrey muses that he’ll be the happiest person in Ogden come January, when the new mayor is sworn it.Sodden contrarian observation from your blogmeister...
Nope, wethinks the 82,825 residents of Ogden will be competing for that honor. We predict they'll all be dancing in the streets well into the night, when Boss Godfrey "exits stage left" this coming January:
I'll dance in the streets only when I know for certain that Godfrey won't be hired back as part of the new administrations "A Team".
I hope His blimp crashes around 26th & Tyler at midnight when he's home preparing His next career move.
Oh, I don't think they'll be dancing in the streets. Most folks in Ogden won't notice probably. Going out with a whimper, not a bang.
even if he doesn't come back as a City Employee, you can be sure he will show his face (or at least the top of his little bald head) in Chambers from time to time
Wrong again Mayor G. you won't be the happiest person in Ogden........inaccurate should be your middle name.
Wow. This is called people power!
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