Standard-Examiner goes 3 for 3 in great candidate 2
011 Ogden City Municipal Election "picks" this afternoon, with yet another
perspicacious candidate recommendation. Read all about it in the full
SE Op-ed linked below, wherein our marvellous home town newspaper gives the boot-licking
"Godfreyite" Brandon
"Sockpuppet" Stephenson the old
"Royal heave ho," whilst quite rightly endorsing the extremely popular
Ogden City government newcomer mayoral office aspirant,
Mike Caldwell:
Read up, folks!
"Anybody but Brandon," we'll cheerfully intone:

Standard's right,
Ogden City government desperately needs a
"fresh new face" up there in the ninth floor
Ogden City mayoral
"Godfrey-occupied wheelhouse":

To put an even more
fine point upon it, we believe that all the last vestiges of Godfrey tyranny must be be eradicated from
Ogden City government by someone like Mike Caldwell, before the
beleguered lumpencitizens will ever experience any real
"political healing," wethinks.
And whatever you do,
O Gentle WCF Readers, don't forget to lodge your ever-savvy reader ruminations in our comments section (below):
Caldwell will at least ascend to the mayoral office with "clean hands," unlike Stephenson, which is good enough for me at this juncture.
The chance of Stephenson giving Godfrey a job in his administration is enough to make me voteagainst him.
Good point, OL! how would it ever be possible for the lame-brained
dullard Stephenson ever to run an Ogden City mayoral administration without having his "mentor"whispering in his ear?
That would be akin to Vladimir Putin in an advisory position to Dmitry Medvedev ... which has been going on since Medvedev became president ...
That would be like Grigori Rasputin advising
Czar Nicholas Romanov, hehehe.
That would be like Grigori Rasputin advising Czar Nicholas Romanov, hehehe.
But, didn't he cause the downfall and eventual murder of the Romanov family? Yikes! I hope that doesn't happen here.
Actually, BB, Ogden City gummint already endured a "Rasputin experience" back in 2005:
Emerald City Playhouse Stages Rasputin Encore Performance
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