Unlike the normal situation during most pre-holiday run-ups, we find plenty of chewy of material for Weber County Forum discussion this morning, as we stand on the cusp of Tomorrow's Thanksgiving Day holiday. We'll thus reel a few of them out in no particular order of importance:
1) Our wing-nut legislature asked for it, and now we "got" it. This morning's Standard-Examiner reports that "The U.S. Justice Department filed a lawsuit Tuesday challenging Utah's immigration enforcement law":

Here's another fine (and expensive) mess our "wacked out" legislature's gotten us into, folks. (Something to remember when these "fiscally conservative" (so-called) legislative fruit-cakes again ask for our votes next November.)
2) There's another fine editorial on the hard-copy S-E editorial page this morning, approving, in no uncertain terms, the good Dr. Palumbo's action in stopping WSU's 11/13/11 concert "in order to have removed a disabled girl who was disturbing the concert with noises," and going on to add that "criticism of conductor Michael A. Palumbo is not fair":
Kudos to the SE Editorial Board for coming out publicly and saying what needed to be said.
3) Possible good news for political wonks like us, who stand absolutely appalled at the horrifying prospect of finding the names of the likes of Herman Cain, Rick Perry or Michelle Bachman (or even Incumbent President Barrack Obama) on our 2012 Presidential Election ballots. Check out this morning's tantalizing Los Angeles Times "national commentary," wherein Time columnist Dyle McManus sets forth a clever and high-tech "alternate" presidential nomination approach:
Does something need to be done to "improve our presidential gene pool?" Yesiree, we do believe so.
4) Last but not least, we learn from another alert reader that Ogden City's conducting an online survey, to collect your input on a new "Recreation Master Plan" which Boss Godfrey's Gnomes seem to be cooking up in some City Hall back room. Godfrey asks for citizen input so infrequently that we'll label it a complete novelty. Who knows, however? after 47 months at the helm, has Godfrey turned over a new leaf?
Our WCF reader tipster informs us that she filled out the questionnaire and even offered this suggestion to the Little Lord, by the way:
I specifically asked that we purchase the west facing Weber Wasatch mountainside to preserve as a green space and - possibly - a city, county or state parkNow there's one helluva good idea, says us.
It isn't often that Godfrey wants to find out what the lumpencitizens think, so we'll be hoping you won't let the little guy down.
That's it for now, O Gentle Ones...
"It isn't often that Godfrey wants to find out what the lumpencitizens think, so we'll be hoping you won't let the little guy down."
He doesn't want to find out what the lumpencitizens think -- he just wants us the THINK he does ...
and don't think he won't delete or ignore any negative input any of us citizens give.
notice how he snuck the field house in there
ROFLAMO! I'm a bit surprised that the little POS didn't explicitly mention "The Gondola."
Will the results of this survey be released before or after the survey taken years ago on Ogden residents opinion of the gondola plan?
I agree with Utah's immigration law, but for the fact that it's not strict enough.
Most every other country enforces immigration. I don't know what's wrong with this country in that regard.
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