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We received several press releases over the weekend, one of which we're posting here, concerning an important cultural event that's happening in Ogden this coming weekend.
No. This has nothing to do with Chris Peterson or gondolas. What a relief, eh?
The "BIG GONDOLA SALES JOB" will be coming up from the "Cool and Sexy" Barney Fife lookalike guy in about two weeks. We'll also get on to discussion of Comrade Dear Leader Godfrey's secret city council meetings VERY SOON.
And we can hardly wait to tell Our gentle readers about Mayor Peewee's widely rumored plan to sell the Mt. Ogden Golf course to Chris Peterson -- for guess what purpose.
For now though, let's just talk "Culture."
- Who: Universe City, Women’s Emphasis Month
- What: Readers’ Theatre: The Voices, written and directed by Dian Woodhouse
- When: Saturday, March 11 • 6:00 pm
- Where: 2556 Washington Boulevard, Ogden
Universe City, 2556 Washington Blvd., presents a readers’ theatre performance of "The Voices," written and directed by Dian Woodhouse, at 6:00 pm on Saturday, March 11th. The performance is recommended for all ages. The performance is free, although donations will be gladly accepted to support our non-profit art center. The voices indicated by the title are Elizabeth Keckley, a former slave who made a name for herself as the dressmaker of Mary Todd Lincoln; and Mary Todd Lincoln, former first lady and widow of Abraham Lincoln. The two women speak about their lives as the audience hears and compares the two women.
Keckley was an accomplished seamstress and actually purchased her freedom with her dressmaking skills. She eventually established herself as a successful businesswoman, author and faculty member of Wilberforce College. “Lizzie” was Mary Todd Lincoln’s best friend and confidante. She seemed to be the only person who understood and tolerated Mary’s unstable temperament and sharp tongue. Keckley wrote a book, “Behind the Scenes,” about the life of Mary Todd Lincoln, and the happenings in the White House during Lincoln’s tenure.
Many things about Mary Todd Lincoln are well-known today. Born a child of relative privilege, she had her choice of successful men to marry but chose a relatively unknown lawyer. Perhaps she saw in him the way to her dream: to become the first lady of the United States of America. However, gaining her dream did not bring her happiness. The loss of two of her children, the death of relatives in the Civil War and the constant fear that her husband would be assassinated contributed to the failing of her physical and mental health. After the death of her husband, her steady decline was exacerbated by her commitment to an asylum by her own son.
Dian Woodhouse, the author of this work in progress, said she knew immediately that she wanted to dramatize this story after reading a biography of Keckley. She explains, “The story of these two women’s lives, lived simultaneously with such different backgrounds and outcomes, was compelling to me. The opportunity to ‘workshop’ this script in a readers’ theatre situation was a perfect start. My ultimate goal is to develop this script into a fully-staged play, but seeing these characters live through this performance has been a thrill.”
An Ogden native, Dian Woodhouse received a BA in English and Philosophy from Westminster College and an MFA in Theatre, Directing and Playwriting emphasis, from the University of Utah. She is a former winner of the Utah State Fine Arts Short Story Contest and has written news articles, poetry, screenplays, stage plays, and radio news scripts. She has appeared in professional and directed semi-professional theatre, working with Salt Lake’s Theatre 138 and Pioneer Theatre Company among others, and served three terms as President of the Utah Branch of Screen Actors Guild. She is the daughter of Irene Woodhouse, the author of Standard-Examiner newspaper columns and a book about Ogden in the early days, “Ogden Anecdotes.”
Rita Martin is playing the role of Keckley. She has been seen as one of the dynamic emcees for the WSU Gospel Festival for the past three years and has worked in a number of plays presented by her church. This is her first time working in readers’ theatre.
Caril Jennings is playing the role of Mary Lincoln. She has been a promoter of readers’ theatre at Weber State University for several years, including annual productions in conjunction with the WSU Greek Festival.
The Salt Lake Tribune featured this event in its Coming Up: Theater article.The Deseret News did the same here.
Strangely, The Standard-Examiner, our supposedly "local" newspaper... is totally silent on the subject of this notable Ogden theatrical event. They're probably too busy promoting the "Suits from Sanduskey" neocon agenda, and pleading -- teary-eyed and on bended knees -- for the return of the eminent domain power to the Ogden neoCONS, we guess.
Maybe the story will come out in that dorky Std-Ex special on Friday: "The What's Hap'nin' Edition," a day before the event. If there's anything wrong with Ogden -- besides her tyrannnical mayor -- its our Sanduskey-owned Standard-Examiner. Weber County Forum recommends that ALL gentle Weber County Forum readers attend and contribute to this notable event, notwithstanding the inattention of our local newspaper -- so-called.
We at Weber County Forum plan to attend this performance, support local theatrical culture, and drop some cash into the donation hopper. After that, we can all meet at Brewski's for a few "pops."
And what about our gentle readers about this?
The only thing the Standard wants to publish is the Horseshit propaganda coming from the 9th floor along with the Gieger clan.
Does anyone really know exactly how many jobs have come to Ogden because of the efforts of Matt in the ski industry? I dont think it's more than about two. The Gieger Brothers. Are they the Geigers from Florida? Wouldnt surprise me.
OK, just to be fair: did Dian's group provide a press kit on this to the SE? If so and in timely fashion, then the critique of the SE may be fully justified. If not, it isn't. Just to be scrupulously fair, I'd like to know.
Second: doesn't the SE weekend planner section come out on Thursday? If the event is promoted in this week's Weekend events planner, the criticism may be a little over the top. On this point, we'll have to wait a few days to see. But again, I'd want to know if the group got a press release to the SE in time for the deadline for last week's Weekend planner insert.
That aside, thanks for the heads up, Rudi.
Sheesh, Rudi, take a pill. Chill, man. I didn't launch a take-no prisoners defense of the SE on this, I just asked a couple of questions I'd want to know about before I drew any big conclusions.
My question about timely notice remains unanswered. I suspect the answer is that the SE was notified by press release or press kit in timely fashion, but I've also worked over the years with enough media to know that more often than should happen, papers or tv and radio stations do not receive press notices that meet their deadlines. Just wondered if it happened in this instance, that's all.
As for the weekend planner section of the SE: well, opinions may differ on this, but if I were promoting an event like this, I'd want it first and foremost in the weekend planner section. It's where I look first to find upcoming events I might be interested in attending. And I know others who check it out first as well.
Finally, theatrical events generally get most coverage when they are reviewed, which happens either when reviewers attend an early, usually opening night, performance, or in some cases a preview or dress rehersal. But this is a one-shot theatrical event, so that sort of coverage is precluded. I'd think a notice in the weekend planner would be quite appropriate.
And if I had to choose between a notice more than a week out, and a notice on the Thursday immediately before a Saturday performance, I'd want the latter. Every time. Folks got short memories.
Suggesting, [as anon. did] with no evidence of what happened, that the SE hasn't so far publicized this event because it's only interersted in publishing news of the Mayor's agenda is... well, that's just plain silly.
One [but only one] of the useful things about WC forum is it offers a place to ask questions and sometimes, folks who actually know something will answer. Very useful if you are a blithering idiot about commercial property transactions and city property dealings like me. I've learned a bunch. This just seemed like another instance in which I needed a little more information before I drew any conclusions, so I asked. I imagine sooner or later Dian [the authoritative source on this] will reply. Or at least I hope she will.
LOL, Curmudgeon.
Just show up at Dian's event... then I'll later offer to take you and yer gal down "The Street," upon your consent.
Screw Brewkis, Roosters and the rest of the new 25th st. yuppie whitebread s**t.
Have you ever ventured into The Kokomo Klub, aka "The Starwars Bar?
Howbout Angelo's?
I'd be happy to give you a homeboy tour, if you ever decide to accept Ogden city as the truly blue-collar town that it is.
Don't worry. I'll kep you safe. I'm PHYSICAL... plus I know all the "characters."
What say you?
"Did Dian's group provide a press kit on this to the SE? "
Howcome the SLTrib & Deseret News published the same story with identical text?
Ya thinks the promoters of an Ogden event fergot to send a news release to the Std-Ex?!?!?!?
I checked back through my e-mails and the first courtesy press release I was copied on was February 21st. That is enough lead time, I would think.
The Standard did put "The Voices" on the March 11th date on the calendar of the "GO!" section which came out last Friday. I have been told that the paper's intention is to do an article with a picture sometime this week. So perhaps it will be in tomorrow.
This is a short piece---it runs about 35-40 minutes.
Universe City is also presenting an exhibit of handmade quilts and painted and dyed fabrics, and this environment will be the backdrop for the play, which will be presented as a reading. Although last time we rehearsed it, I felt that at this point presenting it as a reader's theatre was doing the actors a disservice since it is a very emotionally intense piece and they are doing it that way. Not just sitting and reading, in other words. It is definitely not dull.
We're all very happy with the way it is turning out. Even though this is only one performance of a "work in progress," this would be a very easy piece to do almost anywhere, since two chairs are all that is required in order to perform it at this point. So it may get some other dates, and I would really like a review, of course, just to see how it's doing through a fresh pair of eyes. I like it, but then of course, I would.
I really enjoy doing theatre like this. It has always been my belief that we have, as Rudi writes, "kick-ass talent" here. Rather than letting financial constraints dictate whether we can present live theatre, we decided to just go ahead and try to put something together. And in a piece like this, it's all about the actors, anyway. You don't need any special effects, etc.
But it's to the point where it needs an audience, for sure. I'd like it to be seen, and hear what people have to say about it.
So 6 PM this Saturday at Universe City Art Gallery, 2556 Washington. Across from the municipal building with a big metal sculpture outside, should you drive by to look for it. It would be good to get there at about 5:45 because this is a small space and a live performance, and people coming in late would be really distracting for everybody, actors and audience alike.
I'm sort of excited. I really want to hear what people have to say about it.
A lot to do about nothin when it comes to the Sub Standard.
Hell, aint nobody reading the damn rag anyway.
Run an ad in the over priced classifieds and you will find out!
Good luck Dian!!!!
Thanks, bonnie! People are already having ideas for other things, too. This might really work into something good.
Thanks. So, the SE did put it in the Go section last week, and is doing something coming up this week. Seems a reasonable amount of publicity for a single-shot performance to me. Thanks for filling in the facts.
Rudi, Rudi, Rudi....
First, Dian's performance is scheduled for the evening of the first day of WSU's Spring Break. For those of us with family working there, not the most fortuitous of times to schedule. I and the Madonna of the Mountains [aka Mrs. Curmudgeon] will, God willin' an the creek don't rise, be at about the time the reading begins, settling into the bar at the inn at the end of the trail on the plaza in Santa Fe, raising a glass or two in remembrance of those who got there the hard way a century and a half ago. I see Dian is hoping for further perfomances down the road and I hope and expect to catch the presentation at one of them.
Now, about your surprising reverse snobbiness: permit me to pass on two bits of wisdom from my generation: (a) "Diffrent strokes for diffrent folks" and (b) "It's all rock-n-roll to me."
Which means Angelo's is no more, or less, real or authentic [whatever that might mean] than Roosters; nor is the Kokomo Club more [or less] real or authentic than Brewskis... or the Bistro... or the Athenian... or La Ferovia... or the Iron Horse. Hell, man, it's all good depending on your mood. One of the sad things about Utah's bizzare private club liquor laws is that you can't club hop around the offerings depending on what you feel like on any given day. But thanks for the offer.
Besides, I am a white bread kinda guy. Raised on Wonder Bread [Builds Strong Bodies Eight Ways!]. Not a yuppie though. Nobody who's [transmission error] years old as I am can possibly be a yuppie.
Ohhh puuuleeeeze Curm, don't tell me you are a a a a "Hippeeeeee"
Shit-O-Dear Man, I thought I was the onliest one left after all these years?????
Kudos to you, Dian!
I will absolutely be there! Sounds wonderful.
Congratulations to our "secret weapon," our articulate and gracious Dian on this upcoming theater piece. I wish it many future performances.
Curmugeon, curmudgeon, curmudgeon...
"Which means Angelo's is no more, or less, real or authentic Which means Angelo's is no more, or less, real or authentic [whatever that might mean] than Roosters; [whatever that might mean] than Roosters; nor is the Kokomo Club more [or less] real or authentic than Brewskis... or the Bistro... or the Athenian... or La Ferovia... or the Iron Horse."
Tell me that after we've sidled up the Angelo's bar, and I introduce you and Mountain Madonna" (Great Biker handle, BTW) to "rough around the edges" biker folk with "nicks" like "Sarge," "Dirtbike," "Joe Mama," "Molly*" or "Germ."
I propose that the joints I mentioned are more authentic to Ogden's culture than any others.
When we meet there you'll realize that the "Jasons," "Justins" and "Moronis" of the world whom you'll meet at the local "yuppie" watering holes, decked out in their dockers and trendy togs, have no contact with the reality of being human in Ogden -- The best Diverse Homo Sapiens species zoo in Utah.
* Molly: The only women ever inducted into the Ogden Sundowners Klub.
One shot performances need more publicity than long-running events.
That's my opinion, at least.
If bizarre gondola dreams deserve Ogden Standard front page coverage for months running, so do one act performances by local playrights and actors.
This is not an "Anit-Mayor" blog site - "Rudi, about 3 weeks ago!"
Who were you kidding!
Dian politely wishes to remind Curmudgeon that "The Voices" is not only a "single-shot performance," but also a World Premiere.
(Couldn't resist that.)
Sorry you won't be able to make it, Curmudgeon. I will certainly post the other dates when they are arranged.
The article in the SE will appear Friday, I am told. I assume this will be in the "Go!" Section. Since the Standard does this section once a week, I am thinking that articles of this kind are delegated to this section and the choice was therefore to put it in last Friday or this one. If that's the choice, I really prefer this one, especially since they also put it on the calendar last week.
If looked at in terms of publicity, timing is a tricky thing because if you advertise too early, people forget, and if you do it too late, they already have other plans.
But I think it's great they are doing an article! After all, we did not hire them to promote or anything. I think that's an important distinction.
Cum-on! We all knew that Rudi wasn't trying to kid anyone!
The fact is, this blog site is the voice of reason in a town growing crazy with hallucinogenic pipe dreams!
This is the place where:
1) We embrace the idea that Ogden should be the abode for those deprived of income in Utah!
-Low Income Housing
-Better Buses
-Walmarts that don't impose eminent domain
-Updated Marshall White Center.
*Much like the out-skirts of the West Side of Washington D.C. or the Bronx where the biggest concern is making sure that the employees and renters are legal residents, off of drugs and pursuing their GED. --THIS IS WHERE THE SOULD OF N.Y. and D.C. Are! Ogden is where the Sould of Utah is!
2) We are disgusted by the idea that the Rich might get richer!
-Earl Holding is a thug!
-Chris Peterson is a thug!
-Boyer corporation is a group of thugs!
-Larry Miller is a opportunistic thug!
3) We find nothing redeaming in the ideas of:
-Operating our convention center at a profit rather than subsidizing it at a loss. Why? Because in order to operate it at a profit, we have to sell out to opportunistic thugs! We should have never built that convention center.
-Listening to businessmen who pulverized the East side of our mountain and now want to do the same with the west side. **Their East side development (Snowbasin) is a failure and environmentally devestating, and so will their West side plans.
-Listening to businssmen who are infiltrating our community and attempt to attract other outsiders based on and idea that is completely devoid of any moral clarity and value! No More Ski companies who believe in the Gondola, the Rec Center, and the like.
4) We find the Mayor to be repugnant! His initiatives are built on nothing.
-The influx of Ski Companies is not evidence of success when they are attracted with bait that is "A LIE"
-The construction of a rec center is not evidence of success when he covers up massive environmental hazard spills in our community.
-The possible "hand-off" of Ogden City golf course to a private businessman to make a profit is bad. We'd rather subsidize the darn thing to keep green fees down and to keep Chris Peterson's grubby hands out of our city.
AFTER ALL!! We're the only city in Utah that is left with a soul. Provo, Salt Lake, Park City, St. George---SELL OUTS!
This is...FACTUALLY SPEAKING...an anti-mayor blog site! Why? Because this city ought to be "Anti-Mayor"! He's a criminal component of Ogden. He's ugly. He's funny looking. He's confused. He takes credit for things he didn't do. De doesn't communicate. He hates poor people. He has "secret" society inner circles of unethical people. He's BAD BAD BAD!
Bill Glassmann is our only hope!
If you think that I have missed the mark as to our stand here at WCF...read through the strings that we are all contributing to, and tell me where I am off beat.
I am not ashamed of my stands and our purpose here at WCF! It is honest and it is right! We are the anti-mayor blog, and we are proud of it!
As Rudi says - We readers do the heavy lifting! We set the tone! We expand on the ideas! We double check the facts!
If you analyze our "heavy lifting" you see: We don't need to lift heaving things! The mayor a little guy! He's light. We toss him around like a rag doll!
Anonymous sure throws around a lot of truths in his effort to make those truths look stooopid.
He obviously flunked parody.
World premiere! Love it...
Thanks again for your fair summary of SE publicity for the performance.
You keep this up --- fact -based commentary --- and who knows? Maybe it'll catch on with others.
I wasn't trying to make our ideas look stupid. My summary was meant to hi-lite the truth of "our vision" for Ogden. If I made us look stupid, that certainly was not my intent.
A summary of our views should not draw a conclusion of "stupidity" but rather a conclusion of "inspiration" and "greatness".
I believe in us! Maybe I need to rethink my communication skills if my attempts at summarizing our viewpoints actually degrade our efforts.
My appologies. Stand strong though! Stop Pee Wee!
It is my opinion that the idea is to not "stop Pee Wee"
Rather, it is to stop narrow, secret, heartless, special insider interest, tyranical city government - as represented and practiced by Mayor Godfrey.
It is the style of this anti people, neo con, government that is the enemy, not the current practitioner of it.
There will always be evil little ego driven people like Godfrey that come along and try to co-opt government to their vision. There will always be patriots, like some on this blog, that stand in the way of their nefarious and petty schemes.
If I was wrong about you attempting to parody the cause, then I apologize.
The Standard has placed a very nice article with picture on page 23 of today's "GO!" section, with a small, cropped picture on the cover of the "GO!" section. I think this is wonderful. A very good onstage page.
Was also very gratified by final rehearsal last night, and feel very privileged to be working with talent of this caliber. I do indeed think we shall do more of this. More theatre in Ogden. It's more than possible.
And thank you so much, Rudi, for putting this on WCF! You know, when I think about what the internet and this blog have done to create a community, it's fantastic. A wonderful time we are living in, for sure.
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