Rudi spent the early part of the day communing with the gods on the mountain, worshipping the Norse god ULLR mainly, but giving due deference to the ancient Greek god Dionysus (aka Bacchus.) Rudi was skiing the part of the mountain that belongs to Chris Peterson's father-in-law, BTW. But upon Rudi's return to his mundane office @ Weber County Forum Central, Rudi found his email inbox clogged with this article.
Our gentle readers always do the "heavy lifting" here, Rudi is convinced. Rudi spends the morning and early afternoon "screwing off," narcissistically, and today's topic is yet delivered on a silver platter, by watchful and alert gentle readers. Karmic law is turned inside-out.
And now... on to today's main topic:
Ogden's always been charged with having a soul, unlike other Utah whitebread cities.
I think it is very nice that our Ogden culture is being augmented by the latest flood of immigrants. This has always been how Ogden -- and America -- has developed.
And it seems we and the "newest arrivals" have some significant capitalist support.
I hope these companies' plans come to fruition. I kinda like Ogden's soul being spiced up with a little latin flavor.
And what say our gentle readers about this?
I think it would be wonderful if it happened. I really do. For purely selfish reasons, which are--that places like that have more of the things I buy anyway, and they are fresher, and the article said they have.... butchers!!
This last is something I really appreciate, and I have had quite a difficult time here in Ogden finding them. The most memorable was when I asked a "butcher" in a chain store to cube a leg of lamb, (boneless, no less,) for me and he gave me a look like I had asked him to do something indecent. But he did it.
The next time I went back there, I was told no, that they could not cut the meat at customers' requests "for fear of cross-contamination."
I am not kidding. I have now somewhat mastered this skill out of necessity. But I don't particularly enjoy it. They do it much better than I do, anyway, provided I can find one.
So I really hope this happens for us. I know for a fact that Bill Glasmann has really been working on this deal for some time, and I'm all for it happening.
There are two different issues here.
One is upgrading the area on Monroe at 24th Street which needs to be upgraded desperately.
The other is the issue of illegal immigration.
The statistics of 24% Hispanic for Ogden and 19% Hispanic for
Salt Lake prove the point that illegal immigration is out of control.
These numbers make the case that they could not have all come here through the legal process.
"Illegal Immigrants"????
Our ancestors owned this land before the gringo's did.
Your ancestors stole it from ours!
If Godfrey or his new bottom buddy glassmann have anything to do with it, it will be a total bust out. Neither one of them could do a winning deal, neither one of them have ever done a winning deal. They are both a couple of self congradulating jerk off's with a collective IQ of about 20 and no history of success.
This has been talked about for some time. Glad to see it happening. Any bets which will be ready for business first: This or Junction?
We like good Mexican food...but, I'm not sure I'd use a butcher there. Do you know abut Snyder's, Dian?
Anon: I agree that our illegal immigrant problem and population is out of control.
NO ONE who is not 'legal' should be permitted to own a store or work there!! But, I hope the enterprise is a huge success. Ole!
This has been talked about for some time. Glad to see it happening. Any bets which will be ready for business first: This or Junction?
We like good Mexican food...but, I'm not sure I'd use a butcher there. Do you know abut Snyder's, Dian?
Anon: I agree that our illegal immigrant problem and population is out of control.
NO ONE who is not 'legal' should be permitted to own a store or work there!! But, I hope the enterprise is a huge success. Ole!
I hope it arrives, and thrives.
Maybe at last a source in Ogden of cabrito for the grill...
Of course, we might also consider the impact on the already existing Hispanic or Lantino or Mexican [whatever your acceptable term is, pick one] markets in Ogden, like the one on 25th Street.
Tough making a buck out there.
I know that this 24th Street project has been in the works for at least two years. I have Heard that it was designated a redevelopment area, but the money allocated for it was put into the mall site project. No way to confirm this that I can find, but that is why I have heard that it was stalled.
So unless the Trib article contained forward looking statements only, someone might have found a way to do this somehow.
Had a wild thought that the rumored gasoline spill might have stalled the mall site sufficiently to put the money back into 24th Street, but there have been no RDA actions I am aware of to indicate this.
Another speculation was that the 24th Street site is being done solely by the developer, like the one out north, and no development money is needed. This would be more fair in terms of competing with existing businesses, for sure.
This indeed would be great for central city Ogden. Even better would be this plus a Wal-Mart food market, or some other grocery chain that would serve our inner city.
Dontcha just love the way Patterson jumped into the middle of this and took credit! Like He and his fellow henchmen in the little lord's inner circle give a squat about Ogden's inner city!!
I have to agree with "Sand Trap Slappy" about Godfrey, but where do you get this biz of grouping Glasmann with the mayor?
The little lord has been in the drivers seat for 6 years now and has screwed up everything he and his milllion dollars wet dream team has come up with. Glasmann has been in office 2 months and is only one of seven council members. How can you equate the two?
I would hope that Glasmann and other members of the council are indeed working on this and other deals to bring Ogden out of our long time slump. Its for damn sure the twerp can't do it.
Well, Gentle Readers, it ain't gonna happen. The little lord MAYOR HAD KILLED THIS DEAL ALSO!! He got his way again!!! I just got it from a reliable source that the City Council got the word that the developers are pulling out because of lack of support and help from the City. Godfrey has lost $400,000. in sales tax revenue, plus another $400,000. in property taxes a year according to the developers.
Should we roast him (at least it would be justified this time) as he had the Standard's editors and Schwebke roast the Council in January or should we hang him out by his balls?
Do we know for SURE that this is dead? Seems to me that a REAL newspaper would be checking this out and reporting thoroughly! Unless, of course, certain people did not want it made public....
I have heard this too, also from a reliable source--that it's dead. Also heard the same lost revenue figures. I would really like to know what if anything the developers were asking the city to do.
So here we have our two month history of what was done to the RDA because of asking questions, and you know what? To my knowledge, this project has not been before the RDA at all.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I don't think the new members, at least, were even brought up to speed on it before it folded.
Here's all I could find, and it's from the Trib article:
Legaspi is seeking assistance from Ogden and Salt Lake City in the form of loans or subsidies.
Really want to know the nature of these.
The it's my understanding that the proposed Legaspi project area is in an established Redevelopment Agency district that expires in 2011. The tax increment collected from this area is currently pledged to the Rec Center project, so no funds would be available to the Legaspi group for a new project in the area. It's unfortunate this fell through, it would be an asset to the neighborhood.
Does anyone know anything at all about RDA law? I am of the opinion that tax increment money MUST go toward the specific project in the area from which it is derived. True or false?? IF true, and IF this 24th street area is or was an RDA area, and IF that money was put toward the mall..... ooops..Junction (pardon me) then maybe we have a violation of teh law. (Is this not what Dorothy Littrels lawsuit addresses?)
I also have heard from a reliable source that the deal is dead for the reason that Curt has written.
What a crime!
We must impeach this Napoleon! He is so crooked he meets himself coming around the bend.
How do go about impeaching him, Mr Rudi? Start a petition, or what??
I'll be the first to sign. This has to make the SL papers!!
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